Magic Hunter

Chapter 15 Do you want to eat?

Chapter 15 Do you still want to eat?

It's past 11 noon when I came to Han Xin to change shifts. As expected, it was still in the corner by the window. The uncle waited patiently until now.

At the counter, Han Xin, who changed her work clothes, looked at Tang Jia with an innocent face beside her and expressed sympathy: "... Are you really not going to call the police?" In Han Xin's opinion, such a perverted uncle should be caught to save pollution of the world: "Really, this kind of guy should have a good memory... Call the police... That's right."

Tang Jia's innocent big eyes were watery. She wanted to call the police, but then she thought about it again. What if Wan Ruoxiang became more perverted? In that case...

She didn't dare to think about it any more. In fact, a long time ago, when she was a three-year-old child, just because she was punished by the teacher, this guy fell in love with the feeling of being punished.

This had nothing to do with her. That guy doesn't like to stand. But the reality is not like this. Every time, the child can always pull himself up, and then enjoy the happiness of the penalty station with a smile on his face.

This shadow has remained until now, so Tang Jia felt that if Wan Ruoxiang, a pervert, fell in love with the cell, she believed that he would be as good as a child, to make his absolutely innocent self suffer with him.

Tang Jia has no doubt about this at all. You know, Wan Ruoxiang, who has no advantages, really has such ability.

In fact, Wan Ruoxiang has always been very good at dragging people into the water and pulling people to fold quilts. Even, the inexplicable pleasure made him deeply like it. Slowly, this immoral thing has become a habit, a hobby.

It is worth mentioning that for the people he likes, his hobby has intensified, even a kind of compulsion.

Therefore, Wan Ruoxiang's perversion is no longer the kind of perversion that people can imagine, but a psychopath that completely violates common sense and logic...

Neuropathy is terrible. No one wants to get into trouble with neuropathy. Naturally, Tang Jia, who has always had a deep understanding, is no exception.

In this way, Tang Jia could only quietly look at Wan Ruoxiang, who had already waved to himself, and then walked over like a dead place.

"...a child with a hard life." Looking at Tang Jia, who was gradually leaving, Han Xin sighed and shook her head

Yes, when you meet Wan Ruoxiang, who doesn't suffer, who dares to be miserable, and who dares to say that the world is still full of hope?!

No, absolutely not, at least, that powerful creature has not yet appeared on earth.

At a short distance of a few meters, Tang Jia felt infinitely long, as if she could never see the end of the mirage, which was real but so illusory.

Then, as after centuries, she finally came to Wan Ruoxiang...

He is laughing. Yes, even if there is nothing wrong with his smile, he can even say that kindness is full of the unique charm of men's vicissitudes. But in Tang Jia's eyes, Wan Ruoxiang's laughter is worse than crying, which really makes people want to slap him...

But Wan Ruoxiang didn't think it was such a thing at all. Tang Jia's resentment and helpless eyes at this moment were a kind of reluctance and girl's unique reserve. In this way, his smile became brighter, and his self-confidence was unparalleled. Then, he had a wisp of bangs with no beauty at all, which seemed to be deep. To the indeflicable eyes, he stared at Tang Jia in front of him...

"..." Tang Jia was speechless. If you are not sincere, the lines can be moved here, and there is no taste of imitation. This is not what ordinary people can do.

"...That's all for dinner. I'll leave when you invite me." He was still saying, "It's your problem if you don't invite me. I'm going to ask you to invite me. This is my problem. I have no problem now, and you have a very problematic problem."

He sighed: "As a girl with problems, it is difficult to have a boyfriend." He showed some generous helplessness: "In this case, I can only be wronged... Well, I'm willing to have this meal."

Tang Jia: "..............." She now deeply believes that when a person is shameless to a certain level, human beings can no longer stop him.


The white bike stopped in the old community. There don't seem to be many people living here. At a glance, most of the houses are empty, and by chance, I can only see a few old people passing by.

That's right. This old area will be demolished in two months. If you can go, you can go. And like Tang Jia, except here, they really have nothing to go.

Wan Ruoxiang was not very surprised. In fact, he knew that Tang Jia lived here from the beginning. However, he still admires Tang Jia...

Think about it, the young lady who stretched out her hand from a dress had nothing in a blink of an eye, but she had to take care of a younger brother at the age of thirteen. How much courage it takes to face such a cruel reality. Wan Ruoxiang even felt that if it were him, he would not only lose everything he had before, but also the only parents he could rely on would live in memory forever. He thought he would go crazy...

Can Tang Jia live, live strong...

This is where Wan Ruoxiang admires Tang Jia. He really can't imagine how strong he is to live so optimistically.

If Tang Jia knew what Wan Ruoxiang was thinking now, she might only smile, and then say lightly that it was not how strong she was, but that she was only strong...

"...What are you in a daze?" After walking for a long time, seeing Wan Ruoxiang still standing in place in a daze, Tang Jia asked a quiet question.

————She seemed to think of something, and her calm look faded a little: "...let you down." In her opinion, Wan Ruoxiang's impression of her is still in the former villa and mansion. Today's reality makes him unable to accept it for a while, so he is stunned.

Tang Jia has never encountered this situation. Except for Han Xin, most people are Wan Ruoxiang's current reaction.

She is also psychologically prepared or used to it, so she didn't have the embarrassment and embarrassment at the beginning, but smiled as usual: "...It's okay...if you..."

"If? If what?" Wan Ruoxiang looked a little nervous: "If you don't want me to go to your house for dinner, I'll tell you that I'll be anxious with you!" It seemed that it was true. He quickly caught up with him, and then stared at Tang Jia, who was a little stunned, seriously: "No if! I've made up this meal!!"

"...!" Tang Jia suddenly felt that the bitch in front of him didn't seem to be as annoying as he thought. It seemed that he was still a little cute.

She was a little moved. Although she didn't want to admit that she was moved by the bitch in front of her, she was just moved. Then, her big watery eyes turned a little red: "...thank you." In fact, moving is not as difficult as expected. A simple action, a simple look, a simple expression, it will always move people who seem to be indifferent.

But for Wan Ruoxiang, Tang Jia's emotion is completely unnecessary. He should be moved (believe it, when he has no money to eat, he can find someone to eat for free, which is really touching).

But he didn't want to show it. Compared with Tang Jia, who dared to express his true feelings, he really didn't have the courage to express his feelings. Therefore, he just smiled and joked, "Don't thank me. I'm so good..." He pretended to be stupid: "-Yes, what do you thank me for?"

"Cut!" Tang Jia smiled, not the reluctant smile just now, but really happy.

"Hey! This tone is not right.

"I want you to take care of it!"

"No... You didn't thank me just now... Why now..."

"Do you still want to eat? That's too much!"

" can you use food as a threat without such..."
