Legend of the God

Chapter 139 Monument of Prophecy - Destruction and Redemption

In the comprehensive laboratory building of BJ University, a young woman in her thirties wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a white coat was tapping on the keyboard. After the thick lenses, a pair of blood-stained eyes are staring at the jumping set of data on the display, and the expression on the face changes as the data is constantly updated.

With a creak, the door of the laboratory was slowly pushed open and walked into a man. Although he was only 40 years old, he was full of gray hair. He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, skillfully bypassed the pile of books and materials that seemed to be piled up into hills, came to the fluorescent monitor, put his hands on the young woman's shoulders, bent down to her ear and said softly:

"Wenwen, don't work so hard, take a break! You are not an immortal now! As the old saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution.

The woman who was called to write the composition is none other than Li Wen, the goddaughter of Professor Wen Lan, the former head of the institute, Li Wei's disciple. And this white-headed man is Wen Lan's proud disciple Bo Wen.

Li Wen also seemed to feel a little tired. Finally, he took his eyes off the display screen that had been staring at for a month, took off his glasses, rubbed the eye acupuncture points on both sides of the bridge of his nose, turned his head and smiled at Bo Wen, leaned against the cushion prepared for her for her and closed his eyes. But the brain did not stop, and I can't help recalling what happened ten years ago.

That day, Yu Ying returned to the desperate door and went to visit the boundary monument. Li Wen, the uncle who was punished for not leaving the desperate door after thinking about the cliff. Although the two are uncles and nephews, after all, the age difference is not big, and they are usually close friends who have nothing to talk about.

When the sun set in the West Mountain, Yu Ying, who was talking about Zhenghuan, remembered the purpose of returning to the mountain this time, mainly to complete what her master Huiyan had entrusted to her before entering the eight caves.

He took out an object wrapped in brown paper. This was in Yuqing Palace. Huanyu met Huiyan privately and asked him to bring it to Li Wei. However, due to Mu Yunfei's disappearance, Yu Ying forgot his whereabouts for a while. It was not until the Xiuzhen world rumored that Mu Yunfei appeared safely and the Demon Removal League issued a hanging order for him before returning to the mountain.

At this time, Li Wen's five-year punishment was also approaching, so he took the initiative to accompany Yu Ying to meet Li Wei. However, before she reached the hall, she saw Shen Yanxing rushing to the outside of the mountain. Yu Ying originally planned to catch up and ask, but before she could make any action, she was dragged by Li Wen and dragged into a dark corner. Just as Yu Ying looked at Li Wen puzzledly, she only heard Li Wei's voice faintly from Shen Yan's room:

"Ximen Ao, you are going to Yanshan and meet the two old ghosts to go to the poisonous dream swamp with Huanyu. This time, you must take the sky-defending hammer into your hands. Also, Mu Yunfei and Shen Yan must not stay!"

"Master, didn't that Shen Yan have your 'purple fairy clothes', this?"

"Don't worry, that one is just an imitation, which can withstand up to three attacks. Besides, do you think I'm really kind enough to let her improve her strength quickly? Humph, even if you can't kill her, she will die sooner or later! By the way, if you meet a strong enemy, just use the treasure of your ghost rune to deal with it!"...

Afraid of being found by Li Wei, the two quietly turned back when they heard here. Both of them were silent along the way. Who would meet Li Wei, who always regarded them as themselves, turned out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing! And from those words, I learned that the usually sanctimonous Huanyu is also a hill.

Returning to the cliff, the two opened the kraft paper bag without hesitation, but the objects inside surprised Yu Ying. It turned out to be the Five Poisons and a letter recording all the information of the Fumoyuan! After discussing for a while, the two decided to hide it. They usually pretended not to know anything, but kept an eye on Li Wei's movements at any time.

So just after Li Wei set out for the poisonous dream swamp, Li Wen and Yu Ying also came at the same time, but they were still a step late and watched Mu Yunfei and Li Wei disappear into the space crack at the same time.

Among so many people, Li Wen only knew Ouyangbao, so under his explanation, he finally solved a mystery that had remained in Li Wen's heart for countless years, that is, she had never figured out how the R ninjas who had no contact with him knew that they still had a younger brother and captured him to threaten her. . It turned out that all this was arranged by Li Wei. For a while, Li Wen was completely disappointed with the ruthless door and the cultivation world.

At this time, Duan Mupeng, who was still sad for Mu Yunfei, as well as Huang Ling and Haijun, raised their heads at the same time, and then stood up with an awe-inspiring face and bowed three respectfully to the sky! After listening to a burst of cheerful laughter, a sloppy old man holding a wine jar in his hand suddenly appeared in the direction that Duan Mupeng and the others worshipped!

At the sight of Turin, a smile suddenly appeared on his face as if he had met a savior. He said to himself, isn't this an old beggar he hasn't seen for a long time? Just as he was about to run forward, he was stopped by Duan Mupeng.

"Come back to Turin, don't be rude to the inspector!"

All people were stunned by Duan Mupeng's voice. Some monks knew what the word "inspective" represented. The inspector of the five worlds is not subordinate to any world, nor does he belong to any force. The inspector is only responsible to the mysterious general inspector of the five worlds. These inspectors are highly cultivated and have the power to control all the life and death of the creatures in the five worlds.

Unexpectedly, the old beggar was not angry with Turin, and nodded to him like an old friend. But then the old beggar's face changed, shaking the wine jar in his hand, and a golden light suddenly shot out of the mouth of the altar. Then the golden light fled around like a headless fly, but no matter where it flew, it would immediately turn back. Probably seeing that he could not get rid of the shackles of the old beggar, he had to obediently fall to the ground and turn into an illusory human figure. Everyone's face was full of anger. This was Yang Jian, who had gone back before and hid in the clouds to peep!

"Yang Jian, regardless of the laws and regulations, you came to the human world without permission and caused such a big killing. Can you accept that this part of the yuan gods were punished in heaven for thousands of years?"

Can't you accept this? In fact, Yang Jian still has a trace of gratitude for the old beggar. If this patrol makes him unhappy today, I'm afraid even the body in the fairy world will be punished together. It can be said that the old beggar's punishment for him has been generous and full of benevolence!

Seeing Yang Jian nodding, the old beggar supported his sleeves full of holes, and saw that a door of space immediately opened, and Yang Jian, who had no resistance, was immediately ingested.

Although everyone is full of curiosity about what kind of world is behind the door, it is said that it is better not to enter the heavenly prison, which is more horrible than the 18-story hell of the Yinsi Mansion.

After dealing with Yang Jian, the old beggar turned his head and looked at the sea horde, which seemed extremely unnatural, and the cold sweat kept flowing down. After a long time, I heard the old beggar say lightly:

"Haital, do you know the crime?"

It was hard to suppress the frightened sea hor, and under such a cold question from the old beggar, he couldn't help shivering, quickly knelt on one knee and shouted:

"The sea threw knows the guilt, please reduce the responsibility!"

"Get up, I won't kill you, let alone exile you to prison!" Listening to the old beggar's words, the sea phill suddenly felt a lot at ease. Although this part of the yuan god was destroyed and the strength of the body would definitely decline, it would be the best thing now that the old beggar did not punish him. However, the old beggar's words were obviously not finished. After he picked up the wine jar and poured a few sips, he continued:

"However, there are national laws and heavenly rules. Since you have violated it, you must be punished as it should be. As the saying goes, the death penalty is avoidable, and the living crime is inevitable. I will clear your memory of coming to the human world so far. Can you accept it?"

Eliminate memory, isn't it impossible to bring back the news that Mu Yunfei may be the reincarnation of the emperor? Although the sea threw was unwilling, he was facing the inspector, and he had to nod and agree.

"Bout your mouth!"

According to the old beggar's instructions, as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw a wine arrow shot out of the wine jar and poured into his throat.

"Good wine!" After making this admiration, the sea rayan couldn't help but fall to the ground unconscious. Huang Ling hurried forward to check the situation, but at first glance, he was shocked. The sea holly had no life and returned to hell. Huang Ling looked up at the old beggar with doubt:


But when he saw that the old beggar raised his hand to stop Huang Ling's words, his lips quickly opened and closed, obviously telling Huang Ling something with the method of transmission into secret. After a burnt of incense, the old beggar saw that Huang Ling was suddenly cheerful, so he turned around and walked to Duan Mupeng and others. When he passed by the frustrated Li Wen at this moment, he stopped and said softly:

"Woman, why do you look like this?"

At this time, Li Wen looked at the old beggar blankly, and then said excitedly:

"Senior, what's good about this world of cultivation full of deception? It's better to be a mortal than a fairy like them! Senior, I know your power is Xuan. Li Wen is here to plead with you to let me become an ordinary person again!"

"In that case, it will complete you!"

For Li Wen at this moment, Xiuzhen is no longer her only belief. In the future, it is better to become a mortal and experience the joys and sorrows of the world!

It is also the wine in the wine jar, but it has a different effect. The whirlpool in Li Wen's body immediately broke, and he has completely had nothing to do with Tao in his life! Li Wen bowed slightly to the old beggar and everyone, and left the chaotic world without hesitation accompanied by Yu Ying.

After a short break, Li Wen, who had been leaning on the cushion, slowly opened his eyes, looked at the dilapidated fluorescent lamp on the ceiling and said to Bo Wen:

"Honey, now we only know that those big words are 'destruction and redemption', but what do those small words mean? Now we can only hope for this system that deciphered the boundary marker before!"

"Wenwen, although the country can say that the oldest inscription found in the history of archaeology has been deciphered by us so far, you should also pay attention to your health. It has been half a year. In the past six months, you haven't left the laboratory for half a step. Every time your daughter comes back from kindergarten, she cries and begs me to bring her to see you. But I'm afraid of disturbing you, so I've been dragging it off until now. I think it will be New Year's Day in half a month. Can I take time to come back..."

"Drip, drop, drop!"

At this time, the computer seemed to make a cheerful chirping, which attracted their eyes at the same time.

"I succeeded, husband, I succeeded!"

Li Wen hugged Bo Wen's neck and shouted excitedly. However, Li Wen's excitement did not last long, and he found that Bo Wen, who was staring at the monitor, had a dull face, as if he had realized something. He quickly turned around, put on her pair of gold-rimmed glasses and read the inscription on the display screen:

"The first day of the first month of the first year of tens of millions of years, all the demons came out, and the world was destroyed; the heavenly punishment beasts, breaking the sky, saving and redeeming! The flood began with tens of millions of years? Is this? Husband, get my ancient calendar book quickly, come on!"

Open the thick ancient calendar that was originally sealed in the ruthless door. After calculation, Li Wen said to himself that the flood began to last tens of millions of years, which is 2030 AD! Pa!" Li Wen suddenly closed the ancient calendar, stood up and exclaimed:

"No, it will be the first day of the first month in half a month. Husband, we are going to find Elder Ouyang!"