Magic Hunter

Volume Two End Snow Crystal

Volume 2 Snow Crystal

Hearing this, Dong Shao was almost desperate. You know, even at this moment, two bloody arrays appeared above her and feet, and at the moment these arrays appeared, several equally thick iron chains bound her to death, and the magic naturally could not be shown. In fact, from the book of blood and shadow, no No, no, from the moment the shadow dissipated, Lin Jie could not use any magic.

Dong Shao was shocked, but he was finally covered up by the current bitter smile: "...I really didn't expect it," he admired Lin a little: "...You actually 'separated' the book of blood shadows..."

Dong Shao: "You are really a madman."

He also understands that the shadow of the Book of Blood and Shadow means that the Book of Shadow of Blood is 'divided' into two books, both of which are true, but both are fake.

Er, how to put it, if Dong Shao does not prevent this remnant shadow from unfolding, this residual shadow is true, but this completely [unfolded] residual shadow will not 'pull' Dong Shao into the book of blood shadow. On the contrary, if another remnant shadow is also fully unfolded in another place, Lin will be reversed by the book of blood shadow. He was finally pulled into the book of blood shadow.

It's like this. Every unfolding of the Book of Blood and Shadows means the beginning of the seal, and this kind of seal always needs to be borne by one person.

This is easy to understand, because Lin divides the complete book of Blood Shadow into two remnants. If you just open a remnant shadow, the seal will naturally. If the two books are fully unfolded, if the Book of Blood Shadow does not know what to seal, the releaser will be sealed. After all, the book of Blood Shadow needs to be expanded every time. One person will bear it, whether the person is the enemy or the releaser himself.

In other words, if it hadn't been for Dong Shao's forced restraining the unfolding of this remnant, then now, it is not him who is imprisoned by the Book of Blood Shadows, but Lin...

————This madman who has been playing with his life.

At this moment, Dong Shao finally realized that compared with the madmen he had met before, Lin was definitely too late. To understand, not every madman can joke with his life all day long like Lin.

It is clear to this point that some people are not afraid or taboo, but a kind of joy, the joy that a madman is excited to meet a madman who is more crazy than himself. He was looking forward to it. Even if he was imprisoned again because of Lin, he still looked forward to the day when he met Lin again, and Dong Shao felt that it would not be too long.

So, it's still calm. Lin Jie, who was parasited by Dong Shao, gave Lin the last sneer that didn't belong to her: "...we will meet again..." She smiled softly: "...if you can survive."

Then, like the sudden distortion of time and space, the space around Lin Jie dimmed in an instant. Then, the pattern of the parasitic black moth on her neck suddenly appeared, and this time, the appearance of the pattern was not realistic, but a kind of dissipation...

The parasitic black moth that slowly but quickly dissipated from Lin Jie's neck was completely swallowed up by the book of blood and shadow suspended in the air. It was quite fast. At the moment when the dissipated parasitic black moth was completely swallowed up by the book of blood and shadow, the unfolded book of blood and shadow slowly closed, and slowly dissipated, and finally disappeared without a trace...


Huh~~~~ Long breath of relief. On the side of the moon bar, Xu Si was immediately relieved to see that the book of blood and shadow appeared in front of him again.

At first, she was still worried that if Dong Shao didn't find the 'residual shadow' and didn't bind the remnant shadow, whether Lin, a desperate fool, would play with him by himself. The result was not bad. The madman survived. Dong Shao was successfully sealed in the book of blood shadow. No, no, no, the preparation said that the parasitic black moth representing Dong Shao was completely sealed in it.

Her hanging heart was more or less relaxed, and then she just couldn't laugh or cry: "...that guy." She still has some lingering palpitations. If she doesn't find Lin's intention to stay here, if she doesn't guard this shadow, maybe Lin will really finish it. You know, the existence of the shadow requires the maintenance of another independent magic. Lin alone can't do it.

On the contrary, if Xu Si hadn't supported this residual shadow, when Lin decided to open the book of blood shadow, the book of blood shadow was easy to cause abnormal movements. In that case, in the face of the strong counterattack from the book of blood shadow, even if Lin was in the state of the three precepts, he may not be able to bear it. In fact, Xu Si felt that there was In the face of such a counterattack, Lin has no ability to fight back. Even if he has perverted dark blood, he is only swallowed up in an instant.

Therefore, now Xu Si loves and hates Lin. He doesn't understand at all what's in the madman's head. He is so desperate, as if this life is not his own. It seems so casual and even disdainful.

Yes, Xu Si can now completely imagine that she can divide the Book of Blood Shadow into two. At that time, it was impossible for Lin, who was almost half disabled, not to do this. In this way, she could be sure that Lin should have used the magic crystal stolen from the moon.

She can develop a reasonable imagination. It is dangerous to use the magic crystal in that state.

It should be really worried. Xu Si quietly looked out of the window. Now she only hopes that Wang Nan, the big doctor who has rushed over, can make it in time before Lin Wan hangs up...


In the cathedral, Lin Jie, who was stunned, opened her eyes, and the first thing she saw was Lin sitting next to her.

She leaned on Lin's shoulder. From the perspective of the side, Lin Jie found for the first time that Lin was so handsome.

Maybe because of this, her little face turned slightly red, but soon, when the gorgeous colorful fragments gently crossed her face, she finally found that something was wrong...

She immediately sat up, and her beautiful big eyes clearly saw that Lin's body was slowly dissipating because of the erosion of the purple magic.

"............How come?!" Lin Jie couldn't believe it. Her beautiful hands subconsciously covered her little mouth, and her wide eyes were full of amaze.

"...Lin?" She called softly, and her tone was full of sincere worry, but full of uneasiness. Although she felt incredible, she also understood what Lin's dissipating hands meant now.

Lin Weiwei turned his head, and no trace of bloody face was so pale, but on top of this paleness, he still gave Lin Jie a faint smile: "...wake up." What he said was very light and even more powerless.

Because of Lin's smile, Lin Jie could no longer restrain herself. After all, her red eyes flowed down the two lines of crystal tears: "......" She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what she should say now. In the end, she could only stare closely with those big eyes full of tears. Lin, and those eyes are full of sadness.

"...humm," Lin smiled when he saw Lin Jie like this: "...what are you crying for? You don't look good at crying at all. He looked very weak. Such a simple sentence was out of breath as soon as he said it.

[What are you crying about? You don't look good when you cry at all.

It's like a symbol, and it's like an indelible trace. Finally, because of Lin Gang's words, the fragments sealed in the depths of memory quickly flashed over and over again...

Those memories were blurred from the beginning to the gradual clarity at the end. For a moment, Lin Jie should have recalled everything. Now she finally understood why she cried for Lin at that private party at that time.

Then, her eyes became a little different when she looked at Lin, not the kind of sadness and reluctance at the beginning, but a kind of relief now: "Thank you." She said softly. Three years ago, at the moment she passed away, she seemed to say 'thank you' to Lin.

"...?" Lin was a little surprised. He felt that Lin Jie seemed to be a little different now, but it was contradictory. He was not sure where Lin Jie was different.

Maybe she remembered those things, and she should also understand that the reason why she is alive now is only because of the experiment of death. The next second, Lin Jie no longer hesitated. After giving Lin the familiar smiling face, she called out the magic martial art - Xuejing.

"...?!" Lin's face was surprised. The snow-white magic martial arts made him believe that Lin Jie was actually a power: "You..." He seemed to remember something, because of the appearance of the snow crystal, he really remembered it, but he was not sure that in his memory, that person had been...

What's more, the appearance of the girl in front of her is almost completely different from the person in her memory. It's completely two people.

"...Lin..." Her voice is very gentle, that gentle, just like a girl acting coquettishly to her boyfriend: " well."


When Wang Nan and Yue came in, they only saw Lin sitting on the blood-red bench. Lin Jie beside him only left the last love necklace.

Lin is fine. He still survived, and because of that woman, he survived again.

"............!" Wang Nan felt incredible. Obviously, she was devoured by the third ring, but Lin actually survived unharmed. Even the thorny damage on his hands completely healed without leaving a trace of scar.

"...What's going on?" Wang Nan looked at Lin, who seemed to be crying, and asked gently.

Lin didn't say anything. He picked up the love necklace next to him, stood up, turned around, and slowly walked to the church gate.

"...Lin..." Wang Nan wanted to stop him, but was stopped by the moon beside her.

"...Let him be alone." Yue seems to understand, or the unique white ice crystals left on the ground make Yue understand why Lin can survive now.

"But..." Wang Nan is still a little worried. Although Lin seems to be able to withstand the counterattack of the third ring now, this does not mean that the counterattack of the third ring is over. He should see that the counterattack of the third ring still exists, and Lin's magic still cannot be exhibited. Now.

In Wang Nan's opinion, Lin should conduct a detailed inspection at this time to ensure safety.

"...Trust me," Yue looked at Lin's fading back: "...He just wants to be alone now."

Wang Nan wanted to say something more. Such a forest was really uneasy, but in the end, when he also found the unique white ice crystals under his feet, he finally understood the meaning of Yue's words.

"...Is it her?" Wang Nan asked quietly.

"Ah," Yue responded gently: "... Because of death, she was resurrected." She just found that Lin Jie's resurrection seemed to be far from as simple as she thought...