Magic Hunter

Chapter 62 It's really hard to be friends

Chapter 62 It's really hard to be friends

Hell Street, the bar of the moon.

As always, there are not many guests in this remote small bar. Because it is noon, there are even fewer guests here, except for the man sitting in a corner with a sigh, that is, Uncle Zhang who has just come in.

Uncle Zhang looked very tired. I don't know if it was an accident that he hadn't slept well in the past few days or because of something else. I haven't seen him for only two days. Uncle Zhang looked haggard and his face was a little pale.

He came over, sat in the high chair at the bar, and ordered a cup of vodka, which was very strong.

"...Look at your situation," Yue skillfully poured a cup of vodka, handed the glass to Uncle Zhang, and then gave a good smile: "...Are you going to come back drunk?"

"...hum," Uncle Zhang smiled bitterly and was not in a hurry to respond. After drinking the vodka in one go, he had another cup.

Yue smiled and didn't stop her. She poured him another cup: "... Let me guess," she leaned down, put her hand on the bar, and dragged her cheeks. Because the neckline was too big, her white, tender and smooth, and the deep Lugou, which seemed to be deep, was easily displayed in front of Uncle Zhang.

Then, she looked at Uncle Zhang and said with a smile, "... Is there something wrong with the Prince Charming?" She could guess that although she transformed the evil spirit with her own magic, it was not easy for Ye Zi to easily restrain and control the evil spirit. In fact, when she gave the bottle of white blue cherry to Uncle Zhang, she knew that Ye Zishi would make Uncle Zhang's head big.

The month was right, so, after drinking the second cup of vodka in one go, Uncle Zhang sighed and smiled bitterly: "...That guy is in big trouble."

At this point, he took a look at the moon and said that he would continue to drink. Yue frowned slightly and seemed to understand that the trouble in Uncle Zhang's mouth might be much more tricky than he thought. But she didn't ask more questions, but took a cup for Uncle Zhang and quietly waited for him to open his mouth.

Sure enough, after the moon poured a glass of vodka again, Uncle Zhang looked at the pure vodka as pure as water, a little laughing and cried: "... I don't know if you believe it. Ye Zi, a stupid man, although he successfully used the dark soil to pull away the seed in the fat girl's soul, it was not as good as expected. Merit."

"...?" Yue listened a little confused: "...What do you mean? Doesn't it mean that the seeds have been successfully extracted, and there is still a problem? She can't think of it. If the seed from the parasitic black moth is completely pulled away, it means that Ye Zi has done quite successfully, and the fat sister will no longer have any problems. But Uncle Zhang's current reaction shows that the successful seed is removed, and things do not seem to make things as smooth and simple as expected.

Yue's doubts and wonders are understandable. When he first learned that the fat girl who took away the seeds had not recovered, but was in a very dangerous state of fainting, he could hardly believe it. You know, while the fat girl was dizzy, the [magic seal] representing the germination of seeds on her body was still It has appeared...

What do you think about the friendship of friends for so many years?

Sorry, Yue never sells face to her friends. Besides, she really doesn't think she will be familiar with Uncle Zhang. At most, she is a stranger who has met for several years.

It's like this. Although she has known Uncle Zhang for a few years, the two have not made too much friendship. Just like Uncle Zhang doesn't know how old Uncle Zhang is, and she doesn't know the name of Uncle Zhang's daughter. How old she is now. She doesn't even know what Uncle Zhang's full name is, but she has vaguely heard that his name seems to be Zhang Meng. De.

Uncle Zhang also understood more or less about this. It was clear and clear that after Ye Zi lay in the hospital, he did not immediately ask Yue for help, but tried to find other ways to solve the troubles of Ye Zi and the fat sister.

But he really can't help it. Except for the old man, only Yue hasn't tried it. Er, there is also the confident brother of the absolute businessman.

There is no need to say more about the old man. This old man who even lies down and ** really doesn't have so much time to take care of this trouble. Those parasitic black moths are big enough for him. More importantly, if the old man takes action, it will definitely be fatal. Uncle Zhang can imagine that the old man should be simple and Roughly, directly purify the fat girl, and then imprison her soul. If it really doesn't work, it may be possible to directly smash the fat girl's soul that has shown the magic seal.

This method is good. If the fat girl passes away, there will be no problem with Ye Zi, who is devoured by the magic seal. It's only a matter of time before she wakes up. But this is obviously not what Uncle Zhang wants, or the stupid man Ye Zi has long said that if he kills the fat girl, he will definitely fight with him.

Uncle Zhang is also depressed. I have only met him a few times. Why is this child so obsessed with life and death? If you die, I will die. If I don't die, I won't die. It really means to accompany the life and death of a fat girl.

Depressed is depressed, but Uncle Zhang really doesn't dare to take this risk. If he really hangs up the fat girl, whether Ye Zi, who is very valued by the organization, will do anything crazy. Uncle Zhang can't guarantee at all. No, no, no, no, he can't afford to play. No matter what, he will retire in two years. If it's because of Ye Zi If you retire early or even get dismissed, this is obviously not what Uncle Zhang wants. You should understand that Uncle Zhang has been waiting for decades, waiting for the day when he retires successfully. He does not seek merit but does not seek failure.

So, there is nothing wrong with the old man.

As for the businessman Confident Brother, Uncle Zhang thought for a moment and found that he didn't have much savings, so he couldn't do anything about this smuggler.

Er, yes, yes, * That's another matter, but the problem is that the 13th Brigade doesn't have money.

It's true that the 13th Brigade has always been the poorest part of the whole police station.

In this way, Uncle Zhang, who has been thinking about it, can only put his last hope on the moon. Although the hope will not be great, compared with the two tasteless men, the moon is familiar. Women really have a lot of hope.

But from the ruthless words of Yue just now, Uncle Zhang, who really couldn't figure out anything to make a deal, seemed to invite the sharp bar owner.

He had psychological preparations, so he was not surprised or too lost, but said quietly, " people... It's really difficult to be friends."