lian sha

Chapter 27 Cliff

Outside the sea city, in a mountain forest.

Qi Hong, Qi Tao and Qi Yun took dozens of families to break through and hide here.

The strength of the four families working together is almost to destroy Gu La. In addition, the Qi family is suddenly unprepared to face such a shock change.

"What should we do?"

Xie Yu came out of the crowd and came to Qi Yun's side. His expression was extremely low. This time, his father died in battle, and his sister also died in the Qi family. Only Wei Ziyu was familiar with him, and almost all the descendants of the other general manager died in the battle.

Perhaps a few people have successfully escaped.

Qi Yun was at a loss, Qi Hong also became depressed, and the demise of the Qi family was almost in the blink of an eye.

And Qi Tao could no longer see the arrogant look on his face at this moment, and the performance of Leng Xingjian and Fu Yun completely defeated the arrogance in his heart.

"Escape from the pursuers of the four families first!" Qi Hong said in a low voice.

"Escape?" Qi Yun looked gloomy, Yuwen's clothes turned into a living dead man, and the Qi family disappeared. His life almost disappeared, and only his will to die still existed.

"What does the third brother want to do?" Qi Tao asked.

At this moment, they have no more fights, because these fights are based on the health of the Qi family, and Qi Tao's attitude towards Qi Yun is not as good as before.

"What if we escape? Do you hide in the dark and survive?" Qi Yun suddenly became resolute and said, "I want to fight back and encroach on the pursuers little by little!"

"Strike back?" Qi Hong frowned slightly and meditated. After a moment, he said, "This method is good. The pursuers of the four families should be divided into countless ways to chase us. I can indeed encroach on us one by one, but..."

"If you can kill a little more, only the people in our family will die in battle!" Qi Yun said harshly.

At this moment, he only wants to kill four more pursuers, and doesn't care whether he will die or not.

"But we have too few people, and we need to find some separated nurses!" Xie Yu said in.

He also agrees with Qi Yun's idea, but they now have too few people, only dozens of guards, and their combat effectiveness is limited. If they encounter a pursuer, they may be able to fight, but the pursuers will be summoned to attract more pursuers.

Qi Hong nodded and said, "There are several breakthroughs. Since we can break through, many other breakers should have escaped. Let's look for them secretly first, and then slowly lure the pursuers!"

"Ren Fei should also escape. He is in the realm of skin practice, but he can kill warriors in the realm of softness. Ordinary warriors are not opponents. If we find him, our strength can also increase a lot." Qi Tao said.

Everyone nodded. They all recognized Ren Fei's strength, and Ren Fei was the adopted son of Qi Lizong. No matter what the reason, he had to find Ren Fei.

Moreover, now there is only Qi Hong among their group. Qi Tao and Qi Yun are warriors in the realm of softness, and almost all others are warriors in the realm of strength.

In order to let Qi Hong, Qi Tao and Qi Yun escape, the warriors in the realm of softness went to cut off the back road.

Once Ren Fei is found, it will undoubtedly greatly increase his strength. Maybe there are also many nurses of the Qi family around Ren Fei.

While Qi Yun was discussing looking for Ren Fei, the direction in which Ren Fei and Xu Xian fled was completely opposite to Qi Yun's position.

From the siege of the four families, Ren Fei dealt with it much more easily, and at the critical moment, the realm of skin refining was completely changed and successfully stepped into the realm of rigidity. In this way, the warriors under the realm of softness completely swept away and took advantage of the chaos and took the Xu Xian around him to break out of the siege.

After all, there are not many warriors in the realm of softness in Wanghai City, and only a dozen people in each family have reached the realm of flexibility.

Although two people fled, the number of pursuers has not decreased, but a team of 20 warriors, whose strength is all rigid, and the warriors leading the team are even more rigid and soft.

It can be seen that the four families are determined to pursue them to the ends of the earth.

For Ren Fei, he can still cope with the 20 strong martial artists, but the warriors who lead the team are ten times stronger than him, and his strength is ten times stronger than him. Moreover, with Xu Xian, he can't fight back at all, and can only escape with Xu Xian.

"Leader, it seems that we are not chasing one of the three young masters of the Qi family!" A warrior asked doubtfully.

"He is the adopted son of Qi Lizong!" The leader said, "The news from the servants of the Qi family is that the Qi family held a banquet today because of him!"

"This boy is really powerful. When we surrounded the Qi family before, he almost rushed out of the siege." Another warrior also said.

"Ha ha, Zhao Liang, the soft realm of the Lin family, was killed by him. And the young master of the Lin family was also killed by him. As long as we catch him, the Lin family will not treat us badly!" The leader of the team once again revealed some news about Ren Fei.

Hearing this saying of the leader, everyone couldn't help but double their spirits. They had a little negative attitude and suddenly became very positive.

Originally, they only had to chase the three young masters of the Qi family to get rewards. When they found that Ren Fei was not their goal, they naturally felt a little less positive.

Even if Ren Fei is the adopted son of Qi Lizong, he doesn't have much reaction, but it's another matter to hear that he can get benefits from the Lin family.

The leader of the team shook his head gently. He said this just to find Ren Fei's whereabouts. These strong martial artists can effectively prevent Ren Fei and Xu Xian from escaping. If he really take action, he is the main force.

If these warriors are not active, it is easy to slow down his pace.

"Leader, there is blood!" Suddenly, a warrior found blood stains on the ground and said to the leader.

"Very good, let's chase in the direction of blood!"

In the direction of blood stains, he led the team leader to chase quickly. The blood stains were not dry, and there was only one kind of ability, that is, Ren Fei had just passed by here.

Soon, the leader of the team caught up with Ren Fei.

After all, Xu Xian did not have the strength of Ren Fei. When he broke out, his body was full of scars, and their escape speed was not fast at all.

After seeing the pursuers, Ren Fei couldn't help putting down Xu Xian on his back and turned his body to face the pursuers. His whole body began to stir up and was ready for a fatal blow at any time.

At this time, they could no longer escape. More than 20 martial artists were holding short-armed crossbows in their hands. The air machine had locked him and Xu Xian. Once they chose to escape, their backs would inevitably be attacked by crossbows. In that case, Xu Xian would be killed by crossbows on the spot.

"Ren Fei, you can't escape!" The leader of the team smiled and stared at Ren Fei.

"Not far ahead is the cliff. You'd better be obedient and capture it!" A warrior shouted.

They are very familiar with the terrain in this area, otherwise they would not be assigned to pursue this direction.

"Real?" Ren Fei's body shot out violently and came to the warrior's side in an instant. His right hand immediately grabbed it and smashed the warrior's neck.

The Qi family was in great trouble. He saw too many dead people. In addition, he also killed people. His mentality has long changed. He is not the former powerless slave!

For the enemy, there is only killing!

At this time, there is no room for mercy.

After one blow, Ren Fei's body flashed again and appeared beside another martial artist. He punched the mountain and immediately blew the martial artist up.

His current strength is more than the strength of more than 20 bulls than the strength of the strong realm, which can almost be described as sweeping. For a moment, the blood fog exploded and shocked all the warriors.

Only the leader of the team looked at Ren Fei coldly, but with a strange smile on his face.

"Haha, it seems that your realm has broken through again, and the power is not inferior to the soft realm of martial arts!!" The leader smiled softly and said, "However, in front of me, this strength is still not enough!"

The leader of the team has a vicious vision and can see that Ren Feili has nearly 30 bulls!

Originally, Ren Fei had the power of 20 bulls when he was in the realm of skin refining. After changing to the realm of rigid power, his strength increased the power of nearly ten bulls.

As soon as the words fell, the leader of the team appeared next to Ren Fei, clenched his fists and swept to Ren Fei.

In the face of the attack of the leader, Ren Fei could not dodge at all, because no matter which direction he dodged, he was blocked by the leader.

The attack of the leader was like a broken bamboo, and his fierce fist suddenly fell on Ren Fei's body, sweeping Ren Fei away and hitting a bucket-sized tree fiercely.


The bucket-sized tree was suddenly knocked off by Ren Fei's body, and the huge tree fell down, splashing endless dust.

The power gap was too big. With this blow, Ren Fei seemed to feel that he was a small boat in the angry waves.

If it hadn't been for the previous epiphany and the insight of the opportunity and avoid the key points, I'm afraid this blow would have been enough to kill him.

The other party's strength is more than ten times higher than him, and it is completely overwhelming.

This is different from his fight with Zhao Liang. At that time, Zhao Liang was just 20 more bulls than him.

He is now powerful with nearly 30 bulls, and the leader may have as many as 500 bulls!

This number is very f afraid for him, and the gap between the two is still the gap between the realm.

For warriors, the higher the level, the stronger the ability to protect, or the amount of power to resolve.

A warrior in a strong realm can solve the power of dozens of bulls at most.

At the beginning, he fought with Zhao Liang, because Zhao Liang himself did not have much strength, and the strength he could resolve was quite considerable.

On the contrary, the leader can resolve almost all his attacks.

Thinking of this, Ren Fei's body shot with strength and took Xu Xian's body to escape again.

If he and Xu Xian continue to die, there is only one way to die. Although there is a cliff in front of it, it is not a cliff. As long as he can take Xu Xian across the cliff, he can let those warriors in the rigid realm stay. Only if he leads the team to chase, the chances of him and Xu Xian will be greatly increased!

And those warriors with crossbows were shocked by Ren Fei's means and the power of the leader of the team. For a moment, they forgot to attack and shot a few arrows in panic under the scolding of the leader of the team leader.


Seeing Ren Fei completely out of the range of the crossbow, the leader once again took everyone to pursue Ren Fei.

"How wide is that cliff?" While chasing, he led the team leader and asked.

"The leader can rest assured that the cliff is more than ten feet wide, and it is undoubtedly a fool's dream to cross with his strength!" A warrior said.

The leader nodded his head, and even he could barely cross the cliff more than ten feet wide.

Gradually, everyone caught up with Ren Fei again, and the cliff was faintly visible.

A wide cliff appeared in front of everyone, as if it were formed by the gods splitting the mountains with a knife.

When Ren Fei saw the cliff, despair flashed in his heart.

He can't cross the cliff at all!