Legend of the God

Chapter 1 Legend of the Five Realms

This is an infinite space with unlimited time.

There is no life in the space except those sticky purple gas. Those purple gas only knows how to condense and condense again every day, forming countless huge round water droplets, and then merge with each other again, gradually forming huge purple balls.

Every ball seems to enjoy it and continue their integration...

Billions of years have passed, and a large round ball with a diameter of about trillion feet has been formed in this infinite space. When it absorbed all the purple gas around it, it gradually stopped. Other purple gas seemed to be very afraid of it and dared not approach it and avoid it far away. Therefore, soon after, it was centered on forming a vast vacuum zone, but there was no trace of purple between this range, which seemed to be gray.

Until one day, the ball formed its first wisp of consciousness, and then it learned to think about what it was.

In the tens of millions of years after

, as it thought, the body no longer became larger, but repeatedly condensed and shrank. It stopped when it became hundreds of billions of feet. At this moment, this wisp of consciousness finally understood what he was, that is life! It calls this consciousness "soul" and calls it "life soul"!

At this time, it produced a second ray of consciousness. After another 100 billion years, the ball continued to condense again, and finally it was only 10 billion feet in size. During these long years, only loneliness and loneliness accompanied it, so its second wisp of consciousness wandered out of the body. It does this just to find a partner who can communicate with it!

After searching for trillions of years, it still got nothing. When this second ray of consciousness returned, it suddenly woke up. Maybe there is only such a unique life in this infinite space! Therefore, it calls this second wisp of consciousness "heavenly soul"!

trillions of years later, the third ray of consciousness also emerged, but it is not happy, because it is always the only space.

One day, it worked hard** and named the gray space formed by it, called "Chaos". With this idea, the third ray of consciousness is closely integrated with the previous heavenly soul and life soul, which calls this third ray of consciousness the "ground soul".

After the combination of the three souls, it thought how good it would be if it could walk freely in its chaotic space! So he grew his feet. It would be great if I could touch my body! So he grew his hands.

If modern people see its image at this moment, they are guaranteed to say:

"Oh, my God! Eggs with long hands and feet!"

With his hands and feet, a flash of inspiration flashed, and a peerless plan was born in its mind! That is to create the same life as it!

On the first day, standing in the chaotic space, it was not in a hurry to do it, because he was still thinking about how to make it and what could be made?

The next day, it kept waving its hands in the void, and the purple light flashed continuously until the whole chaotic space was about to collapse, but nothing appeared in front of it! It turns out that this is just a bad habit it has developed when thinking, so that such a random comparison can make it use its brain better!

On the third day, it finally thought that it would create life according to its own appearance! However, when it was ready to start, it stopped again. If it is made like this, it seems a little unreasonable, so I think about how to transform myself first.

On the fourth day, it opened its bright eyes and clearly looked at the chaotic space it had created for the first time, just like the moment when the soul of life was born, and experienced the long-lost happiness.

On the fifth day, it began to repeatedly "carve" its whole body. The original body was 100 million feet, but finally there were only 10 million feet left. And the purple solids chiseled from the body were casually thrown aside. Looking at its strong body, it wants to express the pleasure in its heart at this moment, but it seems to have nowhere to vent. So, it made a opening under its eyes. The shocking laughter was released from his mouth. Although it was very pleasant, it was not enough! So he raised his hands and poked a hole in the left and right of his round head, and then laughed again. This time, the laughter seemed to pour into the whole body from the head and suddenly resonated with the chaotic space.

On the sixth day, it also completely trimmed its head and added a tall nose between its mouth and eyes. As for why the nose was added, in its words, the three holes on the front were not good-looking, and two points in the middle were added to have a three-dimensional sense.

On the seventh day, it said that it was tired and it was time to rest.

In its sleeping trillions of years, the purple gas solids that were originally thrown away at will for their own image are constantly changing. It was not until it woke up from a deep sleep that seven magical objects of different shapes appeared in front of it. But it can feel cordial from them and instantly understand that it is formed by the purple gas peeled from the top of its head, eyebrows, throat, chest, abdomen, Dantian and soles of its feet.

After checking one by one, it was surprised to find that these objects actually developed self-consciousness. The only regret is that this consciousness could not communicate with it.

"Haha, yes!"

On the first day, he carved up the first object. The first object was chiseled from the top of its head without hesitation. With the previous experience of transforming the body, he directly manipulated it and completed it without much effort. Looking at the strong man with coiled muscles in front of him, he couldn't help nodding and said to himself:

"What should I call you? I have to give you a name, but I don't seem to have a name myself! So what should I call? My space is called Chaos, so I will call it Chaos in the future! But it doesn't sound good to call you little chaos!" After a moment of meditation, he continued:

"Since you are also from my body, I will call you 'one soul'. Look at you so strong, alias "Pan"! The Father will give you the power of this chaotic space"

"Thank you, father!"

Gratitude for Chaos, subconsciously knelt down and kowtowed, and thanked repeatedly!

"Okay, okay, okay! My son, get up!"

The second day,

"Your name is 'Erpo', also known as 'Shi'! The Father will give you the power of wisdom in chaotic space!"

The third day,

"Your name is 'Three Souls', alias 'Wan'! The Father will give you the power of life and death in chaotic space!"

The fourth day,

"Your name is 'Four Souls', alias 'Judge'! The Father will give you the power of justice in chaotic space!"

the fifth day,

"Your name is 'Five Souls', alias 'wa'! The Father will give you the creative power of chaotic space!"

The sixth day,

"Your name is 'Six Souls', also known as 'Hong'! The Father will give you the power of balance in chaotic space!"

The seventh day, just halfway through, looking at the vague figure in front of him, Chaos suddenly stopped and said breathlessly:

"Why do you feel so tired today? It seems that it's time to rest. Well, that's it. Your name is 'Seven Souls', alias 'No'! What will the Father give you? Let's talk about it after I think about it. I'll take a break first!"

In this way, the chaos created seven strange things and then turned around and fell asleep.

Originally, Chaos felt lonely, so he created seven of them. But hundreds of millions of years later, he regretted the original decision! Because since the birth of the seven little guys, he has not even slept well, and every time he is awakened by their noise.

I still remember the first time, Lao Qi didn't let the old market show his strength, but the disk accidentally broke Lao Wuwa's leg. Fortunately, it was creative, but it was not a leg, but a tail! She said that with her slim figure, she can walk with her personality!

Once, Lao Er Shi was shaved by Lao Liuhong while he was sleeping. When Chaos was about to punish Hong, Hong said virtly:

"Father, the second is a symbol of wisdom, and Lao Qi said that that smart head should not grow hair!"......

Today, Chaos was woken up again. I saw the second brother pull Lao Qi Wu and ran over and complained loudly with a snot and tears:

"Father, come and judge! They..."

Looking at the release that endured the severe pain and couldn't even say a word, Chaos called the other five over and pointed to the release full of bags and said:

"What's going on! Why is Shier's head like this?" Looking at the five guys who bowed their heads and said nothing, Lao Qi said boldly:

"Father, they always rely on their own ability to bully me. The second brother helped me, so I was beaten by them!"

Chaos patted his big head and suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to give Lao Qi's ability, and said with some guilt:

"Well, don't worry, the Father will give you the ability to have each of them! In this way, no one will want to bully you again!"

Then he scolded the other five and taught them painstakingly. But I said in my heart that there is no way to make such a fuss! It's time to arrange something for them to do.

If you want to do it, Chaos stood up the tens of thousands of feet of body, raised his right hand, stretched out four fingers, and pulled the chaotic space in front of him. Suddenly, four space cracks were created, and then pressed down the four space cracks with his thumb, forming a "Gui" shape, and five splits were separated into After the five space cracks, the space calmed down again, and Chaos turned to the seven little guys and said:

"You can do whatever you should do, but don't disturb me to sleep. After hundreds of millions of years, after my five splits come back, I will arrange your respective wheres are!"

Billions of years are nothing to chaos, that is, the time to snore. When the five splits returned to their bodies, Chaos opened their eyes with a smile and summoned the seven little guys.

"I called you here today to tell you that you will leave me for a while!"

Although Chaos is very strict on the surface, it is also a knife-billed heart. Seeing the seven little guys crying at the same time, they couldn't bear it, so they said softly:

"It's not for the father to drive you away, but to let you build your own world, you see!" After saying that, Chaos opened a space crack at the bottom of the "Gui" space. The seven little guys looked inside curiously.

This seems to be an independent space, boundless, with countless balls floating in the void. This is made by chaos modeled on the big balls in this space. The only difference is that these balls are solid.

"This is the bottom world! Paner, you can find a ball and transform it with your strength, and then you will be responsible for building a batch according to my image with your creative ability."

With that, he stopped and thought about it. He couldn't create a batch of small chaos. He looked at his body and feet, and his mind lit up.

"Made a group of 'people', well, we will call them 'people' in the future! Shi'er and Hong'er are responsible for teaching people. I think this world is called 'human world'!"

"It's my father!" Four people responded at the same time.

Then Chaos opened the second space crack. This world is not as big as the "human world" just now. Only five continents are connected, with mountains and picturesque scenery. Of course, it is much bigger than those balls in the human world! Listen to Chaos say:

"This is for some successful people to live in. Look, there are mountains and people here, called 'fairies', just called 'the fairyland'!"

Then open the third and fourth spaces and say:

"The third world is the 'fairy world', and the fourth world is the place where you will live in the future, which is called 'mixed heaven'. How to divide these four worlds and who will manage the restrictions of residence? You can discuss it by yourself later! Look at this fifth world again!"

This fifth world is not as good as the previous four worlds. Without magnificent rivers and mountains, it looks extremely dark and horrible! Just when the seven little guys were puzzled, they heard Chaos say:

"The other four worlds are collectively called the 'yang world', and this fifth world is called the 'the underworld', which is the hub connecting the four worlds and the place where everyone should leave after death, wheel! It's up to you."

"It's my father!" Seeing the calm answer, Chaos nodded with relief and continued:

"Judge, for the father, you are ordered to inspect the general of these five worlds. After the seven of you set the rules, you will be responsible for supervising the implementation! All right, you all go!"

At this time, Lao Qi Wu suddenly jumped out and shouted:

"Father, they all have something to do, so what should I do?" Chaos patted his head again and said in his heart, why did he forget the youngest guy and said:

"My father's split has produced a lot of treasures when he opened up these four worlds. I ordered you to take charge of the treasures of the four worlds. Do you think it's good!"

"Great, thank you, father!" Lao Qi kept drooling and couldn't help nodding and thanking him.

Then Chaos took out the seven jade cards prepared in advance with different colors. The upper part of the jade card is triangular, the bottom is square, and the overall length is engraved with complicated lines. Listen to Chaos say:

"There are seven jade cards here, which I call 'Gui', symbolizing these five spaces and your identity! These six pieces of red, orange, yellow, green, green and blue are called 'Huan Gui'! And this purple one is called 'Zhengui'. I will give him to Pan'er. His eldest brother is like a father. In the future, you will all listen to Pan'er's words! If anyone makes a mistake at that time, you can teach him a lesson on his father's behalf! Of course, you have to take good care of the six of them in the future, understand?" After handing over Yugui to everyone, after seeing the boss take stock, Chaos continued:

"These seven pieces of jade are also seven unique treasures, which can be used in shape. You can study them well when you have nothing to do! All right, let's go! Remember, I can't say that my father will go to these five worlds that day. Don't let my father down at that time! If you are not satisfied with me, don't blame me for spanking you! Let's all go."

"Yes, father!"

After watching the seven people jump into the five worlds with their respective spiritual treasures, they shook their heads with a chaotic smile and said to themselves:

"Look at them happy! If I hadn't grown chicken eyes for hundreds of millions of years, I would have made more spiritual treasures. Maybe they will be happier! Well, now it's clean, sleep, sleep!"...

What will happen in these five worlds after hundreds of millions of years? Please watch the murdered fantasy "Spirit Huan".

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