Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

The Return of the Knight Eight of Four

Eight-four Haier Milan offensive and defensive battle

Twelve-headed Griffin lined up on the square of the college, staring at the trembling students in front of him with arrogant eyes. Lulu shook her head helplessly:

"Is this your wonderful strategy, college president? Riding Griffin to chase the enemy's troops... I don't doubt the strength of these monsters, but please look at those students, all of whom are too scared to stand up!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, Miss Lulu, these are Griffins from Wang Cheng, who has been tamed. Although their temper is still as arrogant as usual, they will never hurt those young people. Without warships, we can only rely on their wings to chase the former enemy.

"That's right... but Griffin is not a horse after all, and it should be difficult for students to ride them to fly in the sky. In case you fall..."

"These Griffins will protect the safety of students, so this is not something you need to worry about, and... Look at that young man, he seems to have made friends with Griffin."

Lulu followed Baymont's gesture... loyd, not far away, had steadily rode on the tallest Griffin's back, causing a lot of exclaim from the students.

"Is the talent of successfully becoming friends with animals also effective for Griffin? I thought I could only deal with horses... In that case, I'll try it."

Lulu combed her long hair with envy and walked in the direction of Griffin. On the other side, loyd is waving to Xilu:

"Please sit down immediately, Xilu! Let's ride this one!"


Xilu took two steps back and shook her head with crying:

"So terrible thing... I will tremble just when I see it! I don't want to ride on that guy's back! You should come down immediately and we will ride together..."

It seemed that she noticed that the girl in front of her was speaking ill of herself. Griffin roared at Xilu dissatisfiedly and scared her to take another step back:

"Anyway, come down quickly! Such a terrible guy... I'm not you, it's so easy to make friends with animals!"

"Don't be so capricious, now only rely on Griffin's strength to catch up with the enemy!" Don't worry, they are all very docile animals and will never hurt you, and I will protect you..."

"Anyway! No, just don't! If you want to protect me, you can come down..."

"There's really no way..."

loyd bent down and whispered a few words to Griffin. Griffin roared understandingly, suddenly lowered his head and put Xilu in his mouth, and then threw it at Loed on his back.


Xilu screamed sadly. When she was suddenly held in her mouth just now, she almost fainted because of excessive fear. Finally, she came to her senses and she was already floating in mid-air... Worried about whether she would be thrown into meat sauce, loyd stretched out his hands and firmly caught her:

"Well done, my friend."

Griffen proudly raised his head and hissed, and loyd straightened Xilu's body and let her sit in front of him:

"How's it going, Xilu? It's not dangerous at all, is it?



"Idiot! It scares me to death! I thought I was going to die! I really thought I was going to die! Stupid--!"

The over-feared Xilu cried and pounded his chest hard. loyd let her rag against him, but stretched out his right hand and hugged her tightly:

"Don't let go of me. Let's go and see the scenery of the sky."


Griffen flapped his huge wings and flew up. Xilu, who was caught off guard, still cried and screamed at first, but finally calmed down in Loyd's arms. After confirming that she was not in danger of being thrown down, her little head pushed hard to Loyd's chest:

"Are you trying to kill me, idiot! Hate, hate! Stupid, stupid!"

"Hahaha... I'm really sorry, but isn't it very comfortable to fly in the sky? Looking down from here, the scenery is different..."

"That's...even if it is! least in a gentle way... I'm covered with Griffin's saliva!"

"Hahaha, there is no such thing, and you only have the smell of perfume just sprayed. Are you no longer afraid? Then let's go back first..."

Loed gently kicked the mount, and Griffin began to slowly lower the height. Xilu couldn't help but be surprised by his ability:

"I thought you were only good at making friends with horses, but I didn't expect you to be with Griffin... Are you really a normal human?"

"Hahaha... It hurts my heart a little. No matter how you look at me, I'm a normal human. Do you need me to prove it to you?"

"Hey...prove something...prove..."

An unintentional joke sounded as if the other party had a deep meaning, and Xilu's face suddenly turned red... She pushed hard at the other party's chest again:

"What does it remind me of! Stupid--!"

With the encouragement of Loide and Xilu, other students also began to dare to ride Griffin. To their surprise, although these giants are fierce in appearance, they are quite docile. Is this the monster domesticated by the royal family? Everyone can't help but have infinite longing for the knights of the Wang family.

"So... are you all really ready?"

Baymont counted the number of riders and saw that Lulu and the swordsmen were in the team, and nodded at ease:

"In this way, the power of pursuit will not be lost to those barbarians who don't know the mysteries of magic... But it should be the first time to fight with the enemy in the air like this, right? Although the Griffins will indeed protect your safety, they can't rush to the enemy's cannons rashly. Mr. loyd, Miss Lulu, you are responsible for commanding the team. As for Mr. Kik, isn't it appropriate for you to participate in our battle as a nobleman of Gutlund?

"Oh... Does that matter, Mr. President? Those guys are the guys who tried to occupy the college and kill us! They don't seem to care about the safety of us foreigners, so I'm just doing it as a little revenge against them... Ah, it should be said that it's out of moral assistance! This reason should be reasonable, right?

"In that case... then please, Mr. Kick."

"Don't worry, everyone! My partner and I are invincible in the world! Blow to the end of the world in one breath!"

Hearing Kick's unobstructed nonsense, everyone present couldn't help laughing, and most of the tension before the battle subsided. Baymont then waved to everyone to calm down:

"Because the enemy's warship must cooperate with the infantry, it cannot reach the ideal marching speed. At present, it is still about half an hour away from the king city, so it doesn't take too long. Griffin, who is flying with all his strength, can catch up with them. By then, the enemy should have completed the siege of the king city. Haier Milan's defense forces will cooperate with your surprise attack to launch a frontal attack. Our combat intention is to annihilate the enemy's troops as much as possible at the lowest cost without affecting the royal city and Udra Xiucheng. At that time, there will definitely be a fleet battle and an infantry conflict on the ground. Your task is to contain the enemy's warships with magic as an attack method on the flank... However, because Griffin itself is not enough to serve as an attack force, he can only rely on your efforts. Do you understand this?

"I see... Sir, speaking of which, aren't you raising a goblin named Lala? Can you let her fight with us?

If it is the goblin who has enough magic to transmit any existence in front of him, it may pose a considerable threat to the enemy... Xilu looked at the head of the college with hope, but Baymont was stunned for a moment before she suddenly realized that she clapped her hands:

"It turned out to be Lala... She is sleeping in my room! I'm afraid I can't go with you..."

"Are you sleeping?"

"Yes! I don't know why... Anyway, it looks very tired, so..."

No wonder... Of course, such a powerful magic requires considerable magic, and such a petite goblin may have been exhausted. Xilu sat upright with some disappointment, and a mocking smile flashed through Lulu's eyes:

"That's really a pity... Speaking of which, I haven't seen Lena today, and I don't know where to play? It's very troublesome to run around in the college. Your Excellency, if you meet her, please don't blame her too much. After all, a child who doesn't understand anything..."

"I understand that as long as she doesn't break into the treasure house or something, I will never embarras her. Then everyone... everything, please!"

"Your Excellency, as long as you pray for our peace here, it will be enough, and leave the rest to us... everyone! Let's go! Everyone should cheer up and don't be hit by the enemy's gunfire. We will return triumphantly with honor!"


After making a loud shout, the students took off one by one after Lulu, and the figure of Griffin quickly turned into uneyeable black spots in the air.

"Don't be hit by the enemy... Dear everyone, there is only one life, and you must cherish it like a lover... Speaking of which, it seems that I have always been opposed to sending students to the battlefield, right? Now I have violated my oath more than once. Is it really because the times have changed..."

Baymont sighed and turned to the remaining students in the square:

"Gentlemen... Although we haven't set foot on the battlefield, we can't be silent. Let's pray for our warriors in our hearts. After all, they are young people who have not experienced war... Pray that they can return safely without injury."

With a thousand mistakes, the director's judgment is not completely correct.

The two warships with 300 soldiers did not advance as steadily as expected, but attacked the front of the royal city of Heil Milan at full speed regardless of the ground troops. Unexpectedly, the enemy would take such a risk. The defenders of Wangcheng were caught off guard and had to fight in a hurry.

Obviously, the previous pursuit of Silas's fleet may have seen through the college's plan and make an appearance of pursuit. After the college's troops returned at night, they left the ground troops and attacked the Royal City of Heil Milan at full speed. Although the two warships are not enough to shake the defense of the whole royal city, the damage they can cause is also unpredictable. As long as they can succeed, they can effectively disrupt the command center of Haier Milan. If the ground troops can arrive within the specified time, the whole royal city will fall into complete chaos even if it does not fall...

This can be said to be the most reasonable and only feasible surprise attack strategy, and the first step plan can be said to be successful.

Under the continuous shelling of the Silas battleship, the outer defense line of the royal city quickly collapsed, and the lower streets of Eudra Xiucheng were also affected by the pool fish and went everywhere. However, when attacking the inner defense line of the royal city, it encountered considerable obstacles...

As the defense system of the king city, the magic crystal wall named after the "Sky Kingdom" plays its role in the defense war. After sensing the signal of "danger approaching", the crystal wall automatically opened the magic boundary in just a few seconds, like a layer of heavy armor, almost offsetting the damage caused by the shelling of the Sierras warship.

The second round of shelling still did not receive the ideal effect. After the third round of shelling, the boundary began to show signs of collapse, and the crystal wall was also in danger of being broken due to excessive magic consumption...

Not long after the fourth round of shelling began, a huge hole finally appeared in the defense boundary. The shells burst through the boundary and burst on the wall one after another, blowing out one gap after another, and it is still expanding... The collapse of the whole wall may only be a matter of time. Fortunately, with the delay of time, The two previously captured warships were finally successfully launched, and the two fleets began an even artillery battle.

In the conference hall of Wangcheng, Selysia walked back and forth anxiously, waiting for the news of further development. Several times, she wanted to go out to supervise the war in person - even if she was just watching the battle, she more or less encouraged the morale of the defenders, but she was forcibly stopped by Ralinforth for various reasons, which made her mood even more irritable.

The conference hall is not far from the war zone of the fleet. You can not only faintly see the figure of the warship, but also sometimes feel the vibration caused by the shelling. Selysia held the slightly trembling window sill without saying a word, and her face was constantly changing...

"Pretty bad situation."

The sigh of Rollinforth broke the iron wall-like dullness:

"I was caught off guard... What a shame."

"I didn't expect that Silas would adopt this combat method... Unexpectedly, he would ignore the ground troops and launch a raid based only on warships, making the strategy formulated by us and the Holy Moonlight completely bankrupt..."

The original battle plan was formulated on the premise of "the arrival of warships and ground troops at the same time", which can be said to be foolproof, but the result was unexpectedly bad... Rumir leaned on his seat with regret:

"Sure enough, can't we judge the fighting style of barbarians by ordinary combat methods? It seems that we have all neglected this important link. If the battle plan can be changed according to this premise..."

"Now these are just futile. The magic crystal wall can't last too long under that level of shelling. We can only hope that our warship can effectively contain the enemy and buy time for the Griffin troops of the college..."

"But at Griffin's speed, it will take about three hours to get here from the college. Can our warship last until then? After all, the soldiers on the warship are still recruits who have just become familiar with fleet operations. In the face of the well-trained Silas elite, I don't know how long they can last..."

As in response to the prophecy of Rowlingforth, an officer hurriedly pushed open the door and broke in:

"Her Majesty! The defense line of the city wall has been broken through!"

"Where is our warship troops?"

"A warship has been injured and withdrew from the battle, leaving only another one still supporting... I'm afraid it won't last long! Your Majesty! The enemy's warship will soon approach here, please..."

Before the officer's voice fell, there was a huge explosion in the courtyard outside the conference hall. Obviously, the enemy's warship had begun to approach the core of the royal city. The officer hurried out again, and Rollinforth and Rumir immediately stood up:

"Your Majesty! Please get out of here immediately! Silas's warship has broken through our defense line. I'm afraid that both warships have been defeated for the safety of your majesty..."

"Calm down!"

Sericia's scepter fell heavily on the table, and the dull knocking sound made the chaotic scene suddenly quiet:

"Please don't panic, two high priests. Whether it is me, the king of Haier Milan, or the two who are in the position of prime minister, how can I show such an ugly attitude because of the enemy's shelling! If even we are messed up by this small change, how should those soldiers who defend the royal city deal with it!"

Not only did she have the intention to leave, Selysia also sat down on her throne, which made the two high priests connose each other and sit aside after a moment of silence. Then there was another huge explosion, and a blazing fire burned in the garden outside the hall. The guards hurried out to fight against the fire. Selysia looked at their figures and an imperceptible smile appeared on the corners of her mouth:

"It's a pity that those flowerbeds that have accompanied me since I was a child... Look at those soldiers, maybe the next second there will be cannonballs falling beside them and take their lives. However, in the face of the threat of death, these soldiers will still stick to their duties. If we can't bring them courage and hope So what is the significance of our existence for this kingdom? If we do it because of a shell..."

Another sudden roar... This outbreak was on the other side of the conference hall. The huge shock wave shattered the glass window, flying around the hall with wood chips and gravel. Rollinforth stood up and blocked Selysia:

"Her Majesty! We all understand your intention, but now is not the time to win with courage and hope! You are now the only and greatest spiritual pillar of Haier Milan. If anything happens, the whole kingdom will collapse, whether it is morale or ideal! Please consider the future of a kingdom and follow us out of here immediately!"

"Lord Rollinforth, Lord Rumir... In fact, I have always been very scared. I even feel that my heart is about to break, but even so, I can't leave. I must let the soldiers and people know that their queen will not leave the royal city for half a step until the last moment... General Lawitz finally I seem to have completely realized the mood now!"

"Then please don't let the thoughts of General Lavits and General Lannold and those sacrificed soldiers not be lost! Your Majesty! They don't hesitate to sacrifice their lives to protect your safety! If you sacrificed here, then what are all our efforts for? If you think such obsession can bring hope to the kingdom..."

"Rorinforth... Although I didn't see the moment when my father died, I should be in the same situation and mood as now, right? Because I believe that my faith will be inherited and passed on forever, I will sacrifice my life to promote the germination of another fruit of hope... Your Excellency, if you can understand my feelings at this time, please leave this conference hall! Whether it sticks to victory or dies under gunfire, let me wait for the final result..."

"Her Majesty! Please think twice..."

The warship seemed to be close at hand, and the shells would hit the conference hall at any time. The two high priests were anxious about the Queen's almost paranoid determination and were almost ready to kneel down in front of Selysia... Suddenly, the strange roar that broke through the air attracted their attention:

"What's that sound? Is it Griffin's cry?"

"It won't be wrong! It's Griffin! Your Majesty! It's the reinforcement of the Magic Academy!"

Serishia stood up from the throne, but because of excitement and relief, her tight body collapsed uncontrollably. Rollinforce quickly came forward to support her:

"Help the Queen go back to rest quickly, Your Excellency Rumir, and leave it to me to command the counterattack. As long as there are reinforcements from the college, we don't have to worry about the safety of Wangcheng! Sure enough, the goddess hasn't abandoned us people..."

After catching up with Silas's ground troops, they did not find the enemy's warship. Everyone immediately guessed the other party's combat intention, so they did not care about entangling with the enemy and urged Griffin to speed up. Although he finally rushed to the royal city at the critical moment to save the queen from the Jedi, he was still surprised by the same thing:

"It's so miserable! Such a beautiful royal city has been destroyed like this..."

Seeing the tragic situation of the destruction of the royal city by gunfire in front of her, Xilu clenched her lips angrily. On the other hand, worried about the safety of her sister and the queen, she kept urging loyd to move towards the interior of the royal city, and the other knights also breathed their breath and rushed forward. After a while, the figures of the two warships appeared in front. Lulu raised her magic wand high to signal the students behind her to stop moving forward:

"Everyone! Don't be afraid of enemy fire! Remember not to lean from the side. You must approach the warship from the front or back so that you won't be hit by the gunfire on the side! The goal is the command tower and organ room of the warship. Don't waste your magic and don't waste Griffin's physical strength!"

"And! Remember to constantly change your position so that the enemy's bows and arrows will not aim at you easily!"

After adding loudly, Keke took the lead in moving towards the bow of the battleship. Lulu waved her hand and shouted "attack", and Griffins divided into two teams and rushed towards the front and tail of the battleship.

"The crime of destroying the royal city, the innocent sacrifice of civilians and soldiers... I want you to pay for your actions! Loed! Hold me tightly!"

Despite the fact that Griffin was in mid-air, she suddenly stood up, and loyd quickly hugged her body so that she would not fall:

"You are in a mess! This is very dangerous..."

"That's what it looks like! No matter what magic I use, don't let go of your hand!"

She turned a deaf ear to lood's reproach, and did not retreat from the crossbows shot by the enemy. The posture standing on Griffin was like the reappearance of the Valkyrie... With the completion of the chant of the spell, several ice guns passed by her side, like white meteors flying towards the warship.

At this moment, fireballs, ice guns, water bombs and whirlwinds mixed together to launch an almost chaotic attack on the warship. The sky of the royal city is dressed up as a dreamy picture by this strange scene, just like the phantom of the four seasons blooming in a small blue garden at the same time...