Alchemy Era

Chapter 27 Belief

The gate of Bonata is closed.

A month ago, an elite army from the capital Clay took over the defense of this small border city and began large-scale conscription without compensation, let alone welfare, such as personal accident insurance, etc. The notice only reads strange words such as "conscription, men and women" and "this is the only chance to live".

The residents of Bonata have never seen such a strange conscription order. What is the purpose of being a soldier? For these ordinary people, it is nothing more than begging for food. Therefore, the conscription house is full of birds, and no one has set foot on it for a whole month.

However, this situation was broken by a sudden news.

A group of refugees from other countries suddenly fled here and gathered more and more. They are talking about the devil's attack on the city, which is terrible and deadly. Along the way, they have seen countless cities destroyed. If it hadn't been for the desperate protection of some soldiers along the way, they wouldn't have escaped here.

"You'd better run as fast as you can." A survivor said desperately, "They will come soon. I promise that they will always follow us. They must want to kill us all!"

Evil, demon... The citizens of Bonnata were stunned.

They couldn't believe it was true, but the refugees all vowed that they had to believe it. At this time, they remembered the notice in front of the recruitment office. Those soldiers must know something! They thought so, and then rushed to the barracks crazily. But what awaits them is a high platform that has been built without knowing anything. The heavily armed soldiers stood upright on both sides, and the commander in strong armor stood on the high platform and stared at the residents of Bonata.

The atmosphere in the barracks seemed to be frozen, and the excitement of the citizens suddenly seemed to fall into an ice cave. They calmed down and held their breath. After hunting around, the cold wind is roaring.

"Big, my lord," a guy summoned up his courage and asked, "Isn't there a demon going to attack us?"

The commander nodded, "I won't hide it from you." His loud voice sounded, "The devil is attacking us. This continent has fallen into war. There is no doubt that we can't be alone. I don't say anything big, empty talk. If you want to run for your life, you can also run for your life, but there is no safe place on this continent. Only with our flesh and blood and swords in our hands can protect our homeland. Do you want to see the place where you live turn into ruins and hear your relatives crying and dying under the devil's claws? We have to fight for our survival, which is not about remuneration or glory. Working hard is what we must and have to do. Look around and look at your relatives and friends around you. Is there any reason not to fight for leaving their beautiful smiles?

The commander's voice is loud and thought-provoking. However, the citizens of Bonnata still have no intention of signing up for the army, and they are still hesitant and hesitant.

One man said, "But those nobles, they don't do anything. Why should we protect them?"

"Those moths?" The commander snorted coldly, "In front of the demon god, everyone is equal, and death doesn't care about their status. All nobles who can't do anything, even princes, will not have a good end. I can assure you that if you find a nobleman who is afraid of death, once it is confirmed, I will let him personally taste the taste of talking to the devil.

At this point, several bold guys thought about it and reported it, but more people were still watching. For them, they will not make a decision without seeing the truth with their own eyes.

The commander did not force it.

"Since you can't make up your mind, we won't force it. But we are understaffed. If everyone is free, it is better to help resettle the refugees outside the city and transfer them into the city, and the devil's army will arrive soon.


"Is this useful?" The city owner of Bonnata still does not believe that those people will join the army without compensation.

"I don't know." A bachelor said with a wry smile, "But we can only do this. This is an order jointly issued by His Majesty the King, the Pope of the Andal Church, and the Chief Bachelor of the Desperate Fort. It is said that every city must follow this requirement.

"But who will do the unpaid work?" The city owner sighed, "I don't even want to sit in this seat. Look around, there is not even a penny left in my vault! Tell me, what on earth did they do with so much money?

The bachelor looked bitterly, "I don't know. The chief bachelor won't say this kind of secret."

The city owner sighed helplessly, "Forget it, anyway. I don't know how long I can live. I also put that money away. Can I still use it when I die?

"The gods are gone."

"Yes, death is the end. I don't expect to survive in the Kingdom of God after death." The city owner took a look at the snowy and gloomy sky outside the window, "No one can survive."

"To be honest, Lord, I think their arrangement is undoubtedly the best." The bachelor thought for a moment and said, "Although it is very irresponsible to say so, we have given them the right to choose. What to do is all up to them. I think they will eventually realize the seriousness of the matter and make the same choice as us.

"Is there a second choice in the face of the end?" The city owner said, "I'd rather die than see the day of the landslide and split. At least I've tried, and leave the rest to those guys. Let's do our best.

"It's just, my lord," the bachelor said hesitantly, "Well, are we really going to do that?"

"What is it?"

"Mission." The bachelor said, "Bannata has never appeared as a priest. Now... is it possible?"

"I don't know." The city owner was also confused. "I don't even understand why this can list a separate order that must be carried out and prioritizes above all else. But let them go for missionary work. Your Majesty has promised that they will not interfere with our military operations and will provide support when necessary. I just don't understand why I do these meaningless things at this time. What's the use of preaching and preaching now? All the gods are dead. Can you still count on the fallen dust?

The bachelor seemed to suddenly think of something. His body shook and his face was pale. Lord, I think I know the answer.


The bachelor took a deep breath. Faith. They are collecting faith.

The city has a big mouth. They are... crazy."

"I don't know whether they are crazy or not," the bachelor smiled bitterly. "All I know is that they seem to be desperate."

That's right, such an order, such a fierce sentence, indeed, even if they know it, there is no way to resist. Never mind, let them go. Since the desperate castle and alchemists who are committed to eliminating the influence of the gods agree with this plan, what is it for us to recontribute our faith? I just hope we haven't forgotten how to pray, old friend.


The devil is attacking the wall, and the commander has tried his best to protect the elite soldiers. He knows that these bastards from hell will not give up so easily, and a more severe test is yet to come. But the offensive in the first few days alone has made him feel a little unyable. These demons are rough-skinned and rough, and their arrows basically don't work. The elite soldiers died one after another, and those recruits who signed up for the army are still in training and can't join the battlefield at all. Looking at the chaotic wall, he couldn't help worrying about how long he could last. Maybe he couldn't hold on for three months. He thought desperately.

However, on the other side of the city, although the sound of fighting can still be heard, the people of Bonnata are now familiar with the sound. They can even sleep easily in the shouting of killing. I have to say that human beings are really adaptable creatures. Now, the citizens of Bonnata are gathering in the square to listen to a bishop's speech.

He preached the teachings of Andal, which was a must be done. The bishop did not dare to slack off at all. His duty was to develop all the residents of the city into followers of Andal.

The drums outside are shocking, and Andal's doctrine of fighting evil and looking forward to dawn is exactly in line with the current situation. Therefore, his sermon is easy to be recognized and resonant. But this is not enough. The bishop, together with his partner, was received by a priest, who knew what kind of heavy responsibility they shouldered.

So he must show their miracles to these people who are about to be invaded by demons and give them some hope. So he shouted and tried his best to recite the prayer in the loudest voice. After a moment, the sky was sprinkled with holy light rain, and the whole square was shrouded in it, and bursts of heavenly notes floated out of the void. The people who came to watch couldn't help kneeling on the ground. They had not seen such a scene for countless years. This deeply shocked their hearts. In particular, the holy light rain also eliminated some people's perennial diseases, which made them even more surprised.

"What do you think?" The city owner put down the curtains of the carriage and asked the bachelor beside him, "How many people will choose to"

"There will be a lot." The bachelor thought about it and answered, "But how religious it is, it is impossible to determine. Unpious faith will not have much effect. I feel hopeless."

"But I don't think so."


"Outside the city is despair, and this is their only hope." The city owner said, "As long as the Andal Church takes the initiative to defeat the devil's army once, or let more people join their armed forces, become white knights, become their holy warriors or priests who can release magic. People will flock to it. After all, in the eyes of these people, this is the only way to compete with the devil and the hope that they can survive. Mr. Bachelor, people can do everything to survive.