Magic Hunter

Chapter 37 Witch's Secret Medicine

Chapter 37 Witch's Secret Medicine

"...he is very dangerous." Lin is sure that if the rice in this state is not sent to the hospital, it will be difficult to live tonight.

This is not to say how serious the burn of Taomi is. It should be said that the burn of Taomi can't save his life, but a parasitic black moth. There is no mistake. The deep purple wound on the chest of Taomi exists precisely because of the black moth.

The wound on his chest is not very obvious, nor is it much exaggerated. It is just a small scar like a needle hole, but it is because of this negligible wound that Lin is so uneasy. He can imagine that when the wound is gradually dark purple, the toxin injected by the parasitic black moth has begun to attack...

In this way, there will not be much time left for Lin, or the time left for Taomi is limited. If the toxin on his body is not released in the next few hours, death is the inevitable end. Therefore, Lin didn't think much about it, and naturally looked on the confident brother beside him: " have a way." He believes that if Taomi and Lin Jie are imprisoned in the different dimension space just now, Confident Brother is not only a safer imprisonment of the two, but more importantly, the time of the dimension space is several times slower than reality. That is to say, when the time slows down several times, the time of the toxin attack in Taomi is also greatly slowed down. In other words, Brother Confidence is protecting Taomi in disguise, and protecting Tiantong, which is very important to Lin.

Now, because Lin personally took it out of the dimensional space, the toxin on Taomi finally came to attack...

I was confident that I knew what the outcome of Lin would be, but he didn't stop him. Instead, he didn't ask Lin to open the door of dimensional space without any hint.

It seems that there are only two reasons for his behavior to explain it. First, Confident Brother wants Lin to witness Taomi's hope of having a heavenly pupil slowly disappearing in front of his eyes, making him painful and sad, and finally angry because of despair.

This is obviously not what Brother Confident wants. Although he wants Lin to taste the despair after hope is broken, because of the soul contract, he is not stupid enough to let Lin lose his mind. Anyway, within the effective scope of the soul contract, he has no advantage in confronting with Lin, which will only make things more. Shit, it's more tricky.

In this case, there is only the second case. Confident brother has a way to remove the toxin that is about to attack on Taomi. He just wants Lin to know that here, at this moment, except him, no one can save Taomi, which is very important to him.

Lin more and more than a few guessed this, so he asked unexpectedly, "...what do you want?" He can imagine that the poisoned Taomi is another chip of Brother Confidence. Of course, this kind of chip is more of a necessary insurance that Lin is ignorant to repent. Now, this kind of insurance seems to have become a good chip. After all, the dragon pattern fragment, Brother Confidence has been successful. In this way, Lin naturally thought that Tao Mi, which was originally just an insurance, has now become another bargaining chip for the self-confidence brother to negotiate with him.

He didn't think wrong. From beginning to end, I am confident that if I get from Lin, it is not only the dragon pattern needed by the shadow, but also because of Death, he also needs a drop of dark blood. Yes, he needs this kind of dark blood that only Lin can provide unique.

Confident brother didn't hide too much. Since Lin guessed his intention, he didn't have to say anything more. He went straight to the point: "...Dark blood," He looked at Lin, smiled calmly and confident, not impatient, and looked like he was winning: "I think This kind of thing should not be difficult for you.

"............" Lin seemed to be very calm, as if he had expected that the self-confidence brother wanted the dark blood he had in the early morning, but in fact, he was not sure, or he didn't know that the self-confidence brother wanted his dark blood. The reason why he was so calm was that he was because of the fake smile of the self-confidence brother. Come on, that kind of fake smile is an absolute self-confidence that he can't refuse or refuse, and this kind of self-confidence that seems to have won makes Lin surprisingly calm.

It is like this. When predicting the inevitable result, calmness is only the most helpless manifestation. Then, he basically didn't hesitate much. When the confident brother handed Lin the fruit knife he grabbed out of thin air with great manner, Lin still accepted it indifferently.

The sharp edge of the knife scratched the skin. Because of the rapid healing, Lin did not draw the knife immediately, but subconsciously increased some strength. Finally, a drop of bright red blood flowed out and fell on the palm of Lin's right hand that had already spread out.

The confident brother was so clear that he felt the pain caused by Lin's sharpening fingertips just now. In addition, Lin subconsciously aggravated a little. The confident brother who was also shot while lying down. His unhealed wound suddenly opened and the blood flowed. He was not like Lin, because the dark blood could heal and recover in an instant. A knife wound on the original index finger.

There is no way. The palm of my right hand brushed the injured index finger of my left hand and injected a little magic to control the bleeding wound. It's not bad to borrow magic to stop the bleeding of the wound. Because of the magic, the wound that has just been bleeding has gradually stopped the flow of blood. .

"...Really," Brother Confident was a little resentful: "You can't be gentle on your own self-harm. You don't hurt. I'm in pain, okay?"

He just complained, and then looked at the absolutely round blood drop in the palm of the forest. This drop of blood looks very ordinary but incredible. It is not only that it has a neat circle drawn by a compass, but most importantly, this strangely round dark blood floats slightly in the palm of the forest, as if gravity has lost what has no effect on it. It is so incredible that it does not spread out with the forest. The palm of the hand has the necessary contact.

In this scene, Confident Brother was not surprised, but expected. Then, he slowly stretched out his right hand. Because of the exposure of magic, his right hand seemed to be bathed in a layer of morning sun, golden yellow.

However, for a while, because the confident brother opened his magical right hand approaching, the dark blood in the palm of Lin had a silky reaction. The originally calm surface produced a slight squirm. As the confident brother's right hand got closer and closer, this small squirm became clearer and obvious. Soon, after all, because of the self-confidence brother The right hand approached further, and the drop of dark blood suspended in the air ignoring gravity was attracted by it, and the right hand that began to inject magic into the confident brother floated over...

But this attraction like gravity did not last long. In fact, at the moment when the dark blood was attracted by the confident brother's right hand, Lin slightly removed his right hand and distanced the dark blood that began to be restless from the confident brother, making the darkness The blood continued to maintain the initial staked calm state.

"...the antidote." Lin was very direct. Before he saw the antidote to the self-confidence brother, this drop of dark blood could not be obtained if he wanted it.

This is not a joke at all, but quite dangerous. Anyway, darkness has the characteristic of sucking the opponent's magic. If Lin did not completely [abandon] this drop of blood, the confident brother would come into contact with this drop of dark blood, not only would he not get this drop of dark blood, but if he did not handle it properly, this drop of darkness Blood is likely to absorb his magic.

Self-confident brother naturally knows this. Although Lin can't use a little magic now, it is only a matter of thinking that he can use dark blood to suck his magic. Of course, just like the absolute danger that brings to the confident brother, it is even more difficult to control the magic if you can't use it. It is not a good choice to use the dark blood to suck the opponent's magic. It will only bring you close to the dead end. If you are not careful, you will quietly eat back because of the magic that cannot be fully integrated by the dark blood. In fact, His current dark blood is impossible for the fusion of magic because of his lack of ability.

Obviously, such a result was very unfavorable to the two of them, and it was not worth taking such a risk. Therefore, Lin, who felt that he could not be excited now, also smiled sincerely. Next, he caught the sleeping cat, groped on it for a while, and also took out one that he didn't know whether it was true or not. The small black pill...

He took the small black pill in his hand and glanced at Lin: "I see my memory," he said embarrassed: "I forgot such an important thing..." At this point, he deliberately handed the small pill in his hand to Lin: "It's real, from Xue's hand - black flowers." It's really vivid. After confident brother easily crushed the small pill, it seemed to bloom in an instant, and the broken black pill quickly grew black flowers.

This black flower is not very big, only the size of an ordinary person's thumb, but it looks very strange. At the moment when the flower blooms, the black flower is also quickly withering, but after a while, most of the black flower has withered.

Seeing this scene, Lin can no longer care about so much. He still knows that if the black flower completely withers, some of the medicinal effects will disappear. Although the black flower-like drugs developed by witches will only be effective at the moment of withering or about to fade away, and it will completely wither. At that moment, the medicine is the strongest, but you should understand that before taking it, the disappearing effect will eventually be a waste and will not play any role.

In this way, Lin, who knew that there was not much time, immediately threw the dark blood in his hand to the confident brother in front of him, and also took away the black flower that was almost completely withered and dark in the confident brother's hand. Then, the half-squatting Lin immediately put the black flowers in his hand on the small wound on the chest that already showed some signs of ulceration...

The result is not bad. The appearance of the black flower is more or less to pick up the life of Taomi. At the moment when it was placed on the small wound on the chest of Taomi, the completely withered black flower played the best effect. Even if the toxin of the black moth has broken out, it has the degree of ulceration of the body, but Because of this black flower, the powdery small crystal integrated into the wound, the rapidly festering wound was suddenly contained, and then the original deep purple wound gradually became normal. Before long, it returned to the reddish brown that the wound should have...

It is also quite strange. While the deep purple of the rice washing wound faded, the completely withered black flowers were infected, and the black petals completely turned into dark purple. Finally, after this dark purple color infects the whole flower, the black flower turns into a beautiful powder and is scattered on the chest of Taomi...

Seeing that the black flowers played a role, Lin, who had just frowned, was relieved.

Then, he stood up quietly and turned to look at the confident brother behind him. At this time, the confident brother has carefully stored the drop of dark blood abandoned by Lin in the spirit cat's body, um, in a very obscene ** way.