Magic Hunter

Chapter 66 Magic Bondage

Chapter Sixty-six Magic Bondage

Therefore, Lin is a little surprised. For Xia Ya, even if there is a layer of boundary on the bone sword, but because it is exploring the core of the devil, that boundary can't have any effect. Even in the most common state at the beginning, Lin does not think that Xia Ya can easily perceive it.

Xia Ya is still calm. She has always been very measured. In Lin's opinion, if it were the usual Xia Ya, she would not have the idea of fighting a bone sword, at least before her ability advanced...

But now, she seems to be very abnormal. The shocking wound on her right hand is still in her eyes, but she is still holding the impossible bone sword, a little relentless, and even vowing not to give up.

Lin is very clear that this is not Xia Ya's style, nor should it be her style.

Thinking of this, he looked at Xia Ya with a little more confusion and confusion, but he seemed to be a little curious: "...bone sword is very important to you?" He asked softly, "You seem to be very persistent." He could see that although Xia Ya was well covered up, such a look was something that Lin had never seen before. He seemed to be uneasy, expectant, and full of hope. This kind of eyes is slightly complicated. In the final analysis, it is a kind of struggle, and it can also be said to be a kind of gambling...

Lin is not unfamiliar with such a look. He has seen too many people have such a look, but in the end, it is more miserable than the other, because that kind of desperate gambling has always been a gorgeous curtain call. Today, Lin saw such eyes again, and it was not others who showed such eyes, but Xia Ya in front of him.

Seriously, Lin was more or less worried when he saw Xia Ya's eyes, but he did not show it, just like Xia Ya now, with that meaningless fake smile.

Then, in this very beautiful smile, Xia Ya looked at Lin faintly and said quietly, "Have you ever heard such a story... It's about a wounded wolf who was saved by human beings, and then, in order to repay his kindness, it ate the human who saved him." She still smiled, but that smile seemed to be a little more bitter: "... It sounds incredible, but the truth is that it was the human who saved the wolf..."

"............" Hearing this, Lin seemed to guess the meaning of Xia Ya's words: "-- Do you want to be this wolf?"

Xia Ya smiled. She did not answer directly, but continued to tell the story: "... The wolf found out very early that the reason why it was alive was just because the human wanted it to live, and then, at the right time, it became a lot to show off in front of others." Speaking of this, she paused and deliberately glanced at Lin: "It's a hunting ground. It's a prey, but that human is a hunter... So, in the wolf's opinion, there are only two choices for its reward. One is to show you a chic death, and the other is to live with death."

She looked at the blood moon in the night sky: "The wolf finally died at the gun of another hunter... But before that, it was so close to its former freedom, as if it was within reach."

"We all want to live, so we can do anything for it, because we are afraid of death." She smiled helplessly: "But I want to be that wolf. Even if I am doomed to die, I have to pursue it. Freedom is ahead."

Xia Ya is almost the same, but unlike Lin, what she has is not that kind of expectation, but more and more obvious uneasiness. It's not that she didn't think that Lin can't be recovered now because the dark blood sucks the magic of the bone sword, but she doesn't think that the magic of the bone sword can be so domineering and can resist the fusion of the dark blood. You know, the magic sucked by the dark blood is equivalent to being instantly integrated by it, and there is rarely absorbed magic. But it can't be integrated, no, no, no, it's absolutely impossible.

But because of Xu Si, she now has to reconsider this impossible possibility. After all, Xu Si can be called an expert in magic matters.

In this way, if Lin's current state is because the bone sucks the magic situation that the bone sword cannot be fully integrated, Xia Ya feels that Lin unconsciously has a necessary connection with the bone sword, and this connection is obviously very troublesome.

Let's put it this way, Lin's current magic begins to be inseparable from the magic of the bone sword itself, and even cherish the correspondingly. That is to say, if Xu Si chooses to clean up the bone sword and quickly return it to its normal state, then the magic hidden by the bone sword again will inevitably affect Lin...

This is terrible. Lin is still in a state of demonization, and this magic to maintain demonization is not his own power. A large part of it belongs to the bone sword. In other words, the disappearance and hiding of the magic of the bone sword, the part of the magic that cannot be fully integrated in Lin's body will also react, that is, [magic bondage].

The so-called magic bondage is because of the uncontrollable powerful magic, which bursts out because of the instantaneous hiding. This kind of counterattack is extraordinary, and it will not break out if you are not careful.

This is not a joke at all. Lin is now like a balloon full of air, and eliminating the magic on the bone sword is like squeezing the balloon. Although the magic can be eliminated and hidden, Lin himself will not be able to withstand this absolute power and completely collapse...

This is the terrible thing about the bondage of magic. Usually, their own magic generally dissipates from a specific exit and finally disappears, and does not belong to them, or does not fully fuse their own magic. The dissipation of their magic does not pass through that specific exit, but rushes around...

Under such circumstances, the magic is easy to cause damage to the body, especially for the current Lin. After all, he is in a state of breaking the ring at this moment. The magic that can compete with and maintain balance is slowly disappearing over time. If the magic from the bone sword produces magic shackles, then Lin will really be finished.

As Xia Ya guessed, when Xu Si felt the magic from the bone sword from Lin's body, she already felt tricky. Just like now, Xu Si has recovered more or less seriously. She looked at the bone sword still frozen by black ice crystals under her feet, and her expression was a little dignified...

"Hey, hey, hey!" Lin was really anxious: "What do you mean by that expression? Can't do it?" He thought he could not find the old man, but now it seems that he still needs the old man's help.

He refused. Just now, Xu Si still had such a relaxed expression. He thought that his lovely sister had a way, but now he found that Xu Si's smiling face just now was not easy at all, but a kind of provocation, even ridicule.

He had no doubt about this. Speaking of which, he was naive. He actually thought that his sister was finally like a sister, but in the end, it was just hope that it would be more desperate.

So, he is very unhappy now. He feels that Xu Si was completely playing with himself just now.

Lin got some guessed right. Speaking of Xu Si's sister, she is really different from her usual dear sister. Seeing her brother looking so embarrassed, she was not worried, but very happy, as if she saw the guy she hated being beaten severely. Everyone who tried knew that feeling. .

But what Lin doesn't know is that Xu Si has only now found out how tricky the dark blood of the bone sword has not been completely integrated by Lin's dark blood. You know, the sword eye on the bone sword is now completely opened...