Alchemy Era

Chapter 24 Black Morning

The cold wind crossed the boundless sea and blew from the distant poles.

Li Ou stood in front of the window. He has put on a thick winter coat and wrapped it in a leather jacket, overlooking the faraway sea. The sea is covered with a layer of fog, like a fairyland. But he knew that the scene was not beautiful. It hermens the end of the world. The sudden cold wave is the beginning of the tragic world. Alchemists can't imagine how many people will die because of the cold wave. They are used to living warm days, just as they have long forgotten the last cleansing of Clegg.

Pre* is implemented bit by bit. Leo thought that they would soon see the devil's footsteps.

"Liou." Evela pushed the door and came in. "Kratim... was defeated."

He had long expected such an outcome. Tsfaraz united a large number of kingdoms, which is not something that Kratim can fight against at all. But all this came a little too fast." What's the specific situation?" He asked.

Ebra handed him the war report. King Linton was assassinated and died on the throne.

Li Ou threw the war report aside, and now he doesn't need it at all. Ghost 'Edsey'. You don't have to think about it. They all know who did it." There will be no one but him.

"But why does he have to do this?" Evela asked confusedly, "Looking at their movements, they seem to want to continue to attack other countries and try to fight with other kingdoms at the same time."

"Don't worry about them. As long as you don't mess with us." Leo said, "In order to please Clegg, they can do anything. Wait and see, those idiots will eventually know that what they have done is meaningless. The majesty of the demon god is that they are unpredictable. Lozva's mage regards him as a reborn parent-like existence, but still can't escape the fate of destruction, and the black dawn is now just rolling up the flames of war... How can this compare with the fun brought by complete destruction?

"Craig may postpone his plan, but he will never stop it." Evela said, "The war on earth is just an appetizer for him. When to have dinner is determined by his mood.

Li Ou nodded, "But that's good, at least you can buy us a little more time. Even one more day"

At this time, Luo Xi and Lu Yuewu also completed their task and came back. Rosie looked disdainful and held her arms, looking extremely angry. However, Leo is not very worried. Lu Yuewu follows her, and she will control Luo Xi.

"How's the situation on the mage?" Li Ou asked.

"Lord Wind Chaser is willing to cooperate with our actions, and he even wants to take action in person."

"Just an old man like him..." Rosie curled her lips, "I'm really worried that he will die in one breath when he recites a spell. But at least his order still works.

The wind pursuers killed all the agitators with a thunderous force. Of course, those mages are now like docile lambs, wolf teeth, and those lambs dare not disoze off. Now that you are ready, let's go. I can't stand the thieves and traitors behind me when fighting against demons.


This is the hidden stronghold of the black dawn provided by the informant of the Knights.

The black forest and the black castle are filled with a disturbing atmosphere. The surrounding air seemed to be frozen, and the cold fog wandered around them. Leo had smelled the stench of the dead.

"Prepare for battle." He ordered, "Be careful. It's not complete here."

The mages are led by Rosie. They cast some small spells to dispel the fog and improve their vision. The alchemists manipulate puppets and distribute potions to fight against poisons and souls in the cold swamp.

Obviously, their arrival shocked the creatures sleeping here. They came out of the mud under their feet, stretched out their pale bone claws, hanging from the grassroots, and burning cold blue flames in the heads of rotten leaves. They hate the living and envy the living that they can run, jump and breathe. Therefore, they swarmed up without waiting for assembly.

The knights came forward with shields and resisted their first round of collision. Then countless spells shone in the undead, and the bombs thrown by the alchemists cast holy seeds and attached to the rattling bones. In a moment, they became ashes. They pushed forward slowly and firmly. Until the skeleton blocking the road turned into a huge suture corpse.

"It's disgusting." Rosie commented.

"What the hell is this?" Lu Yuewu asked in surprise, "I have never seen such a strange... creature."

"They are the products of black magic." Leo explained, "Evil, fear, hatred, brutality... All negative words can be used on it. Be careful, their power is amazing.

As soon as his words fell, the huge fist that sewed the corpse smashed several skeletons and zombies in front of him to the ground, leaving a deep fist mark on the soft mud. Its power is almost impossible for mortals to resist in the flesh. The knights could only wander aside, distract its attention, and hand over the burden of killing to the mage and alchemist.

Rosie shouted an order, and the mages collectively performed a spell of undead disintegration. Layers of gray ripples visible to the naked eye spread in all directions with Rosie as the center, and the affected undead disintegrated one after another. Even stitching the body is no exception. This is an advanced spell. Let's go!" Rosie shouted, "I can't hold on to this spell for long."

Li Ou can see it. The leader of this spell is Rosie. Although she has received help from other mages through magic aggregation, maintaining a large range can still bring her a great burden. In a short time, she was almost unable to perform advanced spells. Don't worry about those skeletons." The alchemist urged, "Go quickly. Those giant corpses will not attack now.

They quickly passed through the area ravaged by the dead and stopped in a slightly safer place for a rest.

"They won't catch up?"

"The regional nature of the dead makes them rarely run around." Leo gasped and explained, "But that was under no command. But here, this may be almost zero. We have to hurry up. We don't have much time."

However, perhaps because the other party did not find their uninvited guests - but Leo thought it was too unlikely - or he felt that he was still holding the card, and the vast army of the dead did not catch up. This allowed them to breathe. Through the stinky jungle, the fog-covered castle appeared in front of them.

Unexpectedly, the castle does not have any guard power. It was expected that those crazy black morning mages also seemed to disappear and did not attack them. The whole castle seems to have fallen into a dead silence... It's like a paradise for the dead.

"Isn't there something wrong with the intelligence?" Lu Yuewu looked worried.

"Go in and have a look."

A soldier from the Raven Department pushed open the hidden gate.

The castle smelled of mildew, and the door was covered with moss. The mage used lighting, and then Leo clearly saw that the floor was covered with footprints on the thick dust. They are not wrong. There are indeed people here, and the footprints are extremely fresh, and some of them look like they have just stepped on.

"Be vigilant." Leo ordered.

There are too many of them, and it's better to enter blatantly than to cover up. However, until they went deep into the castle, they were not hindered, and only a few mice chattered away.

"Is everyone dead?" Rosie cursed in a low voice angrily.

"They are still alive." Leo pointed ahead, and in the corner of the corner, there was a flickering fire like a dangerous trap with deadly **. There."

The soldiers covered each other and approached each other, but found that there were only a few people in it, and some familiar faces were indispensable.

Li Ou stood at the door and couldn't hide his ridicule. He found it really difficult to control his sarcasm. It's wonderful. It's a dinner between angels and undead and demons. He said, "How admirable."

In the depths of the castle, several mages of Black Dawn actually stayed with the priests of the Andal Church. Looking at their happy conversation, I have probably known each other for a long time.

"We know you will come." A mage said, "So we have no intention of resisting."

"I'd rather you resist." Rosie said.

"Are you going to be captured?"

"Anyway, there is no way to resist. I don't want to die." The mage spread out his hand and said.

"What did Edsey teach you?" Li Ou smiled and said, "What else did he teach you?"

"If you have any questions, just ask.' That's what he said, and I'll answer some for him.

"Are you also a high-level?"

"I can't talk about it."

"Then come to your leader. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you." Li Ou gritted his teeth and said, "Do you still want to stay out of the war? And you, the priest, we have been with each other before, and I didn't expect you to be with them.

"You know the reason, alchemist." The priest replied, "No, you should be called the Eye of Insight now."

"Of course I know that in order to resurrect Andal, even if she became Clegg's slave, you will not hesitate. In your opinion, the dignity of a god is not as safe as the world. How noble. Think of the god you worship as a lowly gift... Do you think you can succeed?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" The priest said, "She is about to wake up, and I believe she will accept her future fate. Very eagerly and happily accept it.

"Is she born from the filth? Contaminated by the dead and killing, all kinds of evil intentions.

"We don't ask about the process, only the result."

"The result is... you will lose completely."

"It's not the last time yet."

"It's almost time. It will arrive soon. I don't care what happens to you outside. Anyway, don't pull our back legs in Ainblo. Please tell Mr. Edsey this. Leo stared at them, "Otherwise, don't blame me for the friendship I had established with him before."

"Is it because this is already your city now?"

Leo didn't say anything.

"Did you let them go like this?" Rosie couldn't believe her ears.

"What are you going to do? Kill them or lock them up? Their purpose is actually the same as ours, but in a different way. As long as they don't destroy Aiyin Bro, they can do whatever they want. Li Ou waved his hand and said, "Let's go back. Master and the priest, you will understand that you will have nothing in the end. I look forward to reuniting with you, but not in this way."

"Then let's wait and see."

"I'm eagerly looking forward to it."