Alchemy Era

Chapter 31 Su Sheng

Somethings were unexpected.

The gods suddenly lit up in the wedding disrupted their rhythm, and their short happiness stopped abruptly. They didn't even have time to enjoy the sweet life after marriage for a few days, so they had to set out immediately. Fortunately, the transmission array was established early. Leo immediately rushed from the wedding scene to the holy city where the sanctuary of the Andal Church was located.

"Come on, hurry up." Li Ou kept urging all the way.

From time to time, the wind chasers who come with them cast acceleration and light spells for them to keep their speed very fast. But each of them knows that this is not enough. They just want to hurry up and hurry up. Both the pursuers and the Pope are out of breath, but they dare not relax at all.

Their tension and uneasiness completely overshadowed Andal's joy of awakening.

"Why did she suddenly come back faster than we expected?" The wind chaser asked while flying, "This is simply... incredible."

"I don't know." The Pope said, "Maybe it will only be understood when the lady wakes up."

"These are not important. The important thing is that Ms. Andal knows how long it will take to fight from awakening to recovery." Leo is more anxious than them, because he clearly understands that since Clegg is determined to destroy the gods he created, the birth of a powerful god representing the will of the world is enough to trigger his shocking anger again. We don't have much time." In Leo's opinion, it almost takes minutes to count. I hope Clegg is still sleeping and hasn't caught his attention.

Liou's concerns are obviously reasonable. The Pope and the pursuers were silent.

"How long will it take to build the transmission array?" The Pope suddenly asked.

"If it is at the fastest speed, it will take ten days."

"Where are the spatial coordinates?" The wind chaser said.

"When Ms. Andal wakes up, the ice dragon will leave the top of the mountain." Leo explained, "He can't show his existence, otherwise, the disaster he brought to the world is like Ms. Andal's awakening. We can't guarantee that if the two earth-shocking forces overlap, it will destroy Clegg's last mood to watch the play. We can't take the risk. Once the spatial coordinates are determined, we must transmit them immediately.

"What if there is an error?"

"Then we will go ahead of our relatives." Leo sighed, "We don't have a second chance."

Under the underground of the Andal sanctuary, the huge divine body has begun to emit dazzling brilliance, turning into substance one by one, and the divine ripples visible to the naked eye spread around the divine body.

Seeing this scene, the Pope couldn't hide his excitement. He knelt down trembling and shouted "Ms. Andal."

She will wake up.

In the gradually heavy and huge divine power, Leo felt difficult to breathe, and he couldn't help saluteing the other party, which was completely from the subconscious reaction of his physical instinct. His Yuguang saw that the wind pursuer, who had no respect for the gods before, also lowered his arrogant head.

"We succeeded." Li Ou's voice was submerged in layers of brilliance, but it was hard to hide his excitement.

There is no doubt that there is only one possibility for them to make such a subconscious move. That is, the divine body in front of us has become the embodiment of the world, and the will of all human beings and intelligent creatures is their hope.

The divine power is like the sea, but the divine power in front of him is the whole world. Leo feels that even if the power of all the gods before is combined, it is more than half of the current Andal. But perhaps her consciousness of waking up felt their kindness, and the divine power was not aimed at them, but just being in it, Leo felt that he could not raise any resistance.

Our hope.

Li Ou saw that the previously dead gray gloomy face is now becoming red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a little vitality emerges. A force of faith turned into a thick light surrounded by dozens of people, covering her body with a layer of holy light. Then, something suddenly sounded in his ear, which was the beating of the heart of life. The vibrant vitality dispelled the shadow of death, and the sudden burst of light took away their vision.

In the still peaceful city of the mainland, there is an Andal church, and countless believers are praying. On this day, as usual, there were bursts of killing outside the city wall. Their relatives fought desperately against the demons, and their hearts were faintly painful. No one knew if they could see their relatives tomorrow. They couldn't help but pray to the only spiritual today.

No conversation, no one spoke, and no one commanded. After entering the church, they knelt down spontaneously and prayed devoutly to Ms. Andal. They prayed that the devil would leave as soon as possible and his family would be safe.

Soon, the prayer ended under the pastor's auspices. They knew that the hard day was about to begin again, but when they stepped out, a dazzling light suddenly spilled out and rushed directly to the sky, dispersing the dark clouds. They saw with their own eyes that the statue was not alive. The stone statue of Ms. Andal suddenly had a real divine color that belonged to the living. The brilliance was sprinkled from the stone statue. The stone statue seemed to become a real living person in an instant, and even the gauze on her body turned into real silk. The scepter gold in her hand Brilliant. They witnessed the miracle and were stunned and completely shocked. It was not until the priest tremblingly shouted Ms. Andal's name that they woke up and hurriedly knelt down again. Great Ms. Andal, your people welcome your return. They shouted in unison. The sound broke through the sky and echoed over the whole world.

The alchemist held his breath. Despite the white light in front of him, he still did not close his eyes. He looked at the dark shadow moving in the white light without blinking. It was a beautiful woman. Despite her power, there was no malice, only pure motherhood, a gentle but not devious lady.

"Ms. Andal." He bent down.

When the white light dissipated, the huge body in the deep pit disappeared and was replaced by an elegant lady. She is probably the same height as Li Ou, wearing golden armor, holding a golden sword and a heavy shield, majestic but soft. The power of faith transformed her true face. Fortunately, it is in a good direction.

"Ms. Andal." The Pope knelt on the ground, and they couldn't suppress their physical instincts and saluted the will of the world. Welcome back."

"Andal?" The lady's voice sounded, with confusion after sleeping for a long time. She turned her head sideways as if she were listening to the prayers of countless people and combing the voices of the world. But in a blink of an eye, the confusion was firmly replaced, "Andal is a good name." She took a deep breath, raised the long sword in her hand, and burst into dazzling brilliance in an instant. I am the spokesperson of this world, the idea gathering of all intelligent creatures. I am Andal.

Her voice penetrated layers of rocks from the ground, rushed high into the sky, and oscillated above the earth. I am the embodiment of the will of the world, and mine is Andal. Her announcement echoed in the sky, and all the creatures heard her announcement.

The believers were surprised to see that the previously soft and resolute Andal icon was changing its appearance. The silk wrapped her body and turned into a strong armor after a burst of golden light. Her scepter and holy water also turned into a sharp sword and shield. There is an unprecedented power in her eyes.

"Kill!" An invisible voice came from her mouth.

The soldiers on the wall involuntarily followed her voice and shouted the battle song. Unparalleled holy light shrouded over them, and the golden light attached to their armor and sword. Previously, the demons they could not resist were retreating under the golden light, and the soldiers' sharp blades easily tore their skin and flesh and purify their dirty bodies into ashes.

"Get up." She said to the people kneeling in front of her.

"Didn't you punish us for your servant's previous offense?" The Pope was trembling.

"I know everything from the earth, and I don't blame you. Get up." Ms. Andal did not speak, and the pleasant voice echoed in their minds. They stood up in fear. Although Leo still maintained his previous faith and was not afraid of gods, he was still afraid when talking to a god. This is not timidity, but she herself represents a part of him, because she is the whole world. Although I'm not the previous Andal. She said, "That one has long been annihilated. I recondensed my consciousness from nothingness, but her body still helped me, and I inherited her name. I know all the reasons from the voice of the world. Thank you for your help.

Does the gods thank them? Li Ou felt that this must be a fantasy, but it was real in front of him. Li Ou's eyes widened and opened his mouth wide. Finally, he could only believe that their efforts were not in vain. They really recovered or created a god that could be called perfect for human beings.

"It's really what we should do." Li Ou stammered a little when he spoke. However, distinguished lady, there is not much time left for us..."

"...I know." Andal said, "I can feel the malice that tries to destroy everything. I also felt her fear of malice in her body, and I also heard the pain of the world. As the embodiment of the world, I will stop him at all costs.

"So what should we do now?" The Pope asked.

"He will soon find out my existence." Ms. Andal focused on Leo. Start the teleport array. We have to hurry up. The decisive battle is right in front of us.