Legend of the God

Chapter 167 Yin Si Rebellion - Red Cloud Thunder

After breaking the "virtual space", the aura in Mu Yunfei's body can be said to be completely consumed, and he is no longer able to support the tired body, let alone exert the power of touching the evil Li Wei!

However, it was the fall that escaped the attack of ghosts and immortals. But how can you do it again and again?

Looking at the blue Xuanyin fingers coming to him, Mu Yunfei simply closed his eyes. Just as he was quietly waiting for the coming death, Zhang Yao's roar and the sound of the blades came to his ears. Mu Yunfei knew that Zhang Yao finally took action at the critical moment!

At this time, Zhang Yao's whole body was shrouded with a layer of black halo, flying in the flowers like a black butterfly. The judge's pen in his hand flipped up and down, constantly hitting the mysterious finger force released by the ghost fairy like a finger, and cooperating with the "judgment's piercing hole" to give a needle in the seam!

For a while, there was a strong wind in Xuanyin Valley, and gravel flew wildly! For a moment, the surrounding mountain walls were full of potholes, which was caused by the mysterious aura blocked by the two!

The so-called judge's acupuncture point is actually very similar to the sword practitioner's skill of using Qinu swords. It is poured into the magic weapon with its own aura, and it exerts its greatest power with the spiritual connection with the magic weapon! Therefore, sword practitioners have always been among the strong among human monks!

But although this technique is powerful, it also has its Achilles' heel, which is very easy to consume the aura in the body. If you can't knock down your opponent in a short time, once the opponent fights back, you will be doomed to failure!

Although Mu Yunfei, who watched the battle, is no different from ordinary people now, his mood is still in the Yuanying period. He always feels that Zhang Yao's strength is far more than what he shows at this moment. Sometimes he can control ghosts and immortals before the first opportunity, but suddenly makes some fancy and meaningless cumbersome actions, which makes him lose victory again and again. Profitable opportunity!

Mu Yunfei couldn't help shaking his head and said to himself, although Zhang Yao's cultivation is very high, after all, the cultivation time is not long. Maybe it's because there is too little actual combat!

You come and go with the ghost fairy, but Zhang Yao, who seems to be comparable, has reached the end of the crossbow. After ten moves, Zhang Yao, who had already had a plan in his heart, pushed away the palm bone waved by Guixian Wuchang to him, suddenly retreated from the battle circle, and withdrew another judge's pen around Guixian Wuchang but could not form an effective attack with his left hand, and said lightly:

"Wermanence, we can't tell the winner if we continue to fight like this. Why don't we make a bet! One move to win or lose! You win, let you go! If I win, then you will go back to the door of fierce ghosts! How about it?"

With the immortal impermanence, Zhang Yao's two levels of cultivation and strength, but after fighting for so long, he still failed to take it down. I have been impatient for a long time! At this time, after hearing Zhang Yao's proposal of such a bet and once again holding a glance at the crack between the two valleys less than a foot behind him, he laughed:

"Haha, good! Then let's make a bet!"

After saying that, the ghost fairy added the second half of the sentence in his heart. Why did he force me? Well, no matter whether you win or lose, you will die!

This is the last move related to life and death, so Zhang Yao did not have any reservation. He took a deep breath and condensed his mind. While staring at the ghosts and immortals, he concentrated all the aura that his whole body could mobilize in his pen.

Seeing that the ghosts and immortals are impermanent, they still stand still, and there is no preparation. Zhang Yaojian raised his eyebrows and threw out the judge's pen in his hand. A black light flashed, and the judge's pen turned into a big man in the same red judge's uniform, with a beard, and the cow's eyes under his two thick eyebrows were open angrily. The two exposed tiger teeth made the already terrible face more ferocious. If you look closely, this big man is not a entity, but just a virtual shadow!

Shadow? Did Zhang Yao use this virtual shadow to attack? When Mu Yunfei was wondering, he only heard Zhang Yao say violently:

"Tianshi Condensation DA method!"

As the words fell, a strange scene happened. The virtual shadow suddenly fell and penetrated from the top of Zhang Yao's head. Zhang Yao seemed to endure great pain. His face twisted in an instant, and his whole body made a sound like a bone joint.

Mu Yunfei's eyes widened and exclaimed in his heart, this is too exaggerated!

It turns out that Zhang Yao's appearance has completely turned into the virtual shadow he just saw. When Zhang Yao opened his mouth, a three-foot sword condensed by flames shot out and quickly spread around with a hot air wave.

"Suppress the ghost sword, disease!"

After the flame sword followed Zhang Yao to pinch the sword formula, it went to the ghost and immortal impermanence. Although the flame sword is three feet away from the ground, there are sword marks that have reached a foot deep on the black-blooded land. This sword mark and the surrounding scorched earth can be seen how powerful it is. Mu Yunfei asked himself that even if he does not lose his ability, he is afraid that he will pay a lot of price to deal with Zhang Yao's "soul and ghost-removing sword".

In fact, the soul-removing sword is just the second form of the judge's pen. After becoming a long sword, the judge's pen mainly adds about one layer of strength, and one layer is nothing for ghosts and immortal impermanence! However, after Zhang Yao used the "Tianshi Condensation DA method" to improve his strength by one level in a short period of time, the soul-removing sword was very different.

"Impossible! How could this happen!"

Zhang Yao, who was full of confidence, now opened his mouth and looked at the front with a little in disbelief. This ghost sword, which was enough to kill ghosts of the same level, was caught by the impermanent fingers of ghosts and immortals, and he couldn't even move! This result was caused by Zhang Yao's own mistakes. It seemed that the Tianshi condensed DA method was a perfect match with the soul-removing sword, but he ignored one point that the reason why he could compete with ghosts and immortals before was that only the first form of the judge's pen had the characteristics of restraining fierce ghosts!

After taking a look at the flame sword, the ghost fairy's impermanent eyelids turned slightly and said indifferently.

"Oh, there is indeed some Taoism! In return, let you try Rashomon's unique trick! Let me tell you, it's a supreme honor for you to see this move!"

After seeing that the ghost fairy did not often use his withered fingers in the air, the Rashomon, which was originally blocked outside the gate of fierce ghosts, suddenly appeared behind the ghosts and immortals at this time. The ghost reliefs on the closed gate seemed to have survived and were constantly struggling to get out of it.

"Ghost, pester!"

With the order of the impermanence of the ghost fairy, Rashomon, which had only opened a gap before, was all opened this time, and countless tentacles like octopus burst out of the door and scrambled to encircle Zhang Yao.

"Zhang Yao, run away!"

Mu Yunfei shouted eagerly when he saw this, but those tentacles were too fast. Zhang Yao, who had just launched the "Tianshi Condensing Soul DA Method", was the weakest time. After being tied up by these tentacles, he didn't even have the strength to resist.

Ghosts and immortals obviously don't want to let anyone go. Those empty tentacles swept towards Mu Yunfei and Turin sitting cross-legged.

Looking at the three people entangled, the impermanent faces finally bloomed like a flower, and the hearts of the three people's souls are very powerful. If they can be swallowed and refined, it may be unknown that I can break through the current bottleneck!

"Ghost, eat!"

Mu Yunfei and the three people who could not move could not break free from this bondage no matter how hard they tried, and finally had to let these tentacles pull them to Rashomon step by step.


The muffled thunder came from the fire cloud above his head. The ghost immortal impermanence's face suddenly changed, and an unspeakable sense of crisis suddenly permeated in his heart. At this moment, he couldn't help looking up and found that the fire cloud was so low that it almost covered the whole top of the mountain. Keep swimming, and the white lightning that will fall at any time becomes extremely dazzling against the fire cloud.


With no warning, a flash of lightning hit the lint of Rashomon. But obviously, this is only the beginning. Without waiting for the impermanence to act, countless lightning strikes again from the red clouds that almost enveloped the top of the mountain outside the valley.

This time, not only Rashomon was hit, but also Hell Valley and Xuanyin Valley were all **. Wherever they went, the scorched earth was extremely scorched, and the mountain seemed to be the wall skin many years later, sliding down one after another!

When the dust flying in the air gradually dispersed, Mu Yunfei woke up Turin beside him, and the two helped each other and staggered away to the place where Zhang Yao was.

Looking at the ghost immortal impermanence standing in the place stunned, Mu Yunfei and the three of them were full of disappointment and cursed in their hearts at the same time. Shit, they didn't hit him! It is comforting that the Rashomon, who has been hit many times, has disappeared! No wonder the tentacles that bound Mu Yunfei disappeared without a trace!

Just as Mu Yunfei and the three of them were calculating how to get rid of their predicament, they heard the ghost immortal sigh and say:

"Alas, it's time to come, it's still coming!"