lian sha

Chapter 247 Harvest

Boomed, Ren Fei's blood bulged and burst into bursts of roar.

"Light-electric virtual spirit chopping!"

At this critical juncture, Xiang Zhe also showed his fairy magic power. With this move, he only used three breaths to defeat the deadly Langjun, which is enough to prove how terrible the power of this move is.


A terrible mark was drawn in the sky, and blood flew out.

A deep bone crack appeared on Ren Fei's fist, and a horrible wound was cut on his chest.

Tick, tick, sizzle!

The blood fell into the hot yellow sand and immediately made a buzzing sound, and the blood instantly turned into blood gas.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be a foreign strong middle job, and today is my lucky luck." Xiang Zhe licked his lips, and his eyes were filled with greedy light.

"You are not qualified to kill me!" Ren Fei snorted coldly. He had seen this move and could not dodge it at all. He could only resist a hard blow.

The speed of light and electricity is unparalleled.

stimulated the power of the gend, repaired the body in an instant, and Ren Fei's body flew again.


The sword light of the dragon sword became much condensed, and the sword flowers floated one by one. Xiang Zhe felt a wave of heat and cold from the yuan god.

"What kind of magic power is this? It's so strange. Is it a fusion of extreme ice and fire and sun flame?" Xiang Zhe guessed an overview in an instant and sneered in his heart, "You are playing with fire, aren't I? You have extreme ice fire and yang flame, and so do I. Let's see what you can do to me!"

The momentum is growing crazily, brush, brush, brush!

"Ice and Fire Purgatory!"

Ren Fei shouted, and the sword flower suddenly condensed into two horrible ice and fire dragons, entangling each other, and immediately turned Xiang Zhe around him into a purgatory.

The breath of terror is shrouded, constantly eroding Xiang Zhe's mana and genh's breath.

Ah, ah, ah, ah!

An extremely horrible scream came from Xiang Zhe's mouth. At this time, Xiang Zhe suffered a huge loss. He thought Ren Fei was playing with flames, but he didn't expect to use yin and yang purgatory.

"It's impossible. How can you do such a forbidden spell as yin and yang purgatory in Huangquanmen?" Xiang Zhe's eyes showed unbelievable, and his face was a little distorted, showing an expression of extreme resentment.

"Magic Fingerprint!"

Just as Xiang Zheyuan was struggling, Ren Fei's fingertips shot another dark light, dark and ghosting, and blood rolling.

hong hong hong hong!

Xiang Zhe's body burst, his flesh and blood flew, and blood spilled down, dyeing the yellow sand bright red.

At the same time, Ren Fei's body brazenly approached and once again used Tongtian's blood fist, integrating the posture of Dayi's Japanese fist and seven-star bead breaking, so that the power of Tongtian's blood boxing reached the extreme.


Xiang Zhe, who was in the realm of Taixu, lost his life, and all kinds of resources were collected by Ren Fei.

"It's so rich. Everyone has one or two million yuan of money and a few psychic magic weapons."

After collecting the things, Ren Fei returned it quickly.

Avenue money, a monk with the most mysterious heaven, has condensed at most 500 avenue money in a year. Even if it is the most empty realm, it only condenses 10,000 avenue money in a year.

At this moment, he collects the road money of Monkey Spirit and Xiang Zhe, and let him fly from a beggar to a millionaire.

Rich overnight.

"With this money, it is enough for me to quickly practice to the ninth heaven of Tongxuan!"

Ren Fei was secretly happy. Although his cultivation speed was very fast, he fainted in the depths of the void for a hundred years. Now he has only passed through the sixth heavenly realm. If there is money to swallow and practice, he can break through a realm in a year. If he buys enlightenment elixir, it will be faster.

Soon, Ren Fei returned to the oasis. At this moment, Jiuyinzi was still struggling to support him. In the face of the suppression of Taoist weapons, he was doomed to come to an end. At this moment, he was just a trapped beast.

"Who the hell are you? You are not a barbarian trainer at all." Jiuyinzi roared, and Ren Fei's possession of Taoist weapons is enough to prove that Ren Fei is by no means a barbarian trainer, because the barbarians do not know any refining skills at all. They can only domesticate beasts and communicate with wild beasts, which is equivalent to magic weapons.

"I'm just a small role, and you're going to die. Why do you ask so much?" Ren Fei laughed.

"This Taoist friend, you must be the son of a senior in the realm of Taoism. What small roles are there? Why do you compete with us real small characters? Just let me go. I swear to the heart demon that I won't say anything today." Jiuyinzi's face changed several times and whispered.

"Let you go, haha, and then let you move the rescuers? In any of your clever words, your only end today is death. I only believe that the dead will really keep their mouth shut!" Ren Fei said with a cold smile.

"You... Now that you have killed Xiang Zhe of Qingcangmen and the monkey spirit of the Demon Sect, you have offended the two immortal sects. If you offend our Demon Sect again, there will be no place for you in the whole ancient continent." Jiuyinzi Qijiedao.

"Don't worry about this. Don't resist meaninglessly. Hand over Jiuyou Lihuo and a dry thing, and I'll let you die with a decent life." Ren Fei shook his head, and then his tone became gloomy.

"Hahaha, let me die with a decent death? If you want to leave the fire, there is no door!" Jiuyinzi suddenly showed a cold smile at the corners of his mouth.

Seeing the abnormal smile of Jiuyinzi, Ren Fei suddenly felt a danger and suddenly thought of a possibility. He quickly urged the mana to pour into the Tongtian order, and at the same time urged the fire dragon sword to protect his body.

Just after completing these actions, a terrible explosion suddenly sounded and spread across hundreds of thousands of miles.

The self-detonation of several psychic magic weapons and Jiuyinzi's own self-explosion are enough to shake the Taoist device.

Seeing the sky make the glory shake, shaky, and the strong air waves blow, this oasis was immediately ruthlessly erased and turned into a barren land again.

And Ren Fei also felt that his body was hit by a powerful air wave. This power is like a master in the late state of Taixu, which is very terrible.


Ren Fei spewed out a long blood line, and the whole Ren Fei was extremely weak.

"I'm careless. This man is still so sinister when he dies. Sure enough, he is indeed a person of the Demon Sect. I heard that all the disciples of the Demon Sect are all fierce people. It seems that there is nothing wrong at all. He is not really cruel to others. Only being cruel to himself is really cruel!" Ren Fei calmed down his blood and suddenly grabbed his big hand.

A strange fire was captured in his hand, and part of the road money, and everything else was ruthlessly destroyed.

"For fortunately, the form of the strange fire is different. Finally, six different fires have been collected. The next three strange fires are the most important and extremely rare." Ren Fei was overjoyed that almost all the money of Jiuyinzi had been dissipated, leaving only tens of thousands of money, but this was also a large income.

10,000 avenue money is enough for a monk with the sixth heaven to condense for four or five years to complete it.