Glass Dream: Ice Moon Seal

Forever Guardian Knight 13th of 7

Finally, all the chapters of the main article were completed. The first light novel attempt was not successful, but at least I also experienced all kinds of online articles. Up to now, I finally fulfilled my first promise and understood the difficulty of the survival of online articles. However, these are all in the past and out of the question, and there is no need to insist on anything.

Thank you to the readers who read my article, whether it's just to make soy sauce or really read it, thank you!

Special thanks: FATE, Fate, Pianni, Piaojiang, Xiaomujiu, Pink Street, the founder of Lu Ming, the master of zero power... Thank you for your help~\(≧▽≦)/~

Thirteen-seven Future Route

"Her Majesty's performance... It's really wonderful!"

Shirley was like a chattering sparrow, repeatedly nagging about her praise for Selysia in front of everyone, and Xilu glanced at her disapprovingly:

"Isn't it too much to say that Her Majesty is performing?"

"Although I don't want to use this word, I really don't know how to describe her behavior that day! Even the best actress in the Royal Opera House can't hide her light! It's worthy of Her Majesty... It's completely synonymous with perfection!"

"It's not impossible to say so... But the so-called best actor of the Royal Opera House... How do you know?"

"That's too much! Of course, I went there to watch the opera! I went there with Miss Lulu... Of course, it was Mr. loyd's treat!"

"Sure enough!"

Xilu's fierce eyes entangled Loid like a poisonous snake:

"What does this mean? Please explain it to me!"

"What do you mean... Didn't I invite you that day? As a result, you said, 'I'm not feeling well and can give my ticket to anyone', so you invited Shirley. The program is the so-called 'Glory of the First King Durand', and there is not much exaggeration. However, the actor who played His Majesty Durand is said to be indeed the best in the opera house..."

Xilu said "um", and her face suddenly began to shine:

"So it is... That is to say, did you, a disheartmaid maid, turn your target to that actor? It's really easy to change your mind, but if you need help, I can say hello for you... As long as a noble like me comes out, any actor can easily convince..."

"It's too much! I'm not that easy to change my mind. My feelings for Mr. loyd will never change! As Her Majesty said... like that..."

Shirley stood up and tried to lower her voice, imitating the queen's posture:

"On the gods, Queen Selysia of Haier Milan swears that I will take Haier Milan as my husband and the eternal and glorious Haier Milan as my lifelong partner, be loyal to him all my life, and dedicate my love and my life to him all my life. Gods witness, please bless me, bless my great son-in-law, the glorious Haier Milan..."

"Enough! Don't continue the performance!"

Xilu stood up and pushed Shirley down next to her**:

"Don't perform this drama full of sadness! Can't you see what kind of sadness Her Majesty told all this to the people? What kind of tears are hidden behind these lines... Can you feel it? This is far better than any tragedy in the opera house! Don't insult Your Majesty with your humble behavior!"

Sherry, who was so fiercely attacked by Xilu and never was unwilling to fall behind, instinctively wanted to stand up and refute. However, after paying attention to her tears and trembling lips, she finally ended up with a sentence of "sorry":

"But... I can also understand the feelings of the queen! With the heavy responsibility of a kingdom, I can never be combined with my beloved, so I chose the whole kingdom as my husband's son-in-law... I'm afraid we will never experience this decision to shed so many tears. I have no disrespect for Her Majesty, but I respect her completely!"

"Not only that... Her Majesty also sacrificed for me!"

Qilu wiped away her tears and said "sorry" to Shirley:

"Please forgive me for my excessively excited behavior... I just can't face myself. All the time, I have always made all kinds of immature decisions based on wishful thinking, which will only cause trouble to Her Majesty. This time, even Her Majesty's happiness has become a sacrifice..."

"Miss Xilu, why do you say that? Does Her Majesty's decision have anything to do with you?

"It's because of my unauthorized decision... the decision to drop out of school! If I hadn't said those words in front of the college president because of the impulse, the decision to drop out of school might not have been so urgent. However... So the queen would make that decision, because of Haier Milan's decree, once the king's marriage is confirmed, except for military affairs such as war, everything else must be suspended. Of course, my decision to drop out of school will be stranded accordingly, and the Queen will have final negotiations with Baymont within this week..."

" it really necessary to make such a sacrifice in order to delay your decision to drop out of school? As long as the Queen orders, it should be able to prevent the director from dropping out of school, right?

"If that's the case, the queen doesn't have to be so embarrassed! You don't know what kind of authority the president of the Holy Moonlight Academy exists in the kingdom and what authority he represents. At least I can tell you that even the previous king must carefully consider the decision made by Baymont, not to mention the young Queen! So Her Majesty did make such a difficult choice for me... I really owe her too much!"

"In that case... then cheer up, Xilu!"

Loide held Xilu's shoulder and put her hands hard. Xilu couldn't help screaming:

"It hurts...! What are you doing?"

"The physical pain is always lighter than the pain in the heart, but it can cure the confusion caused by the pain in the heart! Cheer up, Xilu, you are not discouraged yet. If you feel that you owe the Queen too much, then pay ten times the effort to repay her for the kingdom and the queen in the future! Just tears and sadness can't bring any practical meaning!"


"Mr. loyd is right, Miss Xilu. In fact, you are really an extremely happy person. There is loyd who will always guard you, and the queen who is willing to sacrifice her happiness for you... So you can't disappoint everyone! Cheer up as Mr. loyd said. Only by standing up first can you truly express your apologies and determination to Her Majesty!"

Xilu's eyes swam between loyd and Shirley. After a long time, a smile more like crying appeared:

"That's what I said..."

"What's that's what's said! It's not like what Miss Xilu should say! And what's your expression! If it's you, you should stand up bravely and roar at us! This strange feeling... Have you really been destroyed by the so-called sense of guilt? But where did this unreasonable weakness come from? I've never despised you so much... You're a parrot who can only peck her feathers!"

"You... who are you talking to! Pretentious parrot... Who are you talking to! You are a **-only female cat..."

"Even so, it's better than you! At least I won't just bury my head in my fur when I'm lost, let alone raise my tail to beg for sympathy from others! For a weak parrot like you... Maybe that's the only way!"

Shirley's slap fell on Xilu's face with her angry shout. It seemed that she was dizzy by this slap, and Xilu did not respond for a moment. It was not until the second slap swept over that she jumped up like a dream:

What do you want to do! How dare you point your dirty claws at the nobles... on my noble face!"

"Like that only shows a weak face, there is no reason for me to respect!"

"Then I will let you understand what the face of aristocrats is...!"

The two girls began another fight... But it is completely different from "fighting" in the past. Now they are completely tearing, biting, slapping and pinching each other in the style of shrews... In short, the indecent behavior that can be imagined comes out together. If this scene is seen by the companions, it will definitely The two completely fell crazy for the fight for loyd. However, even Loyd, who is present now, has no intention to dissuade him at all and seems to be completely stunned by this scene...

Until Lulu came back, there was still no winner in the fight.

"If you don't explain it clearly, this matter will not be solved so easily! Tell me the reason well!"

Lulu pointed to the two bruised girls and was furious. No wonder Xilu and Shirley can no longer be described as simple "embarrassment" at this moment. Their clothes are so ragged that they can't hide their faces and body full of claw marks and tooth marks, and tears stained their faces with nosebleeds, which is completely a scene of hell. Even if Lulu asked so angrily twice, no one raised her head and replied. Lulu can only turn her helpless eyes to loyd:

"What the hell is going on? You should always be in the room. Why don't you dissuade them?

"To say why... I just think it's more appropriate for them to fight so thoroughly."

"What are you kidding?"

"I'm not kidding... I'm very serious. Moreover, after such a plane passes, their friendship may be deeper. After all, when they fight against each other, they are all out of concern and gratitude.

"What an unprecedented reason! But since it comes from your mouth, I will barely believe it once. But there is no need to make such a mess! If I don't come back, won't you stop if you don't completely destroy the room?

"This matter has nothing to do with you... No matter what ** Cat and I do, it's just a problem between us. What do you do so aggressively..."

"What do you think I'm angry for, huh? I... I'm not the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people! But I don't know why I got angry when I saw your face!"

Lulu stretched out her hand to the other party's face. Xilu instinctively shrank her body, but did not feel Lulu's hand pinching on her face, and then a warm force was transmitted to her body:

"Although this level of injury doesn't need to consume too much magic, it doesn't seem to heal so easily without drug treatment... But why on earth do you look like this?"

"It has nothing to do with you..."

Xilu didn't eat softly and hard, and she was not ungrateful for Lulu's treatment, which made the water witch suddenly at a loss. In the end, Shirley couldn't help opening her mouth:

"Actually, it's not a serious problem. I just think Miss Xilu is too weak to help her recover..."

"Then there was a fight?"

"Because I think this is the simplest and most effective way..."

"I also feel the same way. To deal with this young lady who doesn't eat hard and softly, a fight may be the best way to motivate her fighting spirit. Anyway, this is not the first time... Since this is the reason, please forgive you! So Xilu, are you depressed because of Her Majesty?

"It can be said... After all, Her Majesty announced her marriage in front of the people for a certain reason to help me... So it's natural that I can't feel at ease! Because there are too many things owed to the Queen..."

"Can just be depressed here to make up for your debt to the Queen? If you have time to be frustrated or fight with others here, why don't you calm down and think about what to do next? After Her Majesty made such a decision, even if she did not easily show it to others, she would definitely be immersed in indescribable sadness. Don't you think you, a person who can enjoy the happiness of love, should do something for her?

"Well... that's right! But I don't know what to do..."

"Then go to Fei Linwen to discuss it. I'm afraid no one else in Wangcheng knows the Queen's mind better than your sister. Why don't you give it a try?"

"Sister... This is a feasible way. In fact... I had the same idea at the beginning, but I didn't have the courage to take action, and I even trembled when I thought about how to face Her Majesty. But you're right. You can't do it without trying. If you hide in this room, you can't do anything except fight with this annoying ** cat. But... Anyway, you have to complete everything that should be done."

"Miss Xilu..."

"Don't be too proud, I won't thank you, ** Cat, although you did me a favor today... Just think of it as a gift I gave you! I gave loyd to you for two months. If you can take him away from me in another month, I will quit without complaint... But this chance of success will not exist anywhere in the world!"

Two months? Miss Xilu, what are you going to do in these two months?

"Do what you should do!"

Cello turned to loyd and hugged his body hard, as if she wanted to absorb enough courage from him, and it took a long time to let go:

"So... wait for me here for two months, loyd, it only takes two months. Two months later, everything will end perfectly, and the two of us will also meet our own ending... But maybe it's just another beginning. Although I will be very lonely for two months, as long as it's for you, I can stand it even for a year... But don't be taken away by which wild cat!"

loyd did not say anything, but responded to Xilu's expectations with the same eager hug. After he let go of his hands, Shirley on one side also stood up and hugged Xilu:

"Although I'm not used to doing this, I always feel that the luck contained in Miss Xilu can make people happy all my life, but you can't perceive the truth and capture its traces smoothly. Therefore, let me absorb it from you first and then transfer it to you, so that you can become the happiest person as you ideal, and Her Majesty, who is embraced by you, will definitely share this luck. However, this does not mean that I will do nothing during this period... I share your luck, after all, it is also for my own happiness! If Miss Xilu takes it too lightly, she will really lose to me!"

"What silly words... If you can get lucky just by hugging, I can't describe it with the simple three words 'luckiest'! But I will remember what you said... I will never lose to you so easily! Shirley... Thank you so much for fighting with me so happily today. You really don't know how to show mercy!"

"Because... Anyway, I'm from a noble family from Gutlend! Although I have never cared about this fact and have been used to the identity of a maid, when confronting you, I will suddenly remember my identity without giving in to you. Therefore, our duel is completely based on the same status. It's better for everyone not to worry about each other!"

"Each other!"

The two people who fought before are now just like the closest sisters, feeling the warmth from each other. After a moment of hugging, Xilu pushed away Shirley leaning against her side and leaned down deeply into the three people in the room:

"Although this is not the time to separate... Thank you for taking care of me and encouraging me today. I want to make an agreement with you not to ask each other about everything during this parting time until I come back... It's an agreement!"

The bells of the college ring twelve times in a row, which is the signal of the beginning of the college's established holiday in autumn and winter. The students gathered in the square immediately dispersed and began to prepare for their journey home. In the familiar corner of Herige Square, the members of the swordsmen still gathered together, waiting for a long-lost figure to reappear in front of them...

"The season of Haier Milan is really strange... Shouldn't it be just autumn? However, I have smelled the smell of winter. Gutlund can hardly see any signs of snow in winter, so when the cold wind is blowing here, I suddenly feel an inexplicable happiness... If it weren't for the old man at home to urge me, I really don't want to go back!"

Kick leaned against the big tree and counted the dead leaves falling from the top of his head. He was always full of vitality, and he couldn't help feeling a little unspeakable melancholy at this moment:

"I have an appointment with you for two months, right, partner? But in a blink of an eye, it's been three months... It's really unexpected that the little girl will also lose her faith! I don't know what happened... Anyway, it makes people feel uneasy!"

"Will you feel uneasy because of Xilu? Looking at your appearance, it always makes people feel that no matter what strange things happen, they won't care about it. Unexpectedly, there is also such a look today! It seems that you are not a complete stupid bear..."

Gerard sat down beside him and exhaled melancholy:

"But I also have a similar feeling to you... Although it's only three months, it feels like a year... No, three years, isn't it too much to say this? Xilu is not in the swordsmen's group, so she always feels that something is missing, and the whole square is empty. Hey loyd, don't you have any news about her?

Loed shook his head gently and turned his eyes to the distance of the college:

"We agreed with each other that no matter how long we separated, we must believe that the other party has been waiting for us. Based on such trust, we can't ask each other what happened... So in the past three months, I don't know what Xilu has done, and I'm not sure whether she will come back here today. All I can do is keep waiting..."

"It's really a realistic scenery. Make such an agreement with your fiancee... You two are really small children! However, based on the so-called trust, you can stick to this simple agreement... Only you can do it!"

Gerard grabbed the fallen leaves around him and played with them boredly:

"Actually, we haven't been together for a long time... Isn't it only a year? However, I didn't expect so much to happen in this year... From the initial enrollment to the first duel between Xilu and Big Benxiong, followed by the arrival of loyd, the establishment of the Swordsman Regiment, the outbreak of war, our expedition... It felt like a dreamy scene! But... it's really nostalgic! This kind of nostalgia is brought by you loyd. Isn't that a joke? I really don't know whether you are a lucky meteor or an unfortunate disaster, but no matter what the result is, thank you for all this..."

"If you want to thank you, tell Xilu that she is the real lucky meteor. Just like the alias you gave her 'Star Xilu', it seems that it is destined to bring you luck from the beginning. And we are just accompanying the dust around this meteor to add a little light to her.

"That's right. That's the role we have been like from the beginning. That little girl... is a guy who can't make people angry even if they lose to her. Maybe this is where we will be attracted to her. From the beginning, I didn't believe that she could become our most suitable commander... But reality always likes to joke with me. Everything proves that she is the real brilliant star among us... I'm really unwilling!"

The companions sat down together as they said "a little good" and began to chat like a rest after training, covering all the topics about Xilu and loyd this year. Of course, this problem will inevitably be raised:

"Do you have any plans for your marriage with Xilu?"

"I haven't got the final consent of Xilu's family, so it's just a private decision between the two of us. But at least after Xilu graduates, right?

"That means it will take another two years? In fact, the rules in the college are not so rigid... Since the director changed the decree of 'forced drop out of school in less than three months', the air in the college is much freer, so students' marriage should no longer become a big taboo. So even after two years, what are you going to do during this period?

"First of all, accompany Xilu to complete her studies, right? During this period, Xilu still has to assist in the governance of the country as Her Majesty's female official, so she also needs to pay some effort in this regard. As for her leisure time, she should go to other places... Like Kitk's Gutlund, she wants to visit once no matter what, and then governs Yagvilo, and she can't Let Ferdinand work hard all the time, and he can't even come here on such an important day..."

"Fednam's words, there is a letter to you: because the territory is busy and unable to come, please ask loyd to go to Agvilo to rest with everyone after the holiday begins, and according to him, your territory has been quite different from the past! That guy really worked hard for you. I really don't understand what point you, a civilian knight, are worth paying so much for you?

"Maybe this is my charm..."

"What are you proud of! Even if this is the truth, you are not allowed to be complacent! You damn civilian knight!"

"What you said!"

Everyone shouted "Oh, oh, oh" together, and their fists fell on loyd one after another. Despite this, loyd did not want to dodge, and the heat of friendship from his fists would not bring any unnecessary pain at all. However, if their true identity is also known to them, can the friendship between them still be as close as they are now? Thinking of this question, loyd couldn't help sighing about the interest of fate:

"What about you? What are you going to do next?"

"What are you going to do... Of course, I'm going to disturb your Agvilo for two months!"

Two months? Are you going to spend the whole holiday in Yagville?

"Except for the big stupid bear who has to return to China, everyone else has decided unanimously! And all of them have passed the permission of their families... Anyway, most of us have no territory! Therefore, in these two months, we will never let you and Xilu live in a two-person world at ease!"

"What kind of decision is this..."

Loed only felt a little heavy all over and couldn't help holding his forehead:

"As long as Xilu agrees, I don't have any opinion... However, it's not only Xilu's consent, it's better for Miss Lulu to agree, otherwise I'm not sure that nothing bad will happen..."

"Is the Witch of Water going to spend the holiday? You lucky guy... really make us have nothing to say! Everyone, do you want to beat him up now? This guy is simply our public enemy!"

"What a disturbing proposal! I won't participate in it. If others don't have any opinions, please feel free to do it, as long as you can explain reasonably in front of the little girl or little Lulu... Of course, it would be better if they were willing to listen to your explanation..."

"What a boring statement! But... will Xilu really come back? Although it was the first day of the holiday, I don't know if she can come back... Anyway, it's really strange. Why didn't Shirley, Lulu and Lena show up today except her? It seems to have disappeared together..."

"That's right... It's really strange! It's not that they have discussed what they are planning together, right? Girls get together, which always makes people feel very uneasy..."

"That's right--!"

Xilu's voice suddenly sounded in front of the square, and the smaller figure rushed towards everyone with her "wind dragon":

"Everyone! If you don't avoid it, you will hit it--!"

"Wow! What are you doing!"

Everyone stood up in panic and avoided, and the "Wind Dragon" made a quick and beautiful turn in the center of the crowd:

"Come up quickly! Stupid! If you catch up with them, you won't have time to date!"


Loed jumped on horseback, and the two went away under the surprised gaze of everyone. A few minutes later, Gerrard shouted as if he had just woken up from a dream:

"Everyone! Hurry up and catch up. You can't let the two run away like this!"

Running out of the distance, the "Wind Dragon" stopped at the light wind forest. Xilu leaned back and leaned into Loide's arms:

"Idiot... Have you thought of me well in three months?"

"That's of course... I haven't had a rest at ease every night."

"That means you haven't dreamed of me? What an unforgivable mistake!"

"I'm really sorry..."

"You guy... It's been almost a year, and you're still as stupid as before! At least... Since you have missed me so much in three months, there must be some action!"

loyd gave a "um" and hugged her body with her hands. Xilu trembled gently and lowered her head:

"Do you think... I have changed in three months?"

"You seem to have lost weight."

"Of course! I miss you every day. It's strange not to lose weight! Can't you talk about the point?"

"The point is...your chest seems to be...uh!"

Xilu hit the top of her elbow at the rear, hitting Loyde's abdomen:

"I really can't talk! Although this is also something that makes me proud... pay attention to your words! Well... It was supposed to be two months, but I'm really sorry... But I finally came back as promised!"

"Welcome back, Xilu. Shall we go back to Agvilo next? Or should I visit your family first?

"Of course, go back to Yagville first, because Ferdinand can't continue to work there! After explaining the territory, we will go back to my home once... Maybe we can formally determine our most important and concerned agreement. After that, let's go to Sierras once!"

"Go to Sierras?"

"The Queen's order, let us visit King Lutwin as a temporary diplomatic envoy, and maybe we can meet Gustav, an old friend! In a word, let's take this trip as a trip. Although I originally planned to take a warship, I still decided to ride a horse. Two people together... can only feel happy when they ride on a horse!"

Xilu turned around, smiled charmingly at her beloved, and closed her eyes:

"Loed... we will always be together!"