Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Elves of Lake Libita 2III

2 of 3 Valkyrie Swordsmen's Corps

The rude voice interrupted the intoxication of the two. Needless to say, this is of course Kik's line. But he's right. At this moment, everyone is staring at them with all kinds of strange expressions... Xilu hurriedly shook off Loyde's hand, then coughed and pretended to be reserved:

"Good morning, big stupid bear. I didn't expect you to appear in this sacred place. Don't you think your appearance will make everyone lose their appetite for eating?

"Oh? What does it matter? Anyway, everyone's stomach will still scream. Before that, you'd better take care of yourself first, Miss. The master and the knight fall in love. Such a vulgar story is really funny. Right, brother?"

Kick completely ignored Xilu's rebuttal, walked to loyd carelessly and grabbed his shoulder:

"Are you loyd? Now there are rumors about you in the college! Although I think those are just a fuss. By the way, I'm Uncle Kick, who is known as the 'bear'!"

Sure enough, he is a rude stupid bear like rumors... But it's not too much to say that he is too straightforward. Although his shoulder was scratched by his bear claws...

"You are really awesome! I don't dare to despise my opponent at will. You killed her with one blow! And I even lived with her! How to say! How brave! Hahaha..."

"Saying that will increase unnecessary misunderstandings and annoy the young lady." Loyd removed the other party's big hand, "However, I would like to ask you to give more advice on strategic knowledge in the future, Mr. Kik."

"Don't call me Mr. Keke! However, I just like your straightforward nature!" Kik continued to pat him on the shoulder and laughed cheerfully:

"We will cooperate in the swordsman group for a while in the future! Just cheer up! When we have time, let's compare and let me see if your strength is as good as everyone brags..."

"It's rude!' What does it mean that everyone is bragging about? Are you saying that my knight is just a vain person? Xilu, who had been ignored, burst into the middle of the two, with a dissatisfied face:

"A knight will hurt his master's dignity if he is evaluated like this, big stupid bear! If you don't accept it, you can compare with me!"

"Oh? Do you want to compare with you? That is to say, you admit that you are not as good as this guy?" Kick didn't care about her reaction and fought back in a sarcastic tone.

"Who... who admits that he is not as good as him! You stupid bear who can only bite your tongue! Loyd, let's go to dinner! With this kind of person, your brain will turn into a stone!"

Loed didn't have time to say goodbye to Kik, so he was dragged aside by Xilu. Kick couldn't help touching his head:

"So I'm really unpopular... But what does it have to do with it? At least I can get along with that guy... Maybe I can make a friend... Hahaha..."

"Hey! Big guy Kick! It's rude to stand in the way like this!"


speak rudely! Kike turned around angrily:

"Who is it! Dare to talk to me like this... Oh! Isn't this Miss Shirley!"

Standing behind him is Shirley Went, who was just taking care of the business in the weapons store. At this moment, she changed into a waiter's costume, showing a more youthful atmosphere. Strangely, not only is Shirley not afraid of this fierce bear, who is two heads taller and rude and ill-mannered than herself, but also suddenly softened like a teddy bear:

"Hahaha... Has Miss Shirley started working... That's really rude..."

"If you know it's rude, get out of the way quickly! You are stuck here, and you can't even get through a chicken!"

"Oh... there's nothing I can do about it. I was born with this kind of man..." Keke quickly stood aside and gave way.

" Speaking of which, why did everyone come to dinner so early today? Everyone has just got up from the bedroom at this time.

"Don't you know? Today is a very important day. Everyone should gather in the square to listen to the training of the college principal, and then set up a swordsman group. This is to protect the safety of the royal family on 'Rovard Day' a month later.

"So that's it. You also told me before. I thought it was a joke, because I didn't expect that the royal family would really send someone to participate... Anyway, who is the captain of the swordsman group? Is that you?"

"I also want to know that it can't be me... It can't be me! It's the little girl Xilu! Because I was defeated by her last time..."

Speaking of this matter, Kik still seems to be worried. Shirley ignores his feelings:

"To be honest, you are really not suitable. As long as you stand in front, everyone will be scared away. Anyway, the name Xilu seems to be very familiar..."

I always feel that it's a name I've heard before, and I can't recall it for a moment...

Then don't think about it! Anyway, I won't know that person... Shirley's straightforward personality is somewhat similar to Kick:

"Then will you join the swordsman group? Although you lost to that lady, I think your swordsmanship is still one of the best. It's just that you only have such an advantage..."

Although it is a compliment and sarcastic speech that makes people don't know how to deal with it, the single-celled Keke certainly won't think about these complex problems. He was stunned by Shirley's praise:

"It's an honor to be praised by Miss Shirley... So... So... go for a drink with me... right?"

"Although it's not impossible... but if you can't drink, isn't there no atmosphere? It's a pity that you are so big that you are not old enough to drink. You really grow so much meat in vain.

"Wah ha, my strong body was born to protect the women around me!" Kik proudly showed the sliding muscles on her arm, and Shirley squinted her eyes with a "hum":

"Yes! Isn't it born to bully others? For example, an excuse to protect girls and beat others?"

Hearing her jokes, the students around him laughed loudly. Kik grabbed the back of his head with some embarrassment. If it had been someone else, he would have fought a lot. In fact, no one else dared to tease him so face to face.

"This is all a misunderstanding... Although I have indeed duel with others, they are all decent comparisons! I, Keke, will never be unreasonable..."

"I know. At least please sit down first." Feeling that I can't tease this big man too much, Shirley will accept it as soon as she sees it:

"The meal will be over in 15 minutes. I'll send you what you want right away. But hurry up and don't be late!"

"Of course!" Kik sat down happily, "Then breakfast, please..."

"Also, by the way, do you know someone named loyd?" Shirley suddenly thought of her other intention, just in time to ask him.

"Loed? Isn't it the knight of the little girl Xilu! He will be there with Xilu now. Do you know him?

"Yes... Yes, he didn't pay for the sword..." Sherry was worried about being seen through, so she quickly found a reason casually. Of course, she also understood why she felt that the name Xilu was so familiar just now. Kik listened with a blank face:

"Don't pay for things? Does that guy still have the problem of eating overlord meals?

"Hmm...Hmm! Then please wait a moment and bring you breakfast right away..."

Since I'm with Xilu, I can't talk to him alone. Shirley felt a faint loss. However, in fact, in this restaurant full of noble children, people with their own status seem to be out of place. If they do something extra, they may be punished or even expelled. If you want to talk to loyd, it's better to wait for the right opportunity to find another place...

A crisp bell rang in the restaurant, which prompted the students to eat and prepare to gather as soon as possible. Shirley strode to the kitchen, and Kik was still waiting for her to deliver breakfast.

About 20 minutes later, all the students lined up neatly in front of the statue of the college president in the square. They are about to confirm from the director of the college the fact that they have been looking forward to these days, and everyone is full of excitement. Loide couldn't be included because he was not a student, so Xilu stood at the end of the team with him.

After carefully count the number of people present, Mr. Robeck motioned the director of the college to arrive. Baymont coughed seriously and raised the magic wand in his hand:

"Hail Milan! Long live the Holy Moonlight College!"

The students repeated in unison. In fact, there is a sentence "Long live Your Majesty" in the middle of the complete oath, but Baymont has never used it since he became the president of the college. No wonder there are rumors that he and the royal family actually have a deep grudge...

"Well, now announce the essence of today's rally. As you know, the royal family will send people to participate in the celebration of 'Rovard's Day', and Mrs. Sierra has conveyed the relevant matters in detail before. Yesterday, the royal family made a decision to be attended by the Chief High Priest, H.Rolinforth..."

The students sighed with regret, and Xilu, standing in the back row, was also disappointed. The princess they had been looking forward to couldn't attend. What's the point of this celebration? It is said that although the chief high priest is loyal to the royal family, he has a hierarchy and power that is disgusted by ordinary nobles, and some of the decrees he formulated often attract fierce confrontation. If it hadn't been for the king's trust in him, he would have lost his life in the turbulent court disputes. So, no one wants to meet this bad old man...

If I had known that I should have listened to loyd and wrote a letter to my sister... Even if it was Rumir, the more prestigious second high priest. Xilu secretly regretted.

"Quiet! Although it can't be as you wish, the celebration is not a play. It is not only related to the reputation of the college, but also to the honor of yourself and your family! Please don't live up to your family's expectations..."

The students agreed weakly. Their enthusiasm has long been extinguished by the previously announced facts. What honor, family, they are all completely indifferent. The head of the college and several teachers couldn't help frowning:

"Ha--! Is your lazy attitude still the elite of the kingdom and the pride of the college? I don't remember cultivating such an ignorant and short-sighted guy! Can your so-called dignity only show a sense of existence in those useless duels? If you still have a trace of shame in your heart, raise your head!"

The college president's angry drinking played a role, and the scolded students regained their spirits driven by self-esteem.

And please don't forget that this is not just a college celebration, but also an important test of your magical ability. This time, even the royal family will pay attention to your performance! If anyone has decided to repeat the grade or drop out of school, please tell Mr. Robeck his name now!"

Of course, no one answered, which is not a joke...

"Well... finally there is still some appearance as it should be. However, I hope you can clarify the true meaning of what we do with a more conscious and rational attitude. The saddest thing for human beings is that they are blinded by the gains and losses of appearances and make their brains follow them to make wrong judgments. Before the dream turns into a concrete reality, we always have to meet all kinds of possible defeats, so we must learn to think and explore the deepest mysteries of the world... Then, it's time for Mrs. Sheila.

Although Mrs. Sheila always has a kind smile, everyone can see the caution and a faint uneasiness in her eyes. This may be due to the deep disappointment of the student's performance just now.

"Dear friends, I think everyone is very aware of the responsibilities we must shoulder from now on. What we want to protect is not only this college and yourself, but also the safety of your classmates and royal family members, as well as the honor of your family. I believe that all your dear boys should have girls they like, right? They must also look forward to you showing your ideal gentlemanly demeanor.

The originally dull air suddenly became active. Mrs. Sheila's words are understated but extremely lethal, which can make the students more emotional than the college principal's exege.

"Then, please raise the staff of honor in your hands. Ladies and gentlemen, young gentlemen

"Swung" and raised 20 magic wands and two swords of loyd and Kick. Among the 140 students, students from other countries are not obliged to join the swordsmen's regiment (except for Keke, who was forcibly named by Xilu), leaving a total of 80 in Haier Milan's country. Although the number of 20 is not as much as expected, it is also reassuring. What's more, more than half of these 20 students are from low-level nobles. They are eager to improve the reputation of themselves and their families in this grand event, and will show stronger fighting spirit than those noble students.

"Very good, that's enough. What a touching passion for youth. Don't let down the inspiring eyes of other students present. So, Miss Xilu!"

Xilu responded loudly, but found that she could not squeeze forward in the congested queue and could only stride from the side of the team. The students burst into laughter, which made Xilu very embarrassed. Keke, who had been watching the bustle with an incompetual look, suddenly came out and stood beside her:

" shut up! You guys! Anyone who wants to laugh at our regimental commander should fight with the iron fist of my staff first! No matter how much, I will accompany you!"

The boiling square was silent in an instant, and everyone dared not say anything. The dean and teachers shook their heads helplessly, and Xilu, who was relieved, also frowned at this almost barbaric behavior:

"That...Kick, thank you very much...but now is my time."

"Oh? Hahaha, I'm sorry, I'm just giving you back a favor. Kick returned to his queue with a loud laugh. As for what kind of favor it is, Xilu has no impression at all...

"Miss Xilu, please continue."

Mrs. Sheila's voice reminded Xilu, who was confused. Thinking of her responsibility at this moment, Xilu pulled out her sword and raised it high:

"Well! Ladies and gentlemen of the Valkyrie Swordsmen Group! Please take an oath with me!"

"Valkyrie Swordsman Corps?"

This is probably the name that the leader suddenly came up with. However, in the name of the mythical Valkyrie, it sounds very imposing, and naturally there is no need to oppose it. Twenty magic wands were raised straight to the sky again.

"We swear by the sword of our opponents and let the gods witness our loyalty! For our honor, for our faith, for our future! Long live Haier Milan! Long live the king! Long live the Holy Moonlight College! Long live the Valkyrie Swordsman Corps!"

The shout of the oath resounded through the sky, and the courage from the heart seemed to turn into a soft wind to embrace everything in the square. Those students of the non-swords were infected by the strong atmosphere and couldn't help shouting.

"Hail Milan! Long live the king! Long live the Holy Moonlight College! Long live the Valkyrie Swordsman Corps!"

"Not enough!" Xilu suddenly pointed her sword at the opposite crowd. Everyone was shocked by her sudden move and waited for her inexplicably.

"Hail, Silu Ferrinwen Lafard!"

After a moment of silence, the laughter in the square broke out again like a wave of anger. Even the teachers standing behind couldn't help smiling. Xilu, who didn't expect such a result, was stunned. When she saw loyd standing at the end, she seemed to turn around in embarrassment. She suddenly blushed and lost her temper at the ** crowd:

" shut up! You idiots! If you don't respect me as an instructor and head, there will be no training results! Why don't you understand..."

In the huge wave of laughter, her voice was really like a beep. Seeing that the originally serious rally was about to end in an uncontrollable scene, Robeck, who had been silent, stood in front of her and made a "quiet" gesture. The laughter gradually stopped, and Robeck immediately returned to his original position.

"You can have such a deterrent without saying a word... It's worthy of Robeck." Lulu and others all had some respect for him in their hearts. Usually, they are more disgusted by his awe.

"Finally... I have one more thing to announce to you."

The president coughed and made a deep expression:

"Actually... I just told a little lie... But I did do it on purpose, because only then can I select the brave who will really perform his duties. In fact... Her Royal Highness Princess Selya really participated in the college celebration. Then, disband."

Another burst of cheers after a silence, which was also mixed with some chagrin complaints. Of course, they were fools who thought that the princess would not come and lost their enthusiasm, so that they did not join the swordsmen' group. However, no one has paid attention to these now. The whole square, no, the whole college was overwhelmed by the sound of "housand live". Some students specializing in fire magic cast fireballs. The fireballs scattered in the sky are just like festive fireworks, but they lack some changeable colors.

"Ah, why is business suddenly getting better? Twenty swords at once? Have those arrogant guys used beautiful wooden sticks?

Royd handed the order to Kruff, the old man in the arsenal. The old man pretended to be surprised when he saw the numbers above.

"It's just because a swordsman group has been set up, and weapons for training are needed." Loyd explained with an apologetic expression:

"Because the training will start tomorrow, it's really hard for you..."

"Where--in, as long as the business comes to the door, I won't refuse, and since you entrust it, I won't slow down on the old man. I can deliver the right goods to you tomorrow morning. But the price has to be paid now. Thirty silver coins. You know that those guys are famous for liking debts. I still have some people's bills from four or five years ago in my account..."

"Fortunately, I'm not that kind of nobleman and won't cause you this kind of trouble." Loyd smiled understandingly and folded thirty silver coins on the counter. After careful count, the old man took the key from his arms, opened the locked drawer, took out a dilapidated wooden box, and then put the silver coins in one by one.

"Don't think that the old man is greedy and stingy. The poor have to care so much to make a living. Thirty silver coins are just a simple number for those guys, and it's three months of food for us.

"I understand this. Once I would fight with beasts for three silver coins, and I didn't even think about whether I would be eaten by them. Now think about it, even if it is eaten, it is much more comfortable than starving to death.

Although he was telling some tragic past events, loyd did not show sadness or anger. The old man's eyes narrowed into a seam:

"Hey! What a beautiful story. This is the fun that only people with this identity can enjoy! Young man, you are indeed a very interesting guy..."

"But I have a question to ask... Since there are not many people in this college who can use iron blades, why is there such an arsenal?"

"Who knows! When I came to this college as a handyman, it already existed. I felt that it was a pity to abandon it and started business here. To say the meaning of its existence... It's probably waiting for the arrival of people like you!"

"It's really a disturbing explanation... But maybe this is the truth, because the facts always make people feel ordinary."

"However, there will also be treasures like 'Wentini' bought by you, so it's not as boring as you see on the surface! I'll help you find it one day. Maybe I can help you find a good set of armor... Hahaha, there should be something like that..."

"Are you talking nonsense with the guests again, Grandpa?"

I heard the old man's unbridled laughter at the door. Shirley rushed in angrily while thinking, "I must have been drinking secretly." But at first glance, the guest is loyd...

Ouch! What a fate! I didn't expect to see him here again!

The unobstructed nature made her not care that it was daytime, nor did she care about the old man's strange eyes, and generously took loyd's hand:

"I remember your name is loyd, right? You recognized our treasure 'Wentini' at a glance! It's rare to see a guest like you! Although Grandpa said it was given to you, it was 3,000 gold coins... I'll think you owe it! Nah, tell me your story! I really want to hear your story in the college again..."

Of course, this is not out of admiration, but it is indeed out of favor. When appreciating a certain advantage of the other party, Shirley will pester them so enthusiastically, although this often leads to serious misunderstanding of the other party. Loyd didn't know how to deal with this situation at this moment. For the first time in his memory, someone approached him so boldly and enthusiastically. And when he was at a loss, the sudden roar made everything even more chaotic...