Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Brunsude in the palm of the hand

Tenth Six Awakening•Pre

"It's really a congratulatory thing that the truce agreement can be signed smoothly... I should also express my deep gratitude to you."

Gustav signed his name on the terms of the agreement and completed the last part of the agreement. He leaned heavily on the spacious chair and then put the quill pen into his pocket:

"If you don't mind, I will accept this quill pen of your country as a gift of peace."

"If you can exchange for the peace that each other longs for, no matter how many quills you have, you can give them to them."

"That's not a bother to bother Your Majesty. After all, although our country is a wild place, there are still plenty of precious feathers. However, most of them signed war edicts, so this pen that signed his name on the truce agreement is extraordinary. Of course, it is really unexpected that the agreement talks can be successfully concluded in just two days..."

"That is also the result of your deliberate concession, and we are very grateful for this. But..."

Sericia looked through the provisions of the agreement again, and her face always showed puzzlement:

"Please forgive my rudeness. I still have some doubts about the content of the agreement... Anyway, at least at present, your country has had an advantage on the battlefield, and our country's front-line forces have also suffered a devastating blow... Although it does not mean that our Congress has shown defeat because of this, but... Your Excellency did not Is it unreasonable for China to make any request?

"Do you think I should take this opportunity to make a request for funds or territory from your country?"

"Doesn't your country really have such a plan? In fact, the High Priest and I have also prepared the necessary response to this issue..."

"According to the temper of the high priest, you will never cede any territory or pay any compensation to our country, will you?"

"It's not how much to pay, but it won't be paid at all."

"That's why, High Priest, that's why I don't pay attention to these requirements. If you want to take what you can't get, you are doomed to lose it completely one day. This is the theorem of the world. What's more, after all, I'm in your king's city now, and it's not good for me to act rashly, so the only way is to give up these intentions. Are you satisfied with this?

"Although you can't fully confirm your majesty's intention, it should be that your majesty gave up temporarily, right?"

"It's worthy of Lord Rowlingforth. It seems that I can't hide anything from you... That's why I came here in person, but if I can't come in person, I can't show my intention to make a truce, right? And if you want to get out safely in the siege of your country, you naturally have to show the corresponding sincerity. Whether to obtain territory and funds from your country is just a trivial matter for me, and my real goal is not to be in your country..."

"In this case, why should we start a war against our country first?"

"That's because if you want to deal with another enemy, you must have the premise of free passage to your country! Otherwise, I'm afraid that I can't even send the army out smoothly. Do you still want to talk about attacking them?

"Although we have guessed who the other enemy is, it is inconvenient to mention it here for the time being. However... Does Your Majesty want to tell us that your Majesty has spent so much money and sacrificed countless soldiers in exchange for the result of free passage?

"The barbarians have a barbarian style, which is certainly incredible for your country, but I have explained this matter to the Queen, and the high priest may wish to ask her specifically in the future. In a word, peace can come between our two countries, isn't it a happy ending?

"It hasn't come to an end yet. His Majesty Gustav, as stated in the provisions of the agreement, we are just a truce. So although you agree to the terms of free passage in your country, if your country wants to take this opportunity to launch a raid on our country..."

"I can swear by the honor of the king of a country that I will never take the initiative to tear up the truce agreement before reaching the next purpose. Of course, the effect of the agreement will end after my goal is achieved. If I am ready to continue the war, I will do it after reaching your country and receiving a definite reply. Do you have any objection to such a promise?"

"Then... let's have a drink for your majesty's sincerity."

Sericia and Rollinforth raised the glass together. Gustav laughed, but did not lift the glass in his hand:

"I haven't finished my words yet, High Priest, please explain on behalf of the Queen about another condition other than the provisions of the agreement."

"Another condition?"

Rolinforth turned his puzzled eyes to Selicia, and the queen nodded calmly:

"That's true. There is another agreement between me and H.E. Gustav... that is, I will temporarily leave my country during this period and follow him to the battlefield..."

"Is it... as a hostage?"

The whole meeting suddenly made a noise, and anger and protest surged towards Gustav. The queen raised her scepter and knocked hard on the table to signal everyone to calm down:

"It's not a hostage, but a guest. Please don't panic. I will not make any unfavorable decision for me. Does the High Priest also doubt my decision?

"On this point..."

Rorinforth shook her head uneasily, and Selysia made a "reassuring" gesture to him:

"I have prepared everything that should be done. You don't have to worry about it."

"So it is..."

Rolinforth read a reassuring message from the Queen's eyes and tone, so he nodded as if he understood:

"Since Her Majesty has made all the preparations, there is no need for us to oppose it..."

"Your Majesty the High Priest! You shouldn't make such a careless decision!"

"What is so important must be handed over to the council for unanimous approval..."

"The same is true of Her Majesty! It's about your safety, and you can't be so hasty..."

"Please be quiet!"

The Queen's scepter fell on the table again:

"This is the will I have decided, please don't comment on it! Please rest assured that I am not the kind of stupid person who will ignore my life. I know what kind of responsibility I bear on my shoulders! For the peace and future of Haier Milan, even as the queen, I must be conscious of sacrifice. Do you have any objection to this?

In order to show her determination, the Queen's scepter knocked on the table three times again, which was a symbol of the king's authority. The ministers also calmed down under the deterrence of this authority, and Rollinforth couldn't help sighing softly:

"The last time Your Majesty knocked down his scepter, he decided to give up Willan... As a result, two generals and Lannold were sacrificed because of his reckless actions. Today, Your Majesty repeated this action again... I just hope that Your Majesty will not repeat the same mistakes as in the past. Otherwise, I'm afraid of what will be sacrificed this time..."

"I understand, High Priest, this time I am by no means repeating this move because of the childishness of the past. In fact, my innocence was forced to abandon after the death of General Lawitz... Now I know exactly what the reasons and consequences of everything I have done. In addition, based on your dissatisfaction with my move, I can allow the council to enact new decrees in the future, and the king must also obtain the consent of the council before knocking down his scepter... What do you think of this opinion?

The response to her is still silent, but it is certain from everyone's eyes that her will has been recognized. Selysia raised the glass again with satisfaction:

"Mr. Gustav... Can you have a toast with us now?"

"It's a great honor, Your Majesty."

Gustaf raised his glass and stood up:

"For me, since the beginning of the war, nothing has made me happier than today. Let me pay tribute to my former enemies and friends from today. The peace talks are indeed a pleasant decision... I sincerely pray to the goddess of war that your names will last forever together with Haier Milan..."

"Mr. Gustav! Isn't it too much to pray to the goddess of war at the peace talks in our country? Is this also full of peaceful sincerity?

In the face of the angry protest of the minister of Haier Milan, Gustav smiled carelessly:

"It's really rude, because everything in our country prays to the goddess of war, and the temporary habits have not changed... Then I will pray to the goddess of creation according to your requirements! Would you like to accept my explanation and raise your glass together?

I can't believe everything this guy says! Although he said that he was praying to the goddess Faris or something, it was definitely just a perfunctory line!

But now is not the time to question his intentions and what kind of protest, since the other party has at least made such concessions on the surface...

The ministers reminded themselves so much, and then reluctantly raised their glasses following the actions of the Queen and Rowlingforth.

Based on the reason that "being in your country makes me unable to have a complete sense of security", in the afternoon after signing the truce, Gustav said goodbye to the Queen and was ready to board the ship. The only response of Haier Milan's ministers to his almost free and loose diplomatic style is silence. Of course, it is also a blessing to send away this disturbing giant bomb, and no one can guarantee the consequences of his stay in this Congress. Even if a peace treaty is guaranteed and a truce is signed, how credible can a signature on a piece of paper be? Therefore, the ministers of the country will not have the slightest affection for him, let alone grateful. In case any radical and belligerent man implements an assassination or other strategy against him, no matter what the result is, the situation will only be more serious...

After watching Gustav and Selysia leave safely, Rollinfuse's nerves finally relaxed a little, and his footsteps staggered a little, and Rumir on one side quickly supported him:

"What's wrong with the High Priest? It's rare to see you so weak... Is it because you work too hard?

"What a shame... After all, I'm old. You can't force an old man to always take the same steps as a young man.

"You have worked really hard. These days... Can you have a good rest now?"

"Although I also have this idea... I still can't relax completely. After all, it's just a truce. Silas's next target should be Heland... And this is Gustav's real purpose. Haier Milan is just a pedal to satisfy those belligerent nobles in China..."

"Are you saying that we were not the target of Sierras from the beginning?"

It should be said that it was not Gustav's goal from the beginning. His purpose is to focus entirely on Hland. However, Haier Milan, which runs between the two countries, is a problem that has to be solved, because we and Herland were still allies at that time..."

"So... are all the things that happened between us and Heland, including King Durand... a conspiracy that Selas had planned before?"

"Only in this way can we completely break between us and Herland... Then sign a truce after an effective attack and suppression of Haier Milan, and obtain the right to pass freely, aiming directly at Herland... Gustav really regards the war completely as a game. He is not a so-called barbarian at all. Compared with us civilized people, his mind is far more terrible. He is really an opponent that cannot be underestimated... And we will fight with this opponent sooner or later.

"It seems that we are resting our national strength through the disaster that Heland is about to face... Although we feel helpless, there is not much need to sympathize with a kingdom that is easily driven by interests to kill our kings. It's just that I'm worried about Her Majesty..."

"I don't think you need to worry about this. Her Majesty has her own plans, and she is no longer the princess in the past that makes you and me feel at ease every day. As she said, if she hadn't been sure and ensured her safety, she wouldn't have done that..."

"I have no objection to this, but with all due respect, Mr. High Priest... Your behavior seems to deepen the opinions of some ministers on you. There are many impeachments that have accused you of bad intentions. If this influence continues to be expanded now, I'm afraid that not only you, but also the Queen and Haier Milan will..."

"If anyone has that kind of courage and elegance, you might as well do it. I am no longer as attached to life as in the past, but if anyone does something to hurt the kingdom on this reason, I will not easily forgive..."

"You are really as tough as steel as in the past, High Priest. As your old friend, I have to advise you... Anyway, you are also an old man after all."

"Then live to the end like an old man who is about to be incorporated. Rumil, you will soon feel the impact of this age as much as I do. Although death is an inevitable outcome, this is the most proud place for us human beings.

"Like you said."

The two high priests helped each other into the palace. Rumier suggested, "Let me help the high priest go back to his room to rest," but Rollinforth shook his head:

"It's not yet time to rest, Rumir, I still have a good play to invite you to accompany me to enjoy it."

"Good show? Has the High Priest been influenced by Gustav and recently become interested in singing and dancing?

"I don't have that kind of elegance. To be fair, Gustav is an artist. His familiarity with singing and dancing makes me ashamed. I can't reach him in any case. If he is not a king, he will definitely be more famous in the mainland than he is now... I invite you to see a unique play. Please help me to Her Majesty's room. ."

Although it was a little unclear, Rumir still did it. The two turned around the corner and turned to Selysia's room. Rollinforce knocked gently on the door:

"We are Rollinforth and Rumier."

The door quietly opened a slit, and Rollinforth looked around and motioned Rumir to follow him into the room. Then the scene in front of him shocked Rumir:

"Female...Her Majesty!"

Sericia, who was supposed to board the ship with Gustav to go to the Heland front, appeared in the room and greeted him with a smile:

"Priest Rumier, did you surprise you?"

"Why... why are you here? Is the person I just saw..."

"It's Miss Xilu."


Rumir was surprised for a moment before he suddenly turned his head:

"Is it the magic of the High Priest?"

"That's right. After the disappearance of Her Majesty, Miss Xilu has been acting as a stand-in for Her Majesty, so that our country will not suffer greater losses and riots in addition to the defeat of the northern front. We just used the same method this time. Since Silas can use 'Mlo' to deceive His Majesty, it is not too much for us to send a real 'Mlo'.

"You are really merciless, High Priest. Isn't it a little too much to compare Xilu to 'Muro'? However, this is also Xilu's own will, so that she can see the Loyde she cares about as soon as possible... This child's stubbornness is really unstoppable. But that's also because of her intention to protect me, right? For this good friend who has helped me countless times, I really can't find any other words to describe my inner feelings than gratitude, and I don't even know how to thank her..."

"Then do what you should do as a thank you to her, Your Majesty. Now is not the time for you to be moved and cry. We still need to prepare a grand program, and your majesty should also be in great spirits.

"That's right... I should concentrate on this program."

"Her Majesty, High Priest, what are you talking about? The so-called program refers to..."

"Don't be nervous, Sir Rumir, it's just a after-show after Gustav left. However, although it is a Yuxing program, if it reveals a flaw, it will also die... You have to cheer up, including us.

"Yuxing program... Your Majesty, High Priest, please don't play riddles with the old man, please?"

"I'm really sorry, Sir Rumir. Because the high priest is keen on playing riddles, I can't help but perform with him. I'm really sorry... Speaking of which, the high priest is really old and still keen on this kind of children's game. I can't see your truth at all. Age..."

"Is there anything wrong with this? If you even grow old, you will feel that death is getting closer and closer to you, which will make people feel disgusted, so occasionally playing this kind of childish game is also a kind of enjoyment. Sir Rumir, according to the reliable information we know, there will be a rebellion in the royal city, so the illusion that the queen has left the country.

"Rebellion! This kind of thing..."

"At present, it is not certain who the mastermind is and who is the external response, but the authenticity of the rebellion is very high, and under the fact that the Queen left the country, the rebellion will happen more quickly..."

"Please allow me to interrupt Your Excellency. Why did this so-called rebellion start?"

"It was caused by His Excellency the High Priest."

"For Your Excellency the High Priest!"

"Hmm! It's aimed at me... As you said before, Rumil, it seems that the person who secretly coveted my life is really great. Now think about it, if I can live safely until now, I'm afraid my luck can't be used to describe it with the word 'lucky', right?

"I have persuaded you many times about this, but you always ignore it. Now some people dare to use this as a reason to launch a rebellion... This kind of thing is not a small thing! The peace won because of the truce, if it leads to the abandonment..."

"Then suppress it immediately before the rebellion occurs, or make an immediate decision when the rebellion occurs. Now that we have this information, it would be too humiliating to be led by the nose, Rumir. Your Majesty and I came here not just to hear your unnecessary complaints and protests!"

"Of course, High Priest, he is not the kind of person who can only do things with his mouth. However, on the premise that it is not clear who is the mastermind of the rebellion, what is the high priest going to do?

"Of course, it's beating grass to startle the snake! Since you can't take the initiative to wait for the other party to attack, find a way to force the other party out! Not everything has to wait for a natural result. This time we will take the initiative to let those rude guys understand how stupid they are!"

"Your Excellency... Now your attitude makes me wonder whether what those people are saying is true. Every time you encounter a big event related to Haier Milan, you will fall into a surprising and even fearful obsession, and is this obsession really entirely out of your loyalty to Haier Milan..."

"What's the point of doubting the loyalty of old friends to the kingdom here? It's better to sit down and discuss the strategy to take later with us. You are so old that you have such a dull mind, have you?"

"What a rude high priest! Is it too much to criticize the old man in front of Her Majesty? Although we are both old, this head will not lose to any young man!"

Rumil sat down, but frowned and sighed heavily:

"Like the storm of the sea, the big ship Haier Milan has really experienced countless storms and waves... Fortunately, the captain and the helmsman are still on this ship, and we still have hope to get through the storm... However, this unexpected battle will happen in an unknown corner at any time. It's helpless..."