Legend of the God

Chapter 27 Zhenjie Dragon Symbol - Four Cultivation Family

China has been rich in land and things since ancient times, with outstanding people and countless strange people! Since ancient times, in this disturbing secular world, four of the most famous cultivation families have emerged.

The first place among these four Xiuzhen families is the Xuanyuan family, which was established in ancient times. It is said that its ancestor is Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and the ancestor of all Chinese. The successive masters of the Xuanyuan family are working for the stability of China, but they will never support any party in China to seize the world. The main task is to resist the external strength and prevent the loss of the Chinese land! Practice the ancient martial arts "Xuanyuan Emperor Sutra" and have the "Xuanyuan Sword" which is the first of the top ten daily magic weapons in the human world! However, it is still unknown where the Xuanyuan family, known as the first family in China, is located. Times are changing, and the rules are also changing. No, the Xuanyuan family has teamed up with the government to set up this dragon group to solve some cases that ordinary people can't solve!

The second is the Duanmu family, which was also inherited from ancient times. Its ancestor is Duanmudian, which is actually a vein of Xuanyuan. In ancient times, there was chaos in the underworld, and fierce ghosts were wantonly in the world. The emperor of the reincarnation of the Holy Heaven was furious and sealed up the underworld, and instructed the three ghost kings to set up a family in the world to suppress fierce ghosts. This is the origin of the Duanmu family called the "ghost clan". Practice the ancient martial arts "Fu Ghost Sutra" and have the fifth "Spirit Mirror" of the top ten innate magic weapons in the human world! He lives in Jiangzhou, which is now CQ City.

The third is the Ouyang family. Its ancestor is Ouyang Wujiang 2,000 years ago. He practices the skill "Treasure Appraisal and psychic", which can see through all the effects of refining magic weapons, so it is also known as the "treasure appraisal family"! Originally living in Gusu, he moved to BJ.

The last one is the Ximen family, which is the most mysterious. Originally, there were only three families in China, but this Ximen family has only appeared for 500 years. Its founder is Ximen Hong, who was originally the head of an overseas Xiaoxiu school, and later established the Ximen family in SH City. The practice method is unknown, and whether there is a magic weapon is unknown, but in the early years, Ximen Hong made great contributions in a disaster in the world of cultivation, so this Ximen family enjoyed the same status as the three major families.

These four families are semi-worldly and semi-cultivated! It can't be regarded as a member of the world of cultivation, but most of the cultivation sects will pass through these four families if they want to do things in the secular world.

In the Dragon Group Base,

After Xuanyuanming distributed the photos in his hand to everyone in the dragon group, he solemnly said:

"The person on this photo is the R people who got the stone tablet. Their strength is probably in the later stage of gas refining, and they are always using ninjutsu. You must not be careless. At present, it is impossible to confirm whether he is alone. He holds such a large stone tablet, which is very conspicuous. If he can't walk far, he must be hiding somewhere.

I have informed* that they will do their best to assist you in the deployment of control at airports, docks, etc. You three will work as a group to search for nearby suburbs. Once there is any news that you can't act without authorization, you will immediately notify the headquarters to catch it all. Remember, that stone tablet is the main purpose of this operation, and it is also to protect your own safety, understand?

"I see, head!"

"Let's go!"

It turned out that Ouyangbao took Xuanyuanbing and Li Wen directly to Xuanyuanming and explained the ins and outs of the matter! Hearing that this case actually involved R country, Xuanyuan clearly knew the seriousness of the situation and arranged this action as soon as possible. But he is also very worried. If R country dispatches masters this time, it will be useless for these dragon groups to go down during the gas refining period, so he repeatedly warned him.

Xuan Yuanming didn't want Xuan Yuanbing to encounter any danger, so he forcibly left Xuan Yuanbing with an unhappy face.

"Brother Ming, I will also arrange it. I can't let Little R show off its power in my land of China!"

"Master Ouyang, then I won't keep you much! Next time you come back, I will definitely treat you to a drink! Also, I will ask Binger to go back to the family and ask the eldest brother to send some people!"

Seeing that the dragon group had been arranged, Ouyangbao took Li Wen and Mu Yunfei to say goodbye to Xuanyuanming and hurried back to his home in the west of BJ City.

This is an independent villa, which occupies a very large area. At this moment, more than ten people have stood in the big yard! They are all middle-aged people. Judging from their steady pace and the elegance of the mortals, they are all monks! These are all the disciples left by the Ouyang family in BJ City.

Ouyang Bao took out a palm-sized, compass-shaped thing from his treasure room, handed it to Ouyang Qianwen's hand, and then kept whispering to Ouyang Qianwen. Ouyang Qianwen shouted excitedly after listening to it:

Really? Great! I'll go now!"

These more than a dozen people, led by Ouyang Qianwen and Li Wen, went to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of BJ. After seeing all the people leave, Mu Yunfei asked Ouyangbao:

"Senior Ouyang, what should I do?"

"Don't call me so strangely. Just like Binger, you should also call me grandpa! In fact, I can be your great-grandfather, haha!"

"Grandpa, I can't just be so idle. I also have a responsibility if the stone tablet is lost!"

Ouyangbao nodded with a smile, but said in a funny tone:

"Very good, I'm glad you think so. I heard Qian'er talk about it. Don't you have a girlfriend named Shen Yan? She will be worried if you leave without saying hello!"

"Well, don't worry, Grandpa. I called her when I was in the Dragon Group and said that I would go out for a few days and go back to the college in a few days. What do you want me to do?

Ouyang Baoxin said that when did Xuanyuanming change his mind and let outsiders call out at the dragon group base? Shaking his head and continuing:

"After all, that R countryman is a master of ninjutsu, and he may not be able to find it for a while. Well, you will leave for the airport immediately, help me go to CQ city, visit the owner of the lower wooden family, and tell him what happened here. Here is my handwritten letter. Just give it to him. When he reads it, he will tell you what to do next! Pay attention to safety all the way. Time waits for no one. Go early and come back early!"

Just as the Dragon Group and Ouyang Family were searching for the R people, Mu Yunfei also boarded the plane to CQ City.

This is Mu Yunfei's first time to take a plane. It's really the first time for a countryman to go to the city. He feels very excited and is surprised at everything about this huge guy. The sweet voice of the stewardess kept coming from the loudspeaker in the cabin:

"The plane is about to take off, and now there is a cabin crew for safety inspection. Please sit down, fasten your seat belt, and put away the seat and the small table. Please confirm whether your hand-held items are properly placed in the luggage price above your head or under the seat!"

The engine of the plane rang, and the fuselage couldn't help shaking. At this time, a passenger beside Mu Yunfei suddenly said loudly:

"Wow, look, it's said that the people who got on the plane are like ants. It's really like this!"

Mu Yunfei also looked out, sweated unknowingly, and said to the guy beside him who seemed to be on a plane for the first time:

"I said, my friend, the plane hasn't taken off yet. What you see is the ants!"

With modern transportation, the distance is nothing. It took me an hour to get to CQ City.

CQ City and BJ City are generally one of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government of China. It is mountainous and foggy, so it is also called "fog capital" by the people. CQ people who have been living in these mountains and rivers have developed a tenacious, tenacious and brave character in a sinister environment.

Near noon, Mu Yunfei came to the Peiyu Group in the center of CQ according to the address Ouyangbao told him. This is one of the top 10 group companies in China and one of the world's top 100 enterprises. But who would have thought that behind such a powerful commercial group is the Duanmu family among the four major cultivation families in China?

"Hello, sir! Welcome to Peiyu Group. I'm Yu Na, the receptionist. You can call me Xiaoyu. What can I do for you? The receptionist at the service desk on the first floor of the Chongqing Group asked Mu Yunfei very politely.

"Hello, my name is Mu Yunfei. I'm from BJ. I want to find Mr. Duan Mupeng. I don't know which floor he is on?"

"Duan Mupeng? We don't have this person in the Chongqing Group! Are you sure his name is Duan Mupeng?" Yu Na has been working here for ten years. She dare not say that she will write down the people of all the groups. At least more than half of them, there is no one named Duanmu Peng in her memory, but the general manager is also surnamed Duanmu and Duanmu Qinglan!

"It's called Duan Mupeng!"

"Then I really can't help you! There is no such person in our company!"

"How is it possible without this person? Grandpa asked me to come here to find him! Isn't this the escort group he established? Why can't there be this person?"

As soon as Mu Yunfei said this, Yu Na's legs trembled uncontrollably. Cold sweat soaked her back and pointed to Mu Yunfei's trembling mouth, but she couldn't speak. Now she really remembered that there was a person like Duan Mupeng. As Mu Yunfei said, he founded this accompanying Chongqing Group a hundred years ago, but she heard that she had gone early. It's over. Even if you don't die, you are in your 130s. How can that be!

In a while, Yu Na, who came to her senses, pointed to Mu Yunfei and shouted to the two security guards not far away:

"Security! Get rid of this psychopath!"

Mu Yunfei is still in a fog. He said in his heart that Yu Na must have learned to change her face. Otherwise, how could his originally kind face become so fierce so quickly and say that he was a psychopath. Pushing away the security guard and grabbing his hand, he said to Yu Na with a straight face:

"I'm really here for Duan Mupeng, and I'm in a hurry. Please help me tell him!"

"You also said, kick him out quickly!"

The two security guards also heard it. The handsome young man with eight meters in front of him really had a problem with his brain and rushed up again, but how could Mu Yunfei do it?


Two security guards fell out at the same time, sliding out on the floor tiles like a slide. Mu Yunfei was very measured, but he used a little ingenuity to make them fall out without hurting their muscles and bones. Of course, his buttocks inevitably hurt for a while. The two looked at each other and saw puzzlement in each other's eyes, so they stood up and took down the rubber stick on their waist. Just as they were about to rush to Mu Yunfei, they heard a delicate voice:

" Stop, what are you doing!"

Yu Na looked back and saw their general manager Duanmu Qinglan standing at the elevator. Duanmu Qinglan looked in her thirties, very beautiful, dressed in professional clothes, and looked mature and generous. From her standing posture and expression, she was a strong woman. She is the idol of all women in the Chongqing Group and the dream lover of all men.

Yu Na hurried over and whispered to Duanmu Qinglan about what had happened before. Duanmu Qinglan looked at Mu Yunfei and walked slowly. Originally, Yu Na thought that Duanmu Qinglan would also ask the security guard to drive Mu Yunfei away, but she didn't expect Duanmu Qinglan to step forward and said with a smile:

"Your name is Mu Yunfei? Are you here to find Duan Mupeng?

"Yes! Grandpa Ouyang asked me to come! But they first said that there was no such person, and then they didn't know why they said I was insane?

Duanmu Qinglan covered her mouth and smiled and said kindly to Mu Yunfei:

"Yunfei, come with me! As for why they say you are insane, I'll tell you later!"