Magic Hunter

Chapter 26 Tiantong

Chapter 26 Tiantong

Although Brother Confidence can't afford to offend the old man, he can still reluctantly offend Lin. Although he has the soul contract that cheats his father, in general, Brother Confidence is still a little confident. He believes that the old man will not give Lin a lot of time. When he knows that things are getting worse, he will definitely urge Lin to solve it as soon as possible. If the manpower allows, He will even send a special assassin to purify Lin Jie...

As confident brother guessed, Lin himself was also very clear that if the old man intervened, the things on Lin Jie's side would become very troublesome. Anyway, it was because of the obstruction of Tao Mi that he failed to solve Lin Jie.

This is exactly what Lin is worried about. Lin feels that before he can solve it perfectly, it is better not let the old man find out the existence of Taomi. Lin should understand that there is no magic, let alone the rice that has passed away. He can see the monsters that ordinary people can't see, which only shows that he is different, but this kind of difference is It's not what the old man can allow.

Lin knew why the old man was so taboo about the difference of Taomi, but he had no choice, or he had to confirm something that he wanted to confirm a long time ago. Although the old man said those things clearly and clearly, he did not witness it with his own eyes. Lin would not believe it, and it was impossible to believe only the old man. The so-called facts he knew alone.

In this way, Lin felt that in any case, the existence of Taomi could never be noticed by the old man before he saw those facts.

This is very bad for Lin. If the confident brother chooses to drag on, he can't calm down if he wants to calm down. After all, Lin Jie's sudden disappearance will naturally be noticed by the old man. Besides, these troubles have been on the news. It is not difficult for the old man to find out. If the old man is ready to intervene, he will find Taomi. The existence has become a matter of course.

Therefore, Lin's best choice now is to solve the big trouble of Lin Jie before the old man decides to intervene.

But reality is always painful. Self-confidence brother has just performed very clearly. He is willing to procrastinate. Before Lin Jie completely transformed, he still has the capital to consume like this. In fact, Confident Brother has also seized another bargaining chip other than Lin Jie. Although he doesn't know why, Lin has been very interested in [Tiantong] for several years...

Confidence brother also found the strangeness of Taomi at that time. Speaking of which, the whole left eye is in a white state, which is quite easy to attract the attention of others. It was also an unexpected harvest. He didn't expect that he could meet human beings with [Tiantong]. Then, he should have wanted to use Taomi as another bargaining chip for the two. While taking away Lin Jie, he also took Taomi by the way.

Facts have proved that Lin, who is hesitant again, is confident that this chip is very powerful. Therefore, the confident brother smiled more brightly and more confidently: "...Since the girl can't attract you... What about Tiantong?" He is reminding Lin that he wants Lin to understand that every second he delays is changing the ending. If the old man finds the existence of Tao Mi, at that time, even if he wants to give Tao Mi with Tiantong to Lin, it is almost impossible. As Lin imagined, for human beings with Tiantong, The old man will definitely clean up as before without hesitation, and finally seal the pupil forever...

In fact, this can only blame Lin's subordinates for being too disappointing, dead, injured, disabled, and some, like the moon, simply ran away. It has been very difficult in the past few years. The forced sealing of the door of hell in Lin's body has greatly damaged the vitality of the whole organization, just like Lin. Although it still exists, it seems to be like a body, completely without the strength and scenery of those years, and can even be said to survive.

Because of these, the old man is really a little anxious. There are too few chess pieces that can be used. Like the newcomers of Ye's generation, it is far from enough to be alone. Therefore, the old man can't help it. He hopes that Lin can regain his strength. Anyway, if a madman like Dong Shao plays a similar blood sacrifice again, they will really finish it.

It's still the same sentence. The reality is always painful. Lin not only did not grow up as fast as the old man expected, but lost almost all his ability. Although he saved his life, he could not use magic again...

This is obviously not good news, and what makes the old man more sad and helpless is that the few chess pieces have lost several children with great potential like Ye, which suddenly put the old man into an embarrassing dilemma.

There is no way. In such a shortage of manpower, he doesn't have so much free time to take care of Qinglong, just like he doesn't have time to investigate the confident brother. Judging from the current situation, Qinglong is far from being tricky. Most importantly, even if that person successfully collects all the dragon patterns, it is just like the above. In that case, the old man does not think that he can control the fully awakened Qinglong. To understand that the current Qinglong and the fully awakened Qinglong are basically two concepts. In other words, if he can barely control the shadow of the Qinglong now, it is almost impossible for him to control the fully awakened Qinglong...

Confidence Brother more or less understands and understands these, so he is not very afraid, or even if the old man knows that he has accepted that person's commission, it doesn't matter. The old man will never care: "... Do you want to use the old man to suppress me? Sorry, it doesn't seem to work as well as I thought. His meaning is obvious. If the chip Lin added is an old man, I'm sorry, this chip is not good.

In fact, Confident Brother was also curious. He couldn't help looking at Lin a few more times and thought that this should not be Lin's character and style. He was also clear that Lin was not the kind of person who moved out of the backer easily. By the way, Lin should hate to do so.

Thinking of this, the confident brother, who had just been a little confused, immediately smiled. That smile was full of confidence as usual: "... Are you afraid? You're scared!" Brother Confidence is very sure that the old man should be Lin's last chip, but this chip is not as important as he thought. In this way, Brother Confidence feels that the initiative is already in his own hands, that is to say, Lin should have no choice. He can only passively make this deal with Brother Confidence.

But the result doesn't seem to be the same. Lin looks quite relaxed, and doesn't have the hesitation and entanglement that Confident Brother imagined: "I'm just thinking," Lin also gave Confident Brother a full smile: "... You may not be able to take that dragon pattern."