lian sha

Chapter 30 Iron into Steel

After watching Ji Tianming walk away, Ren Fei vomited blood again. This time, he secretly worked to heal his wounds. Originally, Ji'an helped him heal his wounds was just to shake out his internal blood stasis. In fact, there were still some blood stasis. If the blood was excreted out, it would affect the progress of practice in the future.

smiled at Ji'an and said, "I'm fine. Thank you, Brother Ji, for telling me how to heal my wounds. This time I also took care of my previous dark wounds and felt relaxed."

Ji An smiled apologetically, "This time you got hurt for me, but I'm sorry. If you hadn't come up and said that my eldest brother would have taken action against me again this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to deal with the trial of the casting sword villa at that time!"

"Although I just met Brother Ji, Brother Ji is my first friend here. If my friend is in trouble, I will naturally take action!" Ren Fei wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth again and said sincerely to Ji An.

Feeling Ren Fei's sincerity, Ji An's face was also straight and said, "In this case, we might as well be brothers!"


Ren Fei stretched out his palm and gave Ji An a fierce high-five, and then the two hugged him and couldn't help laughing at the same time.

At this moment, Ji Tianming and the martial artist surnamed He had not gone far. They couldn't help looking back and laughing, but didn't care about Ren Fei and Ji An's behavior.

For Ji Tianming, Ji An was not taken seriously at all. Ji An was just in a bad mood to vent his anger.

Although Ji'an wants to compete for the position of the head of the Ji family, he has an advantage over Ji'an in all aspects. Even if Ji'an really enters the Casting Sword Villa, it will be difficult to surpass him in the future.

"Brother Tianming, that wild boy should still pay attention to it. He has reached the realm of flexibility at a young age, with great potential!" The martial artist surnamed He said in a low voice.

Ji Tianming nodded, "Indeed, although he doesn't know martial arts, his foundation is extremely strong. Once he has martial arts, his strength must be stronger than now. I did kill just now. If Ji An hadn't squeezed the words, a good seedling would have been gone.

"Why did you stop me just now?" The martial artist surnamed He said.

"Ha ha, if he can enter the cast sword villa, at least it proves that he is a genius! I like to kill geniuses, and there are inner disciples in the Sword Casting Villa. Only by becoming an elite disciple of the Sword Casting Villa can I have the opportunity to practice advanced martial arts, even top martial arts!"

Ji Tianming calculated and said, "If he enters the cast sword villa, he will be able to practice low-level martial arts. At that time, he will certainly be able to emerge in the same level. At that time, it should not be difficult to become an inner disciple. After the competition between the inner disciples, he will definitely choose to challenge me. In this way, I will enter the opportunity of elite disciples. It will be much bigger!"

The martial artist surnamed nodded. If the inner disciple of Zhujian Villa wants to become an elite disciple, he must go through three comparisons. As long as he wins three comparisons, he can become an elite disciple, but there is no restriction of opponents in the competition, as long as he defeats three inner disciples.

Although there is still a ranking in the inner door test. The higher the ranking, the more rewards you will receive as an elite disciple, Ji Tianming and he are unlikely to get the top ten.

It is not very certain that they will even become elite disciples.

The casting sword villa has a huge sphere of influence, and there are many masters of internal disciples. If you want to become an elite disciple, the minimum condition is probably the realm of nourishing qi.

"Brother Tianming is easy to calculate. At that time, if Ji An also became a disciple of the inner door, then once he lost this wild boy in the inner door test, then Ji An would definitely take action. The inner disciple test took the challenger as the priority. It seems that it is almost certain that Brother Tianming will become an elite disciple in the future!" The martial artist surnamed He couldn't help but say in amazement.

I admire Ji Tianming's long-term calculation. Although the inner door competition is the challenger first, there are prior files. If it is a warrior of the same faction or a warrior with a good relationship, it will not work.

Otherwise, the Sword Casting Villa will be full of elite disciples.

A few days have passed, and today is the time for their group of people to set out for Zhujian Villa. At the same time, many warriors set out for Zhujian Villa in other recruitment sites in the area of influence of Zhujian Villa.

In the past few days, Ji An and Ren Fei have deliberately avoided Ji Tianming to avoid some trouble. Naturally, they don't know Ji Tianming's plan.

After half a month's journey, the group finally came to the mountains where Zhujian Villa is located. They saw the mountains rolling, and the glorious pavilions stood and magnificent.

Ren Fei's heart couldn't help shaking and walked out of the world of Wanghai City and Tianzhou Continent, making him feel that he was indeed a veritable country bumpkin.

I'm afraid that it will take more than a dozen financial resources of Wanghai City to build mountain gates and pavilions here alone, let alone operate, and you can imagine casting the financial and strength of Jianshan Villa.

At the same time, Ren Fei also secretly compares the sect of the cold star sword. I'm afraid it's not as simple as he thought.

Leng Xingjian is now a master of internal strength. When he grows up, I'm afraid that Leng Xingjian has entered the next realm!

He clenched his fist and thought of Linger and Xiao Pang. Ren Fei's eyes became firm. At the same time, Ren Fei also thought of Xu Xian. I don't know if Xu Xian has escaped or not. He also came to Tianzhou mainland.

"It seems that I can only enter the Zhujian Villa and slowly inquire about the situation of Leng Xingjian and Xu Xian." Ren Fei thought to himself.

After Ren Fei entered the mountain gate of Zhujian Villa, Ren Fei found that many warriors had already come to the square, with hundreds of people, most of whom were in the realm of softness.

Half a day passed, and the square was gradually overcrowded. Looking around, there were more than a thousand warriors.

At this moment, on the high platform of the square, a middle-aged warrior stood up and then said loudly, "I believe you all know the rules. I won't say more. Next, someone will lead you into the trial. There are three levels in this trial. The first level is to stay in the lava cave for three hours! When you pass the first level, you can take a day off and go to the second level! The first lava cave can't swallow the elixir, but once it is found, the martial arts practice will be abolished!"

Suddenly, there were exclamation in the square. Some people were happy, some people were sad, and some people were afraid that they would swallow elixir and be found muddle through, thus abolishing martial arts.

After a few breaths, the middle-aged warrior said again, "Okay, follow the disciples into the lava cave!"

After the middle-aged warrior finished speaking, a disciple of the Casting Sword Villa appeared, and the warriors who came to follow him.

Soon, more than a thousand warriors entered the lava cave, and the originally noisy square became clean.

The lava cave is much larger than Ren Fei imagined, and it is more than enough to accommodate 1,000 warriors.

As soon as he entered the lava cave, Ren Fei felt a heat wave and felt like he was roasted as a roast duck.

From time to time, sweat drops like rain, dripping from the bodies of various warriors, making a hiss sound, like a ladle of water added to a pot of oil.

Ren Fei watches his mouth, nose, ears and heart, and silently regulates his breath. Although this level is difficult, his breath is long. As long as he survives the previous hour and let his body adapt to such a hot environment, he can easily pass the rest.

Half an hour passed, and many warriors couldn't stand the attack of the heat wave and gradually fainted. The disciples of the casting sword villa on one side quickly moved the faint warriors from the lava cave, and then threw them out of the mountain gate to let these warriors leave separately.

Gradually, the number of faint warriors has decreased, which is a test of endurance. If you can't adapt to such an environment, you can't cast weapons here at all.

Soon, the three hours were over, and Ren Fei dragged his tired body away from the lava hole. After leaving the lava hole, his whole body couldn't help softening to the ground.

There are only dozens of warriors who can stand. These warriors are all in a rigid and soft state. They can resist the invasion of the heat wave with their own breath. Naturally, they are not tired at all, but a little embarrassed.

At this moment, the disciples of the sword casting villa appeared again and carried the people who fell to the rest area.

After a day's rest, the remaining warriors went through the second level, and many warriors were eliminated, and only less than 300 warriors stayed.

Soon, the third level also ended. Originally, more than a thousand warriors left only more than 230 warriors, who were quickly assigned to various regions.

In the three-level trial, only 20% of the martial artists have become the introductory disciples of the Sword Casting Villa, which shows how difficult it is to become the introductory disciples of the Sword Casting Villa.

Ren Fei and Ji An came together. More than 20 martial artists in the same line came to a courtyard of the casting sword villa. This is a place where entry-level disciples practice and teach sword casting skills. Once they reach a certain level and realm, they can get the quota of inner disciples.

With his tired body, Ren Fei entered his room and fell asleep.

The trials in the past few days have squeezed all his energy. Although there is a break in the middle, every trial is almost out of strength.

In the morning of the second day, Ren Fei was awakened by a sound of gongs and remembered that today was the first day of the course. After hurriedly washing up, he walked out of the room and went to the designated courtyard.

The course is very simple, that is, if they strike iron, it seems simple, but it is very difficult to make it into steel.

If they can exercise a catty of fine steel within three days, they will become qualified.

Many entry-level disciples of Zhujian Villa, but many of them can only strike iron in Zhujian Villa in their lives and cannot enter the next step of cultivation.

The cultivation method of Casting Sword Villa is simple but strict. As long as you complete the cultivation steps, you can become an inner disciple step by step.

Under the leadership of the teacher, Ren Fei and Ji'an entered the lava cave again. This time, there was a clear division of positions, and other positions were other areas for entry-level disciples to practice. Ren Fei chose a stubborn iron at will and began to exercise.

Two times, it gradually mixed with the voices of other martial artists, and the sound was continuous, making Ren Fei and Ji'an and his party feel their ears roaring.

On the first day, Ren Fei's refined steel was only the size of his little finger, while Ji An was a little smaller than his little finger.

If Ren Fei's breath is not long and his strength is deeper than that of ordinary warriors, I'm afraid only Ji'an will exercise so much fine steel.

In this way, Ren Fei and Ji An practiced fine steel every day. After finishing their practice, they returned to the room and fell asleep.

In the past month, although the amount of fine steel has not increased much day, and there is still a big gap from the requirements, Ren Fei and Ji An feel that their physical strength is gradually increasing, and their strength is getting deeper and deeper day by day.