lian sha

Chapter 335 Three Fairy Instruments

"Sure enough, but I have a set of fairy fragments to temporarily protect my body. Senluo Wanxiang can buy me ten breathing gap time. I must find the fairy weapon before the other party chases me. I have a chance to turn over, otherwise I will die completely!" Ren Fei has long known that the other party must have laid a large array in the void turbulence, but he has no choice, and the effect can only maintain ten breaths with fairy power. At that time, the three people will inevitably go deep into the void turbulence to intercept him.

At that time, with the help of the great array of void turbulence, I'm afraid it would be less auspicious.

Entering the void turbulence, I suddenly found that it was more than 100 times larger than the previous void turbulence.

This is simply to evolve into a stable void turbulence, and then evolve into a fairy fetus.

Deep into the void turbulence, while resisting the power of the three people under the void turbulence with the help of the power of a set of fairy fragments, Ren Fei searched for the whereabouts of the fairy weapon with all his strength.

At the beginning, the chaotic demon king got the fairy weapon, which also dissipated the stable void, but now the void turbulence still exists, and it is very difficult to find it.

You don't have to think about it. The three must have searched, but they didn't find a trace, so they set up a big array, waited for him to be caught, and then slowly searched.

But he had no choice but to take ten breaths to get him the first opportunity.

The power of destroying withering and rotting, using fairy power to promote a set of fairy fragments is very powerful. Despite this, the three are also very close to pursue.

With the convenience and obstruction of the war, the gap between the two sides is getting smaller and smaller.

"Oh, there are still about three breath distances, and I'm about to be caught up!"

After more than 30 breaths, he felt the breath behind him, and Ren Fei was shocked. If it hadn't been for the fact that a set of fairy fragments in his hand and the use of fairy power, he would have been caught up as long as after the effect of Senluo Wanxiang disappeared for two or three breaths.

There are only three breathing distances, and at most ten breaths, he will be hunted down and killed.

"Oh, there's a reaction!"

At this time, after going deep into the void and turbulence, Ren Fei suddenly felt a difference, and there seemed to be a call in the dark.

"Yes, I used fairy power to stimulate a set of fairy fragments to enter the depths and resonate with this void and turbulence!" Ren Feixin suddenly understood that the fairy weapon has been silent for 100,000 years and feels the power of the fairy power, and then there will be a reaction. If it were other times, it would definitely not cause any resonance.

Thinking of this, Ren Fei is overjoyed, and there is no way out.

After entering, every breath was suffering, and the hope became smaller and smaller.

Now the peak turns around, following the call in his heart, Ren Fei flew to that place, and suddenly noticed the feeling of calling from a node in the void and turbulence.


Ren Fei burst the void storm, his body touched the node, and suddenly disappeared into the void turbulence and appeared in another space. This is a sealed space, and only one node of the void turbulence can enter.

The three of them were shocked when the trace of Ren Fei suddenly disappeared.

Although it is easy to reach their level and get out of the turbulence, there is a large array laid by them together. Even masters of the same level can't get out, let alone for a moment.

"Sure enough, Ren Fei really has a big secret. We searched this void and turbulence but couldn't find the fairy weapon. Looking at the current situation, he must have reached a trace of contact with the fairy weapon!" Monkey's eyes flashed with faint light, but the node that Ren Fei had just disappeared had already changed its position under the influence of the void storm. No matter how they searched, they could not find the node where Ren Fei disappeared.

"We just wanted to suppress Ren Fei and get the secret of the fairy weapon from his mouth, but in this way, he will definitely come out of here. With the cooperation of the three of us and the big array, it is useless for him to get the fairy weapon!" The tone of the master of Huangquanmen was gloomy and cold.

Hearing the words of the master of Huangquanmen, Monkey Ling nodded and Ren Fei used a set of fairy fragments. Although the power of the explosion was not as good as the complete fairy weapon, it was not much different. Even if Ren Fei got the complete fairy weapon, the power of the explosion was not their opponent!

However, they calculated a lot, but they didn't expect that Ren Fei had fairy power to stimulate a truly complete fairy weapon, which was more powerful than the power to stimulate fairy art and a set of fairy artifact fragments.

Moreover, a set of fairy fragments can be driven by a limited number of times. Once he gets a complete fairy weapon, Ren Fei will have no scruples.

This closed space is not big, just like a small room.

A complete and undamaged fairy weapon is suspended in the center of the space, emitting strong fluctuations.

"Oh, you just robbed the fifth disaster. How can you evolve the power of immortality!"

Suddenly, a suspicious voice sounded in Ren Fei's mind.

It is the spirit of the fairy.

Ren Fei was shocked. He didn't expect that this fairy weapon did not dissipate. Although the fairy weapon obtained by the chaotic demon king at the beginning was complete, the weapon spirit dissipated and its power weakened a lot. That's exactly what he could feel when he thought about it.

"With a spirit, it seems that it is difficult to subdue the fairy weapon with my strength!" Ren Fei said secretly in his heart.

Just as Ren Fei was thinking about countermeasures, the voice of the fairy spirit sounded in his mind, "No matter how you have the ability to evolve immortal power, as long as you help me recover in the future, I can become your weapon, but in the future, when you fly to the fairyland, I will leave by myself!"

"Help you recover?" Ren Fei asked in a low voice.

"Yes, my intelligence has been silent for nearly 100,000 years. I have only recently regained consciousness, but it is very weak. If you can evolve immortal power, I can recover with the help of immortal power." The fairy spirit responded, "I know that your fairy power has evolved with the help of fairy spirit. As long as I recover one of them, I can extract these immortal spirits by myself, and you will have a continuous stream of fairy spirit!"

"What a continuous stream of fairy spirit, that's not an inexhaustible fairy power I can use!" Ren Fei was shocked.

Seeing Ren Fei's surprise, the fairy spirit slowly said, "I have absorbed a lot of fairy spirit in my body, but now I have not recovered and can't refine the fairy spirit. Even if I extract the fairy spirit, I can't evolve into fairy power."

"No problem!" Ren Fei readily agreed that even if there was no continuous stream of fairy spirit, he was very willing.

Just now, he was still thinking about how to subdue the fairy weapon, but he didn't expect the fairy weapon to take the initiative to follow him.

But he forgot that since the fairy weapon took the initiative to call him, naturally he would not have these troubles.

was also to blame for being hunted down by three people, which made him temporarily lose his judgment.

"Let's solve the three people who chased you, and then I will try my best to let you practice, so that your ascension to the fairyland will greatly reduce thousands of years of hardship. I can also return to the fairyland as soon as possible, and then refine my posture into a human!" The fairy spirit spit out a secret.

General fairy weapons do not have the ability to achieve transformation.

However, Ren Fei did not understand this and shook his head and said, "Don't worry. Now that immortals are blocked, it is not so simple to return to the fairyland. I must have enough strength to deal with those immortals so that I can hope to enter the fairyland!"

"Xianfan barrier? Immortals?" The fairy spirit became silent and thought through everything in an instant and said, "It seems that they want to plunder the soar's immortal power to maintain its strength will not fail, but if I restore my strength and the other party only has three or two, I think your life is not in danger."

"There are not only three or two!" Ren Fei shook his head.

"Oh, you haven't come into contact with this layer yet. How do you know?" The fairy spirit was a little surprised.

"I got a soaring jade Jane who successfully escaped from the immortals, according to speculation." Ren Fei took out Yu Jian and then explained his speculation.

"So that's it. It seems that the immortals are not one side, otherwise that person will not have a chance to escape!" After listening to Ren Fei's narration, the fairy spirit said in a low voice.

"Two groups of immortals?" Ren Fei heard the extrasound of the fairy spirit and was shocked. At least he can now conclude that there are six or seven people on the other side, which is a terrible number.

"Well, there are at least six or seven people on the other side. It seems that you have to find some masters who also have fairy weapons!" The fairy weapon spirit said slowly, "However, in the ancient war, I'm afraid there are no three fairy weapons that can be intact! I sensed a complete fairy weapon from your Taoist instrument, but the spirit dissipated.

"What, there are fairy weapons in my Taoist weapons!" Ren Fei was shocked.