Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Forever Guardian Knight 13/5

13-5 crisis

After the garden party, Xilu, who was full of concern for Selysia because of the reality of Lutwin's accession to the throne, tried to meet the queen to find out the news, but was blocked by the attendant guarding the door with "His Majesty's busy business". This was the case for two days in a row. Anyone can guess that Selia was deliberately avoiding it. Of course, Xilu, as a friend, can also empathize with the troubles and sorrows in her heart. However, after discussing with everyone, the only choice she can make is to "return to the college to rest first":

"In any case, we can't interfere in your majesty's private affairs, whether such private affairs are related to a country or not. Since Her Majesty is unwilling to summon us, it means that she intends to solve this problem alone. We have no reason or need to intervene, but just believe in Her Majesty's determination.

Gerald's opinion attracted everyone's approval. Although Xilu still insisted that "Her Majesty is too pitiful in this way", when loyd also dissuaded her that "Her Majesty is the most direct way to solve the problem", she finally felt that everyone was unable to say it and decided to give up and agreed to the idea of returning to the college first. However, after she said this, Kik suddenly coughed solemnly and sat upright:

"Miss Xilu! Now that you have made such a decision, I want to tell you something very important..."

"Hey, big stupid bear! Do you want to say it now? Isn't it appropriate for this kind of occasion?

"Think about it again! It's not the end yet, is it?"

The companions dissuaded one after another with an uneasy face, and Kick also showed an embarrassed look:

"Although I think so... but I can't say it!"

"What the hell... is going on?"

I found that the situation did not seem to be optimistic, and Xilu couldn't help but be nervous:

"Is there something bad going on?"

"What should I say... It's not bad, but it's really bad for you! Anyway, it's not bad or something... ah ah! What the hell am I talking about...!"

Kick grabbed his hair randomly and had the momentum to turn himself into a bald man. When Xilu was also worried about such a bad consequence, he finally stopped with determination:

"Little girl... No, Miss Xilu! How long has it been since you left the college?

"Well... it's only about three months!"

Xilu calculated and replied carelessly. When Kit saw her relaxed face, he couldn't help sighing:

"Three months... So it has reached the bottom limit, right?"

"bottom limit?"

Xilu pondered for a moment, and suddenly jumped up with a scream:

"It's difficult...don't you say!"

"It seems that you have guessed it yourself... Then there is no need to hide it any more. In fact, we have also done our best, and the president himself is also very embarrassed, but in the end..."

"It's too much! I'm fighting for the kingdom of Haier Milan... The old man who only knows how to touch girls' buttocks!"

Xilu gritted her teeth and hummed angrily, as if she wanted to swallow everyone in front of her. Loyd's face suddenly became blank:

"What the hell is going on that makes you so irritable?"

"Dal out of school!"


Suspected that he didn't hear clearly, loyd couldn't help asking again, and the result was still the clear answer:

"Withdraw from school!"


"The regulations of the college... If you haven't gone to school for two months, you will be given a pre-school warning. If you reach three months, you can be forced to drop out of school without your own defense... That's it!"

Xi Lu lowered her head and muttered in a low voice, but Loed's face was even more puzzled:

"But... Xilu's reason is a special situation, right? The expedition for Haier Milan was delayed for three months, which should also be the order of Her Majesty. In any case, it can't be counted on her... So is such a decision too much?

"That's how we argued, partner, but it didn't work at all..."

"What's the reason for the president?"

"Since it is the system of the college, it must be strictly followed. Even if it is only out of formal respect for the first generation of the director, it cannot be changed arbitrarily for unavoidable reasons. This is the rigorous style of learning handed down from the day the birth of the college. If it cannot be effectively followed, those young nobles will I will dare to do whatever I want... This is the reason for the college president, and we all have nothing to say.

"It's really a strict academic style... Can't it be accommodated even for such a helpless reason? It's worthy of the rumored holy moonlight..."

"Strictly you! Didn't you find that I was taken as a sacrifice? What does it mean that those young nobles will dare to do whatever they want! Unexpectedly, he used me as a victim to intimidate other students... The old school principal really needs a good education!"

Xilu clenched her fist tightly and waved it with determination:

"I've decided!"


"Of course, I dropped out of school according to the regulations! But before dropping out of school... use these hands to raze the college to the ground! In this way, everyone will not be troubled by such inexplicable rules... Maybe it is a little difficult to destroy the whole college, so just destroy the college principal's nest, as long as you can..."

"Calm down, little girl! This is a bad idea that can't be implemented under any circumstances!"

Looking at the serious look on Xilu's face, Keke and his companions were dissuaded in a panic. Xilu shouted "Shut up" and pulled out a "Wendini" sword and swept over. The table beside her was cut in half by the innocent disaster:

"No matter who... wants to dissuade me, knock me down first, and then step on my body!"

Don't be impulsive! It hasn't been so serious..."

Loide took her sword and put it back to her side. Xilu gave a long "hum" long, which was more like being angry than simply coquettish:

"Then you can think of a way! No rule of the college will ever be overturned! Even if it is unreasonable, it will be implemented in the strictest way... So what do you think you should do!"

"So... can't you drop out of school like this? As long as everyone is still friends..."

"It's not as simple as you think... If it's really as easy as you said, the little girl won't want to destroy the college."

Kick patted Loed on the shoulder and "haha" helplessly:

"Have you ever thought about where this holy moonlight is different from ordinary colleges?"

"To put it this way... First of all, the students in the holy moonlight are all young noble children, right?"

"Then the problem comes! What does a holy moonlight full of nobles mean to nobles like little girl? That's why the little girl will get angry!"

"So... Is it that the aristocrats can't graduate or be dropped out of the college, which will have a bad impact on their future lives?"

"It's not just 'bad'! Nobles who can't graduate smoothly will not be recognized for their status and name in Haier Milan, which is equivalent to being deprived! That is to say... I'm not Xilu Ferrinwen Rafald right away, but just Xilu! This was set by the first director of the college and passed by the royal family as a restraint for young nobles. Even Her Majesty can't help me!"

Xilu pounded the only half of the table to vent her anger, and loyd finally realized the seriousness of the situation and became uneasy:

"So... what should we do, everyone? Is there any way to think about it?"

"What we can think of... we have already thought about it. I'm really sorry... Speaking of which, Gerald is really lucky. He is exactly one month less than Xilu. As long as he returns to the college once, he can be exempted from punishment..."

"It's useless to say this now! No matter how lucky I am... Now Xilu is the partner we need to care about! Is there really nothing we can do? As long as you appear in the college once in three months, you will be exempt from punishment. Can you think of a way in this regard?

"We have thought about this for a long time... but there is no evidence to prove that Xilu has been to college in three months!"

Gerald turned his attention to the only candidate who could come up with a solution:

"Lena... Can you think of a feasible solution?"

"Why did you come to me?"

"Everyone is friends! And you and Xilu have become sisters... You can't just leave it alone!"

"It doesn't matter what happens! But since Gerrard said so, I'll try..."

Lina closed her eyes and meditated for a moment, with a "um":

"Can I sneak into the college president's room tonight to seduce him? This is Lena's stunt! And didn't you say that he likes to touch girls' buttocks?"

"No matter how you think about it... it doesn't seem to work. After all, the head of the college is not a perggar!"

"Then will I force him with a sword... Is it feasible?"

"The other party is one of the greatest magicians in Haier Milan! You can't have a more reasonable way... Wow!"

"When you ask for someone, pay attention to your speaking attitude, Mr. Gerrard!"

Lina twisted Gerald's ear for a while, and it was not until Gerald begged for mercy that she let go of her hand contentedly:

"Gathering here, there is no feasible solution anyway. I think you'd better go back to the college and make a final plea to the director. If you can consider the cause and effect of the matter and the face of the Wang family, it may be solved smoothly! If this doesn't work... I'll figure it out then. As long as you are in the college, it's not difficult to do anything, right?

"What do you think, Xilu...Hey! Listen to us!"

Everyone turned their dissatisfied eyes to Xilu, who was venting her anger at the table. The neat and uniform movements made her stop her fists with hair all over:

"You...what are you doing when you look at me! Anyway... I don't know anything now!"

That means you don't object? Then that's the decision! Let's go back to the college first and negotiate with the dean. If it doesn't work, leave it to Miss Lena to find a way... Anyway, we can't let Xilu leave the college like this! Otherwise, this will also be a disgrace to the Kingdom of Haier Milan, a result that we can't accept!"


The companions responded loudly to Gerrard's call, and then followed him fighting spirit and rushed out of the door. Xilu, loyd, Kik and Lena, who stayed in the room, looked at each other in consters. Kick began to pull his already messy hair again:

"By the way... the captain should be a little girl, right? At least Uncle Kick is also a staff officer... When did Gerald become the leader of the Swordsman Corps?

The swordsmen who rushed all the way to the office of the head of the college with fierce momentum were blocked by Robeck, the instructor of Fengji, with his consistent bold eyes and a simple "nonsense", and retreated to the corridor outside the office in a daze. Only Loed and Kik remained to confront the college president. Baymont sighed with emotion:

"Nowadays, young people seem to be less and less aware of the etiquette of treating the elderly... However, you, Keke, are not a fierce bear that can only rampage as rumored. Anyway... Today's protagonist should be Miss Xilu, right? Why didn't I see her in person?


Loide pointed to the window in embarrassment. Baymont looked out of the window and saw that Herige Square was surrounded by students...

"I really became a hero... I didn't expect to be so popular, Miss Xilu..."

"It's not like that... Xilu is entangled by some troublesome guy."


Baymont opened his eyes hard and found that Xilu seemed to be rolling in the square...

"What... is this indecent behavior?"

"It's 'Wind Dragon'... Xilu is entangled by it again, and it seems to be really inseparable. It's just that everyone has seen the appearance of Xilu... It's really an unrealistic scenery.

"Sure enough, Xilu is a popular character both in people and horses... Oh, it's a pity that I had to make such a decision..."

"So... is there still no room for negotiation?"

"What should I say... There's really no way."

Although Baymont's face was indeed a helpless regret, judging from his busy feeding parrots while apologizing, it was really not very convincing. Kik exaggeratedly "ha":

"Your Excellency... The consequences of doing this are not so easy!"


"At least you have to find a way to calm your companions. Although they have now been driven out by Mr. Robeck, if you insist on such a decision, it may trigger their anger again... I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it, right? What do you say about that sentence... people's hearts and so on..."

"I know what you mean, Mr. Kick. Thanks to your reminder, the protection of the college should be strengthened to avoid those young people from acting too impulsively. It seems more appropriate to ask the royal family for a guard..."

"What a messy idea!"

Kick punched the table angrily:

"Even the gods will not be ruthless to this point. Does the head of the college really have any sympathy? Because you stick to the laws of the college, you will destroy the glorious future of a young aristocrat. This kind of thing makes people feel sad just thinking about it, and you are really indifferent?

"The reason... I have explained it to you before, Kit?"

"So what? If the law does not allow changes, then why does the country need to reform? Isn't it enough to hold on to everything in the past and wait for decay and destruction?

"Because I am not a god and have no right to decide the future of the kingdom or college, but at least we should stick to the law we must face while we are alive. Otherwise, the first thing we meet is not a real reform, but a person with a fluke or even a conspiracy to take advantage of the void of the law to erode the strong wall. In order to prevent this serious situation, everything we have done and sacrificed is worth it.

"That is to say, should it be glorious for Xilu to become a sacrifice?"

"To say so... is not too much."

"It's really a pity... It turns out that the old man's mind is equivalent to eating ancient times. I've had enough of the old man's style at home, and I didn't expect that I couldn't escape here... Ah! How can people endure this kind of thing! Sure enough, I'm still suitable for free to run horses on the grassland alone!"

Kick yawned and stretched his arms, but took off his cloak in a blink of an eye, folded it neatly and put it on the college president's desk:

"I will return this to you, dean. This suffocating college really can't stay! I'm sorry, partner, I can't do anything, and I'm going back to Gutlend like this. If you and Xilu can't stay in Haier Milan, you might as well come to us. There is no guarantee that there will be no problem with the big house and work. After all, I have wanted Xilu to be my maid for a long time... Hahahaha!"

Seeing that Baymont just narrowed his eyes and did not answer, loyd just wanted to stop it. Kik patted him hard on the shoulder and said "goodbye" and turned to open the door. The companions standing in the corridor were shocked to see that he suddenly only wore shirts:

"What's wrong with you, Big Stupid Bear? Where's your cloak?"

"Give it back to that old man! Who can stay in such a suffocating place... Don't worry, Gutlund doesn't have that kind of ridiculous rule. When I go back, it won't affect my reputation, and I can also find my job. Although it's a little difficult to separate, everyone... Goodbye! If you want to come to Gutlund, you are welcome at any time!"

"You guy... What is this self-determined attitude! Wait a minute!"

Gerard shouted at Kik, who was about to leave, and then took off his cloak. Kick suddenly showed a doubtful look:

"What do you want to do? Do you want to be the same as me? It's not a trivial matter for you Haier Milan nobles to do this. Let's think about it! At that time, if you are scolded by your family, the responsibility will be put on me..."

"Shut up, big stupid bear! This has nothing to do with you. It's my personal decision! Although we can't help our companions and can't stop you, if we don't even have the courage to do this, what a friend or a companion who once fought side by side! Being scolded by his family or something... Who cares so much!"

Gerald broke into the college president's room and put his cloak on his desk without saying a word. After looking at each other, the other companions also took off their cloaks and did it one by one. Looking at the resolute faces, Baymont's eyes gradually turned into chaos:

"I said that even if you do this, you still can't change the reality, it will only add unnecessary trouble."

"Of course, but... since that's the result anyway, we are more willing to respect our own heart. As the big stupid bear said, with such a stubborn college principal, his body will decay sooner or later. It's better to run horses on the grassland!"

Robeck, who had been standing aside silently, shook his head helplessly, saying that even with his authority could no longer produce any effect at this moment, Baymont turned his head boredly:

"In that case... you can be happy. Since it is your own choice, I will not be punished by Her Majesty, so there is no need to worry about anything.

"It's rude!"

Gerard roared and turned angrily to go out, but was scared by a sudden "bastard" from the corridor:

"Xi...Xi Lu?"

Because of the entanglement of the "Wind Dragon", Xi's hair was scattered and her body was in a mess, but no one dared to laugh easily when she sensed the anger all over her body. Xilu opened her eyes angrily and glanced around everyone, as if she was about to spit fire:

"You idiots...what stupid things have you done! Don't think I will thank you like this! Take all these things back!"

While saying this, Xilu rushed into the office, picked up the cloak on the table and stuffed it into Gerrard's arms:

"It's enough for me to do such a thing alone. Why do you need to pretend to be heroes here? And you, Big Stupid Bear, think about everyone's mood before doing such a thing! It doesn't matter if a Xilu is missing. If more than a dozen nobles are missing in one breath... Do you want Haier Milan to have an earthquake so deliberately?

"Xilu, we didn't do this because of you..."

"Shut up! Since it's not for me, there's no need to do that! As I said, it's enough for me to do such a thing alone, and I have decided!"

"Your decision?"

"Of course, I dropped out of school! What I hate most is the old man sitting over there. Obviously, he hasn't given us a lesson, but he always proudly says boring words to us, 'You are my students'! Obviously, it was our credit, but he insisted on splitting half of it! People like him...just think about how to touch other people's buttocks every day!"

Xilu grabbed her cloak and pulled it hard, and there was a crisp sound of cloth cracking. The shoulder of the cloak was torn by her. Xilu simply tore the cloak into two pieces:

"This kind of thing... I feel angry when thrown into the garbage!"

"Xilu! You have gone too far! In this way, you really..."

Gerald shouted in surprise, but things were irreparable and had no choice but to be chagrined. Xilu doesn't care:

"I didn't do anything... I'm seriously doing what I should do! As a final gift for the college president, I will never embarrass him. As for my future... I've already thought about it. I'm going to Gutlund!"


"Sellas must not be used to living in a place, and he is afraid of being calculated, so only Gutlund, who has never been hostile to us, is the last choice! I will ask Her Majesty to settle in Gutlend as a diplomatic embassy, so that I can take care of everyone's face without affecting the family's reputation. Loyd, what are you going to do?

"Me... Of course, I'm with you, and there's no doubt about it."

"That's enough... But at least I hope to marry you here first. After all, Haier Milan is my motherland... Everyone! Go to the square with me to discuss my future. We really don't have much time to get together, so at least... I also want to leave a little memory before leaving.

The angry voice suddenly became a little bitter. Xilu took loyd's hand and quickly disappeared to the end of the corridor with her head down. Kick tilted his body and said "ha":

"The little girl is crying...everyone."

"Really... it's always so capricious! This Xilu... I wish I could be more rational!"

Gerard followed Xilu's figure closely, and other companions followed him one by one. Except for loyd, who finally left, no one saluted the president of the college. Robeck, who witnessed all this, shook his head again:

"It's useless."

"Do you mean what they do... or what I do? But of course I can guess what you mean... Maybe it's time for me to re-evaluate those young people, and... it seems necessary to change the laws inherited from prehistoric history. I have been trying to change everything in the college, but I still haven't completely reached the ideal situation.

Baymont turned his face out of the window and looked at the noisy students in the square, sighing with melancholy.