lian sha

Chapter 11 Stone Room

Suddenly, Ren Fei felt that his whole person was swallowed into his stomach by the python.

The python is so huge that it easily swallows Ren Fei, making Ren Fei feel like sliding into a mud hole.

The strong fishy smell instantly filled Ren Fei's brain and almost made him faint, but Ren Fei knew that he could not fall into a coma at this time. Although the python was non-toxic, its powerful stomach acid was still horrible. As long as he fell into a coma, there was only one way to die.

Fee the blade in his hand, Ren Fei's heart moved, and he felt that there was no chance to live.

At this time, Ren Fei secretly celebrated that he still had a sharp weapon in his hand, otherwise, even if he did not faint, he would still face death.

In the snake's abdomen, the space is still relatively large. Although the python began to wriggle inside, Ren Fei could still barely adjust his body.

For a moment, Ren Fei stopped moving, calmed down, and listened carefully to the sound inside the python. If he wanted to judge the position of the python's heart, he could only truly get out of danger by giving the python a fatal blow. Once the python was frightened, the python would twist its body and completely hang him in his body!

This is a real choice. Once he makes a mistake, he will lose his last chance to survive.

Dong Dong Dong.

Ren Fei gradually heard the agitation of his heart, one was his and the other was python's.

With the wriggling of the python, Ren Fei struggled to control his body and reached exactly seven inches of the python, which was the heart of the python.

The air that Ren Fei finally sucked in on his chest was almost exhausted.

"It's up to life and death!" Ren Fei used his last strength and pushed the blade into the heart of the python.

The python is very huge. Even if the heart part is found, whether it can be fatal or not depends on luck.

However, Ren Fei's luck is indeed very good. He is not as unlucky as before. At the critical moment, his stomach makes a sound.

The python suddenly suffered pain and suddenly rolled up, making Ren Fei more and more dizzy. In addition, because of the incomparable smell inside the python, and the last breath of air inhaled when swallowed by the python has been exhausted.

Ren Fei's consciousness began to blur, as if he would faint the next moment.

At the critical moment, Ren Fei suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and regained consciousness.


Ren Fei's right hand with the blade suddenly pulled and began to destroy inside the python. This was a return of light, and the power seemed to return to him.

Ren Fei knew that if he could not take the opportunity to open the body of the python, even if the python died, he would have to die alive on the inner wall of the python.

The python became more and more crazy, and the tingling in its body made it feel the breath of death.

Gradually, the python's huge body fell softly to the ground, and a fist-sized blood hole appeared in the seven-inch area. Ren Fei held a blade in his right hand in the dim mine, emitting a little cold light with the help of light.

At this moment, the whole mine fell silent.


After half a day, Ren Fei gradually woke up.

The whole body is still in the python, coagulated with the blood of the python.

However, Ren Fei's body gradually gained some strength.

Half an hour later, Ren Fei fiercely broke free from the inside of the python, and his whole body was like a bloody man, which was indescribably horrible.

As soon as he broke away from the inside of the python, Ren Fei did not close his eyes and rested. Instead, he cut the body of the python with a blade and took out a snake gallbladder from it.

This python has been around for some years. Ren Fei estimated that snake bile has been very useful for warriors. Previously, he heard that a python had been dug up in the mine to see if there was a chance to kill the python and swallow the snake bile. Unexpectedly, he did not find anything as he thought.

The snake is not bold, but Ren Fei can't swallow it directly.

General pythons are non-toxic, and snakes are naturally non-toxic. If they knew that they were a poisonous snake instead of pythons, Ren Fei would never come alone.

Pricked the snake's gallbladder with a blade, Ren Fei swallowed the bile, and suddenly felt a coolness pouring into his mouth.

The original disappeared physical strength began to appear miraculously in the body.

After swallowing the snake gallbladder, Ren Fei began to recuperate the inside of his body. Previously, he was swallowed into the body by the python, and his body was also seriously injured.

Gradually, Ren Fei felt that his veins seemed to be stronger and stronger, and his strength was much stronger.

"It seems that it is blessed by misfortune!" Feeling the increase in power, Ren Fei smiled bitterly in his heart.

After a while, Ren Fei took out the tiger bone elixir he carried with him, swallowed it into his body, and began to refine his medicine. He also had several fractures in his body, which were not particularly serious and would not affect his activities.

When the tiger bone elixir was refined, Ren Fei began to look at the snake hole. With this look, Ren Fei's eyes couldn't help showing a shocked look. This is clearly a man-made stone room with many living utensils.

Many bottles and cans, some are broken, and some are still intact.

Holding down the shock in his heart, Ren Fei began to search for the stone room.

Following the stone cave, Ren Fei quickly came to a cave. With the faint starlight, he found that the cave was open on the edge of the cliff. It was very hidden and could not be found from the outside that there was a cave.

Without thinking about the reason for the existence of this stone cave and stone chamber, Ren Fei returned to the stone chamber and picked up some medicine bottles that were not broken. There were many elixirs, but their efficacy was completely lost.

There is only one medicine bottle containing white **, which still emits a faint fragrance and is surprised, but I can't recognize what the white ** is.

After a long time, Ren Fei did not find anything else of value, so he left the stone room and walked out of the hole dug by the miner.

Suddenly, a sound came, and a group of warriors in the costumes of the Qi family came here.

He found that Ren Fei was alive, and his whole body was covered with dry blood, all of which showed a shocked look.

They learned from the words of the mining slave that this is a huge python, and its strength is not under the realm of strength!

And Ren Fei, they knew. When Ren Fei first arrived at this black iron mine, the third young master informed them and asked them to take care of it.

They also know most about Ren Fei's realm. In the face of a python that is stronger than a warrior in the realm of strength, Ren Fei has no chance to live.

They just came here to kill the python, let the third young master understand the reason and avoid the third young master's dilemma. They didn't expect that Ren Fei was still alive.

Ren Fei appeared in front of them, and they were naturally shocked.

At this time, Ren Fei was not surprised, and the appearance of the nurses was also reasonable. He had tried his best to pierce the python to gasp for a moment and wait for the nurses to rescue him.

After all, he was not sure how much he would be attacked by the python at that time. He didn't expect that he would wake up before the nurses arrived.

No matter what, from the moment he penetrated the python's body, he knew he was alive.

suppressing the surprise in his heart, the head of the hospital said, "Since you are fine, we are relieved! If you die here, we will be scolded by the third young master!"

The head of the guard did not ask Ren Fei how to kill the python, which was meaningless.

"Thank you for coming to the rescue." Ren Fei nodded and thanked, "There is a python's body in it, and the leader can move back to make snake bone soup!"

The leader of the hospital nodded, and the bone soup boiled with snake bones is also a great tonic. Naturally, he will not refuse, and this kind of feminine snake bone soup is the most useful for warriors in the rigid realm, which can speed up the progress of cultivation and enter the realm of flexibility!