Magic Hunter

Chapter 11 Haunted House

Chapter 11 The House

At noon, there were fewer guests, and the small fast food restaurant basically couldn't see anything. Interestingly, the uncle who got sick as soon as he was inspired did not leave, but waited patiently until Tang Jia got off work...

What else can I do? Since he bumped into this pervert, Tang Jia could only reluctantly walk over and chat with him.

Wow, Tang Jia doesn't think that she can get rid of this pervert as soon as she leaves. No, she deeply believes that if she doesn't go there now and have a good chat with this young childhood sweetheart, maybe she will see this guy's disgusting face by her bedside at night...

This has never happened. In fact, since the kindergarten, the uncle has done so.

So, Tang Jia also sat opposite the uncle helplessly, with no good face: "Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

The uncle was not in a hurry to answer, but ordered another glass of strawberry-flavored ice cream. Of course, the only ice creamer could be Tang Jia. You know, Han Xiaoxin has been deeply taboo since she saw the uncle's inspiration.

Tang Jia refused at first, but now it's time to get off work anyway. Besides, the partner is still this madman. Even if it's working time, she is willing to think about it. But after hesitation, she still stood up and ordered a cup of ice cream for him...

"Thank you," taking the ice cream, the uncle seemed very polite: "Do you want it, this is good," he smiled: "If you want, I can bleed a lot -- half of you."


It's half for you!!

What's wrong with the world? Are men so stingy!! ( But Lin, who was lying down, was also shot).

If the uncle knew what Tang Jia was thinking now, he would definitely say so - how can he practice men's stingyness without gold worshippers all over the world? In the final analysis, men are forced...

"Thank you!" In front of the uncle, Tang Jia wanted to be calm and calm: "Don't be so polite!" ( Eat you to death).

Yes, I don't know whether this guy is an earth creature or not. From the beginning to now, he has eaten almost 20 cups. What's more powerful is the same strawberry flavor.

The uncle smiled, and Tang Jia's angry appearance always made him feel comfortable and relaxed. But soon, the crystal-like necklace on her chest attracted his interest more than Tang Jia's crazy cuteness.

He doesn't seem to be an ordinary person. The necklace, which has no characteristics in the eyes of ordinary people, is different from him, and even rare.

Then he stopped laughing and his expression became slightly serious: "...who sent it?" He asked very directly. He knew more or less that Tang Jia could not get such a necklace casually.

"............?!" Tang Jia was stunned and stared at the uncle for a long time, looking slightly nervous. But she thought about it carefully and felt that it was impossible for the uncle to see anything. Maybe she was just curious.

In this way, Tang Jia, who was a little nervous just now, was relieved a lot, and then slowly said, "A friend... a friend who is not very familiar with..." She seemed hesitant. She was not very sure what kind of relationship she had with Lin. Perhaps, a strange friend would be more appropriate.

"Friends?" Tang Jia's hesitation and nervousness just now, the uncle may have guessed that the friend she didn't know well should not be an ordinary person: "... Can you tell me a little bit about that friend you are familiar with?" He is very interested, or he now wants to know who will give this necklace to Tang Jia.

"......" Tang Jia hesitated again. Obviously, her hesitation was more of a lack of understanding of her uncle: "What's wrong?" She was a little uneasy: "...just a friend I've seen several times..."

Seeing Tang Jia say this, the uncle smiled again: "... Maybe your friend is also my friend."

"...?!" Tang Jia was surprised. She was not sure whether this childhood sweetheart was making fun of or something.

But when Tang Jia asked what was going on, the uncle stood up and looked like he wanted to leave...

Now Tang Jia was anxious and said that sooner or later, she just caught the uncle: "Pay the bill!!"

The uncle's face did not blush and his heart beat, and he looked very calm: "Look at you," he gracefully took out his wallet: "Am I the kind of person who eats the overlord's meal?" Speaking of this, he kindly took out a full coupon, and then said very gracefully, " change."

Tang Jia: "............" She was speechless, but what made her speechless was that the coupon of this hand was not the coupon of her fast food restaurant at all.

It was still a step slower. When Tang Jia found this, the uncle had already grabbed the door and ran faster than the thief.

"Wan Ruoxiang!!" Chasing to the door, Tang Jia shouted the man's evil name angrily, full of resentment.


Hell Street.

Just after taking a cold shower, Lin, who was on his upper body, walked out of the bathroom slowly. Then, he sat on the bright red boss's chair, lited a cigarette, and took a sip that seemed to enjoy it.

Unfortunately, in such a leisurely moment, the old landline phone on the table rings...

He frowned slightly. Lin didn't seem to want to answer the phone, but he finally picked it up and said reluctantly: "Hey."

"The old man wants to see you." There was a sweet but mature voice from the other end of the phone. Don't guess, it must be Xia Ya of the D cup.

Lin is not surprised: "...I'll be there in half an hour." It would be strange if the old man didn't see himself.

Lin looks very depressed when he hangs up the phone. Generally speaking, there is usually nothing good to see the old man.

"...It's killing me." Wearing a coat and trousers, Lin smiled bitterly. He still understands that the next days will not be so comfortable and free. This makes him very painful. How to put it, most of the time, Lin is still willing to be a jobless wanderer waiting to die.

Sigh and walk to the door...

————Just after a few steps, he suddenly stopped and turned around. His eyes gradually fell on the blue sword.

Yes, that long sword is [Qinglong] tightly bound by four blue chains.

"..." He was very contradictory. He seemed to want to take Qinglong with him, but he didn't seem to want to. After a while, he smiled bitterly, and then said to himself helplessly, "Be realistic, this thing can't be controlled, forget it..."

Indeed, compared with the magic sword Jumijia, Qinglong can not be forcibly controlled by relying only on the blood of darkness. In fact, compared with Kumijia, Qinglong's absolute counterattack, even the blood of darkness can't escape, let alone use the unique [power absorption] of dark blood to control Qinglong,

Of course, if Lin wants to use Qinglong, it is not impossible, just as Death expected, break the nine precepts...

But it is obvious that as far as the current situation is concerned, without the support of complete dragon patterns, breaking the ring is tantamount to self-harm to Lin.

Therefore, Lin can only admit helplessly that in a short period of time, even within a few years, Qinglong, he can't pull it out.


Driving the blue motorcycle, I ran out of the downtown forest and stopped in the suburbs...

Er, this is not so much a suburb, but a miserable and unfinished street. How to put it, the infrastructure and supporting facilities here are no less than the downtown block. Even, some of the latest configurations are better than that, but the popularity here is few, and there is basically no visible within a hundred meters.

It's ridiculous to say. A few years ago, it was known as the Oriental Venice, a water world where simplicity and luxury coexist. At that time, the advertisement was overwhelming, crying and howling, for fear that others would not know that this place would be developed into the latest commercial district...

But now, except for those large unfinished puddles, it is really difficult for people to associate with the beautiful water world.

As for the reason, to put it simply, it is haunted.

Four or five people disappeared inexplicably, and even the bodies could not be found. It was difficult for people not to contact supernatural phenomena.

Of course, now that we worship science, people who have not experienced it will certainly not believe anything strange. What's more, for developers, stopping construction is waiting to waste the early investment for no reason. As businessmen, how can they accept it?

Then, like this, stop and move, and the land finally built the first building...

But the matter did not end there, and what happened after that completely made the developer give up...


Yes! The missing people are back...

The result was naturally tragic. The appearance of the dead killed fifty-three people, and most of the surviving people were admitted to the mental hospital because of excessive frightening.

People can't explain this phenomenon, let alone find it out. After that, it seems that a special action group intervened, and the matter is just like this...

It is logical that this development zone, which was once highly favored, has become an unfinished project. Of course, developers have reduced the price and even discounted 50% for the first time, but there is still no one here. Over time, it has become a ghost street in people's hearts.

But for people like the old man, it is really suitable to open a shop here.

Lin still prefers it here. Compared with the building of the last century in Hell Street, the shops here are really much stronger. Among other things, it is said that it rains and does not leak. With this alone, Lin has an absolute reason to move here.

As for why Lin didn't move here, in the final analysis, it is still evil money. By the way, you don't have to think about moving before he pays off the debt of beauty Xia Ya.

————When he got out of the car, Lin took a deep breath and seemed to be a little nervous. Then, he walked into the store marked [Haunted House].

The shop is good, and the decoration is luxurious, with green brick glass. In fact, this is not so much a haunted house as a very elegant small bar. However, this bar does not sell alcohol, but superstitious items such as charms.

These things can be seen everywhere. In all directions of the store, on the wall, there are more or less a few runes that do not fit the scene.

These runes are not cast by the usual paper in the imagination, which is not difficult to see. You know, the existence of those runes is not pasted on the wall, but abides by a certain rule, floating back and forth with circular rules against a certain point...

And at Lin's feet, every step he takes, the cyan marble will appear a seemingly promiseless array, and then, just like it appeared quietly, when Lin walked out of the second step, the front array completely disappeared, and the second array appeared tightly...

Lin already saw that it was not strange. He would not pay attention to the strangeness under his feet, so he had to take it seriously. It was the one at the counter, wearing a pair of reading glasses, and was quietly looking at an old man in an ancient book.

This old man gives people a very different feeling. His existence is not old-fashioned. Even if his hair is white and his face is full of wrinkles, he is like a young man with very strong vitality, giving people a chance to feel unprecedented vitality.

However, when the old man closed the book and his vicissitudes of eyes quietly looked at Lin, Lin unconsciously had a chill in his back. It seemed that at this moment, there was an invisible dagger tightly against his deadly neck, as if as long as one was unwilling, the dagger entered his throat...

Lin doesn't like this feeling very much. He doesn't like it at all, but he has to admit that this is the old man, who is known as the strongest [purple hunter] in history.