Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Heritage of the sages Five

Five sage relics

The itchy feeling on the forehead returned to loyd. Did any naughty sparrow run in this time? If it's a sparrow, let it make enough... Because when you think of sparrows, you will think of Xilu.

The itching feeling seems to be coming continuously... Which sparrow is so naughty and jumps endlessly on its head? It's really an angry sparrow... but it can't get angry.

Loide opened his eyes to see the sparrow... Then he found that it was just a swaying cattail. The end of the cattail grass was held in the hands of Xilu with a bored face...

"Good morning... Good morning, Xilu."

Lode got up... and then he almost spewed out a nosebleed for the scene in front of him:

Xielu... Is this really Xilu? Xilu did not wear her usual college uniform or a dress in her spare time. She almost didn't wear anything... She just covered important parts of her body with a thin cloth, dressed like those common dancers in lower-class pubs... loyd turned his head in panic:

"Xilu... Why are you dressed like this? Isn't this the dress of a dancer?"

"That's because we are on a mission! In order to get information from the guests, you have to dress like this, don't you? That's your idea! Or the clothes you found for me! Or did you change it for me! You have seen me everywhere! It's quite easy for you to forget! Stupid, stupid!"

Xilu knocked his head randomly as if the cattail in her hand was a stick, and Loyde looked around in confusion:

"When did I come up with this idea... huh? This is... Aren't we resting at the seaside of Loriley!"

"What are you talking about? Haven't you woken up yet? We have already left the seaside! This is already in the territory of Heland!"

Sure enough... No matter how you look at it, this is an ordinary hotel? When did you come here? Did you go to the territory of Heland in one night? And did she show this idea to Si in an unimpressed situation and let her dress up like this? This is really a terrible situation...

Xilu continued to pat him on the head with cattail grass. loyd suddenly felt that the soft grass just now had become as hard as steel, which made his head hurt. He was about to take it from Xilu's hand when the door was knocked open with a "bang" and Shirley in a noble dress stood at the door angrily:

"Good morning, you two! But it's not early at all! If you don't go out to work, you won't have today's salary! Xilu! You were lazy all day yesterday! I broke so many plates the day before yesterday! I drove away the guests the day before yesterday! You can't be lazy like you! It's better to work 100 times harder than usual today!"

Bad! Shirley actually said such a thing to Xilu and put on Xilu's dress without authorization? According to Xilu's temper, she will definitely jump up and fight with her, right? Loyd was ready to dissuade, but Xilu obediently agreed "understand" and followed out obediently...

Loyder stood still in amazement:

" Shirley! What the hell is going on? Why are you wearing that dress?

"What are you talking about, Mr. loyd! I'm a young lady! Isn't it natural for Xilu, as a subordinate, to obey my orders? Hurry up and get ready for work! Of course... You are my master, and it doesn't matter if you don't have to do that..."

Shirley lowered her head shyly and glued over like a marshmallow. And Xilu, who usually gets furious when she sees this scene, just stands aside and silently...

Everything became strange... Why is it different from everything in memory? Xilu is her master. She is Xilu's knight, and Shirley is a maid who takes care of daily life... Is her memory wrong? I am the owner of Shirley, and Shirley is the master of Xilu. Is this the real reality?

No! There must be something wrong with which link! But with the reality in front of us, how can we determine which link is the problem? In fact, the most reasonable explanation is that your memory is completely chaotic and wrong, and everything in front of you is the real image, right? This is really a disturbing reality!

loyd desperately searched for a "reasonable answer" in his memory, but he always got nothing. In a word, no matter how you try, you can't change the end of this reality, or you are just in vain from the beginning. The original memory is completely caused by a ridiculous dream, and the reality is completely the opposite setting...

Loed tried to convince himself to be sure of everything in front of him, but the door was knocked open again. Lulu, dressed as a female officer, broke in with a group of guards:

"At the order of His Majesty! Arrest Haier Milan's spies loyd, Xilu and Shirley!"

The soldiers couldn't help but arrest Shirley and Xilu. The two girls cried loudly and shouted "Help", "I don't want to die so young" and "I really shouldn't have come" and other dejected words. While asking loyd for help, Loyde hurried to draw his sword, but found that his surroundings were empty, so he could only stand up in front of Lulu with bare hands:

"Wait a minute, Miss Lulu! What's going on! Aren't you our companion? Why did he become a Heland's officer?

"If you want to ask me... then ask your conscience first!"

Lulu's roar made Loide confused and couldn't answer the conversation for a moment, so Lulu had to continue by herself:

"Obviously, I have already had a marriage contract, but I ran to that... that Shirley without permission! And that Xilu! What a great shame! I'm going to punish you!"

"Is it just...for this reason? Wait! Have we had a marriage contract? When did this...what happened?"

"Have you even forgotten about this! We had already made a marriage contract when I was 12 years old, didn't we? We have made a vow to the Luna Mountains! But you just looked at Shirley at a glance... and then stared at Shirley's maid! You should be sentenced to death for such a shameful act of being both master and servant!"

Loide was stunned by Lulu's repeated shelling, and he looked at the two girls suspiciously... Shirley and Xilu really lowered their heads with shame on their faces...

That is to say... I am a single-hearted person, and then because of my lack of passion, Lulu angrily defected to Heland, which provoked today's farce?

Loed not only doubted the reality, but also doubted himself. Originally, he always thought that he was a knight who was only loyal to Xilu. Now it seems that he not only does not deserve the word loyalty, but also the name of knight is dusty!

However... It's too unspeakable to turn to the enemy to arrest everyone for this reason, isn't it? Obviously, everyone used to be companions, and everyone was friends in the college... No! If even the relationship between each other is different from the memory, then maybe the current memory is also a completely wrong judgment! I'm afraid the only thing I can do now is to find a way out! But how can it be done without weapons?

It seemed that his embarrassment was seen. Lu Lu's tone suddenly eased, and his face also blushed:

"If...if you are kiss me now...I can let you go..."


"That's it! If you want to do this, then I can..."

Lulu was shy but resolutely and resolutely forced to come forward. loyd retreated repeatedly, and then fell on his back. Lulu threw herself on him without hesitation:

"It's already so active... What are you still sticking to there? We already have a marriage contract, don't we?

Lulu began to untie her clothes... Seeing that she was so bold in full view of the public, loyd couldn't help pushing Lulu away and fled, but behind her came the roar of "you big fool"... Then a huge ice gun penetrated his body and nailed him to the ground. However, it is strange that I didn't feel any pain... Can Xilu's ice gun completely paralyze the nerves in an instant?

But it is meaningless to consider these now... The three women actually turned enemies into friends and came to him together. Shirley held her sword in her hand, plus two magic wands of Xilu and Lulu, and the three weapons were aimed at his face together:

"Okay! Don't talk any more! You can only choose one of the three of us! You can only choose one!"

"Only... can only choose one? The other two..."

"Only one can survive! If you choose, you can survive! Let's make a decision right away!"

"This... this choice is basically..."

"Only • can • choose • choose • one!"

"Why make such a choice! Anyway, it's really strange! What the hell are you doing?"

Royder roared loudly at the three people, and then the three women threw away their weapons and began to cry. loyd suddenly panicked:

"Hey! There is no need for you to do this! And... don't you think you're abnormal! Everything has become very strange today! What the hell are we doing?"

And the three people made such a scene, but those Heland's soldiers stood still and turned a blind eye... No matter how you look at it, it's an incredible strange thing, isn't it? Do you mean that... in fact, you are dreaming at all?

It seemed that he had been hit hard on the head by a hammer, and loyd woke up from the fantasy... Then he found that he was still lying in a tent by the sea.

Everything was just a dream... but it was really a terrible nightmare! Not only was the identity of the three women confused, but she was also forced to make that choice. If Xilu knew about it, she would probably be severely cleaned up by her, right?

loyd exhaled a relaxed breath and then wanted to straighten up... but he couldn't move as if he had been crushed by a heavy object. He raised his head and looked at it, and suddenly his eyes were stunned:

The three women actually slept soundly as pillows. Xilu pillowed with a sweet smile on her right hand, but there was a trace of saliva in her slightly open mouth; Lulu put her head on her chest and spit out fragrance as usual; Shirley occupied her legs rudely, grinding her teeth without hesitation...

What a reality is this! No wonder I would have such a ridiculous nightmare... By the way, these usually noble and dignified ladies sleep so badly... The huge contrast is irresistible.

Then let them rest for a while... In fact, they don't want to disturb them, otherwise they may fight because of embarrassment when they wake up together and see this scene...

Loed closed his eyes and was ready to sleep for a moment, and then he remembered the choice in his dream...

What a strange choice! You can only choose one of them, and the other two will lose their lives? Although there is no reason and irrationality, how should we choose if we really encounter this problem on any day? How will you make your own choice?

What a speechless problem... Loyde sighed slightly.

loyd's kindness did not get a good reward. After the three ladies woke up, they still accused each other angrily, and then transferred their anger to Loid together, shouting, "Why don't you wake us up?" "You guys just want to pretend to be stupid," "You guys are so brazen" The kind of lines hit him with magic and pan.

The next thing is still not easy. After washing her face, Xilu asked loyd to comb her hair as usual, and Lulu and Shirley put their heads together without hesitation. At breakfast time, Shirley said, "This is a punishment for you" and handed over the pot and lettuce to loyd. He couldn't help complaining, "I'm a knight, not a servant", and as a result, she was met by three again. Lady's siege...

Recently, I have become more and more suspicious of my identity... In my dream, I am a superior master, and in reality, I am not as good as a subordinate... I am obviously a knight, right? However, after all, he is just a knight without a formal position, and it is reasonable to be treated as a subordinate... As for why the three women treated him in this way, I can't figure it at all.

After a morning, the carriage was finally able to travel on the road. Of course, the driver was replaced by Loed. In a word, since starting with a nightmare, today is destined to be an auspicious day. loyd no longer complains and sits in his seat without saying a word... Because he has become friends with Ma in the past two days, he does not need to wave the whip at all, and the horse will go all the way according to his wishes.

As for the three ladies, they seemed to completely ignore Loide's mood and chatted happily in the carriage. Xilu first asked about the destination of this place, and Lulu put on a mysterious expression:

"It's an ancient relic! Everyone calls it a 'relic of the sages', and I don't know which sage it is. When I was a child, I passed by and was almost stunned by the magic boundary there, so I thought that there must be some valuable treasure hidden that set such a boundary. Since you are going to take such a big risk this time, I want to go there to try my luck first. What do you think?

"I don't have any problem... But I'm afraid the boundary that even you are afraid of is not so easy to deal with, right?"

"So that's why I brought you in. With the strength of the two of us, we should be able to deal with it."

"So, why did Miss Lulu pull Mr. loyd away?"

"Because there may be terrible enemies hidden in the ruins! After the two of us lift the boundary, we may run out of strength, and then we will rely on loyd to protect us!"

"That is to say, Mr. loyd is used as a shield! Miss Lulu is really bad-hearted!"

"When did you stand on his side? You forced him to make breakfast just now! And I didn't do anything wrong! Isn't the knight's duty to protect his master!"

"What are you talking about, Lulu! Loyd is my knight! There is no need for him to protect you!"

"Is he your own knight? Is there any proof? For example, the knight's title certificate or something?"

"There is no such thing! And you obviously witnessed it with your own eyes. Why are you pretending to be stupid here?"

"Me? I don't know anything! All I know is that he has become a fait accompli with me!"

"I didn't say that it was just that you were talking nonsense!"

"No! It's true! It's in this carriage! That night... Although Loyde's usual stupid appearance, he really started like his swordsmanship! He suddenly held me in his arms! Then he put his hand behind my back and untied my clothes at once... Ouch! At that time, my mind was already blank, and I was completely conquered by him..."

"Enough...enough! You can really say such words!"

Sie interrupted her nonsense with a red face, and then pointed the magic wand in her hand at loyd outside the car door:

"This...this shameless perverted knight!"

"Wait... wait a minute, Xilu! If you use magic here, you will damage the carriage!"

Shirley grabbed Xilu's hand hard:

"And...and I believe he is not that kind of person!"

"What do you know! Who said he was not that kind of person! He... He treated me like that yesterday... So why do you believe him!"

"If he was that kind of person... we all slept together last night... he would definitely be beastly! But he didn't do anything, did he?"

After looking at each other for a while, they both lowered their heads flushed, and Lulu laughed crookedly:

"Do you really believe what I said? It's impossible to think with your knees! Don't worry, Xilu, Loed is really a loyal and dedicated guy. Although I have been with him in the carriage for so many days, he hasn't seen me at all, let alone tampered with me! It's really sad to think about it. My charm can't compare with you, a little girl! However, you are really lucky..."

"Well... Well, of course, because I'm Xilu..."

Xilu's heart was full of the joy of the winner and raised her head proudly. Shirley also held her head high:

"So, from today on, we will become enemies! I won't give in either!"

"What nonsense! Stupid country girl! Why do you become an opponent with me? And Loed is a knight who is only loyal to me! You won't have any chance at all!"

"These have nothing to do with our competition! If you can win by your position, isn't Miss Lulu the final winner? The most important thing in competition like this is love! It's enthusiasm! It's the courage to die!"

"Where did you learn such shameless words! And are you an idiot! Do you want to compete with me with this shallow knowledge?

"I don't want to compete with a buddy who often runs away his knights! Accompanying a master like you, no matter how loyal a knight is, it won't take long to be completely bored!"

"What did you say!"

The two drew their swords again... After that, their heads were knocked by Lulu:

"All sit down! Are you two trying to overturn the carriage? And loyd is outside! It's outrageous to quarrel like this! But... it's strange to say that why loyd didn't respond at all?

Lulu poked her head out... and then closed the car door with a wry smile:

"I fell asleep, that guy... It seems that I didn't sleep well last night."

"Are you asleep? What about the carriage?"

"Don't worry, that guy seems to have made friends with the horse. Even if he doesn't wave the whip, the carriage will arrive smoothly."

"That's true. 'Wind Dragon' and 'Amber' became friends with him like that... But that is to say, our charm is not as good as a horse?"

According to Lulu's instructions, the carriage stopped in front of a courtyard before dusk. Loyd looked around and found that it was somewhat similar to the abandoned monastery where they rescued the princess. They were all dilapidated ancient stone wall buildings, but from the style of the remaining courtyard and walls, it seemed to be a separate courtyard of the aristocracy. He asked, "Is this it?" and opened the car door.

The three ladies also seemed to take a nap in the carriage. When they got out of the car, their eyes were sleepy. loyd had to take them down one by one to avoid slipping and injury. However, after getting off the bus, Xilu and Lulu's eyes immediately became clear:

"This is it!"

"That's right! I also feel the powerful boundary!"

So, Shirley, who can't feel magic, also regained her spirit because of their words:

"Although I don't feel anything... but listening to your tone, it seems that it's really awesome?"

"It doesn't seem like it, that's the truth! The core of the boundary should be inside, but it is absolutely a frightening fact that you can feel its power here alone!"

The two magicians took out their magic wands and prepared to move forward. Xilu turned her head to Loed:

"Although you don't know magic, you can also feel this powerful power, can't you?"

"Yes, it spreads everywhere like running water in every corner of here."

"Very sharp judgment, yes, this boundary is built with the power of water. However, even if I use all my magic, I can't break its hard barrier. Therefore, Lulu and I must work together to consume almost all our strength to work. In order to prevent other enemies from appearing after the boundary is destroyed, you must come to help us immediately after our success.

"I see."

"As for Shirley, just stay here and wait for us to come back. If there are terrible monsters here, you can't help. In order to ensure that, I will set a boundary for you to defend against enemy attacks.

Lulu pointed the magic wand at Shirley. After reciting a spell, a looming triangle appeared at Shirley's feet.

"The effective range of this boundary is 10 meters in diameter, so please don't leave the place casually. I'm not sure if there will be an enemy who can break this boundary. If you are in danger, shout for help.

Although she knew that she really couldn't help... Shirley was still a little nervous because of their caution. She unconsciously took loyd's hand, and loyd replied with a "please don't worry" smile:

"I will come to save you immediately. Don't worry, I will protect your safety like Xilu."

After Xilu "hummed" on one side, she ignored the two people who fell into a sweet atmosphere:

"Dulu, can you feel the core of the boundary?"

"Because the flow of force is too fast, I can't be completely sure, but it seems that the northeast corner is the most likely."

"I also have the intuition that under the boundary position of moving around, there seems to be no obvious fluctuations, so it is quite suspicious!"

"It's rare to agree, let's aim for that! Loyd, follow us at a distance of 50 meters from us, and follow our instructions after arriving at the destination, okay?

"I see."

After adjusting their breath, the two magicians marched side by side towards the northeast corner. Loyd also followed after they walked 50 meters away. So Shirley was left alone.

The ancient abandoned courtyard is quiet and dull, but inexplicably terrible. At dusk, the sun began to dim, and the scenery around it gradually became silent after a short golden yellow. The trees under the night wind made a huge rustling sound, like the strange dance performed by the little devil... Shirley was frightened by the gloomy atmosphere, so she hid in the carriage and trembled to her heart's content.

Although there is a boundary set by Lulu for herself, it can't stop the fear from her heart. If I had known that it would be so terrible to stay, I would have gone with loyd and others. Even if I met monsters, there would be no life-threatening under their protection. It's much better than staying here alone to worry about fear. However, judging from the cautious attitude of the two magicians, maybe this time it is really full of unpredictable danger, and most of them are pulling their legs...

Is it really an unrealistic idea to follow yourself? Although it is such a reasonable reason that "you can cook for you", no matter how delicious the food is, it can't become a weapon to protect yourself in the face of crisis, can it? This time, I was just trembling with fear for a relic adventure, and then I had to risk death to go to Heland to spy on intelligence! In response to the princess's trust, Xilu, in order to protect the master's Loyde, and to protect the students' Lulu, they are ready to risk their lives. How can they just shiver here?

Shirley raised her head with shame and self-reproach, and her rapid heartbeat calmed down. The outside of the carriage seemed to be completely dark, and the night wind was a little more fierce... And in the night wind, there seemed to be footsteps.

Have you come back yet? Or did you hear it wrong?

The footsteps became clearer and clearer, and Shirley was also excited because of peace of mind.

is really back! Come back so fast! It's worthy of Lord! I will scold you after seeing you! You almost scared me to death by leaving me here!

Shirley opened the door and greeted her out happily.