Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Glorious Ideal Hometown Nine

Nine Three Mountain Thieves crus

The Sosen Mountains in the west of the Agvilo are said to be the camp of the mountain thieves. A group of mysterious figures from nowhere hang on the mountain, which has caused a devastating impact on the people who have almost never met thieves. Loyd, silu and Lena, who participated in the combat meeting, unanimously decided to "imminate" and led 20 soldiers to quickly surround the foot of the mountain after the meeting.

Lina, who is familiar with the law of mercenary warfare, leaned behind a boulder that was enough to hide herself, carefully patrolled the mountains for a week with a single telescope, and carefully fell down:

"It's a terrain that is not conducive to our attack."

"I can see that we can't rush up with 20 people at all."

"And those mountain thieves are not ordinary bandits. They chose the camp in a rather hidden place. Maybe we will be found by them before we approach their nest. This feeling is more like the style of mercenaries. I suspect that they are not mountain thieves.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with that. In other words, we can only approach with a small group of troops first, and then cooperate with reinforcements to attack together after causing chaos. The simplest way is for me and Xilu to go there first, use Xilu's magic to create chaos, and then carry out a general attack.

"There is no problem in doing this, but does Xilu have experience in fighting latently with mercenaries?"

"I didn't, but loyd should have it. I should be able to do it under his guidance."

"Then don't let the enemy find out at the critical moment, just make a decision. Mr. loyd, please go along this mountain road with Xilu..."

Lina pulled out her dagger, drew the general outline of the mountain through the soil, and then drew a path up the mountain:

"Although it is not easy to walk here, there are enough natural barriers. It is very convenient to hide your tracks, and it is a dead corner for enemy patrols. If I guess correctly, it should be able to go directly to the back of the enemy camp. As long as you are careful not to be found by them, you can approach the past smoothly. However... Wan Xing's whereabouts were exposed on the way, and it was very difficult to retreat. At that time, you can only break through.

"Sure enough, you don't talk about the common sense of mercenaries..."

"Of course, Miss Xilu! As for me, I will take the rest of the soldiers along this mountain road, and we will cooperate with you after you launch the attack!"

"Listen to you confidently, but the path you choose is not easier than ours! You have no problem alone. Is it a little difficult to take 20 soldiers up?

"Don't worry! The soldiers I train and select will never be so useless! Maybe I can still get ahead of you! Don't waste any more time, let's take action now! Mr. loyd..."

Lena suddenly winked at loyd:

"If my battle plan is successful, you will reward me!"

"What the hell are you talking about at this time!"

Lena made a grimace at the angry Xilu, waved to the soldiers behind her, and quickly disappeared to the foot of the mountain on the other side. Loyd gently touched Xilu's seemingly hot head:

"Don't care, Lena has that kind of temper."

"Who cares... I just hate her temper!"

But at this time, we must also rely on her to win. Taking a mercenary as an opponent is very different from dealing with ordinary mountain thieves. There will be a fatal danger if you are negligent. Remember to follow me closely and don't fall behind.

"I know! Don't bully me if I don't have this kind of experience! It's just a hill... There's nothing I can't do!"

"Our opponent is not as simple as a hill... Forget it, it's not a bad thing if you have that kind of self-confidence. Follow me and be careful not to make suspicious noises."

Compared with the tall Luna Mountains, the Sosen Mountains are like the sand under the boulder, which is completely disproportionate. However, the difficulty of the mountain road is far away. The towering giant trees have caused the narrowness of the sight, and the thorns along the road also make the journey full of obstacles. After climbing for a while, the energetic Xilu couldn't help but feel weak in her legs. From time to time, she complained to loyd that "I was scratched so much", "my clothes were punctured" and so on, but they were suppressed by loyd's "be careful of the enemy" gesture. Feeling that she was completely ignored, Xilu couldn't help getting angry. loyd suddenly turned around and hugged her and rolled into the trees by the road.


Just after asking half a sentence, her mouth was gently covered by loyd's palm, trying hard to break free from his bondage, but her hands and feet could not move...

This guy loyd... actually wants to do such a thing here?

Xilu's heart began to jump into a carnival waltz, and the irregular impact of her blood made her brain drowsy again. She closed her eyes half resisted and half accepted, and then her hands unconsciously wanted to hug his body...

Wait a minute! It's daytime now! Still in the wild! How can you do such a thing in such a place at such a time!

Xilu, who woke up, struggled hard twice, but still couldn't break free from the pressure of the other party. Although loyd has no next step for the time being, the more so, the more flustered she became...

Although...although it's too much...but it's not impossible...

At least... be gentle with me...

Silo has completely given up resistance and is ready to accept everything, but loyd suddenly let go of her hand and stood up:

"It's okay, Xilu, get up."


In just a few minutes, as if she had traveled for a week between heaven and dreams, Xilu's head seemed to be stuffed with marshmallows, and finally returned to reality. She opened her eyes wide and roared angrily:

"You idiot just now..."

"I'm really sorry! Because it's too urgent..."


"Because I can't do this!"

"No, no, no... can't do this?"

"Because someone passed by, it seemed to be the enemy's patrol, so in a hurry..."


Thinking of the heart-pounding scene just now and her confused thoughts, in order to prevent herself from fainting like this, Xilu beat Loide's chest desperately:

"What the hell do you want to do! How can that kind of misleading thing be casual... Where do you think of me? I don't care! You idiot! Sex demon! Pervert!"

"Yes...I'm sorry! I really couldn't help it at that time... Anyway! No matter what you want to do, I will be fine, but now we still have a task!"


Although she stopped, her anger still did not calm down, and Xi turned her head with an unhappy face:

"Forgive you for the time being... just for the time being! If you do this again on the road, you will become an ice sculpture immediately!"

Fortunately, except for the occasional passing squirrels along the way, I never met any patrol enemies... Sure enough, as Lena said, it was a dead corner of reconnaissance.

The natural enemy of mercenaries is still mercenaries.

The two touched the mountainside without any surprise, and a group of warrior-like people enjoying lunch gathered on the open flat ground. The two lay down in the bushes and observed carefully for a while, and loyd came to Xilu's ear and lowered his voice:

"It's indeed a mercenary."

"Are you sure?"

"You can be sure from what they look like. I have also been in contact with a mercenary regiment for a period of time."

"Then it's more difficult to deal with... Are you sure who their leader is?"

"It should be the person in the black cloak over there!"

Xilu followed his gesture and saw that there were two people sitting in a corner not far away, but because she wore a black cloak and turned her back to them, she couldn't see each other's appearance at all.

"So... what should we do? Is it unexpected?"

"Of course, Lena and the others must have been ambushed nearby. Our goal is to create chaos. You first use magic to disrupt their positions, and then we launch a raid together.

"Let me try..."

After thinking for a moment, Xilu began to chant spells in a low voice, and gradually floated one ice hockey ball of different sizes around her:

"Because I can't concentrate all my spirit now, I can only do this... These ice balls will explode after approaching the enemy, and the ice and dust will block their sight, and then we will rush out together..."

"I see... I will follow your orders."

"Don't think this can make up for your mistake just now..."

"Now is not the time to talk about this..."

Xilu whispered a "hum" and then quietly waved the magic wand, and the ice hockey players rushed towards the enemy at lightning speed.

The two pulled out their swords together. Once the ice ball burst, it is equivalent to their surprise signal. Under the magic of Xilu, the ice and dust is enough to completely disturb the enemy's sight. If Lena also attacks at the same time, the battle can be solved in an instant...

However, such an ideal result did not happen. Just before the ice ball burst into the enemy's camp, it was suddenly blocked by a sweeping sand and turned into fine dust after a collision.

"Bad! The enemy has a magician!"

"It's that guy!"

Two black cloak mercenaries with their backs turned around, drew their tall swords and commanded the mercenaries to rush up, and the other stayed behind chanting spells.

There was no way out. Loid jumped up and rushed to the other party. Xilu consumed a lot of magic because of the magic just now, but she still insisted on chanting spells to fight against the enemy's magician.

The other party is obviously a master of earth magic. If he can't provide effective support, I'm afraid that loyd will be seriously injured by earth magic. Of course, he can't escape death under the siege of mercenaries. Thinking of this terrible result, Xilu's fatigue has reduced most of it...

The sand and dust of the other party attacked again in the shape of a whirlwind. The ice gun called by Xilu collided head-on and turned into dust, and the remaining half of the ice gun burst in front of the mercenaries with the remaining force, temporarily blocking their footsteps. loyd had fought with the black cloak warrior. As soon as the two swords touched each other, the two were together. Step back a few steps:

"It's you!"

"Why is it you!"


After the black cloak warrior lifted his hat, Xilu shouted in surprise:

"You... aren't you Ferrin! So, the magician is..."

"I didn't expect it to be you... The world is really small!"

The magician also lifted his cloak:

"Do you still know me, little girl? We once fought in the monastery!"

"Sure enough, it's you... 'Keira of the Earth Spirit'! I didn't expect to meet you here either. It just so happens that I want to settle with you about the last time you kidnapped the princess..."

Sylu raised her sword to challenge, but Kayla shook her head and did not accept it:

"I have seen your magic just now. If we try our best to fight, it will only hurt both sides. I cherish my life very much... And now we don't have the need to be hostile, maybe we are still companions!"

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, we are companions! Although it's only temporary, opponent!"

Ferraine patted Loed on the shoulder and laughed:

"I could have compared with you today without my identity, but I didn't expect to be recognized by you... What a pity, opponent!"

"Answer my question first! What do you mean by companions or something?"

"Now we are also fighting with Silas, that's what it means!"

"Ha? Fight with Silas? What are you doing for?

"For revenge, little girl, no... It should be said that it is to help our employer revenge."

"Your employer is..."

"Prince Lutvin of Silas, you must have heard of it, right? It's your queen's lover!"

Xilu's face was full of doubts, and she seemed to be completely unable to understand what was going on in front of her. Kayla waved to the two:

"It seems that we have to sit down and have a good talk, but then again, only you two will attack us. Isn't it too light of the enemy?"

"Actually, it's not just us... Look behind it."

Keira and Ferrin turned around... Lena was rushing up with 20 soldiers:

"Mr. loyd! We're late... huh? is it you...Father!"

"You're late! Lisna!"

Ferrin roared at Lena:

"With procrastination like you, there is no such a mercenary! Did I teach you in vain before? A small Soson Mountains can't be conquered. How can you conquer loyd!"

"Wait! What do you mean by your last sentence, big man!"

Xi showed angrily and roared back at the big man, and Ferre said "hey" twice with some embarrassment:

"Did you say something wrong? But in fact, it's not wrong, right? Lisna likes you in the first place, right, opponent? So I'm just motivating my daughter. However, you call me a big man... This nickname is really suitable, a loud little girl! Hahaha..."

Inexplicably turned enemies into friends. Everyone sat down together. Lena couldn't wait to ask why Ferrin and others appeared here. Ferrin asked the past:

"Why don't you tell me why you are here first!"

"That's because Mr. loyd is now the lord of Agvilo! I'm his captain!"

Ah? Are you the lord here?

"I just accepted the appointment of the queen... Because we heard that mountain thieves are haunted, we are going to come here to clean up, but I didn't expect that the so-called mountain thieves are you..."

"We are not mountain thieves! In fact, I didn't want to rob your people at first, but you also know the style of mercenaries... Because there was no money and food, I couldn't help robbing it for a while..."

But what are you doing here? Yagvilo is just a poor territory, and there is no practical significance for you to come here, right?

"Just because it is a poor place, it is suitable for us to settle down temporarily. Originally, I thought that no one would manage it here for the time being after Lowitz's death. Since your opponent came, let's find another way..."

"You haven't told us yet. Why did you come here? Didn't you mention Prince Lutwin just now?

"Ah! That's it. We are mercenaries, so as long as it's the right business, we will follow..."

"Is it Prince Lutvin's business this time?"

"Yes, since he is a prince, the reward will certainly be very generous, so there is no reason to refuse!"

"But... didn't you say you had your own organization?"

"That... we have all betrayed the organization! That's it! Hahaha..."

"What are you laughing at!"

Lena knocked hard on Ferin's head:

"Didn't you persuade me not to do such a dangerous thing, but you ran to do it yourself! What's wrong with you!"

"You are not the same Lisa! Didn't you hand over your weapons? What does it mean to rush up with weapons today? Everyone is a traitor, so don't pretend!"

"I just forgot it for a moment..."

"I'm sorry, I'm just on a whim! In fact... I promised Kayla to help her, so I finally ran out because I thought that those guys were in the way... In fact, now think about it carefully, I really didn't do anything wrong, right Kayla?"

"You are still really childish! Obviously, you are old, uncle!"

"I don't want to be taught a lesson by you yet, Kayla! Since everyone is a companion, please be polite!"

"When will I invite you to be my companion? It's entirely up to you to come in! And he also made such a betrayal... I really doubt if your mind is full of rust?

"Stop both of you!"

Lina sat between the two and stopped their quarrel:

"Although your relationship is so good... it's daytime now!"

"What the hell are you talking about, little girl! Who has a good relationship with him? Do your eyes grow behind your head?

"So I misunderstood... Then why are you blushing, Aunt Kayla! Is it because the sun is too strong today?

"Dead kid!"

Keira, who lost her calmness, suddenly stretched out her hand to Lena and twisted her face:

"Listen again! Who else is an aunt! Huh?"

"Wow - help, Mr. loyd..."

Seeing that Lena was about to burst into tears, loyd tried to persuade her, but was stopped by Xilu:

"Don't worry about her! It's just self-stress, let her hurt for a while..."

"Too...too ruthless Xilu...woo..."

"It's almost done, Kayla! We still have business to do!"

When Kayla heard Ferrin's dissuasion, she reluctantly let go:

"If it's next time, it won't be so easy! I hate people who talk nonsense the most..."

"Now that it's over, let's start to enter the topic. Opponents, about Prince Lutwin's commission... I have an excessive idea. Can you help us a little?"

"Can I help you? Is it about funds and food?

"That's it. There should be no problem, right?"

"There is a problem!"

Xi showed an unhappy face and grabbed the topic:

"Why should we help you? And how can a place like Yagvilo help you?

"Listen to me first, little girl. Maybe you will change your mind then."

"Well, I also want to hear why Prince Lutwin hired you. I heard that he was assassinated in the coup before. Is he still alive?"

"I heard that the person who was assassinated was just a stand-in, and I also heard that Lutwin is just a stand-in now. In short, these rumors have nothing to do with me, and we and he are probably just out of mutual use. For us, if we want to organize and fight to the end, we must have someone with his status to assist, and the reason why he hired us is for us to give them fatal damage in the dark places that Silas is unaware of, which is the reason for trading with each other.

"The simplest reason, although there is no harm to Haier Milan by doing so, it makes people feel a little uneasy to think that the prince is so obsessed with revenge..."

"There's nothing we can do about it, right? No matter who encounters that kind of thing, he will be obsessed with revenge, which is not an excessive move. What's more, the other purpose of that guy is to end the war as soon as possible to bring Silas to peace, and it is not wrong to take some extreme measures. For us mercenaries, justice and so on are just boring dreams, and interests are the final purpose..."

"I would also like to believe that Prince Lutwin will not fall into thirst for blood so easily. Anyway, why do you cooperate with him? How do you explain what you just said about the confrontation with the organization?

"This! That's because..."

"Ferrin! Don't say anything superfluous!"

Silent Kayla suddenly interrupted his topic:

"We don't have to tell them this. What you just said is enough! I don't think it's possible to cooperate with them..."

"But a temporary truce is not harmful to us, is it? If you are against your opponents, you must be defeated by both sides. I'm not the kind of fool who will show his strength when it's unfavorable to himself..."

"From the point of view that you betrayed the organization, you are a complete fool!"

Is that so? But now I can't change the result of becoming a fool, so I'll be a complete idiot..."

Lena's hand fell on Ferin's head again:

"Wait a minute! Tell me before you are a fool, what are your next plans?"

"Because I agreed with Lutwen that 'can't disclose the plan to anyone', I can't tell you. In short, you can rest assured, Lisina, we are now on the same line, and our goal is to fight against Silas. So can you accept it? So opponent, about what I just said..."

"If you can make a guarantee that you will no longer plunder the people and not be the enemy of Haier Milan, I will solve the difficulties you face as soon as possible, but as a lord, I must declare to you that if you violate our agreement, I will do my best to completely eliminate you."

"Then the transaction is established!"

"I can't believe you, big man..."

"You should have enough trust in your companions, Miss Big Voice! I can swear to Lisna..."

"Who is your companion! And what the hell oath did you make! Loyd, how are you going to solve the big man's request? I'm afraid there is no room in our territory..."

"I will find another way to solve it as soon as possible. Don't worry. If you can't do what you say, you will lose your qualification as a lord."

"Good opponent! I really like you more and more!"

"Sorry, I already have someone I like... What a pity."

"Wow hahahaha! What a dedicated young man! No wonder Lisina is fascinated by you... Speaking of opponents, she has long wanted to compete with you. Let's take advantage of today's opportunity to compete? Let's have a meeting gift that we temporarily cooperated with at that time!"

"There is nothing impossible... and as a knight, you can't refuse the challenge of your opponent."

"Hey! Loed! Wait..."

Just as Xilu wanted to stop it, Loed had already hid in a vacant lot with Ferin, and then pulled out his sword and entangled him, which made her bite her lips angrily:

"Lost the important master aside and a big man... What is this? It's disgusting!"

"Ah ha ha! This is the so-called 'men's friendship'! Even the enemy can't stop it! You must be very lonely, Miss Xilu... Do you want me to accompany you? If you don't mind, Lena likes to be with you..."

"Hey! What do you want to do with the barn... Wow! In broad daylight... Don't do this! Ah--!"