Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Elves of Libita Lake 2 of 7

Two-seven trials and choices

All the way to the shore of Libianta Lake, loyd seemed to jump off the horse without blushing, but Lulu could only lie on the horse's back and gasp. Originally, his body was quite weak, and he was quickly tossed by the "wind dragon". He only felt that his heart was about to jump out of his mouth, and his stomach was even more uncomfortable. Loyd saw her painful expression and quickly helped her off the horse to sit aside, massaged her back for a while, and then her face gradually returned to rosy:

"I said... Are you going to kill me... You know that I'm physically weak..."

Talking is still intermittent. It seems that she is really tired. loyd can't help regretting:

"I'm really sorry, I'm too anxious..."

However, Lulu's performance is only seven points true, and the remaining three points are actually out of shyness. At the moment, because of fear, she held loyd tightly from her back and almost put her whole body on it. Now recalling the appearance at that time, it was really a deer in her heart... Of course, this can't be known to loyd, so she tried to only show her fatigue:

"Even if you say so... won't let me regain much strength... And I walked in such a hurry... I didn't bring any medicine... It's too much..."

"Yes...I'm sorry...I don't know how to apologize..."

Loed's expression of sincerity and guilt made her a little uneasy. Since this guy is not malicious, you'd better accept it if you see it:

"Let's talk about this later... But you have to tell me your reason... Isn't it to take me out for a tryst?"

"You...a tryst..."

Lulu's confusion made Lulu laugh, and suddenly a prank surged up:

"Since you want to have a tryst with me... be bold! There is no one else around here... And I don't have much strength... You can do whatever you want..."

Lulu leaned back slightly and put on a "happy" posture. With his figure and today's charming clothes, he must be unable to control this puppet... Although this is purely a joke... But this guy really came up!

Seeing loyd's suddenly approaching face, the heartbeat that had calmed down accelerated again, and Lulu covered her chest with her hand in panic:

"Wow! Wait... wait a minute! I...I just..."

"Please stop making such a joke, Miss Lulu."

loyd really didn't want to take advantage of people's danger, so he raised his head after saying this. Although Lulu felt his integrity, she was also inexplicably angry because of this integrity:

"What! It makes me look like a nymphomaniac! I'm not that kind of casual person!"

In fact, what she really wants to say is "Do you really ignore my charm?" Usually, few people are fooled when she plays this kind of prank, but as soon as she meets this Loed, she has no position on self-confidence, which of course makes her a little angry. However, she is also worried that if loyd says "what happened to you just now" at this time, she won't know how to answer... Fortunately, loyd doesn't have such a bad habit:

"I will solemnly apologize to you in the future, but please help me solve the current situation first."

Is it about Xilu? Seeing that you are so busy, there will be no one but her.

"Yes, you just saw that she is trapped on an isolated island in the lake at the moment, so I think only you can help me, Miss Lulu."

"Sure enough, it's for her... Let me suffer so much..."

Lulu is full of unhappiness. You are so tossed that I almost die! Although you have guessed the reason before, at least you can say it beautifully! I'm not the kind of guy who can't help! Your personality is easy to hurt girls!

Although she refuted loyd in her heart, Lulu still gave up the idea of refusing - or she would not refuse in the first place. After all, Xilu is also her proud disciple...

"I said... Although I have no reason to refuse... but you should also learn what it means to ask for others. Not everyone will be so tolerant of you like me! Especially women, don't always break their hearts..."

Although I felt that this was just teaching him some necessary humane and justice - this puppet was quite poor for this... But loyd became a little sad:

"Yes... That's why it makes Xilu angry... So is Miss Lulu... I really don't know anything about these... Maybe it's really a useless waste..."

"Hey! Don't say it so outrageous! This doesn't look like a normal you!" Seeing that her preaching had a counterproductive effect, Lulu was unconsciously anxious:

"Actually, although it has only been a few days, you have changed a lot. At least, if it were you, you wouldn't be as excited as today, after Xilu was in danger.

"Sixilu also said this to me, and she also said that I would get angry and joke, although I always thought it was just some wrong reactions..."

Sure enough, I want him to understand that these things are not the power of the day and the day... He can't be in a hurry to achieve it. Let him slowly understand the meaning of this change. Lulu smiled and took out the magic wand to change the topic:

"Okay, let's talk about it later, so how can I help you?"

"I want you to create a magic boundary for me to move on the water, so that I can run to search for the whereabouts of Xilu."

Lulu was stunned for a moment and shook her head in frustration:

"I can't do it."

"Why? Isn't this one of the water magic you are good at? Loyd was stunned.

"Why! I just can't do it! And... if you want to create such a boundary, even if you spend all my strength, you may not succeed..."

"Although it will embarrass you... but I can only come up with such a way..."

Loide lowered her head deeply, and Lulu sighed deeply:

"Of course, I don't want to help you... But with my current physical strength, I may only create a boundary that lasts for up to 20 minutes... Are you confident that you can find that island on such a wide lake in 20 minutes?"

"Should... No, I'm sure I can find it!"

"What an idiot! What's the use of self-confidence? You will die and drown in this Lake Libita! So I won't agree!" Lulu turned her body angrily:

"Just be confident... think about others..."

"I won't die, Miss Lulu! Please believe me, I will come back alive!"

Loide's firmness made Lulu cry, but she quickly wiped away her tears:

"Where did you get this strong self-confidence?"

"Maybe it's because... I'm her guardian knight."

"There's really no reason to be interested... Just take a gamble. I'll try my best. But... I hope to make an agreement with you."

"No matter what the agreement is, please tell Miss Lulu."

"I will calculate the time here. If you haven't come back in 15 minutes... I will summon you back with the magic of 'forced return'... It's better than drowning..."

loyd hesitated for a moment and seemed to feel that this request was a little reluctant, but as soon as he saw Lulu's slightly sad look, he finally nodded:

"Okay, everything is up to you."

"Also, remember to thank me. I don't help you for free!"

Lulu regained her energetic smile, motioned him to stand in front of him, and then concentrated on singing the spell:

"Because it takes a long time, please be sure to concentrate... That's all I can do..."

Lulu recites ancient words in her mouth, but there is a slight sadness in her heart:

"Loed... Be sure to return safely... Because this is also the first time to use this magic..."

As Loed was worried, Xilu is in crisis at this moment, but not on the island, but in the "gate of trial".

Since it is a trial, it is impossible to pass just by answering questions like the usual test of the college. Xilu had made full psychological preparations before entering, and also simply calculated all the possible enemies in her mind, from low-level beasts to advanced magic dragons... Magic dragons should not be impossible to come out. Now... But when she entered the door of the trial, she was still shocked by the field.

The world in the gate of trial is not the original island, but an unknown grassland... It is so big that it is a monotonous place that there is nothing but weeds. Xilu was wondering why she came to such a strange place, and the figure in front of her attracted her attention.

"Has the enemy appeared...?"

Xilu knew that the time of trial was coming, so she took out her weapon to prepare for war. However... the figure of the other party gradually became clear gave her a wonderful feeling:

"Why do I feel like I've seen it somewhere... such a familiar feeling...?"

The closer you get, the stronger this familiar feeling will be. When the other party finally stood in front of her, Xilu couldn't help exclaiming:

"Fei... Sister Fei Linwen!"

It won't be wrong! The long light blonde hair that is not curly like a waterfall, the dignified and loving face, the graceful figure like a weak willow in the wind... It's none other than her sister Ferrinwen Sute LaFard!

"How can it be... How can it be sister!"

Xulu rubbed her eyes hard to confirm that the other party was not a phantom, and was immediately excited like a bird spreading its wings for the first time:


At the moment when she was about to jump on her sister's gentleness, Fei Linwen raised the magic wand in her hand, and a flash of lightning exploded beside Xilu, and Xilu rolled away in confusion.

"What...what are you doing! Sister..."

Another lightning fell from the sky. Xilu was ready this time and cleverly dodged away. It was also at this moment that she suddenly woke up:

"No! This is not my sister! My sister is not such a person who can't speak or laugh!"

Fe Linwen neither spoke nor took the next move, but quietly waited for Xilu's reaction, which also deepened Xilu's conviction:

"The Gate of Trial will choose the trial program according to your heart... Libianta said so, that is to say, the person in front of me is just the opponent selected by the Gate of Trial for me, the illusion of my sister!"

Because I have always wanted to surpass my sister, I chose my sister as my opponent... But even if it is just a phantom, my strength should be exactly the same as my sister's, and I must not relax!

"What a difficult test... But even if it's really my sister, I won't give in! Besides, you are just a doll! Today, let me surpass you here, sister!"

Confirming that Xilu has completed the preparations, "Fe Linwen" also raised her magic wand. As she quickly sang, she was surrounded by several lightnings into an impeccable magic defense wall.

Of course, Xilu knows her sister's combat method very well. Because she is naturally weak and unable to use sword skills to fight hand-to-hand skills like her sister, Fei Linwen will first set up such a defense system at the beginning of the war, so that the opponent can't easily entangling him with the blade, and then use her proficient thunder magic to launch an attack. Fei Linwen also taught her sister this trick, but Xilu didn't pay attention to show her difference from her sister... But this also means that she can't find the flaw that can be attacked so easily.

At this moment, Xilu is distressed by this. If only she had learned this combat skill seriously before... Now no matter what she says, it's meaningless. Do your best to fight!

It is not feasible for my sister to pester the opponent with close combat and then raid with magic... The only way is to stand by and wait for my sister to reveal flaws in the gap of the attack...

Originally, she thought that her sister would not be able to maintain the magic defense wall for too long because of her weakness, but soon Xilu found that this was also futile, and the other party's magic showed no sign of weakening in the fierce battle. Is the opponent's energy infinite in this door of trial? In that case, I will really be at a disadvantage!

"Are you kidding... Even then, I won't admit defeat! You are a doll! Even if you become a sister, you are just a doll!"

Xilu flexibly dodged the sudden lightning, but did not launch an attack. In the previous round of offensive, the ice gun she called was completely blocked by the opponent's defense wall, and there was no gap to find a breakthrough. Realizing the gap in magic, her attack was just a waste of energy, and Xilu kept approaching in hiding. No matter how strict the defense system is, there will always be a moment of void, and then seize this opportunity to decide the winner with a sword...

The roar of clouds came from her ears. Xilu didn't have to look up to know that it was a precursor to the launch of her sister's upper magic "Thunder Cloud". Continuous lightning will closely follow your actions. If you can't resist it all, you must dodge at the fastest speed. Of course, you can't resist, but retreat means that you have exhausted your previous achievements. If you move forward... In front of you is a lightning defense wall, which is even more risky...

Then don't hesitate to take risks! This bold style is my nature! Moreover, before "Thunder Cloud" ends its effectiveness, the other party can't perform other magic... This is also an adventurous act.

The most perfect combat strategy was formed in her mind almost within a second. Xilu held the sword in her hand and quickly attacked the other party. The lightning cast by "lei yun" kept tracking and bursting behind her, and she would be hit with a little delay. Xilu completely ignored the flash that was already close at hand. She was only one step away from the other party's defense wall, and she had felt a strong current on her skin...

Whether behind or in front of you, as long as you are hit, you will become coke... And this doll will not show mercy like her sister...

Fear passed through my mind in an instant, but desperate attention does not require unnecessary distractions.

If this is really the legendary sword Wendy... plus your belief that you are strong enough, you will definitely have the power to cut off magic...

Sister...loyd...I'll show you! Because I'm "Star Xilu"!

With a roar, Xilu held the hilt with both hands, and the sword body drew a perfect aura around her body. The lightning behind him and the defense wall in front of him were cut off like dead leaves and disappeared in the air.

"I did it! But it's not over yet...!"

At the moment when the lightning disappeared, a huge lightning ball appeared in front of the opponent.

"Hey... 'Lei Yun' is followed by 'Lei Xia'... The fighting method of the doll will only be a simple imitation... If it were my sister, it would not be so stupid..."

In memory, once the defense wall is cut off, Fei Linwen will quickly gather the remaining power and then cast "Lei Xia". Although it is only a lightning ball for containment, the power is still not to be underestimated...

"A single imitation can't defeat me! Doll!"

Xilu waved her magic wand, and a circular ice wall stood around her.

"See! I can also set up a magic defense wall like you! Don't underestimate me! I will also grow up!"

Next is the moment of victory and defeat...

Xilu's sword stabbed straight out.

The defensive ability of the ice wall, coupled with the destructive power of "Wendy" to penetrate magic, is enough to resolve the offensive of the lightning ball that was only used to contain. Then seize the opportunity to knock down the other party smoothly...

There was a huge roar in my ear. Did you succeed in fighting?

But...this huge storm...and the severe pain behind it...what's going on...?

Xilu flew high like a broken puppet, and then fell heavily on the ground, and blood gushed out of her back and mouth. Broken clothes and the burning smell of skin are mixed around...

"How... can it be like this..."

It turns out that the lightning ball in front of him is just a bait, but the real attack comes after itself? The defense wall that I have hard set up is as thin as a piece of paper in front of the opponent's attack...

"After all... it's my sister... I still... can't surpass it..."

Consciousness gradually begins to be hazy again... Am I really going to die?

This is definitely not an illusion... This pain is real...

"If the trial fails, you will always drift in the empty space..."

Libita's words flashed through her mind, and fear supported her already blurred spirit:

"No... If you don't stand up... everything will be over..."

After a moment of silence, the opponent raised his magic wand. The sky on Xilu's head is cloudy.

"This is... the strongest 'thunder burial'... Sister... Are you really going to kill me..."

Yes, the other party is not a sister at all and will not have mercy...

"No matter what danger you encounter, you must believe in your own will and the power of your companions..."

Xilu said about Libianta's advice.

Yes... Since I can't stand up anymore... I can only rely on him...

Before consciousness completely disappears...

Xilu used all her strength to shout out the name of her guardian knight.

At the moment when the thunder fell, a familiar figure picked himself up and quickly avoided the fatal blow. Subsequently, a huge deep pit appeared in her original position.

"What a terrible force...but saved...thank you, Luo..."

Xilu's eyes were suddenly full of surprise. When did loyd become a black-haired prince in a senior knight's uniform?

This person is not loyd! But he clearly called loyd's name!

Xilu opened her panicked and doubtful eyes and wanted to say something, but she had little strength to speak. The dark-haired knight gently stroked her scattered hair and smiled:

"It seems that you are safe, so I'm relieved, dear Xilu. Let me take care of the next matter."

Xilu's lips moved twice, but she still didn't make any sound. The knight lay her face down and stroked her injured skin:

"It will hurt a little, but please be patient. It will be fine soon."

As the knight recited the spell, a white light appeared in his hand, and Xilu's bleeding wounds and burnt skin gradually calmed down.

"Well, although I can only do this for the time being... at least my life will not be in danger."

Xilu buried her face in the grass and did not answer. Perhaps because of the pain, her body trembled slightly.

"Have a good rest, and I will deal with your enemy."

The knight stood up and pulled out his sword. The sword body seemed to contain the power of magic and shine with silver luster.

"I didn't expect to play with Miss Fei Linwen's phantom... However, because it's a phantom, it's not as powerful... and cute as me."

Xilu did not turn around to watch the battle. She seemed to know what strength the knight had.

After about two minutes, the sound of the knight's sword reaching her ears.

"Although it's just a phantom... it took a little time. If it was Fei Linwen herself... it might be more difficult. Dear Xilu, can you stand up?

"Why...why is it you..."

Xilu's blurred voice is crying:

"Why did you appear beside me... Haven't you abandoned me already... You still call me 'Dear Xilu'... You still call me 'wife' in my dream... Haven't you forgotten me a long time ago..."

"Although you won't listen to my explanation now... but one day we will clarify everything in the past. And... it seems that the person you really call is him."

Xilu turned around and sat up. Seeing loyd, who she had been calling just now, standing on the other side, her face suddenly turned pale.

"I know... You haven't forgotten me, and your heart still loves me... Because when you call the name loyd, my shadow appears in your mind... That's why I can come here... My dear Xilu..."

The knight squatted down and kissed her gently on her face. Xilu's face was as terrible as white paper, and loyd's expression was frozen like bronze.

There is no rebuttal or resistance. It seems that what the knight said is true.

What I call is your name, but what I think is to make a person... What an abominable woman I am! Will you treat me as a person with different appearances? Your heart must be full of anger, right? Will our relationship be completely interrupted today? You are my most important knight, but he is the son-in-law who has already sworn to me...

Xilu didn't know how to answer at this moment, and loyd's heart was completely unpredictable. She only felt how lucky it would be if she had been submerged in the lake before...

" dear Xilu... Come back to me? I will make you the happiest bride... This is the agreement we once made... We have swore to the sacred Luna Mountains that no matter what danger we encounter, we will not change each other's strongest belief in each other..."

Xilu's tears fell like raindrops, and Loyde's expression on one side also became gloomy.

Or...choose this knight? I won't blame you for breaking the oath, because after all, I broke the oath first... So now I want to redeem my fault..."

Xilu still shed tears silently, and the answer seemed to have emerged in her silence. Loyd smiled at her and then turned around to leave.

Don't go... loyd... you are my knight!

Don't go...loyd!

Don't go!

Xilu shouted out with her best, and the trill of crying played a sad Serenade. In an instant, the knight and Loid, as well as the prairie beside her, collapsed into invisible, and she was still sitting on the previous island.