Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Elves of Libita Lake 2 of 9

The first battle of the two-nine swordsmen's group•before

"I'll give it to you! 3,000 gold coins! There is no shortage of them!"

Early morning, Xilu took loyd to the arsenal - two days after she came back. After Lulu's treatment in the past two days, the wound on her back has healed. I just heard that loyd was scolded in private by Lu Lu... The relationship between the two is really unclear! Xilu felt inexplicably annoyed when she thought about it.

But before that, Xilu decided to solve another problem first - the civilian girl in the arsenal who got angry and then encountered many troubles! No matter what your relationship is with loyd, you can't have any reason to approach my knight...

Okay! That day, I heard what you said, "That's 3,000 gold coins. I think you owed it." That's the reason why you approached him!

Three thousand gold coins are not a small amount even for nobles like Xilu, but she didn't know what method she used. In short, she forced her parents to remit the money in full, and then threw the money bag to Kruff's counter the next day, not to mention the old man and little granddaughter, even Loyd, who didn't know in advance, was also stunned.

"That's it! The last time I hit you for no reason... It was my fault. But now I have paid you the money. In short, it's two clear! Don't approach my knight casually in the future, you country girl!"

Xilu put her hands on her waist and showed her power to Shirley like a fierce cat. Shirley turned her eyes to loyd with some confusion, and loyd's face also looked embarrassed. Instead, the old man put on an indifferent face and carefully counted the gold coins in the purse:

"Well...nine hundred and thousand! That's the price! Hey, miss, I'll give you back the remaining 2,000 gold coins!"

The old man threw the wallet to Xilu, who took it in his hand and stared at him angrily:

"What do you mean? Isn't it worth 3,000 gold coins?"

"In fact, only a thousand gold coins are enough... Because as soon as it comes to your hands, it is only worth so much. If it's in the hands of that young man, three thousand is not enough..."

"What are you talking about! Do you mean I don't deserve it?" Xilu was furious and ready to get her magic wand. loyd quickly took her hand:

Don't be impulsive! The old man means that the price is low because it is worth the money. People like me who can't exert their power have to charge a high price..."

"Yes! That's what grandpa means!" When Shirley saw that her grandfather wanted to refute, she quickly came out to reconcile, and the old man dispelled his original intention:

"That's what it means! I said, miss, this kind of metal-flavored place is not suitable for a noble person like you. Get out quickly when things are done. The old man doesn't want to serve a person who casually beats my granddaughter seriously..."

"Then discipline your granddaughter and stop doing that shameless thing!" Although Xilu felt sorry, she refused to give in at all. Shirley's face suddenly turned a little blue, and loyd also showed a look of chagrin. Only the old man still said in that slow tone:

"I said...Miss... Who is loyd you?"

"Do you still need to ask! I have already said that he is my knight!"

"So, he is not your slave or servant?"

"When...of course!"

"Isn't it your engagement?"


"Or do you already like him and want to monopolize him?"

"You...what the hell are you talking about!" Xilu's face suddenly swelled like ripe tomatoes.

"Isn't that all right? Even under the decree of the aristocracy, there has never been a rule that your knights cannot associate with other women. Don't say that my granddaughter just treats him as an ordinary friend. Even if you fall in love with him and pursue him, you have no right to oppose him, right?

"That...that's two things! Anyway, if it doesn't work, it won't work!" Xilu, who was refuted speechlessly, jumped angrily. Shirley, who was still unhappy, couldn't help covering her mouth, and the low laughter made Xilu even more disgusted:

"It's gone, loyd! If you stay in such a place for one more minute, people will rot! Don't come to such a place again!"

Loide was dragged out by Xilu with a helpless face. Shirley stood for a moment before turning her face to the old man with some reverence:

"You are really amazing, Grandpa! How dare you make her so angry! It's dangerous to satirize nobles casually!"

"A little girl like this... should be taught a lesson like this. In fact, her nature is not bad, but her desire for exclusivity is a little stronger..."


"Can't you really see it? Otherwise, why do you think she hit you before, and why don't you allow you to get in contact with that young man today? I said, my dear granddaughter, your opponent is really difficult to deal with..."

"I said I just wanted to be friends with him! Don't be so old and unscrupulous! Let's get ready to clean up quickly!" Shirley began to clean up the house in a panic.

"But then again, there is that tall young man... What's his name... red-haired..."

"You mean Kik? That big stupid bear?" Shirley responded absent-mindedly.

"That's him... Although he has only been here twice, I can see that he has a good impression on you..."

The broom in Shirley's hand fell to the ground, and she quickly squatted down:

"What nonsense! Who would like the stupid bear who can only play brute force..."

Huh? I didn't say you like him... But you have to think about your behavior, otherwise the two young people may fight..."

With a bang, the old man's head was hit by Shirley's sudden broom.

"Ah! How dare you beat your grandfather..."

"It's better to clean up if you have time! Otherwise, it's not as simple as knocking on the head!"

In full view of the public, Xilu dragged loyd all the way into her room and locked the door with magic. Loyd looked at her rummaging around in the small box hidden under the bed and couldn't help but have an ominous feeling.

"Really... It's already like this... and that... What on earth do you want..."

Xilu muttered the lines that she couldn't even understand, while turning the things in the box in a mess. Looking at the obviously old mirrors, perfume bottles, wallets, pendants, hairpins... and other sundries piled up in **, loyd was a little embarrassed to laugh and cry:

"Xilu... These things seem to be unusable. Have you been hiding with you all the time?

"It's all the gifts my sister gave me... Because I felt reluctant, I stayed..."

"Your relationship with your sister is really good..."

"Of course...ah...Yes!"

Xilu raised a piece of white paper high above her head:

"Uh-huh... that's it! Hey..."

"What is this white paper...?"

Seeing that Xilu smiled strangely, the uneasiness in Loyde's heart spread even more.

"You will know soon..."

Xilu sat on her knees to ** with her back to Loyde, put the white paper flat in front of her, and didn't know what spell was reciting in her mouth. After a while, she turned around and spread it in front of him with white paper in her hands:

"Okay, print your handprints on this paper!"

loyd stared curiously at the white paper in front of him. There seems to be some words written on the front of the white paper... But why do you press the handprint on the back?

"What the hell is this? Why should I print by hand on the back without words?

"Don't ask so much. Anyway, press it right away! Anyway, it's not a bad thing..."

"Then it doesn't matter if you show me the front..."

Xilu's strange and slightly flustered expression deepened his doubts. They looked at each other silently, and Xilu swam quickly with all kinds of expressions on her face. Loyd slowly stretched out his hand and suddenly grabbed the white paper and raised it above his head. Xilu screamed, "Wow! Don't look at it, idiot!" While trying to grab it back, but no matter how long she stretches her arms, she can't reach it...

"Well..." As a knight of Xilu, I hereby swear that I will only be loyal to Xilu, and will never touch other women, let alone empathize with each other...' I said, what on earth did you write?"

"You will know it by yourself!" Xilu buried her head in the quilt and hummed:

"It's really annoying... I only know how to bully me... treat me as a fool... Obviously at that time..."

loyd recalled that night. After he woke up, Xilu told him in detail about what happened on the isolated island (Xilu still hid the story about the brunette knight). After listening to the story of Celine and Lance, both of them sighed infinitely, and Xilu took the opportunity to ask:

"If I were like Celine... Will Loid protect me like Lance?"

"That's of course. That's why I came to you, right?" Loyd's answer made Xilu very happy.

After hearing her call for herself in the fantasy of trial, Loyde's heart was full of warmth. So now when I see her like this, of course, I am also a little moved.

"In fact... even if you don't write like this, I will follow these words. Didn't I make such a vow the moment I became your guardian knight?

Yes... Although he is always angry with him and is always far away from him, he still calls his name at every dangerous moment, and he also comes to help me... loyd is a knight who keeps his vows... His own unprovoked suspicion and anger Fire is really childish...

However, recalling what old Mr. Koff said just now, she was inevitably a little overwhelmed:

"Loed is just my knight...not my slave...whoever he wants to associate with is his freedom...if he and the country girl...or with Lulu... then I..."

"But Xilu... What the hell is this paper..."

The messy thoughts were interrupted by Loyd's question, and she secretly adjusted her disordered breathing:

"This is magic paper... Whether you press your fingerprints or sign your name, what is written on it will become a vow that can never be broken..."

"So... why use such a thing?"

"Because...because you are always so close to that country woman!" Xilu straightened up, and her round eyes sparkled:

"And Lulu... crying and making trouble for you... What on earth are you going to do... You are my knight!"

"Really... If this can eliminate misunderstandings or make you feel at ease..."

loyd took the pen on the table and was ready to sign his name, but Xilu grabbed the magic paper back:

"No... I just believe you... And the signature is just a simple form... But if you want to leave me to become someone else's knight... I will kill you!"

Although he tried to pretend to be fierce, he still couldn't hide the childish shyness. It's really full of the fragrance of youth.

"I think before you do it... I will be killed by the goddess or the original college president for breaking the oath..."

Xilu raised her little mouth vigorously and finally couldn't help laughing:

"It's time for us to train, and we don't know what kind of results Kik has been trained in the past two days. But if you don't go, my regimental commander may lose his authority.

"Speaking of this... By the way, Xilu, do you know the recent continuous theft of the arsenal?"


When she heard the word "weapons", Xilu wanted to lose her temper again, but finally she was not the kind of irrational person and immediately read the key:

"Continuous theft?"

"Yes, this is the news I learned many days ago, and I didn't mention it to you because of a series of things that happened later."

"Strange... Who would go there to steal things? What's the use of stealing those broken copper and iron? Unless there are a lot of treasures like 'Wentini' hidden there..."

The key is that the identity of the thief is also noteworthy. If you are an outsider, you can break through the boundary and sneak into the college, and your strength is extraordinary; if you are a person inside the college..."

"That's right." Xilu nodded in agreement:

"It really needs to attract attention. This is not an ordinary trivial matter... But why don't they report to the college?"

"I probably feel that the stolen things are not very valuable, and even if they are reported, they will not attract the attention of the college. Since the thief has no intention to stop, we need to investigate the truth. I think it's better to regard this incident as the first actual battle of the swordsmen' regiment.

"I said... although I think your analysis is very reasonable..."

Xilu's face suddenly sank:

" that the whole reason? Seeing that you are so enthusiastic about this matter... Don't you want to take the opportunity to please the country girl?"

Loed stretched out his hand as if to touch her head, but suddenly knocked on her brain.

"Wow! What are you doing! How dare you beat your master..."

And this is really not a light one. Xilu touched her head with both hands and protested angrily.

"It is also an important duty of the knight to correct the master's distorted thoughts and suspicious personality."

"Well... which knight's decree said so?" Unheard of.

"My own knight's law."

"Big fool!"

Realizing that she was being teased, Xilu jumped out of bed, took his hand and pretended to be submissive:

"But only this time... If you dare to do this next time..."

loyd felt that his arm muscles suddenly trembled, and it turned out that he was heavily bitten by Xilu. He looked at the tooth marks on his hand and the little devil's smile on Xilu's face in surprise:

"Miss Xilu... It's a loss of identity to do this..."

"It's lucky for me to let you go like this! Don't talk too much! Go to the square and find that big stupid bear!"

A sunny corner of the square is the place where the "Valkyrie Swordsmen" practice. Due to Xilu's injury two days ago, Keke was responsible for the basic training. Now, they also meticulously repeat a single basic action in Keke's loud and rhythmic shouts. From time to time, there will be a rude roar of Kik:

"There are a few over there! Raise your hands a little higher! Pay attention to the angle!"

"Are you out of strength so soon? There is no need for a weak boy here!"

"Bastard! The sword is used to stab, not to cut horizontally! You have to talk a few times to remember!"

"If you want to show your face in front of your lover and princess, make these movements as skillful as eating!"

The rude scolding and neat slogans are intertwined into a scene full of **. Although the students are all sweating, their momentum has not declined at all. Perhaps it was because Kik's mockery stimulated their fighting spirit, or maybe it was inspired by the good news that the princess was coming.

"Good! That's all for now! Take a break!"

Under Keke's order, all the students wailed and collapsed to the ground. It seemed that they had completely exhausted their physical strength. Kik shrugged helplessly:

"I really can't stand the strict training... It only takes 15 minutes to become this virtue..."

"Don't compare us with you... We are not like you... We are born to be individual..."

A student couldn't help protesting, and then his collar was tightened by Kick:

Ah? I just... didn't hear much... Could you please say it again?"

The poor student shook his head desperately as he could already hear the sound of his fragile throat bone struggling with Kik's big fist:

"No...No...I just have a little toothache...hummed twice..."

Ah? Then cure your teeth quickly, or you won't even have the strength to kiss your lover, huh?" Kik gently patted the unlucky student on the cheek.


Seeing that the students' eyes were about to turn white, a dissatisfied voice came from behind him:

"I said big stupid bear... You seem to be a little too much!"

"Hmm?" Kik turned his face and saw Xilu and loyd standing behind him, so he laughed and stood up:

"It turned out to be a partner and a little girl! Are your injuries all right? I heard that the little girl just dragged her partner all the way into her room. It seems that there is no need to worry..."

"No matter what I say, I'm the leader of the swordsman regiment. Please don't call me a little girl! Anyway, how about the training results after two days?

"Is it all lying here, these guys! Although the basic exercises are not bad, but physically..."

"Is it okay to just do the basics? But this is very good. Even if there is a prey** in front of you, you can't force the tiger to climb the tree. Anyway, everyone, I have something to say to you!"

Seeing Xilu's serious appearance, although she still had backache, the students still tried to sit up straight. Xilu gently "hummed" and briefly said the matter of "the thief in the arsenal":

"That's how it is! This is our first task! Let's make a good reputation, everyone!"

"Although... but it's still a game of catching thieves..." Kick sighed, and Xilu stared at him dissatisfiedly:

"It's not a game! And that's not an ordinary thief. Didn't I make it clear just now!"

"Yes, yes! Anyway, it's just a thief with some skills, right? I also hope that it is a real guy, otherwise even if you catch that guy, you will only catch a thief... Wait! Did you say that the arsenal was stolen?

"Yes...yes! What are you doing?" Xilu was shocked by his sudden raised voice.

"So... it's Miss Shirley... Oh, oh! How dare you bother Miss Shirley so much! Unforgivable! Bet on the fierce bear... No! Bet on the reputation of the glorious Roge family! Let the ignorant thief taste the power of my iron fist!"

"What's wrong with this guy? Did stealing honey turn out to be smoked by sweets?

Xilu and other students stared blankly at the stupid bear who suddenly jumped up and waved his fist to show off his power. Kik seemed to be distracted at this moment, but he was incoherent to the empty sky:

"Wait! The sad guy who makes the lovely Miss Shirley! I will turn you into a pile of meat mud right away! Ah! Even if I suddenly face the siege of a million troops, I will not have such a fighting spirit to kill the siege... From the moment when Uncle Kick swore, even the flame of the legendary magic dragon could not melt my steel body..."

After all, the girl was more careful. Xilu immediately realized the inside story, and a trace of ecstasy suddenly appeared in her heart:

"It turns out that this stupid bear is to the country girl... It seems that I have to be an angel of love... This is a good opportunity to stone two birds..."

Of course, this is a plan to be carried out in secret, and Roed and Kik must not know their intentions... Xilu, who was determined, quietly drank Kik who was dancing:

"Let go of your fighting spirit first, move your steel body quickly, and go to Shirley to find out the specific situation! Then we can formulate a detailed strategy.

"Oh! Of course! Go right away!"

Looking at the figure of Keke who laughed wildly and went away, the students of the swordsmen' group still failed to wake up from the confusion:

"That...Miss Xilu, what's going on with this guy Keke?"

"Idiot! Can't you even see such a simple common sense? That stupid bear seems to like Shirley very much!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed at the same time:


"Love! It's love! Can't hide it from my eyes! That's it!" Xilu has an expert face.

"To put it this way... he did look a little... this feeling just now..."

"I also heard... He seems to get along well with that country girl in the restaurant..."

"That's right. I've seen it with my own eyes. The little girl named Shirley dares to call him 'Big Stupid Bear' to her face! Except for Miss Xilu, she is the only one who dares to call her so face to face!"

"Oh! No wonder he had nothing to do these two days on the pretext of 'repairing weapons' and then ran to the arsenal. It turned out that he was looking for Shirley! I'm surprised that our swords are broken every day..."

"But it's really incredible... The gap between the two is really too big... No matter what..."

The last sentence aroused resonance. Everyone nodded their heads together. Xilu drew a huge contrast between their size and appearance in her mind and almost laughed out loud.

"Then everyone! Shouldn't everyone help this big stupid bear? Although this guy is rude and arrogant, since he is a member of the swordsman group..."

"Uh-huh!" Everyone unanimously approved Xilu's "bad intentions" proposal:

"Maybe he can change his bad temper under Miss Shirley's **! Even if it doesn't work, just take it as a joke and take it out..."

"Idiot! That won't work! If it doesn't work, he will know that we have helped... I'm not afraid, what about you?"

Probably will really be smashed into meat mud by him... Thinking of this tragic consequence, everyone trembled all over.

"So! You have to work hard to do it! Don't always think 'this is a joke' or something, but go all out! It's not too late to laugh at him until he succeeds!"

"Ming... Got it! Anyway, let's do as you say! But..."

"Don't worry! If there is any problem, I will take care of it! Everyone! Don't show any flaws at ordinary times! This is for the safety of your lives!"

"Hey! Then make sure that our lives are safe before that..."

"Yes, yes! You can't say such a simple sentence..."

"If you betray us, we will be a traitor immediately..."

Sometimes everyone agrees, sometimes protests, and the atmosphere is not lively. Xilu turned her head proudly, and loyd was staring at her with a smile, as if she was also applaud her plan...

"Isn't this guy aware of my mind... Anyway... I'm not the kind of person who can only passively defend... Humph..."

In Xilu's heart and face, the crimson flowers bloomed quietly.