Magic Hunter

Chapter 73 Craftsman and Foundry Part 1

Chapter 73 Craftsman and Foundry (Part I)

" Give you a choice, live or die." Black Snow's voice is very indifferent, just like an order, casual and confident.

Ye Zi was stunned by the woman who suddenly broke the window from the sky. He looked at the * on the black snow and didn't know where to go for a while.

So is the rain, but she knows the danger of this woman better than Ye Zi - [Foundr]!

There is a blooming rose on the gorgeous black snow, which is this exquisite rose pattern. The rain immediately concluded that the black snow is a member of the group of those who are wanted by hell.

The rain was a little frightened, but soon, she did not hesitate to stand in front of Ye Zi. She was usually gentle and charming, and her eyes suddenly became very firm.

Black snow smiled coldly, and her index finger moved slightly. With a fluffy sound, a bullet with light blue light suddenly flew to the rain.

In the face of the roaring bullets, because of Ye Zi, Yuqing did not choose to dodge, but slapped his right hand forward, and a nearly transparent boundary appeared.

It is very effective. The boundary of the rain in time withstands the bullet of black snow. However, when the second bullet of black snow was accurately on the first bullet, the boundary of black snow broke in an instant, and the two bullets rushed with the situation...

Stain! Blood splashing!

With blood on her face, Yuqing opened her eyes wide. She couldn't believe that Ye Zi foolishly blocked these two bullets for her.


Hei Xue was a little surprised. She didn't expect that Ye Zi would block bullets for the demon of Yuqing. Although it was a little unexpected, the black snow still didn't matter.

He was hit by two bullets, but Ye Zi suddenly calmed down. His eyes narrowed slightly. In the face of this cold and gorgeous woman, there was no fear in his heart: "Break into my house and give me an inexplicable choice... Who are you?"

The shadow should not want to explain too much. She quickly made a decision: "I'm looking for trouble." With that, the black snow * condensed a strange blue light again, and the muzzle of the gun was exactly at Ye Zi, who barely stood up.



Ye Zi was indeed hit by the bullet, but strangely, he didn't feel any pain, but a trace of paralysis. The part hit by the chest also flashed a crackling firelight, and a big hole in the clothes was broken, with a burning smell. Then, Ye Zi only felt that her body was soft and fell down. At this moment, the black snow flashed, and the left hand with blue light 'grab' to Ye Zi, who was in a state of paralysis...

" Stay away from him!!"

The rain next to her, she knew that she was not the opponent of the black snow, but she saw Ye Zi who was hit. Her courage suddenly arose, clenched her fists, and screamed at the black snow...


The rain suddenly showed a dazzling blue light all over her body, and the electric current swam around her. Then the harsh explosions came one after another. The light bulbs on the ceiling, the TV in the living room, and the mirrors in the toilet burst almost at the same time.

The debris of the light bulb is scattered, the screen fragments of the TV are flying, the debris of the mirror is scattered on the ground, and there is a strange blue light arc spreading everywhere.

Hei Xue felt that her fingertips had been inserted into Ye Zi's chest, but her whole body suddenly shook, and she strongly felt that a force hit her in an instant.

Trying to open a gap, Ye Zi saw that her door had been opened, and several people came in. These people are uniformly dressed in straight suits, wearing headsets and sunglasses, just like agents in the movie.

I felt that the whole world was shaking, and the gap in my eyes was also heavily pressed by heavy eyelids, but Ye Zi struggled hard to see the people coming...

The person who came in immediately injected Black Snow with a medicine, which should be an anesthetic or something like that, and Black Snow immediately fell down softly.

At this time, after Bingyue and Bingya seemed to say something to the people who came in, the eyes of one of them fell on Ye Zi, who was struggling desperately.

Seeing that Ye Zi still had a trace of residual consciousness, the man was obviously a little surprised, but soon, when he regained his calm, he quickly walked to Ye Zi, holding a brand-new potion in his hand...

Ye Zi wanted to resist. He reluctantly raised his hand to stop the man, but after all, he was too weak to create a strong resistance at all. He was very anxious. And it was at this time that the power of awakening gave Ye Zi inspiration...

It's like a potential. Ye Zi has a feeling that as long as he wants, this unparalleled power can be released...

............He stared at the man, and an open palm slowly clenched into a fist...


As soon as the man pierced the needle into Ye Zi's blood vessel, he let out a harsh scream. The people in the room were immediately attracted by the screams. They opened their eyes wide and looked unbelievable.

It's a phantom, fierce and evil. It's big enough to touch the ceiling of the room. It's this phantom. Its giant hand squeezes the man tightly, just like pinching the eraser when we were young...

Knowing that something was wrong, the first thing I realized was that the ice moon wanted to save the man, but the ice moon had just made a [starting action]. The man was like a crushed watermelon, and his limbs were mixed with blood and splashed...

Ye Zi was stunned.

He subconsciously looked at the hand he clenched his fist, but his mind was not clear...

How could this happen?

Is power?!

Because of the power that Ye Zi just showed, those people like agents showed their pistols one after another, but Bingyue stopped them.

"Don't...don't come over..." Ye Zi's voice was very weak, and a sense of powerlessness came, and he couldn't even support the gap in his eyes.

Bingyue still approached Ye Zi step by step. It was not until she approached that Ye Zi saw clearly that there was no malice in Bingyue's eyes.

"Believe me... We are not bad guys... We won't hurt you..." Ye Zi faintly heard such a voice, which was very empty and vague.

But soon, he heard the other party's last words, so he was relieved and closed his eyes weakly.

"Bingxi... She wants us to protect you."

Ye Zi fainted. Before fainting, he confusedly heard a few more people coming into his room...



For many people, this is an ordinary night, ordinary enough to be forgotten. But for Ye Zi, this is the beginning of everything.

In the long confusion, he felt his mother's vague smile, his father's thoughtful eyes, and every naughty, his mother's warm hug, his father's meaningful eyes...

The details that were ignored in the past are now clearly displayed little by little.

He dreamed of his mother's funeral when he was eight years old. He dreamed of how he begged his father to wake up his mother. That day, he kept crying...

He dreamed of sitting stupidly next to his father and witnessing the hypocretism of relatives. That day, he didn't say a word and didn't shed a tear.

It seems to be so dull, as if it is sitting so stupidly...

"Be strong, kid."

In her father's praise, this is the only true love Ye Zi heard, but it came from a strange woman.

She calls herself Bingxi...

Perhaps, the prologue of everything should start here...


The eyelids had just opened, and the light around him made Ye Zi unable to adapt. He subconsciously wanted to raise his head to block the light, but then he was surprised to find that the wound on his body miraculously disappeared.

"How are you?" Ye Zi, who was also confused, heard such a sentence with a trace of real care in her tone.

Looking along, Ye Zi saw a woman. The outline of her face was very soft, and her eyes were also gentle. She had long shoulder-length hair, which looked like she was in her thirties.

"How do you feel?"

"It's okay." Ye Zi answered calmly, not as panicked and hysterical as the woman thought, which made her breathe a sigh of relief.

Ye Zi looked at this room and was a little strange. This room was not made of bricks and tiles, but strange pieces of glass. Through the window, you can see that it is dark all around, as if the room is in an endless abyss.

First, she was stunned for a moment, and then Ye Zi smiled, and her tone was a little strange: "I think I must have arrived at some strange place..."

Ye Zi remembers this woman who met at her father's funeral. She called herself Bingxi.

"Don't you want to ask something?" Seeing that Ye Zi didn't mean to ask questions, Bingxi was curious.

Ye Zi took a look at Bingxi and then smiled faintly: "It's better not to ask about some things. I mean, I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble."

Bingxi smiled and stared at Ye Zi: "Son, some troubles can't be avoided. Sometimes you can only choose to bear it."

Ye Zi shook her head: "I don't like people calling me 'child' - let alone trouble."

"You seem to be a little hostile to me? The woman who attacked you is different from us. To put it simply, we want to protect you, and they want to kill you or release you.

Bingxi's expression was a little awkward. She sighed with pity in her gentle eyes - Ye Zi didn't like such a look.

But soon, Ye Zi heard another voice.

This is a man's voice. His tone is gentle and pleasant, but his tone is full of indifference. He has a thin face, not a foreigner, but with blue eyes, brown hair, and a straight black suit. There is no dust all over the body, which is very refreshing. Even the white leather shoes under your feet are spotless. His first impression to you is 'noble', very clean and noble.

He is smiling at Ye Zi. This smile is very calm and 'clean', but Ye Zi doesn't like such a smile very much. You know, under the man's gentle smile, his blue eyes are emotionless and full of indifference.

"...I'm sky, the 'designer' of [craftsman]."

The man stood at the head of the bed with a smile and looked at Ye Zi with a little condescending: "Do you know? If I can, I would like to visit you in person. Personally, I think it's a little abrupt to meet you on such an occasion... I'm mainly responsible for some troublesome things. My appearance usually represents trouble. In fact, I hate trouble.


Ye Zi felt how anyone could take this strange name.

However, after the appearance of this man, Bingxi seemed to have some taboo steps back and stood aside quietly. That posture is as if the subordinates met the superiors.

He sighed softly, but there was a faint smile in the corners of his eyes: "... You got me in big trouble this time."

"We [craftsman] have always lived in peace with [foundry]. Although the concept is different, it is still harmonious, and your appearance cleverly breaks this balance... Well, you can simply understand that the competition between the two companies... vicious competition." This man named SKY is really good when he smiles, with a deceptive affinity. It is worth mentioning that there is still a trace of shyness in his smile, but in Ye Zi's opinion, such a smile can no longer be fake.

"Our 'company' is a little special. Because of its specialty, it seems to be covered. Please rest assured that we are not a gangster. Anyway, we also have our own business. SKY smiled shyly with a trace of shyness, "After all, people who mix in the company always have to eat."

"It's like this. Bingxi has a good relationship with your father, which can be regarded as a forgetful friendship. Your father's accident made her feel that she should do something for you, and this is not allowed by the company. With that, SKY took a look at Bingxi beside her, which made Bingxi afraid. She obviously trembled.

"If it weren't for her, I think you would have been targeted by the people on the other side of the [foundry] early."

Hearing SKY say so much, Ye Zi just smiled: "... We seem to have something in common... I don't like trouble either."


SKY should see what Ye Zi is thinking now. He had a trace of appreciation but was soon covered by a fake smile: "Mr. Ye Zi, I can only regret to tell you that although many troubles are self-indes, some troubles that you don't want to pay attention to. I mean, you have no choice. "

"What do you mean?" Ye Zi felt that there was something in SKY's words.

"What should I say... You and we belong to the sa class. Because of hell, we have some abilities that ordinary people can't have, and this ability is not for nothing, but at a price. We [craftsman] are very willing to abide by such rules of the game, but [Founder] they don't think so. They are obsessed with power and have always believed that as long as the power is strong enough, they can break the rules of the game... Well, they want to cheat.

At this point, SKY's smile has restrained a lot: "You are different from us, because of ten generations of resentment, you have a unique right to cheat... In fact, hell is also helpless. If you don't give you the opportunity to vent your resentment, you will become a 'Shira', you are not a joke."

"Wanshi Shura?"

"To put it simply, you have been a virgin for too long."

Ye Zi: "............"

SKY is not a joke. It was not until in this world that Ye Zi became a child of a rich family and finally broke down under the endless efforts of hell. It was counterproductive. Because of his father's accident, Ye Zi's family fell, and the woman he loved abandoned him without hesitation, which made Ye Zi's resentment not only decrease but increased exponentially.

Hell is afraid, so they did their best to give the 'Eye of Hell' to Ye Zi, hoping that this could reduce a little resentment.

"You may feel incredible, but that's the truth. Believe it or not." SKY smiled, and the fake smile showed again: "And this is exactly what [the foundry] wants... They want your 'privilege'."

Ye Zi was skeptical, and SKY didn't look like he was lying: "That is to say, you are good people and they are bad people?"

"Good people?" SKY seemed to smile, "If you like it, of course, you can understand it this way."

"We are more used to calling ourselves policemen. You know, many times the police are neither good nor bad people, which is very similar to us. Just like the police, we sometimes help when some people need 'help'. Of course, this is a charge. In fact, this is our business.

At this point, SKY stared at Ye Zi's eyes: "Police, isn't this very interesting?"

"It's very interesting." Ye Zi replied with a straight face.

"We have the ambition to sell our souls and get power. You can imagine how ambitious human beings we are. Ambition is very good. Because we have ambition, we look strong and different, so that we can protect what we want to protect... Well, this is the biggest difference between us and [Founder]. They are obsessed with ambition and are deeply involved in ambition. For this reason, they can destroy everything, even what they once cherished.

"Good explanation." Ye Zi smiled with distrust in her tone, "Then I want to know why I believe what you said."

Ye Zi's questioning, SKY didn't think so. Instead, he smiled with a trace of cunning: "If you ask like this, it means that you can't find any reason for doubt?"

SKY completely guessed Ye Zi's psychology. Ye Zi really couldn't find a reason to question everything he said, but it was not because of SKY itself, but because of Bingxi who quietly retreated - Ye Zi believed in Bingxi.

Ye Zi's silence made SKY understand that he could continue to speak.

"Let's put it this way, we can protect you, and we are very willing to protect you..."

"Thank you! I don't need it." Before SKY finished speaking, Ye Zi interrupted coldly. He didn't like SKY, let alone being protected. In Ye Zi's view, SKY's so-called protection is like imprisonment.

SKY sighed softly, as if there was a trace of regret, but this trace of regret soon turned into self-confidence: "Mr. Ye Zi, I can tell you very clearly that only we [craftsman] can fight against the people targeted by [caster]. Of course, it doesn't matter if you really don't want to be protected by us. We fully respect..."