Legend of the God

Chapter 122 Hanging Order - Seal

The Tianhammer, which has been missing for thousands of years, did not expect to reappear in the hands of Turin. Not only Huanyu was shocked, but also Mu Yunfei, as the second brother of Turin, was deeply surprised.

At that time, Qinglanguan was indeed destroyed in the hands of the demon gate, but as the demon master who participated in that operation was not dead, he has soared to the fairyland. Therefore, those who know the truth in those years, except Huang Ying, the elder of the demon family who still remains in the human world, I'm afraid that no one in the world knows what happened in those years!

Let's say that Changsheng and Lingyu, who got married in those years, loved each other after marriage, but since Lingyu inadvertently mentioned it at home, Changsheng knew that Lingyu was the only descendant of Qinglanguan.

Chang Sheng began to feel uneasy, because what happened in those years was indeed the fault of the demon family! Originally, he planned to return this thing that originally belonged to Qinglanguan to Lingyu, but he was afraid that Lingyu would no longer accept him from now on, so he hid the matter of defending the sky with that trace of luck.

This is often the case. The more you try to hide it, the easier it is to be exposed! After about half a year, Lingyu found that his cheerful wife became silent, especially after giving birth to the vulture, and often dazed alone! And Chang Sheng saw that the better Lingyu was to her, the more caring he was, the more guilty and uneasy he felt.

Two years later, with Huang Wei's sudden visit, Ling Yu found the identity of Changsheng, the owner of the demon door. The fierce Lingyu could not tolerate Changsheng's explanation, so he left angrily with the vulture.

Overnight, the originally happy home disappeared, and the couple who used to often walk in the mountains with affection disappeared. Changsheng, who thought they could have the true love of the world for a lifetime, died. With the departure of the spiritual rain, her colorful world became dull in an instant.

When Changsheng fell into deep pain and despair, she was surprised to find that she had already had the flesh and blood of Lingyu, which added courage and hope to her to live!

Under the arrangement of Huang Yu, Chang Sheng quietly waited for the birth of the baby after performing a "fake marriage" for the whole demon door and the whole cultivation world!

God seemed to be deliberately embarrassed. A few months later, Qiu Long, who was in the swamp of death, hurried to Tianyao Mountain and asked him for help to rescue the "blood angel"! As the owner of the demon family, as long as he is a demon clan, Changsheng will do his best.

After Changsheng, who lost a lot of Zhenyuan, rushed back to the main altar and jade capital of Tianyao Mountain, he suddenly closed the door. Huang Yi, the only one who knew the truth, immediately announced that the door owner was closed for retreat.

In fact, Chang Sheng was not a retreat, but secretly recovered his daughter and hid in the room where the "wife" lived, because she was about to be in labor soon!

Just after Huang Yu was happy, she went out of the door with the newborn Chang Yu in her arms. Chang Sheng's abdomen pained again. Her first reaction was, twins!

Just as Chang Sheng, who was lying on his back in bed, was about to shout outside the room, two cyan lights flashed. The Hantian hammer originally placed in the treasure tower and the one passed down from generation to generation, the beads of something appeared in the room out of thin air, and then smashed into Chang Sheng's abdomen.

After a burst of pain as if his body had been torn, Changsheng, who had been soaked in sweat, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and a sweet smile appeared on his face and gave birth!

Just as she supported her weak body. After a glance, the smile on her face turned into surprise and puzzlement, and then she only felt that the sky turned around and lay down weakly on her back. Tears rolled down like broken pearls on the white bedding.

That's not * or *, but an egg the size of a baby! As long as the demon reaches the spirit period, it is fundamentally different from beasts, not to mention that Changsheng is a monster in the later stage of the illusion. How can he lay an egg?

After arranging everything for the newborn Chang Yu, Huang Qi opened the door at this moment. Seeing Chang Sheng's low voice and heartbroken appearance, she hurriedly asked the reason.

Looking at this flawless egg, Huang Yu, who knew everything, was also puzzled and didn't know why it came after studying for a long time. But the only certainty is that there is life in this egg, and the heavenly hammer and the jewel are also in the eggshell.

It doesn't matter if the people in the demon gate know. If those human monks in the Xiuzhen world know that the "door master's wife" laid an egg, what is the face of the demon gate? Finally, Huang Wei came up with a way to do both best. The first thing is to announce to the public that the "door master's wife" should die in childbirth, so that Changsheng does not have to disguise so hard as to go back and forth. Secondly, about this egg, Huang Yu asked his old friend Xiaoyao in the world of Xiuyaomen to take care of it. As a result, a hundred years have passed in this flash!

That's right, the life in this egg is the Turin holding the hammer now. In fact, that jewel is indeed the inheritance of the Qinglong family, and the word "duling" in the jewel should be read in reverse, that is, "spiritual capital"! In ancient times, the place where the Green Dragon Demon Emperor lived was the "spiritual capital"!

On that day, Turin used the jewel instead of the spirit stone to drive the "one-yuan attack array", but he didn't expect that the five elements and five arrays hosted by the five demons of the transformation period were too powerful. Just as he was struggling to support, the object like the elixir in the demon clan in his abdomen suddenly burst open, and the thing that appeared was the One of the three treasures of Qinglan, which is struggled by many forces! And the inheritance jewel entered his abdomen and acted as the inner elixir of rupture and collapse!

This inherited jewel is worthy of condensing all the wisdom and strength of the Qinglong family, and actually records a missing memory for Turin that he has always wanted to find. When Baozhu fit in with him, everything from birth to now was like a long documentary, which was shown in his mind one by one, including Huang Yu staring at himself when he left with him and bursting with tears. Master Xiaoyaozi saw the doubts he revealed at first sight, and his birth. The excitement and joy of the time...

It turns out that he is really a demon, and he is also the twin brother of the current demon door owner! In the past few days, the reason why he was full of things and unhappy was that he hesitated to tell Mu Yunfei. He was worried that Mu Yunfei would leave him like his father Lingyu!

Now, with the pearl as the elixir, the strength of the monster has been restored to Turin. Although its strength has improved rapidly, it is limited by the body and has been fundamentally exerted. At most, its strength is only the monster in the early stage of the illusion, and it can't fully control the sudden improvement of a level of power, otherwise how can it not be brought Dongmu Yunfei and Huanzhen were forced to fall to the ground!

Huanyu also had to bow his head in front of the defense hammer known as the first divine soldier in the world. Under the fierce attack of Turin, Huanyu kept retreating, and his face became more and more solemn.


The Hantian hammer was really powerful. With a loud shout, under the flash of the green light, Huanyu only felt a strong force through the long sword he raised his hand to resist. His arm had been hitting his heart, and he was actually shot nearly ten feet away.

At this time, Mu Yunfei, who recovered a little aura, stood up and hurriedly called Turin, who was about to go forward, so that he could not fight. It was most important to enter the poisonous dream marsh first.

Turin turned around and gently took Mu Yunfei's arm and went to the place where the serious injury was still in a coma. But before he took a hundred steps, he was blocked by five masked people who suddenly appeared!

And these five people launched an attack on Mu Yunfei and Turin at the same time from appearance to this moment, saying a word from beginning to end without making a sound.

I thought that Turin would be fearless with the defense hammer. At this time, after blocking this round of attacks, I found that I was unable to raise my right hand again, let alone fight with the defense hammer! None of these five people's cultivation is worse than that of that. It can be said that it is better than that!

And being blown away again, Mu Yunfei, who fell to the ground, was not as lucky as before. The four life wheels in his body were actually sealed by the strange forces shot by these five people. Now Mu Yunfei, who has been sealed, is no different from ordinary people except for a little trick. Before falling to the ground, Mu Yunfei couldn't help scolding in his heart, "Damn it, how can there be so many infancy monks in this world!

Turin stared at the five people in front of him, put away the Tianhammer, and slowly moved to Mu Yunfei's side, squatted down, with guilt on his face, and whispered to Mu Yunfei:

"Second brother, it seems that we can't escape. I think if I don't say it, I will never have a chance again! In fact, my heart has been so uncomfortable these days. So I'm really a monster, second brother, I'm sorry!"

Looking at Turin at this moment, Mu Yunfei raised his right hand with milk strength, wiped the tears off Turin's face, and said with a wry smile:

"Whether you are a human or a demon, you are always my third brother. In this life, we are still in hell! After finding the fourth brother, we will be ghost brothers together, haha!"

Listening to Mu Yunfei's words, the haze that has been shrouded in Turin's heart for days swept away. He held Mu Yunfei's hand tightly, turned around and said:

"Yes, we will always be brothers, now and in the future!"

The five masked people seemed to be waiting for the two to finish talking, and then the five red swords attacked again.


With a series of frictions, the five red swords that could have killed the two were ejected, and Mu Yunfei looked at the back of a girl in a pink dress at this moment, with an excited and inexplicable look on his face. His trembling lips opened slightly and burst out a few Word:

"Sister Shen, is that you?"