Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Blenshud in the palm of nineteen

Apologize for the pause in front of the article:

For work reasons. It must be stopped for about a week. I deeply apologize to all readers.

Whether you like my work or not. Anyone who has read my work. Even if you just browse around. Cat is also here to express my deep gratitude to you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Tenth of the boundary of the sky

There was the cry of an owl in the sky. Gerald, who was riding beside Loide and chatting, said "disrespectful" and then galloped in the direction of the call. A few minutes later, he returned to loyd with a letter:

"It's Kick's regular communication. Let's see what happened in our country."

"It seems to have been sealed by magic. Please open it, Gerrard."

After a short spell, the corner of the small scroll unfolded with a crack. Floyd looked at it carefully, and an indescribable complex look appeared on his face:

"It's really indescribable..."

"What's going on?"

"Hel Milan and Silas have a truce."

"A truce? Although I don't know what's going on... but it's a good thing, isn't it? In this way, we will lose a strong enemy. After all, I don't know how many times stronger Sierras is than Heland..."

"Yes, this is indeed a fortunate thing. However, I really don't understand why Silas suddenly proposed a truce. According to the war report we received before, Silas used the legendary dragon to almost completely destroy the forward troops of Haier Milan. With such an advantage, he suddenly took the initiative to propose a truce... Gustav doesn't know what he was thinking?

"Maybe Gustav thinks it's not so easy to completely destroy Heil Milan? Maybe he didn't want to start a decisive battle with Haier Milan... In short, the minds of the barbarians don't seem to be so easy to understand. Is there anything else in the letter?

"Gustaf's fleet led by Silas is moving in the direction of Heland... It's strange! Now that they have made a truce with Haier Milan... Is their purpose to attack Heland? And... even Her Majesty came with Gustav!"

"Is there such a thing? How could Her Majesty board Silas's warship... Does she plan to cooperate with Gustav?

"It's possible... Since the truce does not have to be hostile to each other for the time being, if Silas has the intention to be hostile to Heland, perhaps it is not impossible to cooperate with each other. However... Her Majesty really has some courage to go to danger in person... It's really impossible to predict what will happen with Gustav..."

Loide turned over the letter paper, glanced at the text on the letter, and suddenly felt a little stunned:

"The high priest... passed away?"

"The high priest? Do you mean Rollinforth?

"It's indeed the high priest of Rollinforth. It is said that there was a rebellion. The High Priest was attacked by the magic dragon in the scuffle and was seriously injured... What a pity.

"You say magic dragon! Isn't that what Sierras has? That is to say, Sierras really didn't stick to his faith?

"It shouldn't be like this... Because it was only a magic dragon that attacked them, and it should have been caused by the rebels who colluded with the people in the Sierras army who were dissatisfied with the truce agreement. Nevertheless... The High Priest is a pillar of Haier Milan. I don't know how this fact will affect Haier Milan. However, at least there will be a high priest Rumir who will take over his position, which should not have much impact..."

"Although not many people would like that old guy, it was indeed thanks to him that Haier Milan was able to persist in this cruel war. It's really a pity that he died suddenly... Fortunately, we and Silas have a truce, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Nevertheless, we can't take it lightly in the face of Heland now. Even His Excellency Lyon was besieged, and the enemy we faced was not as simple as we thought. If you take it lightly, you may encounter unexpected trouble..."

"You are still as cautious as before, Loed, but this is not a bad thing. After all, the battlefield itself is an unpredictable theorem... Maybe our journey will not be so smooth, such as encountering an enemy's ambush or something..."

"When it comes to this... Lena! Lena, are you there?

"Lena is here!"

"Amber" felt her body shake violently and couldn't help hissing loudly like protest. Loyd touched its neck comfortingly, then turned around and patted Lena's head, who suddenly jumped on the horse's back:

"Didn't I tell you not to play such a dangerous game on the way to march?"

"What does it matter! Lena is not a child. She is very good at such games!"

"Don't take it for granted after violating the order!"

"I know..."

Lina has an aggrieved face, but she can't hide the seemingly innate playfulness. Although she cried a lot about the Franks not long ago, it seems that no matter what kind of trouble she is, she will be forgotten in two days. Now she is holding loyd from behind with an intoxicated face:

"I smell Mr. loyd... It's really reassuring..."

"All you can smell is the smell of sweat, right?"

Gerard made a joke with a mocking face, and Lena looked back with discontented anger:

"Don't bother me and Mr. loyd! If you bite me again, be careful that I will stab the sword in my hand at you!"

Gerard shrugged his shoulders, made a gesture of "I can't do anything about you" and took two steps back to the side. Loyd sighed helplessly and turned around:

"Don't be busy smelling anything. What's the result of the reconnaissance?"

"I'll tell you if Mr. loyd kisses me!"

"Don't make such a joke with the commander!"

"Then I'll tell you in half an hour! Lena is very patient..."

"It won't be an example... Otherwise, I will really lock you up on the charge of disobeying the military order."

Loed grabbed her hand and kissed her gently:

"Are you satisfied?"

"Is it just a kiss? Even if it's not lips, it should be earlobe, neck or something..."

"Because you didn't make such a request first, I'm sorry that I have done as you asked. Now you should tell me?"

"It's really boring, Mr. loyd..."

Lena raised her little mouth with an unhappy face:

"Next time Lena will definitely think about the necessary conditions before making a request... Then today is a discount transaction. There is a narrow mountain road one kilometer ahead, and signs of ambush are found.

"It's better to tell me such information earlier!"

"What are you doing? If you had agreed to my request earlier, you wouldn't have wasted so much time!"

"In a word, any crooked thing in your mouth will become a business..."

Loide signaled the whole army to stop marching, and then waved to Gerrard:

"We have found signs of ambush. It's time for us to prepare."

"Did the enemy expect us to pass by here? How could an ambush be arranged in advance? Could it be a reconnaissance error?

"Are you doubting me, stupid adjutant?"

"Who...who is the stupid adjutant! If you are rude to the adjutant, you will be imprisoned!"

"If you can do it, you can try it!"

"loyd! This little girl is insulting me! Detain her immediately!"

"Both of you can stop! Now is not the time to argue about these issues! Lena, take out the map immediately.


Lena touched her body for a while and took out the map scroll from her arms:

"Lina carries such things with her! So there is also the smell of Lena's perfume..."

"When I get out of danger, I'm willing to smell any perfume."

Loide took over the map and unfolded in front of him:

"Is this the direction? It's a bad terrain! Once such a thousand troops are ambushed, it will not be long before the whole army is destroyed. Originally, I thought that Heland did not have a decent commander, but now it seems that I am too confident. No wonder Lyon will be surrounded... Two, if it were you, how would you deal with such a situation?

"Can't you go around in another direction?"

Gerard's proposal brought Lena's white eyes:

"What a bad idea! Take a closer look at the surrounding terrain, there is no place to detour at all, that is to say, we can only pass straight from this road!"

"Is that so... is it true! What kind of terrain is this? It's just a natural cemetery!"

"This may not seem to be how powerful the enemy's commander is. With a little common sense of marching, you can recognize the value of this terrain... Lina, can you detect the approximate strength of the enemy?"

"It's about 2,000."

"Double the troops... can be regarded as a good play."

"You seem to be looking forward to this battle, loyd, but don't forget that we only have a thousand troops, and we can't have too much loss before joining with Lord Lyon, so can't this battle be avoided?"

"I'm afraid that even the enemy is ambushed here. I'm afraid we won't be easy along the road. It should be impossible to avoid fighting. We can only rely on tactics and luck to break through all the way."

"Do you still have to rely on luck! That is, we don't have the possibility of injury at all!"

"Please don't shout, Mr. stupid adjutant! If such a little obstacle can scare you, this adjutant might as well be replaced by Lena! Lena is not afraid of anything!"

"I'm not a stupid adjutant! And I'm not afraid! I'm worried that our army will lose too much to join His Excellency Lyon smoothly! It's a pity. Why can't we rely on warships to fly all the way?

"After all, the energy of warships is a problem. Even if additional wind energy is added, it is not infinite. It is exhausted to transport us to the hinterland, and there is no effective supply here. It is impossible to expect the warship to continue to fly. So don't make unreasonable demands, Gerald. Let's plan how to break through this mountain now..."

"So... what can you do, Lena?"

"Why did you ask me, Mr. stupid adjutant?"

"I'm not stupid... Forget it, whatever you call! But aren't you a mercenary? You should be very good at dealing with such a situation, right? I'm worried that loyd will do something exaggerated, so please think of a way!"

Is that so? Lena also wants to thank your trusted stupid adjutant! But you're right. Lena is best at dealing with such a situation! As long as Mr. loyd can sincerely show me something, I will say the most reasonable method!"

"What else do you want me to do, Lena? Do you have to ask me such a condition every time to meet it?

"Of course! Lena is a mercenary, and the most important thing for mercenaries is equivalent exchange! It was supposed to be paid, but if it were Mr. loyd..."

"Is it enough to kiss you?"

"It's worthy of Mr. loyd! You really know me!"

Loed touched her head with a smile and then raised his head:

"Guard! Arrest her and lock her behind the team!"


Before Lena could react, she was firmly pressed on the shoulder by the responding guards. Although it was completely out of the scope of consideration to deal with such soldiers at ordinary times, suddenly, she couldn't break free for a moment and could only show her softness with her big aggrieved eyes to

"Don't be like that, Mr. loyd... I said that..."

The guards let go after getting permission, and Lena immediately changed into an angry look:

"What can I say, Mr. loyd! Lena is a very weak girl! Such a rude treatment is really..."

"If you can still be called weak, then I really can't find a strong woman. Anyway, please tell me your method quickly and don't waste too much time."

"I get excited when I encounter a war. Such Mr. loyd is really terrible..."

"I feel the same way, so I'm worried that this thousand troops will be sent into the wolf's mouth by Loyd."

"Since you have said that, Mr. stupid adjutant, then Lena will say it directly! If we travel in a straight line, we will definitely be ambushed by the enemy, so the most reasonable way is to disrupt the enemy's command post. It depends on you and me, Mr. loyd.

"Can I play a role?"

"Because you have been a mercenary before! So there should be no problem with mountain climbing or something... We also used the mountaineering method to deal with mountain thieves together in Yagvilo, and this time we will use this method again.

Lena marked several directions on the map:

"The enemy's strength is divided into the command post on the mountain and the main force at the foot of the mountain. What I marked are the dead corners of the patrol line. We choose some soldiers who are good at climbing the mountains, and then go up the mountain in these directions to create chaos behind the enemy and completely disrupt their command system. During this period, Mr. stupid adjutant led the army below as bait to distract their attention. As long as the cooperation is reasonable, the loss can be minimized... What does Mr. loyd think?

"That's the most reasonable strategy, in fact, that's all I can think of."

"Ha? Since that's the case, why does Lena have to say it? Mr. loyd is really bad-hearted!"

"Because the general's responsibility is to command the whole army, not simply formulate a strategy... Then Gerard, the work of tempting the enemy below will be handed over to you, but this is not an easy task. If you don't grasp the scale, you will be regarded as a target of firepower concentration by the enemy. Don't be careless!"

"Ha... Don't be so terrible! I have no objection...but what should I do?"

"To lure the enemy near this area to distract the enemy's attention."

Loed drew a circle on the specific location of the map:

"If it is too deep, it will be attacked by the enemy or a full-scale attack. If it is too far away, it will not attract their attention or even reveal their intentions. So you must be careful, which is also to protect your life!"

"I understand... Although I feel scared when you say that, I am also a noble after all, and it is not easy to escape from this kind of thing. Don't worry, loyd, I will complete my task, but you should also be careful not to fall from the mountain. In that case, I will definitely not be able to catch you..."

"Don't worry, Gerard, I am a person who values my life very much, and I will never die easily until I meet Xilu. In addition, after our success, we will send a signal that you must immediately cooperate with us to completely defeat the enemy's ground army. Be sure to see our action signals clearly! Don't be recognized by the enemy because of slow action, otherwise we can't save you on the mountain. Please keep it in mind.

"I said loyd... Can't you say a few words of blessing me? Like 'good luck' and so on... I'm going to stage a murderous drama! Maybe I will die... But it's still not as good as you. When you die, there will be many women around you, and I'm not so lucky, so I cherish my life more than you... But don't worry, loyd, I will come back alive!"

"Then I'll leave it to you. In fact, I have never doubted your intuition and the inevitable result of your safe return. However, this does not mean that you have the capital to be careless. A mistake on the battlefield is the source of many tragedies, so please be extremely cautious and don't do things that are imprudent to kill yourself, so... Good luck!"

"Good luck too, loyd!"

The two hit each other with high-fives, and Loyde then took Lena to turn the horse's head and ran in the other direction. Gerrard stayed in place for a moment and suddenly sighed with some embarrassment:

"Sure enough, I'm still a little reluctant... Because I'm not as familiar and passionate about fighting as those two people... No wonder Ferdinand immediately withdrew from the army after becoming a hero. The storm on the battlefield will drive people crazy. I don't know if I can come back alive this time... Forget it, as long as you believe in those two people wholeheartedly, you don't have to worry about such a problem."

An hour later, the mountain road ahead has turned into a post-war Shura field, full of dead and wounded. After Counting the casualties, Gerrard only felt incredible:

"What a miracle, loyd! We only killed less than 20 people and injured less than 50 people. We actually forced the enemy to retreat completely after one-third of the battle! The combination of you and Lena is simply invincible!"

"That's, of course, stupid adjutant! If I cooperate with Mr. loyd, no matter what kind of enemy it is, it will be as torn apart as the sand of a storm!"

Lena took loyd's arm and turned around his body:

"And the enemy's strength is too weak! If you want to ambush, you should at least send a stronger army to carry out the mission. It is impossible to do such a third-rate role at all. Are they really Heland's regular army?

"From the military uniform, it is indeed Heland's army, but even so, once the command fails, it is not so easy to fight smoothly under this terrain. Loyd, shall we send the war report back to our country first?

"Of course, for us who are in a bitter battle, any victory is a result worthy of attention, and we must maintain the confidence and fighting spirit of the people as much as possible. However, what makes me feel most strange is that the other party's actions are so lazy that they don't seem to have the determination to fight against us to the end. So what is their intention to set up an ambush here? Is it perfunctory out of formal necessity?

"No army is as stupid as this, right? In fact, Lena has always felt very strange... This fighting style is not like an ambush at all, but more like seducing the enemy... Does the enemy have this intention?

"Gradually introduce us into their real encirclement in a deliberate defeat before seizing the opportunity to launch a decisive attack? This is indeed a very effective insidious tactic, and perhaps Lyon is surrounded by this tactic. What do you think, loyd?"

"It should be a reasonable explanation, and after all, we are only a thousand troops. Once we are surrounded, the consequences are unimaginable, so we must minimize casualties along this way, which means that we can't be counted by any strategy of the enemy... Lena, the reconnaissance ahead is still I'm counting on you."

"No problem! As long as it is Mr. loyd's order, Lena will do her best to complete it! Of course, Lena also wants all kinds of praise, such as..."

"That kind of thing is more appropriate to negotiate in private, Miss Lena! And please don't be too confident and relaxed. Although your strength is unquestionable... it is related to our lives! In case your information is wrong or caught by the enemy..."

"What do you mean, stupid adjutant! If you can't believe Lena's strength, come and have a try! Otherwise, I wouldn't object to you scout. I'm trying to increase my relationship with Mr. loyd..."

"Don't talk nonsense here, Lena! Gerrard is right, and it's also out of concern for you. Don't deliberately misinterpret other people's intentions. In a word... everything is up to you."

"Lena doesn't need such a stupid adjutant to care about, as long as Mr. loyd's love is enough!"

Lena pulled down her eyelids and made a grimace at Gerard, then suddenly kissed loyd on the face and jumped on the mount and left. Gerald stood still for a moment before patting loyd on the shoulder with a mocking smile:

"It's hard, isn't it, Loed? Is it particularly comfortable or bad to be surrounded by flowers? If Xilu knows this, I can't guarantee that you will survive... And considering the military appearance and morale, is it better to be more self-respecting?"

"I do have the same troubles as you, but... even I can't easily stop Lena's straightforward temperament. But there is nothing wrong with this. She has just broken free from the shadow of Fland, so let her happily do what she wants to do. At first, I was worried about whether she would be depressed because of this, but now it seems that I can also breathe a sigh of relief.

"Whether you are a lover or a companion, you are really a hard worker. That's why those girls pestered you... I seem to have learned something from you, and it seems that I will ask you for more advice in the future, Mr. loyd!"

Gerald laughed at Lena's tone, and then ran to the back of the team. Loed touched his head and said gently:

"I don't want to be so hard... I used to worry about the name of my family, but now I'm worried about the girls around me... I'm really a person who can't get peace. Maybe I'll die early because of it, but there's nothing I can do..."

Exuding a fragrant and bitter mixed coffee flavor... This is the tone of my life now, loyd smiled slightly.