lian sha

The realm of the body, the realm of soul refining

The physical realm!

is respectively, tempering, bone refining, skin refining, rigidity, softness, strength and softness, nourishing qi, internal strength, and returning to the original!

The realm of soul refining!

are, gathering spirit, enlightenment, saving god, yuan god, out of the mind, control, shield, heartbeat, empty!

The physical realm!

Strengthes, bones, and skins are just the foundation and derivative power!

After the first three steps are completed, the warrior can derive rigidity!

Softness refers to understanding softness and turning into softness!

Denziness refers to understanding the true meaning of strength and softness!

Nurishing qi refers to warming and nourishing blood gas, and restraining the qi machine!

Internal strength refers to the internal strength derived from blood gas!

Return to the source refers to the return to the source!

The realm of soul refining!

Spirit gathering is the fusion of three souls and seven souls!

The enlightenment is to open up the acupuncture point on the fusion spirit body!

God is to attach one's spirit to the spiritual body!

The gengo is a fusion of spirit and spirit!

Out of the body means that the yuan god can get out of his mind!

Control refers to the ability to control spiritual weapons, such as arms!

Gang Shield means that the primordial spirit absorbs vitality and derives a protective film from itself!

Heartbeat means that once the yuan mind moves, it can stimulate the mana, and there is no need to operate the mana silently!

Kongming means that the yuan god falls into a kind of meditation without sadness or joy!

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