Magic Hunter

Chapter 69 That's lightning strike

Chapter 69 That will be struck by lightning

"............!" Lin Xian was stunned, and then said a word without hesitation: "Get out of here!"

Xu Si seemed to be indifferent, but she seemed to regret a little more about this kind of indifferentity: "...really...don't think I don't know..." She deliberately took a look at Lin, and her eyes were still a little interesting. She was a little surprised and a little unimaginable, but she still admired more: "She is someone else's old. Mother-in-law, what are you still thinking about? Isn't it the first girl you have a crush on? Do you want to be so infatuated?

"...?!" It was not Lin who was surprised, but Xia Ya beside her. She looked shocked now. She really couldn't imagine that Lin, a playboy who didn't know how to cherish at all, would see the legendary infatuated side. Wow, this news is too explosive.

So, she couldn't help staring at Lin, and then asked curiously, "...really?" She was skeptical. If she hadn't learned this from Xu Si, she wouldn't have believed it: "... Your beneficiary is the first girl you secretly fell in love with?"

Lin should be a little embarrassed. He was even a little at a loss, and his eyes were also erratic, as if a teenager in love. In the face of such a sharp question, he was at a loss for a moment, let alone what to react and say.

Not far away, Xu Si took Xia Ya's question meaningfully: "It's incredible, isn't it?" She herself didn't believe it: "That girl doesn't even seem to have held hands..."

"...ha?!" At this time, Xia Ya was completely shocked, but then she couldn't help laughing: "...Brother, you're too dragging..." She was quite ashamed. She didn't even hold a girl's small hand, but it was the most helpless secret love. She actually wrote the beneficiary to the girl. Wow, what on earth is Lin thinking, or, He couldn't even find the most basic beneficiary, and then casually wrote down the first girl he secretly fell in love with?

Xia Ya doesn't know, but she knows that it's very happy to be secretly loved by an infatuated teenager like Lin with millions of insurance. Imagine that if Lin really has an accident and hangs up directly, the insurance money paid by the old man is the girl's. This can be said to be a good thing that the world loses the pie, and basically there is no need to pay any price...

Thinking about it, Xia Ya couldn't help but be jealous. She was very resentful, and the originally surprised big eyes gradually turned into a kind of helplessness: "I said, who is not good for you to secretly love, can't you secretly fall in love with your own people? Is it okay if the fat water doesn't flow to the outsider's field?"

She thinks so. Instead of giving Lin may be the only selfless contribution in his life to an outsider who basically has nothing to do with him, it's better to give it to her own people. In that case, maybe she will be in a good mood and really get a super luxurious funeral or something.

In the face of the care and contempt of these two women, Lin, who was embarrassed for a while, relaxed, and then looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, and deliberately replied, " don't understand...this is love..."

Xia Ya: "............"

And Xu Si was also immediately stunned, but unlike Xia Ya, she still shook her head for her stupid brother. Although she just glanced at the forest quietly, the meaning was very complicated, sympathetic and very sentimental...

Then, after that complicated look, she could only sigh and said faintly, "...I really don't want anything to happen to you... I mean, before you change your mind."

After saying that, she also knew that it was almost time. A shadowless flash suddenly disappeared in front of Lin and Xia Ya, and when they saw her again, she was already in Tang Jia's room.

Xia Ya was not idle. Seeing that the pressure of the bone sword on the black ice crystal was getting greater and greater, the cracks from the cracks of the ice crystal became more obvious and clearer. She no longer stayed longer. After looking at Lin in the same quiet way, she disappeared in front of Lin in an instant, and then appeared beside Xu Si...

Lin was very disappointed to find that the two sisters didn't have a trace of love for themselves, but at the same time, he had to admit that his popularity was too bad. There were no brothers who did not want to be born on the same day but wanted to die on the same month of the same year, let alone those women who were willing to die for themselves at any time...

It's not bad, or Lin is a good child who doesn't deceive himself. He knows how much he is. Speaking of which, he is not the kind of domineering human being who is willing to die for others, so he does not expect such domineering human beings to die for himself.

said so, but I really found that after the two people flashed aside without hesitation, Lin was more or less a little disappointed. Well, people are all like this. Obviously, they knew that it was impossible to still be out of one way or that, and over time it became a habit of expectation.

"...It's really a loveless world." He sighed shamelessly. Yes, I am obviously indifferent and loveless, and I also say that the world is loveless. This child is a little ignorant.

Unsensible is ignorant. In fact, Lin has never been sensible. In his opinion, the so-called sensibility is just a secular rule, which is very unfortually. In his eyes, except for the rules or principles he set, it basically has nothing to do with him.

This is Lin, who is almost selfish, but it is worth mentioning that Lin belongs to himself, but he is not fundamentally selfish.

Of course, this state of extreme self-seeking is no different from selfishness in the eyes of many people.

It's no wonder that his bad popularity is completely caused by himself, but not everyone is like Xia Ya and others who can accept Lin's very firm self.

Er, in fact, a person like Lin who pursues himself does not value popularity very much. What he cares is only what he wants, just like many people, believing in what most people believe.

This is a natural trend. After all, Lin can't stand to care about the feelings of so many people. In his opinion, he feels tired enough to sort out his feelings. If he takes care of others again, he can say that Lin will want to die.

This should be a fatal advantage of Lin, but such an advantage itself is a very huge shortcoming. Therefore, in Lin, you often can't see what ordinary people should have, but something extremely contradictory. For for all, this big pervert who can't even hold his hand. Girls are the same as the beneficiaries of insurance.

Don't think so much anymore. It has never been Lin's style to ask for troubles. After a seemingly chic but bitter smile, he casually raised the black blood of countless cracks gathered by countless golden light and finally quietly appeared in Lin's hands.

At the same time, the blue crystal engraved with countless spells also appeared on his left hand.

Lin doesn't look easy at all now. With the cracking of the black ice crystals, his expression gradually became dignified. But he did not sit back and wait for his dead, but preemptive. While the black ice crystal could still bind the bone sword and the slave who was already a little strange, he quickly used the bone sword to depict a strong guard array under his feet. Then, after successfully depicting the guard array at his feet, his figure flashed, and two prison arrays were portrayed at the feet of the bone sword and the slaver...

It doesn't seem to be very powerful. Before the bone sword and the slaver completely broke free, he portrayed a huger array of imprisonment between the bone sword and the slaver

Then, he returned to the guardian array, hung the black blood behind his back, inserted the blue crystal in his waist, and then put his hands together, as if he wanted to use the spell to further strengthen the power of the three magic arrays...

At the window, Xu Si and Xia Ya, who saw this scene, couldn't help but feel a little gratified by Lin's approach. At least, this boy was not stupid. He knew that there was not much chance of fighting hard and wanted to play the program.

No wonder they will be slightly surprised. You know, Lin has always liked to play hard and hard. Like this kind of use of magic array, he also uses his head to play. He always sneered and felt that it was not direct enough, and it was really boring.

And now, Xu Si and Xia Ya should quite understand Lin's 'noring'. Yes, he can fight hard to win, which is quite direct. If he doesn't even have any hope of not winning, he can only be boring and play a little cloudy.

"... It's really difficult for this boy," looking at Lin not far away, Xu Si had a somewhat unexpected meaning: "I really didn't expect that his stupid head could still remember these magic arrays."

Seeing what Xu Si said, Xia Ya also felt the same way: "... If I remember correctly, when we were all newcomers, this guy didn't take many courses like the magic array."

"You remember correctly," Xu Si was very sure: "This guy hasn't been on it at all... You shouldn't forget it. He has always been immersed in hard practice. What do you say, the magic array is too brain-consuming and magical, and it's not as good as the direct and straightforward martial arts."

After Xu Si just finished speaking, Xia Ya also nodded frequently. In her impression, Lin had never taken the magic array class at all, and it could even be said that Lin may not even know the four basic elements of the magic array. Now, he is still rigid, and the magic array is quite neat and perfect, which is not the rookie type she imagined at all.

Therefore, she was a little surprised and curious. She really couldn't figure out when Lin mastered these magic arrays.

Xu Si is the same. He is also puzzled about Lin's magic array at this moment. Speaking of which, since he successfully survived from Satan a few years ago, Lin has changed in many aspects, as if he knew the magic array. The previous Lin always ignored money.