Legend of the God

Chapter 137 Hanging Order - Truth Revealed

"It turned out to be her!"

The sea horre holding Huang Ling exclaimed in his heart. In fact, when Li Wei appeared, Haijun felt familiar and only felt that he had seen it somewhere. After careful identification, he remembered that Li Wei was the woman he met carrying a stone tablet and being chased by a child to run for her life when he crossed the underworld?

What surprised the sea horr was that while Mu Yunfei removed the combination with the chin and realized the Qinglan armor to cover the body, the star array map he was looking for appeared on Mu Yunfei's back.

Haly and Huang Ling looked at each other at the same time, and their hands couldn't help holding each other tightly. Their hearts thought about the same thing at this moment, and the reincarnation of Emperor Ziwei finally appeared!

Huang Ling abandoned his power and reincarnated the human world. The sea pheasant came through the underworld at the risk of losing this part of the genh to make the strength of the ontology general, in order to protect him well before the reincarnation of Emperor Ziwei entered the immortal world to find his own strength and memory. Of course, I'm very excited to see such a star array on Mu Yunfei now.

However, how long did this excitement last? The two calmed down in a flash, because Huang Ling suddenly found that although Mu Yunfei's star array was similar to Ziwei's star domain, it was obviously different. Ziwei Emperor's original star array was composed of seven or 49 stars, and Mu Yunfei also had such Many, but there is an extra red star in the middle, and the light of this star actually overshadowed the most dazzling purple polar star in the purple star. Therefore, after Huang Ling raised this question, the two could not be sure whether Mu Yunfei was the reincarnation of Emperor Ziwei or not! It seems that we can only wait for the current matter to be settled and then find an opportunity to judge!

The combination of Mu Yunfei's gas swirls in the five life wheels have reached the peak of the foundation period, and can only be maintained for three quarters at most. Just as Mu Yunfei, who had been released, was afraid of his impulse and irrational behavior, he couldn't help shouting in his heart when he heard Li Wei's words to the Rat King. No, is this Li Wei the silver horn that the heavenly man asked the Rat King and the poisonous red clam to guard?

When Mu Yunfei kept speculating, the Rat King said in a very puzzled tone:

"Are you the disappeared silver horn?"

There is no good impression of this silver horn that changed his life and also lured the poisonous clam to fall forever. The Rat King doesn't understand how this silver horn has become the owner of today's ruthless door, and there seems to be no connection between the two.

Although Li Wei's words have clearly told the Rat King that she is the silver horn, the Rat King still can't believe it all. Naturally, Li Wei could see this. After coughing gently, she smiled and revealed the little-known secret for the Rat King and everyone present for tens of millions of years!

Touching evil, the mount of Qinglan Guanzhu's judgment was given the position of patrolling the sky and enjoying all the worship in the world. However, anything that goes too far will naturally violate its original intention. As the saying goes, this is the truth. Slowly, this touch of evil, which represents justice, began to get tired of the errands day after day, year after year, and became lazy. One month, half a year, two years, ten years, constantly reducing the time to punish evil and promote good in the world.

After the trial left the human world, the unmanageable touch is more like a run-of wild horse. She keeps making friends with demons and monsters in the human world, and relying on herself as the beast of heaven, thus causing turbulence and uneasiness in the human world.

Perhaps her behavior angered the heavens. Before long, a Taoist priest who claimed to be a heavenly man broke into the Qinglan Temple like no one's realm. At that time, the disciples in the temple had not seen when the Heavenly Man would take action, so they had already stopped the trial of the first disciple Lingxiao. Naturally, the others were not their opponents. They all avoided it. Then he came to the apse and found the touch of evil that was taking a nap.

The long-respected touch has cultivated her arrogance and unruly. Today, except for her master's judgment, no one dares to disturb her when she sleeps, so before the heavenly person speaks, she launched an attack with her silver horn with heavenly punishment.

For a moment, thick colorful clouds suddenly accumulated in the high sky on the top of Heming Mountain, and then thick lightning directly passed through the roof of the apse and bombarded the heavenly man.

However, what touched the evil was that almost no one could resist the heavenly punishment in the past, but at this moment, it was like a mouse seeing a cat and did not hit the heavenly man, so it hurriedly avoided it.

He took a faint glance at the already pitted land and the apse that had become an open shed. The face of the celestial man kept that calm and calm smile from beginning to end, and turned a blind to the attack of touching evil.

Just as he touched the evil and wanted to launch a heavenly punishment to attack the heavenly man, the Hantian hammer, which was lying quietly on the shelf of the table, suddenly floated automatically and cut off his "friends" who had been together for many years.

The silver horn is broken, and there is no longer a heavenly beast touching evil in this world, and some of them are later known as the ancient fierce beasts that do evil! However, the silver horn, which was abruptly cut by the defense hammer, still retains part of the yuan god.

Since it was to punish the dragonfly, the heavenly man didn't know how to pull out the dragonfly's soul, and then took the silver horn to the poisonous dream swamp. As for why the heavenly people chose the poisonous dream swamp, because the volcano here is the only place in the whole world that has fire poison that can destroy this silver horn.

After the silver horn was thrown into the volcano in the Poison Valley, she chose ** to guard her poisonous red clam and the Gopher King.

After an accidental perception of the idea that the poisonous red clam wanted to take his power as his own, Silver Horn suddenly felt that there was an opportunity, so every time the poisonous red clam came to check himself, he would use its demagoning technique to infinitely expand the hope in the heart of the poisonous red clam, and finally inspired the buried in the poisonous red clam. The deepest greed buried in my heart.

The result was naturally successfully taken away from the bottom of the volcano by the poisonous red clam. Unexpectedly, the rat king reappeared and fought with the poisonous red clam, so he quietly left with the two demons who had no time to take care of her.

The vicissitudes of life have passed quietly in a blink of an eye, and everything in the world has long changed. Human beings no longer only practice, nor believe in the ghosts and gods in this world. The only thing they believe in is themselves! Two hundred years ago, "technology", a thing that really changed human beings, slowly began to form and develop, and the accompanying "war" once again dragged human beings into the bottomless abyss!

After thousands of years of dormant, he once again cultivated the human-shaped silver horn. When he was confused when he looked at the strange human world in front of him, there was also the last war of shemales in the world of cultivation. Silver Horn successfully mixed into the ruthless door as Li Wei!

"She is still the 'silver demon girl' with a heart like a snake and a scorpion! Mu Yunfei, it was she who killed your father Duanmu Qingyun, and Ximenchun..."

When Li Wei talked about this, Huanyu, who thought had already died, suddenly stood up and stared straight at Li Wei. After finishing this, he fell down again. It seemed that she had completely died this time.

According to Huanyu's last words, Mu Yunfei finally knew the real murderer of his father. At the same time, he recalled that Li Wei was also present when Ximenchun was silenced. But why did she do this?

Li Wei glanced at Mu Yunfei, the enemy who killed his father but was still calm as usual, and couldn't help frowning.

It turned out that Li Wei could never forget what the heavenly people had done to her in the past. With the passage of time, this hatred not only did not decrease, but became bigger and bigger, but she knew that no matter how she practiced, she could not be the opponent of the heavenly people, so she transferred all this hatred to all human beings. And the object she chose to retaliate is first locked in the world of cultivation!

Not long after entering the door of Desperation, Li Wei was just an ordinary monk who was meditated and practiced regardless of the world, and secretly felt that she began to use her seductive skills to control groups of monks to work for her, including Huanyu and Huanzhen brothers. Unlike Huanyu, who was willing to be happy, Huanzhen, who had always been upright, refused to give in, so she pretended to let Huanyu be jealous of him, and finally made up a "silver demon girl". In the end, Huanzhen, who was tricked, was directly banned by Li Wei in the depths of her soul, so Huanzhen always thought that she had been poisoned by the silver demon girl in order to regularly take the antidote of "this poison"! Huan, who lives secretly, has no choice but to become one of the powerful thieves under Li Wei.

Twenty-five years ago, Ximen Ao, who became his subordinate, returned a treasure and a treasure appeared in Mangshan, so Li Wei hurried over. When she didn't want to arrive, some hidden masters were fighting with Ximen Ao and Huan Yu's men, in order to be the jade card suspected of a treasure in Ximen Ao's mouth. Duanmu Qingyun and his wife, who came to catch ghosts, also happened to arrive and were involved in this dispute without defense.

Everyone present knows that although the current Duanmu family has withered, regardless of Duanmupeng, who has already been in the Yuanying period, there is the support of the underworld behind it. Who will easily offend Duanmu family for the jade card that doesn't know what it is?

So the seemingly fierce fight, everyone deliberately shows mercy. How could Duanmu Qingyun be so shrewd that he can't see that any monk with much higher cultivation here can have his life, so he wants Ouyang Fei, who is pregnant with Mu Yunfei, to leave first and then retreat. However, at the moment when Duanmu Qingyun and his wife appeared, a vicious plan in Li Wei's mind had quietly formed, that is, as long as Duanmu Qingyun was killed and then deliberately released Ouyang Fei. When Ouyang Fei returns to the Duanmu family, a chaos in the cultivation world starting with the "b revenge battle" of the Duanmu family will unfold.

Then, just like Li Wei's plan, Duanmu Qingyun was secretly killed by her, and Ouyang Fei fled. But to her surprise, Ouyang Fei did not return to the Duanmu family. It was with Ouyang Fei's disappearance that this chaos lasted for more than 20 years!

21 years ago, Li Wei, who did not want to wait any longer, successfully entered the underworld by relying on the defense of the innate magic weapon "purple fairy clothes". Her only purpose was to destroy the boundary marker, so that those fierce ghosts who could freely enter and leave the underworld could slaughter human beings at any time.

It seems that even God helped her. That day, the three kings of Yin Sifu went to Xianzhongfu to meet the Holy Heavenly Reincarnation Emperor with the Five Ghost Emperor. However, just as she was about to win, a little doll that she usually only saw and had super strength appeared. She only fought for five rounds. Li Wei knew that she was invincible and was just able to avoid a sword spirit that bombarded her. When she was about to leave, she was surprised to find that because she dodged, the sword spirit actually split the boundary monument into two, and then , the scene that the sea thalve saw!

Six years ago, Li Wei used the half volume of the "ling dan" of "Qinglan Secret Law" that Huanyu snatched back to create a batch of foundation elixir and elixir that can improve mana, thus attracting more sects and masters. At this time, the half of the boundary marker suddenly appeared again. After Li Wei learned from Ximen Ao that the Ximen family was the secret of the descendants of the Ghost Fumen family, she decided to blackmail Ximen Chun. While grabbing the half of the boundary marker, she also dragged the Ximen family into the bottomless abyss. It was just because she killed a Mu Yunfei halfway, which destroyed all her plans.

And the director's scene of Poison Dream Onuma is not for anything else, but to get the defense hammer in his hand, in order to find the sealed soul. Shen Yan became the victim who personally handed over the Hantian hammer to Li Wei and was killed by him in this scene.

"Okay, you already know everything. Enjoy every day! The day waiting for me to return is the day when you die under divine punishment!"

After saying that, Li Wei raised the Hantian hammer in her hand and split it in front of her. A two-foot wide and ten-high space crack quickly formed. Just as Li Wei raised her foot and was ready to step in, she suddenly stopped, turned around and grabbed Huang Ling's void. Huang Ling had realized something and quickly covered her arms. Medium, but it's obviously too late.

With the brocade box brought back by the sea ferno in her hand, Li Wei smiled and said:

"I almost dropped my body!"

After laughing three times, Li Wei did not hesitate to enter the crack in the space. Just as the space crack was about to close, Mu Yun rushed over as fast as lightning. Of course, Duan Mupeng and others knew what Mu Yunfei wanted to do, but they could not stop it. They had to watch Mu Yunfei disappear at the same time as the crack in the space.

Only the words of Lingyu echoed in the lonely and silent place:

"The map is the rope, and the hammer is the key!"