Legend of the God

Chapter 51 Demon Removal League - Deep Sea Palace

East of China, at the bottom of the sea, nearly five kilometers below, a military nuclear submarine is slowly coming to China! The word "eのサメ" is printed on both sides of the submarine.

This is the latest military submarine "Shark" developed by R country, which can dive five kilometers and is cast with the latest stealth alloy, which can avoid any radar detection! It is equipped with countless improved attacks*, which can instantly turn into scorched earth within 50 kilometers! Today is the fifth time that the Shark quietly enters the Chinese territorial sea after serving!

At this time, the bad shark suddenly stopped, like a big shark lying on standby! A soldier who looked like a middle-ranking officer knocked on the iron door of the captain's room.


"Report Colonel Kuroto, a suspicious target was found about a nautical mile ahead!"

"Aida-kun is you! What's the suspicious target?

General Aida took off his hat and saluted Kuroto. But it was not a military salute, but a lower ninja bowed to his superior and then said:

"Lord Heiteng, it seems that it is the target we are looking for!"

"Oh? Let's go and have a look!"

The pen in the black rattan's hand unconsciously fell on the desk and suddenly stood up. There was a few joy on his face, and he hurried out.

When Kurodo and Aida came to the observation room, the soldiers were imaging the suspicious target found through the cooperation of radar and the shipboard laser periscope.

Only the big screen in the middle of the observation room, the sea area a nautical mile away is fully visible! At this time, everyone stood up and opened their eyes with an incredible expression!

What appears on the display screen is a magnificent palace, an underwater palace that only appears in science fiction! The whole palace is oval. Surprisingly, those sea and aquatic creatures are far away from above and around it. The open space outside the palace is like a dry Sahara desert, without any trace of water!

There are nine strange beast stone carvings of different shapes on the open space. From these lifelike strange beasts, it can be seen that the sculptor must have the power of magic!

Although their postures are different, they all seem to be full of rage and majesty! With the rotation of the display angle, there are two giant statues five meters tall and closed their eyes at the gate of the palace, as if they were asleep, and the big simple knife in their hands shined dazzlingly!

A palace under 5,000 meters, a palace that can't even be approached by the sea, looking at all this in front of you makes the people in the observation room feel like entering a dream world! Those atheists rubbed their eyes hard, thinking that these were hallucinations caused by deep-sea hypoxia!

The captain of the Shark, Colonel Kuroto, didn't have any expression, as if these had nothing to do with him! But deep in his calm appearance, he is in a state of extreme excitement and excitement. At this moment, he is constantly shouting, found it, and finally found it! This must be the 'Dragon Palace' left by the legendary dragon in the world of Chinese cultivation. Haha! Chinese cultivation techniques and panacea are all mine!

"Control room? I'm Hei Teng, westward, in the direction of ten o'clock, drive over!"

The Shark stopped only 200 meters away from the Dragon Palace. It was not that they did not want to move forward, but that the hull was like the sea, which was resisted by an invisible resistance!

"What's going on?"

"Report, Colonel, the palace is shrouded in a thin bubble. Our submarine can't move forward any further!"

"That's the defense mask, back! Attack with *!"

The Shark withdrew nearly 500 meters back, and five * shot at the shield of the Dragon Palace with spiral blisters behind it.

"Boom, boom..." After five loud noises, the shield was not broken or even shaken at all. However, outside the place of the explosion, the rocks within 200 meters were blown into powder!

"Lord Kuroto, what can I do? I can't go in!" Aida saw that he couldn't even break the defense shield of the Dragon Palace, and became a little anxious.

"Mr. Aida, don't be impatient. If you can blow up with five * in this area, this is not the Dragon Palace! I'm just making sure! I have the key to open the Dragon Palace!" Black vine threw the black stone in a hexagonal shape in his hand, then picked up the microphone and ordered:

"Stop the attack! Help me prepare a deep-sea pressure suit, and I'll check it!"

Originally, the light below this 5,000 meters was very dim. Probably because of the Dragon Palace, it became much brighter. The black vine in a diving suit approached the Dragon Palace step by step. The deep sea pressure was very large, and it was very slow and difficult for him to act even if he had the strength to endure.

The black vine outside the defense shield is still blocked from moving forward. So he looked at the bottom of the sea around him! It was really true that Huangtian lived up to his intentions. After nearly two hours, he finally found a gap that seemed to be manually chiseled under some gravel.

Without any hesitation, the black vine took out the black stone placed in his pocket and aimed it at the gap and put it down. The stone and the notch are perfectly combined and emit a colorful light. When the light disappears, there is no gap in the original combination, which can be said to be seamless!

Hei Teng turned around and walked to the defense shield outside the Dragon Palace again. This time, without any obstacles, he went straight through.

After watching Kuroten take off the deep-sea pressure suit from the screen of the observation room, Aida ran to the gate of the Dragon Palace. But just as he was approaching the gate, the nine strange beast statues actually moved and rushed to the black vine. Seeing that Kuroto still didn't find it, the anxious Ai Tian quickly picked up the microphone.

Seeing that he was about to enter the Dragon Palace Hall, the black vine full of top skills and elixir was awakened by the headset he wore:

"Lord Kuroteng, be careful behind you!"

Black vine did not turn around or stop walking, but a flash, leaning against the giant stone statue on the left side of the gate, nine paths were like lasers, and the extremely sharp light suddenly shot into the steps where he was! When the black vine turned around and looked, the nine foreign beasts turned into stone carvings again. It seems that it has never moved!

Seeing that Kuroto was out of danger, Aida sat down in a chair, wiped away the cold sweat from his forehead, and was immediately relieved. But as soon as he raised the cup to drink water, he suddenly stood up again, with a look of extreme fear on his face, and even the cup fell to the ground!

Although the black vine escaped the attack of the strange beast, it failed to avoid the simple knife in the hand of the giant statue. It was immediately split in half and exploded to death. All this happened in an instant. At this moment, the giant stone statue on the right also opened his eyes and walked to the square outside the Dragon Palace, throwing the simple knife in his hand in the direction of the evil shark.

Looking at the growing Pu Dao quickly approaching the Shark, Aida grabbed the microphone in panic and shouted urgently:

"Quick, back as fast as possible!"

But it was obviously too late. The huge simple knife cut the bad shark in half like cutting watermelon, which means that the bad shark, the highest technology in country R, was completely destroyed under a 'watermelon knife'.

When the simple knife flew back into the hands of the giant, the door of the Dragon Palace suddenly opened, and a man with a hunchback and an old dragon bell came out and said disdainfully to the black vine that had turned into a pool of mud and the destroyed shark:

"Although there are ungrateful grudges between our demons and the world of cultivation, barbarians like you actually want to touch our China, damn it!"

"I've met the elder!" The two giants quickly saluted the old man.

"Well, thank you two brothers for your hard work. After my demon family returns to the Central Plains, I won't have to be on duty like this every day! Clean up this place, the doorkeeper doesn't like to see this kind of scene!" After sighing, the old man turned around and left with his hands on his back.

"Yes, elder!"

It turns out that these two giants are not statues, but guards at the gate of the Dragon Palace. If Black vine had known from the beginning, he would not have died so confusedly. The elder came to the apse of the Dragon Palace and knocked on the door of a room. There was a sound like a yellow warbler in the room:

"Who is it?"

"Huang Yu!"

"Uncle Yu! Come in! The door is not closed!"

Huang Wei pushed the door and walked in. This is just one of the thousands of rooms in the Dragon Palace. The decoration inside is not luxurious, but it is not as simple as other rooms. It is very much like a secular woman's room, full of small ornaments everywhere. Several large wardrobes are full of clothes for women, and there are no less than a hundred sets!

At this time, the woman who was sitting on a chair with a veil mask put down a picture scroll in her hand, stood up, bowed to Huang Yingying and said:

"Xiaoyu has met Uncle Qi. Why are you here?"

"Miss, you are the master now! Well, the old slave would not have bothered you! Today, this Dragon Palace was found, and it is not guaranteed that no monk will come to him! If you hadn't taken over the demon sect and gambled with the old master and left the demon sect for nearly a hundred years! The demon gate is not as good as a year! Although some words should not be said by the old slave, after thinking about it, the old slave had to remind the lady that you have taken over the demon door now, is it time to reorganize the demon door?

"Uncle, don't always say that you are a slave, you are my uncle! Let's call me Xiaoyu like when I was a child! For a hundred years, I also regret that I was angry with my father and didn't even see him for the last time!"

The owner of the demon family turned out to be a woman. After listening to her sigh, she continued to say:

"Uncle, why do you fight against the world of cultivation and those monks? Hundreds of millions of years, are there few dead fellows?

"Little, Xiaoyu! You also know that my demon family has had hundreds of millions of years of enmity with the real world, how can it be reconciled? In ancient times, we demons could only struggle to survive between people and fierce beasts. Those powerful beast demon kings thought that we were just some weak beasts and did not deserve to be with them! Human beings always think that 'they are not of our race, and their hearts must be different'. In order to improve the power of their blades, is it rare to slaughter our demons and ingest demon souls? Is that it?"

Looking at Xiaoyu's speechless by her own words, Huang Wei continued to say:

"I know that Miss is kind by nature and likes to live with human beings! But there are also many people in my demon family who only seek the way of heaven. They are different and have not escaped the pursuit of monks! Since the failure of the master of the old sect, the demon sect has been torn apart. Changyu, Baimu Wu Ling, Jiuming Liqi and Yuling Yinhong have all been kings, taking away most of the strength of the demon sect, but as long as the lady can stand up, she will definitely get the support of these elders! It will also revive the power of the demon family! Besides, if you want to reconcile with the world of cultivation, you should also unify the demon sect first!"

Xiaoyu was still a little hesitant after hearing this. Huang Yu couldn't help shaking her head and sighing. In an instant, she seemed to be dozens of years old again, and her body became more and more rickly! Xiaoyu couldn't bear to watch the sadness of the old man she brought up with him. She gently patted him on the back and comforted him:

"All right! Uncle Yu, I'll try my best!"