Legend of the God

Chapter 17 Demon King - Collect the Three Demons

After a break, after Molin Zhenren woke up and turned around, Jiuding Zhenren and He Bi Zen Master opened the way in front of him, while Kunwu Zhenren and Mu Yunfei helped Molin Zhenren and Zhang Li and Shen Yan followed them, and continued to move forward to the bottom of the unknown grottoes in front of them.

Traveling all the way, twists and turns, Mu Yunfei silently remembered that he had passed through at least 19 large and small caves so far! These caves are simply holes in the cave, with holes! The caves are all made of limestone. Without exception, there are naturally formed strange rocks in the caves, like statues, which make people think. Some huge caves are magnificent and natural. Some are narrow and abnormal, and only one person has to crawl through.

Although it is a hot summer day outside the cave, some can feel the severe cold of winter when passing through these caves, and some can feel the warmth of spring and autumn, giving people a strange feeling of "one day outside the mountain, one year in the cave".

At this time, everyone came to a relatively flat cave, which was different from the previous one and was divided into two holes. The upper floor is where Mu Yunfei and others are standing now, which is relatively bright and spacious, and can accommodate thousands of people at the same time. Looking up at the top of the cave, it is like a mountain roof, surrounded by a faint water mist and magnificent. Surrounded by strange rocks, a variety of stone columns, stone milk and other strange scenes constitute a variety of strange scenery.

After a detour in the upper hole, there is a step to the east, which can enter the lower hole. The whole cave is first large and then small, first high and then low, first bright and then dark. The lower hole is about half the size of the upper hole. Walking on these hundreds of steps makes people feel like walking from heaven to hell.

Stepping into the lower hole, it is quite dark, as if you are in a dark place. After the seven people passed through an arched cave door and turned three narrow small cave paths, everyone suddenly felt that they had entered the severe winter, but this was different from the normal winter, which was a kind of cold that people felt from the depths of their souls!

There is a rectangular pool not far away. This cold pool is bottomless, and almost no creatures can be seen in the water. There is a thin layer of green fog floating on the water. On the stone column milk hanging on the top of the pool, there are drops of water that are as dark green as the pool water.


Jiuding Zhenren suddenly waved his hand and stopped all the people. He took out a roll of white cloth, grabbed the end of the long cloth, and threw it at the wall opposite the pool.

"Sne, Sne, Sne"

I saw countless egg-sized holes on the white mantle. Taking back the long cloth that changed from white to black, Jiuding Zhenren frowned:

"Everyone, this water drop and the water mist on this water tan are strongly corrosive. It seems that there must be monsters in this hole. Why do the Zen master know it?"

The Zen master put his hands together, took the mantle cloth, and looked at the hole pierced by the water dripping on the stone milk. He had already thought about it. He nodded and said:

"Amitabha, the dripping water on this stone milk should come from the fog on this pool. Judging from its color and degree of corrosion, if the old man is not bad, this is corpse water!"

"Dead water?" Mu Yunfei stared at a big question mark on his head. Molin, who was sitting aside and recovering, now opened his eyes and said:

"Yes, it's the corpse water condensed by the corpse gas! Since my master established the mountain gate in Qingcheng Mountain, I have always taken it as my responsibility to eliminate demons and defend the Tao, so it is not too much for me to be called a monster expert! I know something about the fierce beasts from the ancient to the demons in the later period. It can be seen from the Bailuo mantle tent of Jiuding Taoist friends that this pool is the legendary corpse pool!"

Hearing what Mo Lin Zhenren said, except for Mu Yunfei and the three unknown reasons, the Zen master and others were all silent. They all know the origin of this corpse pool, and know more about the phantom monster of the half of this corpse pool!

The corpse pool must be built in the land of Jiuyin. At the beginning of its establishment, tens of thousands of corpses need to be put into it and decay until it turns into corpse water! In ancient times, there was a kind of beast next to this corpse pool, called "e". After sucking too much corpse gas, it began to become demonized. The ancient monster-eyao appeared. Later, it was slowly called "the corpse demon". This demon is extremely ferocious, capturing human beings everywhere, dragging them into the corpse pool, and constantly sucking corpse gas to improve their cultivation.

Whatever you want, the water of the corpse pool suddenly couldn't help churning, and three ferocious giants emerged from it, staring at Mu Yunfei and other seven people with three pairs of big eyes with a faint green light. The three corpse demons slowly emerged from the pool and stood on the surface of the water as if walking flat. This corpse demon is more than twice as big as the previous corpse-eating demon. It is ten feet tall, and its whole body is dark blue, with the same dark green fog as that on the pool. One of the corpse demons opened his mouth and said with a big smile:

"I don't know how many years it has been! Finally, I saw human beings again, which could inject some new vitality into the pool water!"

After saying that, he didn't see any action. The green fog around him quickly flew to Mu Yunfei and others. Jiuding Zhenren quickly took out the imperial charm and handed it to everyone and said to everyone:

"It's corpse gas! Hurry up and use the imperial charm!"

As everyone chanted spells at the same time, they immediately isolated the green fog. However, everyone only felt as if they had entered the middle of the night, and it was dark around them and could not see everything around them clearly. Jiuding Zhenren is anxious, and the enemy is open and dark. If the corpse demon launches an attack at this time, he and the Zen master still have the ability to protect themselves, but there is no doubt that Molin Zhenren, Kunwu Zhenren and Mu Yunfei will die! Just as Jiuding was calculating how to deal with the enemy, a little light appeared after only hearing a "pop".

It turned out that Mu Yunfei felt that Shen Yan was holding his hand beside him and kept shaking, so he took out a lighter from his backpack and lit it. It was strange to say that the faint flame actually made the green fog around Mu Yunfei retreat slightly.

Jiuding Zhenren's eyes lit up, and a square stick suddenly appeared in his right hand, engraved with complicated runes on it. Jiuding Zhenren injected true qi into the stick and read in his mouth:

"The spirit of fire and yang, spread into fire, exorcise evil spirits, kill everything, and burn fire diseases!"

Put one end of the stick on your mouth and blow it up, while the other end of the stick emits countless red flames, which fly around the cave like countless fire dragons. After a while, the green fog receded, and Mu Yunfei and others also regained their sight and looked at the corpse pool, but the three corpse demons disappeared.

"Look, haha, it turns out that they are afraid of fire! It was so rampant just now, and it turned out to be so cowardly!" Mu Yunfei pointed to the three demons who had just disappeared into the corpse pool for fear of flames, and now they are laughing wildly.

This corpse demon has a body as tough as the corpse demon. The whole body is poisonous. It is used to using the green corpse gas and corrosive liquid to attack. It usually increases its power by sucking the corpse gas. Originally, there were at least hundreds of corpse demons here, but since it was banned, because there were no corpses in the corpse pool, the corpse demon family gradually began to After the decline, there are only three left now. Although it still maintains the illusion period, the real strength is just equivalent to the Ningdan period! Although this corpse demon has almost no weakness, because it is a polar yin thing, it is particularly afraid of sunlight and flames.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the stick I usually use to blow fire could be so useful! Yunfei, you are really a lucky general!" Jiuding Zhenren also laughed. If Mu Yunfei hadn't used the lighter, it might have really been a little effort to find out the weakness of the monster.

"The senior Miao praised it, but although they are afraid of fire, how can they deal with them if they hide in the pool and can't come out? If you let it go and let them get out of this demon hole again, I'm afraid..."

This is a question, what should I do? Jiuding Zhenren also began to get into trouble. Although the "True Fire Secret" he cultivated has restrained this evil thing, but if the three demons can't avoid it, there is nothing they can do! And if you want to continue to move forward, it is bound to destroy the corpse pool. At this time, I heard the Zen master laugh:

"Why do Taoist friends have to be in trouble? Laoqi has a wonderful plan. When the Taoist friends are like this..."

"This, that may not work, but now I can only try it according to the master's method!"

"Amitabha, that Taoist friend should prepare quickly and look at the old man's means first!"

Why Zen master said, put away his smile and looked solemn! When he was neutral in his left hand, the previous purple bowl appeared. At this time, Mu Yunfei carefully looked at the bowl that seemed to be used to be associated with ordinary monks. I only saw that it was engraved with three rivers of vegetation, the sun, moon and stars, and two small seals "Shengtian" engraved on the mouth of the bowl!

There is no need for the Zen master to say a word in his mouth. The whole body of the bowl emits a purple holy glow, and Mu Yunfei can feel the warmth and majesty inside! At this time, the purple golden bowl automatically flew to the top of the corpse pool, with its mouth facing down and bottom facing the top of the cave, emitting a golden light, which actually enveloped the whole corpse pool. Just listen to the Zen master:


The pool of corpses and water followed the golden light into the purple golden bowl of the Zen master! At this time, the three demons standing at the bottom of the dry pool suddenly panicked. As soon as they wanted to escape, they saw an extremely hot fire coming from above their heads. The three demons saw this, and at the same time, three black water spewed out their mouths in an attempt to extinguish the flames in front of them, but those flames were not afraid of these rotten water at all, and wrapped the three demons in according to Go.

The Jiuding real person, who had been waiting for a long time, once again released the fire with the "fire blowing stick". The three demons kept screaming in the flames. From the sound, they could feel how painful it was. When did Mu Yunfei, Shen Yan and Zhang Li see such "fire"? At the same time, they covered their ears and couldn't bear to look again.

When Jiuding Zhenren saw that it was almost done, he immediately sacrificed his small tripod. The tripod grew with the wind. When he became half a man high, Jiuding Zhenren opened the tripod cover with a solemn face and shouted to the three demons in the fire:

"Jiuyang's tripod, refine the elixir, turn demons into demons, and collect!"

After seeing that the three demons were included in the tripod, Jiuding Zhenzhen sealed a pre-prepared Taoist charm on the tripod cover and said breathlessly:

"Well, I barely accept these three demons! As long as you wait seven or forty-nine days later, Jiuyang Ding will refine these three demons!"

The Zen master beside him saw Mu Yunfei's doubts and opened his mouth to solve the puzzles one by one:

"Amitabha, isn't the virtuous nephew curious about how this bowl can collect a pool of corpse water? What's more curious is that Jiuding Taoist friends can collect the three demons! Why didn't you accept it before?"

After seeing Mu Yunfei nodded, the Zen master continued:

"Lao Na's purple gold bowl is the most precious 'Shengtian bowl' of the Buddha's heart, which can hold everything in the world. Of course, it depends on the owner's own cultivation. Lao Kun is only reluctant to use it, so he has to install those corpses. And the tripod of the Taoist friend of Jiuding is also a strange treasure. The name of Jiuyang Ding can refine weapons, make elixir and collect demons. Just now, it was lucky to collect the three demons, but it has exhausted all the magic power of Taoist friends!"

"Dong, Dong, Dong"

Just as Mu Yunfei wanted to say something, countless heavy footsteps came from the depths of the cave opposite the corpse pool, and the whole cave trembled slightly. The sound hit everyone's heart like a fist, which made everyone depressed.

At this time, Zhang Li covered her cheeks with her hands, her eyes opened, her whole body trembled, and screamed loudly in the direction of the hole:

"Ah! Zombie!"