Magic Hunter

Chapter 78 Do you drink milk tea? Or coffee

Chapter 78 Do you drink milk tea? Or coffee

Ye Zi was shocked, but after the shock, Ye Zi was afraid - Oh, my God! Will there be any robbers staring at this place, such a large amount of property... enough to make those guys crazy and destroy the corpses!!

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. He quickly locked the safe trembling - TNND, and he didn't know how the old man fell asleep. Such a huge fortune!!


With a long sigh of relief, she couldn't see those 'things'. Ye Zi suddenly felt a little better. But at this time, he suddenly remembered something.


Cash?! There is no cash in the safe?!

Before leaving, Mr. Xiang said that the time when he would come back was uncertain. If it was the day of salary, he would ask himself to go to the safe to get it...


I don't even have a cent of cash! How to get paid! Do you take gold or diamonds directly?!

His salary is just that little, not to mention diamonds, but also gold. A kilogram of gold is enough for him to work for more than ten years.

Ye Zi naturally won't take things that don't belong to her. This is because of her personality, and it's really hard to change. However, if Mr. Xiang doesn't come back for a few months, won't he be in arrears for several months?

How can this be! Merrill Lynch's salary solves its own food and clothing problem at most, and in addition, it has been deducted in the past few days, and there is not much left. Xu Yiyi's tutor, the money needs to be saved to pay the tuition fee next time. There is still such a super-eating demon at home...

Ye Zi was a little crazy. She kept a huge sum of money and didn't know what to do - did she have to take a piece of gold out to exchange for money on the day of her salary?!

Also, I don't know if the old man's water and electricity bills have been paid in advance... If he hasn't paid in advance, will he take out a gold brick to pay?!

Shaking her head, Ye Zi came out of the office in a trance, went downstairs and came to the counter. Sure enough, she couldn't even find half a cent here without a cashier.

Hey! The crazy old man didn't know if it was intentional. Why didn't he even leave some cash!

I was thinking about it. When I heard the doorbell ring, a figure came in lightly.

Huh? There are guests?

After all, after working in a fast food restaurant, Ye Zi immediately bowed and said, "Welcome."

Look up and see the person, Ye Zi...

I'm stunned!!

The slender figure is well-proportioned, with a height of about 1.68 meters, with crisp breasts and straight, but the small waist seems to be able to grip. A long shawl hair is deliberately dyed light blue. Well, that kind of hair is more like innate blue hair. This kind of different blue hair has a slight natural curl. The flawless goose egg face, the skin is like a baby, delicate and smooth, and it seems that the fingers can be broken. His face is not pink at all, and his delicate skin is white but not pale, with a little healthy blush. Her eyelashes are slender and thick, making the bright eyes more delicate and beautiful. Just looking at it casually, it has come with an indescribable tenderness.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, Ye Zi was stup there and came to her senses for a long time.

The girl saw Ye Zi behind the counter, and a trace of curiosity and surprise came out of her eyes. Then she found that Ye Zi was looking at herself in a daze, and a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.

This pen is very strange. Ye Zi can't feel a trace of weight, as if it doesn't exist at all, but the fact is that this pen really appears on his right hand.

The following things are even more strange. Before Ye Zi opened the counter sound notebook, she let go of the notebook by herself...

Tang Ying pointed to the position on the notebook: "That's it. Just write down my name."

"...this, here?" Ye Zi was a little confused by this series of strange phenomena, and her self-confidence became uncertain.

"Relax, why are you so nervous... That's it. Yes, just write down my name. Tang is Tang Ying's Tang, and Ying is Tang Ying's."

Ye Zi: "............"


After tossing around for a long time, I finally wrote down Tang Ying's name. At the moment when Ye Zi wrote her name, the notebook suddenly disappeared, and then the skeleton pen in her hand also disappeared. Finally, the ancient book in Tang Ying's hand seemed to have life, and she found the vacant position on the bookshelf...

"You are very interesting." Tang Ying smiled, and her eyes were bent and as clear as water. "I mean, few people will come to do this life-threatening job, even if they are supernatural."

The power? Ye Zi smiled bitterly...

"Well, I think, I'm just an ordinary person."

Tang Ying was a little surprised. She stared at Ye Zi sideways for a long time, and her expression became more and more curious: "You really don't have any power?"

"Ah!" Ye Zi pondered for a moment and said slowly, "... I don't want to have it either."

"No power? What? You really don't have any power!" Tang Ying was a little surprised, "...but it's strange. I can feel that you have another extraordinary power... that power... very immature..."

"...Can you feel it?" Ye Zi suddenly understood, "So, do you also have power?" He thought that normal people would not come to such a place to borrow books, but this kind of book that made people want to vomit.

"Hmm! My power is to sense the amount of each other's ability... It's not good. Tang Ying smiled bitterly, and Ye Zi could feel a trace of obvious loss.

"...I don't know." Ye Zi replied honestly, "However, since it is a power, it is always necessary to exist, isn't it?"

Tang Ying was stunned for a moment, and then her sweet smile appeared again. She looked at Ye Zi: "You really don't seem to comfort people, but I still want to thank you."

Sticking the back of her head, Ye Zi smiled bitterly: "...Comforting others is not my strength."


Tang Ying was teased by Ye Zi's honest expression: "You seem to be really honest." With that, she took out a small bottle of white wine from her bag, regardless of the slightly strange look, and drank it all at once.

"...Well, it's not good to drink now. I mean, do you still have to drive?" Pointing to the car parked at the door, Ye Zi said slowly to Tang Ying.

Tang Ying sighed lightly: "I don't like drinking. It should be said that I hate liquor very much... But I can't help but drink... This is the power. Every time I use it, I have to pay a corresponding price."

She took a look at Ye Zi and found that Ye Zi was puzzled: "... Don't you know that every power has to pay the price for using the power? Yes, you really don't seem to have any power.

Ye Zi smiled, and he thought for a thought: "...Maybe this is the principle of equivalence. You have to pay to get it."

"The principle of equivalence?" Tang Ying shook her head: "This is not the principle of equivalence... Well, I think I should go too."

"Does it matter? You just drank..."

"It's okay! How much are you used to it... Thank you... Yes, I will come to you next time. If Master Xiang is not here at that time, I will only bother you."

Uh-huh? You have to bother me next time... It won't be a terrible trouble, will it?!

Although he was curious, when he saw Tang Ying coming to the question, he couldn't help asking, "Are you a [craftsman]?"

Tang Ying turned around and quietly put a naughty electric eye on Ye Zi: "Not all powers like to join the organization. More powers still like the feeling of freedom."

Her smile was very kind: "Anyway, thank you. If it weren't for you, that book might not have been available."

Ye Zi scratched the back of her head with embarrassment: "Where! It should be."

"It's not as simple as you think... You know what? If I can't return the book before 12 o'clock tonight... I can only choose the blood sacrifice... that is, killing." Tang Ying said carelessly, and there was a harmless expression on her face, but Ye Zi was scared.

He opened his mouth wide and looked at Tang Ying in surprise - killing, killing?! Such a delicate woman, unexpectedly...

Tang Ying looked at Ye Zi. After a while, she smiled with a trace of mockery: "You are really good at lying! I'm kidding. I'm scared of you.

"Let's go." Tang Ying waved to Ye Zi, "Don't be so reckless next time. You can't touch these books now."

She took a few steps, but suddenly looked back and smiled, with a trace of naughty in her eyes: "Bye-bye!"

Tang Ying's glance was amazing, like an electric current passing through Ye Zi's heart, which made him stunned.

Hee hee!

With this leisurely laughter, Tang Ying had already walked out of the bookstore. When Ye Zi came to her senses, she had already driven away.

............Ye Zi sighed - a beautiful woman like Tang Ying doesn't seem to get used to it casually.

Bad habit!


After ten o'clock in the morning, fast food restaurant...

The bell~~ The phone rang.

"Hello, XX fast food restaurant." He was polite but had some patterns of greetings. At the counter, he answered the phone in blue and white. His skin is dark, but his facial features are very beautiful, giving people a healthy and sunny feeling.

"It's me." The girl's voice came from the other end of the phone, which was not very loud and sneaky: "...Is the manager there?"

"..." Ye Zi was speechless in an instant, but then smiled bitterly: "Although it's not a strange thing to be late, dear Miss Lin, don't you think it's too much to be late seven days a week?"

"Hehe!" On the other end of the phone, the girl smiled twice and didn't explain too much: "...Okoo, okay, yesterday was not Valentine's Day, so..."

"So that's it. Well, it's understandable."

"Black Wood! Are you thinking about something?

"No, no, how dare you? We are all young people, normal."

"...rogue!!" I don't know if she was angry with Ye Zi. The girl hung up the phone, and a moment later, a girl in a red cap came into the door of the store...

The girl who entered the store took off her hat and showed a pretty face. Her skin was tender and white, her pink cheeks were smiling, and she had two shallow dimples. The girl is not very beautiful, but the unpretentious cuteness can't be ignored, and it invisibly adds a little cuteness to her, which is very charming.

The girl was laughing, but Ye Zi could clearly see that her big eyes staring straight at her with a little inconspicuous anger.

Knowing that things were not good, Ye Zi hurriedly laughed and laughed a few times: "...Do you want to drink milk tea? Or coffee?"

The girl snorted coldly: "Let's talk about it."

"...Uh," Ye Zi thought for a moment: "About what?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid." The girl walked over and said, "Wasn't it Valentine's Day yesterday?"

"...So what?"

"So?" The girl put her hands on her waist, and her soft but angry eyes stared at Ye Zi, who did not admit it: "So you big-headed ghost... Say, why did you dump Xiaomei, she..."

Before the girl lost her temper, Ye Zi hurriedly interrupted: "Wait a minute," He turned around and put his hand on the counter: "Xiaomei?" His face was full of doubt: "...When did you use this nickname for her?"

Ye Zi is very puzzled. In his impression, the girl is quite unfriendly to her girlfriend, er, ex-girlfriend, but now...

"Are you... all right?" He couldn't help asking, and then subconsciously approached a little: "...did you take the wrong medicine?"

The girl obviously minds that Ye Zi is so close, that distance, to be honest, has long exceeded the distance that her friends should have. But the girl did not push Ye Zi away or retreat, but stood firmly in place. Even if she blushed and her heart beat a little, she still looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water: "What and what! Isn't it because Xiaomei used to be your girlfriend..." At this point, the girl immediately realized that she was leaking the mouth, and the originally invisible delicate red was slightly obvious at this moment: "...I, I mean..."

"Huh?!" In the face of the girl who was a little at a loss at this moment, Ye Zi was a little closer. The distance, even each other's breath, could be easily felt: "...Do you like me?" He asked so directly that the girl was shocked.

Ye Zi guessed right, because of his words, the girl's whole face was as red as a ripe apple...


He laughed and said, "Actually," he approached a little: "If you want, I can really date you."

Communication, communication?!

The girl's deer bumped around. She wanted to hear this sentence from the first sight of Ye Zi. She was looking forward to it and was even more excited, but when she found that there was no trace of sincerity in Ye Zi's eyes, but full of fun, she was shy and angry...

Then, it was so direct that Ye Zi had a bright red palm print on her left face: "Narcissism! Go to hell!!" The angry girl turned away and entered the [staff room] behind the counter with a bang.

Ye Zi's innocent face, silly and stupidly touched her hot left face, and then asked herself incredibly, "No way? Do you really like me?!"

He was shocked. In his opinion, although he was a little handsome, in this world where money can only be seen as a person, he should not have such a great charm with almost zero bank card deposits.

Of course, if the girl is still at the beginning of love and at a hazy age, Ye Zi can still understand, but the fact is that the girl, like herself, dropped out of school before graduating from high school. Although it is only a few years to enter the society, these years are enough to assimilate girls and assimilate herself.

Therefore, Ye Zi, who unconsciously slowly accepted the supremacy of money, really couldn't understand that the girl would like herself.

This made things a little embarrassing. I don't know whether it was the deep desire for pure feelings or the girl's slap just now was too violent. When the girl put on a blue and white uniform and walked out of the staff room, Ye Zi was a little dodgeful and seemed very uncomfortable.

The girl is almost the same. Although she has a careless boy's character, she also shows the girl's natural shy side.

In this way, when they were close to each other, they really didn't dare to look at each other. Their eyes were erratic, but they would peek at each other from time to time.

Such a scene lasted for dozens of seconds. In the end, Ye Zi broke it first: "Uh... Do you want to drink milk tea? Or coffee."