lian sha

Chapter 236 ambush

"You two will follow me. Don't worry, if Ren Fei dares to sneak up, I won't let him eat it!" The king crab said proudly.

"It's scattered, just give me a chance to do it!"

Seeing the five people searching for their positions separately, Ren Fei couldn't help secretly looking for his target.

"The dragon follows the king crab. It's not easy to do it. It seems that you have to do it from one of the seals and sea lions." Ren Fei glanced back and forth on seals and sea lions. The sea lions were heavily defended, while seals acted quickly.

Finally, Ren Fei's eyes locked on the seal and had mutual defense. Naturally, the seal was much weaker, and it was better to sneak attack.

He quietly took out the fire dragon sword and secretly carried his power. Ren Fei's eyes showed a strong murderous intent. He had not yet attacked the eighth realm of Tongxuan, and there was no knowledge in his heart.

"It seems that the strongest attack must break out and fight quickly, otherwise others will react and I will be surrounded."

slowly approached, and Ren Fei finally hid in a stone crack in front of the seal, covering with the help of coral grass.

The seal completely unaware that Ren Fei had ambushed himself not far ahead, blindly sensing the void and wanted to find Ren Fei's position.


A sword flew into the sky, and the huge force squeezed out the sea water, forming a small space.

"Jushi Immortal Sword Tips, Immortal Sword, Ice and Fire Purgatory!"

With one move, Ren Fei quickly demonstrated the latest magic power, 'ice and fire purgatory'.

This is the magic power of the combination of ice and fire dragons and yin and yang purgatory. The power is very horrible. The seal suddenly senses that its yuan god is shrouded in a horrible air machine and kills its will.

And the power of this sword spirit is very horrible. It has cut his mana defense shield, leaving a terrible blood mark on his body and cutting off the vitality. Only by reorganizing the body can the influence of sword spirit be eliminated.

The double attack of the body and the yuan god shocked the seal, "Is this Ren Fei's strength? It's terrible. This set of attacks is indeed enough to kill Tongxuan's seventh heaven in seconds. No wonder Jiaolong is so afraid. Even if my realm reaches the eighth heaven of Tongxuan, it won't last long. Fortunately, the king crabs are still there. After one breath, they can come here, and then they can besiege Ren Fei and completely suppress them.

"Psychic art, blood explosion art!"

Ren Fei shouted again, and a blood light burst out of his hand, which instantly sank into the seal's body.


The blood in the seal's body was hooked up and kept bursting.


The seal's body suddenly exploded, and without the protection of the body, the seal's yuan god seemed a little flusterile. In less than half a breath, Ren Fei had already burst his body. Although the power of the yuan god did not disappear, in the face of such a fierce Ren Fei, the seal couldn't help but be frightened. "Ren Fei is here, Come here quickly!"


Ren Fei stretched out his hand and a fingerprint flew out. He hit the yuan god of the seal and completely wiped out the seal.

This finger, it is the magic finger that also melts into the hand of the demon and integrates with the magic seal of heaven, resulting in a more powerful attack 'heaven magic finger seal'.

When the king crabs and sea lions came over, they just saw the seal being killed.

"Look for death!"

The king crab brazenly took action. This time, he led the team to chase Ren Fei. If something happened to his teammates, it was difficult for him to get rid of his affairs and would definitely be punished.

In the face of the attack of the king crab, Ren Fei suddenly rose and shuttled in the water to avoid the attack of the king crab.

At this moment, the king crab has transformed into an ontology. Two giant forceps are extremely powerful, with horrible spikes all over the body, ferocious and horrible, which makes people feel chilling from afar.

Wave two huge crab tongs and make a muffled sound.

The mana wrapped the sea to form water-shaped crab tongs one by one, and roared to attack Ren Fei.

"What a terrible brute force. This power alone is not weaker than the power of my current use of the Jade Dynasty Sword to trap the Immortal Sword."

Ren Fei secretly estimated it in his heart, but the power of the Jade Dynasty Sword Secret has not been fully developed. The higher his realm, the greater the power of the Jade Dynasty Sword Formula.

With the power of the immortal sword, he is enough to kill Tongxuan's seventh heaven with the realm of Tongxuan's fifth heaven!

Dare not be careless, Ren Fei floated and began to hit the sea.

In the sea, it is still unwise to fight with demons.

Previously, I entered the sea for a sneak attack, but now that the purpose of the sneak attack has been achieved, there is no need to continue.

"Do you want to escape from the sea when I'm a decoration?"

At this time, the sea lion let out a dull and horrible roar, and the sound of the urn burst. Suddenly, Ren Fei felt a horrible squeeze from the sea in his ear. A huge fist appeared in his eyes, as if to blow his brain with one punch.

Bang! Boom!

Ren Fei's body turned upside down, and a huge force hit the blood demon mask formed by his own Tiansha demon body, and unexpectedly made a sound like a big hammer ringing a bell, which made his blood churt, but this force did not break the defense of the Tiansha demon body. Only the surrounding sea water was shaken on all sides, and the smoke and clouds were as rough as waves, forming a small water space.

With this delay, Ren Fei immediately fell into the siege of four people.

At this moment, all four people turned into an ontology, and the essence rushed straight to the sea, and then cut through the sky, rolling white clouds surging, and the celestial phenomena changed.

The two dragons made bursts of dragons, causing a lot of trouble for Ren Fei.

Because this kind of dragon chant is aimed at the yuan god, which can affect the operation of magic power and thus reduce the opponent's power.

"Ice Blade Domain!"

At this critical time, Ren Fei used the 'cold blade field', which is to form a strong defense with the help of the power of the extremely cold ice fire itself.

Originally, Ren Fei was about to give up this move, because he had derived the magic attack of the frozen throne on the basis of this move.

However, the attack of the frozen throne is more than enough, but the defense seems to be insufficient.

Sure enough, the ice blade field relieved Ren Fei's passivity at once. When he turned sideways, Ren Fei's body disappeared and appeared on the sea the next moment.

"Damn it, let's chase it!"

Seeing Ren Fei tearing open the void and fleeing directly to the sea, the king crab and sea lion were furious and quickly chased out.

At their level, they can easily lock Ren Fei's escape position, but they are not afraid that Ren Fei will escape completely.

Unless Ren Fei still has a strange treasure like a virtual thunder pearl, which makes the void collapse and can't lock the coordinates for a while.

Or, Ren Fei directly abandons a psychic magic weapon and self-detonation, which can also achieve such an effect.

Of course, it is impossible for Ren Fei to blow up a psychic magic weapon.

And the current situation has not reached that point!