Alchemy Era

Chapter 29 Array

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Ainblo's defense line is still stable, and the devil has thrown countless ugly bodies under the towering city, so that the whole city is filled with disgusting rotten smell and disgusting bloody smell. But the people here have long been used to these things, including almost non-stop shouts on the walls.

Li Ou looked at the wall for a while.

"They can't attack." Rosie snorted coldly, "It's just a bunch of bastards."

"They can't attack because our defense is sufficient, and it is supported by mages and alchemists." Li Ou sighed, "Look at the city. From the beginning, those cannon fodder has now evolved into huge siege beasts. I don't know how long it will take for those terrible pipe insects whose bodies can reach directly from the abyss hell can lie on our wall."

"You are not very optimistic about the future."

"I'm not optimistic at all." Li Ou watched countless spells hit a siege beast. The alchemy bomb caused a big shock. Countless ripples flashed on the surface of the towering wall, and the flesh and blood of the siege beast blurred into a puddle of mud. "We have delayed for 18 months, and every day after that is more dangerous than the day before. No one knows what will happen."

"Maybe we should organize everyone to defend a city together, instead of dispersing it as it is now." Lu Yuewu thought, "There are too many cities that have been captured, and every city that still exists now is a fortress worth defending. We should concentrate our forces and defend these places. We should not continue to disperse."

"The mainland is too big, moon dance." Leo smiled bitterly, "We have done our best." He glanced at the city behind him and said, "Ainblo is full of refugees and can no longer accommodate more people. Your proposal is very good. We all want to do it, but it really can't be implemented.

"Can it only go on like this?" Lu Yuewu said weakly, "Can't do anything?"

"Of course, pray to the goddess Andal." Leo said.

"I don't know how long it will take to pray." Rosie angrily issued a series of spells, bombarding a siege beast into ashes, and the mages next to her were surprised and even afraid of her. Her spells were really beyond their expectations, even more than those of the wind chasers. Hasn't that woman woken up yet?

"You are not religious enough."

"Have you ever seen a mage devout to anything?" Rosie roared in a low voice, "And I'm still of dragon descent. How can I bow to a dead woman?"

Now she admits that she is a dragon descendant but no longer resists. Li Ou thought so, but said, "Even if it's pretentious, you have to pretend to be pious. At least every power of faith is very precious. Even if it's not so thick."

"Didn't Black Dawn give you so much? Not enough?" Rosie snorted coldly, "The whole world, the whole world believes in her, so I'll avoid it."

Li Ou sighed, and the devil's attack returned to no success again, but it was true that the soldiers were getting more and more tired. A year and a half is enough to numb everyone and no longer have any vigilance. He was really worried about what would happen if the devil became smarter one day. Therefore, time is running out.

"In fact, the time when Andal woke up was too far from what we expected. The forged divinity is being purified. Although it saves Andal time to reunite the deity, there is no doubt that this has also greatly delayed her awakening process.

"But it's worth it." I don't know when the wind chaser appeared beside them. If she wakes up and does not recover her combat effectiveness and takes time to condense her spirit, I'm afraid Clegg will directly destroy us and won't leave any opportunity for us.

"Yes, I hope we can keep it confidential enough." Leo sighed.

If Clegg knows their plan, he can guarantee that they can live another day. Although the secret of this plan is not high now, few people know that they have a god's corpse. He thought that it is not certain that the guy in the sky jumped over the wall as if he regarded it was a dog. After all, Black Morning's behavior is still like his followers.

"Mr. Li Ou," the pursuer said, "I want to ask, how is your work going? What about the artifacts we tried our best to collect? We can't let our lady have no weapons to use.

"There are some, but not many of them can come in handy." Li Ou said helplessly, "Most of them are damaged with the dissipation of divine power, and many of those that are not broken are not in line with the priesthood that the lady is about to wake up."

"Shouldn't her priesthood be bright?" Lu Yuewu was a little confused.

"No, it's not that simple." Leo explained, "The priesthood of a god is determined by her own choice, but she is dead and was born again by the faith of believers. It can be said that the current Andal is two different from the past. Her priesthood should be determined by the expectations represented by the prayer power of countless believers. Obviously, we pray not for her to uphold justice, but for confrontation, fighting, survival and revenge.

The wind chaser sighed helplessly, "These are some tricky clergy. Usually, they don't have much power.

"But now the whole world is praying for her, and she will not be weaker than anyone." Leo said, "It's just that we have few choices. I hope there is nothing chaotic in our prayers that will not affect her camp and make her a member of chaos.

"Then we can only pray for this."

"That's all." Leo said.

They quickly left the city wall. Just like those already numb soldiers, looking at the roar and appearance of demons, they no longer regard these muscular guys as a special threat - unless they have the possibility of breaking through the city gate. But at least for now, they can't do this.

A carriage is waiting for them. The carriage is shrouded in almost all kinds of magic lights, and a well-sighted person can see how many spells there are on it at a glance, but most of them are used to hide and prevent prying.

"I really don't know if this thing works or not." Rosie patted the bulkhead of the carriage and said.

The wind chaser opened his mouth, but finally did not refute it. They all know that this is all cover-up self-comfort. No one knows what kind of posture Clegg is looking at the world. This is the world he created. All the rules are born because of him. As a magic delusion created according to his rules, it is almost a fantasy, just like playing with an axe. It's more like a clown's joke. But there is nothing else they can do.

"We're almost there." Leo broke the silence.

The carriage stopped at the spire of the sword group. Here, alchemists come and go, busy, and all kinds of things that used to dare not take on the table are now openly placed outside. Mass-killing poison gas and bombs have no human rights in human eyes. Cold and cruel alchemy products are manufactured and assembled here, and more are being studied and improved. These things probably won't hurt Clegg, but it's easy to kill his lackey.

This is the capital that the city of alchemy is proud of and standing. A city where the whole world has fallen and can maintain its vitality surrounded by demons and deliver the last trace of fire. There were countless brilliant civilizations built here, and now there is still a hope to gather here. There is no doubt that, including the black dawn, they all gathered their eyes of hope here, to be precise, above these seven spires.

For a long time, to be precise, in the decades before Leo officially took over the Tower of Insight, he had only deep fear and admiration for the towering sword spires, and only vague impressions and understanding of their defense and even attack, let alone the principle of their independence and integration. . But now, he has begun to come into contact with the truth of alchemy contained in it. After a year of research, his alchemy level has progressed rapidly, enough to recast the red Luan sword in Lu Yuewu's hand again and raise it to a powerful level through some public and private methods.

They entered the steeple and retreated the servant who led the way. Leo opened the secret door with a secret key.

Countless streams of light overflowed, transmitting magical brilliant light appeared in front of them, like countless silk threads, and as if the complicated network structure woven by slender spider silk appeared in the open underground, and they moved along a thick pipe. Here, the magic was suppressed, and the wind chaser had to rely on his legs to move forward, which made his old body feel overwhelmed.

"slow down." He gasped and said, "We have been waiting for 18 months. Are we still anxious for these minutes and seconds? Or are you going to tire me to death here?"

Li Ou found himself ignoring each other, "I'm sorry, Lord Wind Chaser." He admitted his negligence. "It's okay for us to rest here for a while."

The surrounding pipeline emits a bright but not dazzling luster, and the layers of lines can't help but think of the huge roaring machines in the mechanical factory. Although this is a magical world, those rough machines are still worth learning from. Leo guessed that the builder of the sword spire also absorbed some of the creative ideas.

The magic is bound in these transparent pipelines in some way that he still can't understand, like the sewer pipe under Ainblo, flowing raging in it, hitting the hard pipe wall and making a hum that ordinary people's ears can't hear. Leo looked at these pipelines without blinking, staring at the surging magic. Although he has been exposed to the core of the spire of the sword group, he still can't figure out where these magic comes from and how to transform it into energy that can be used by the spire of the sword group, as well as the peaceful energy used by some alchemists, which have nothing to do with calm.

"Don't think about this." The pursuer said, "There is no point in studying this now. It is said that the sword spire was built before the fall of the gods. You should understand what this means.

Of course, he knows it clearly. Alchemy is Clegg's reward, and obviously these things also come from Clegg. It's just that he can't figure out why Clegg didn't destroy the gods himself, but borrowed their hand to come up with a more troublesome and complex alchemy principle than the power of faith? This is not a small project. Judging from the information he has come into contact with so far, Craig is not an idle guy who doesn't do business all day long. Although he has the word creation in his name, his creation is more about creating a new world and order than a new power system.

Li Ou has thought about this question for a long time, but until now he has no definite answer. It seems that I have no choice but to ask myself. He thought that the guy would answer his doubts. The premise is that they can talk to the demon god alive. But Leo always has a vague feeling in his heart that the emergence of alchemy is probably not like the chief bachelor's story, perhaps not from Clegg, but from something else.

But the pursuer is right. Now is not the time to think about this. He shakes his head and gathers the divergent thoughts back.

"Since this is what Clegg left behind, won't it attract attention if we do some small moves in it?" Lu Yuewu asked.

"It's not safe anywhere. It can be said that there is no safe place in the world. The wind chaser said, "In a word, we can do whatever we want. Anyway, we will die sooner or later, but I don't want to die on the way. Even if we die, we have to see our 'great' demon god, right?"

Li Ou nodded. They all held the belief that they would die, so they were fearless.

"Wind Chaser, have you had a good rest?" Li Ou withdrew his sight and asked, "We have to keep moving forward."

"If the spell hadn't been imprisoned here, I just wanted to transmit it." Rosie sighed, slapped her long skirt that was not contaminated with dust, and walked ahead first. Don't let me come here next time unless something important happens."

The wind chaser sighed, "That's what I think, alchemist."

They don't know how long they have walked. Under the spire of the sword group, it seems to be a place where the space has been folded, and the magic oscillation seems to amplify this effect. But even if these are excluded, Leo thinks that it is much deeper than the temple under the Holy Church of Andal. Because this road is too long, and there is a dead silence around except for the magical brilliance. The blue light is full of lifeless cold, making them feel extremely uncomfortable, as if they had penetrated into the tomb of the dead. To be honest, Leo doesn't particularly want to come here, although the quiet environment and vigorous magic here are helpful for meditation.

"Thank God, it's finally here." In front of a huge shining door, Rosie took a breath.

Entering the door, a not unfamiliar voice immediately sounded.

"Here you are." Aurora raised her head and first found the arrival of Leo.

She did not show much hostility, because hatred is nothing compared with survival. What's more, there is ambiguity between them, and the order of "ghost" Edsey restrains her.

"How is it now?" Li Ou took a deep breath and asked.

He could feel the excitement of the girl beside him. It seemed that the pregnant girl had a special perception and a bad temper that was easy to become dissatisfied. He had to make his tone much more indifferent. Therefore, he unexpectedly saw disappointment and pain on Aurora's face.

"It's okay." Arora tried to calm herself down. "Everything is going according to the schedule, and there are still two months left, and the cross-level transmission array can be ready." She didn't dare to look directly at Li Ou for fear that she couldn't help feeling in her heart.

Liou has no time to comfort her for the time being. His eyes were attracted by a huge door in front of him.

This door is dozens of meters high and also dozens of meters high, occupying almost all of this vast space. It is not inferior to the high wall of Ainbro. On the ground, the cold and silver-lit front is depicted as a huge picture scroll, with a shining luster with frightening despair. However, the portal in front of us consumes almost all the wealth in the world. But for high-level people, the value of the world's wealth is almost negligible. If it dies, then nothing will be useful, leaving it for the next civilization to be discovered.

"It looks very stable." The wind chaser said that he looked at the pale Ella next to him, "Alchemist, you have found a good person in charge. She is trustworthy." Hearing this, Li Ou smiled unnaturally. He deliberately found a time for Aurora to rest here, but he didn't expect that she was still here. Now we just wait for Ms. Andal to wake up. It's just that we still need a coordinate. We have been looking for it for two years, but we are still uncertain. Should we place hope on Andal, who recovered after death?

"The old dragon may know." Leo comforted the old man, "I will contact him."

"I hope so."

On the other side, Luo Xi and Lu Yuewu talked to Airola.

"I thought you weren't here." Rosie said with a smile and couldn't see her expression, "Mr. Li Ou came here when you weren't there."

"I, I don't know." Arora is a little flustered.

"But this time I gave him the wrong schedule, and he didn't see it." Rosie said cunningly, "Look, that stupid idiot was simply fooled."

Ai Ruo opened her mouth wide, but soon she lowered her eyes. Aurora, who has lived here for more than a year, now knows the identity of the two girls in front of her, and more knows that Rosie is a dragon. She does not deny that she has some kind of affection for alchemists, so she can't show such strength as she did at the beginning. Why?" She asked with difficulty.

"Escape is not the way." Lu Yuewu said that she looked at Li Ou. There is not much time for us.

"What's more, who knows who will live in the end?" Rosie said, "Are you still me? We are not so stupid. No, seriously, the world does not allow us to think about these meaningless things. When the situation is good, the most important thing is to live happily.


"There are not many happy times, Aurora, do you want to go on like this, or leave a little wonderful memories?" Lu Yuewu asked, "Also, your child, you can't see her. You should have a good talk with Li Ou.

"This...this..." Aila was at a loss, "I want to...think about it."

Lu Yuewu patted her on the shoulder.

Their words finally worked. When Leo was about to leave, Aurora summoned up the courage to stop him, "And, Leo..."


"Child." She lowered her eyes and said.