Legend of the God

Chapter 174 Yin Division Rebellion - Nightmare

The so-called official level crushes people to death, especially in this high-ranking underworld. Just like Meng Po, her real strength has long been the existence of the ghost king, which is better than the three innate ghost kings. But she is just a judge of Naihe City, and she will never dare to be rude in the face of the three innate ghost kings in power!

The same is true. Although the strength of Pei Jishi in front of him is comparable to that of Zhang Yao, there is a difference between the superiors and the judges. Therefore, Zhang Yao, who knew well the rules of the underworld, calmly accepted Pei Jishi's gift, but then immediately stretched out his right hand to support Pei Jishi's arm to help him up. Judging from his crescent-shaped eyebrows, there was obviously uncontrollable excitement in his heart. Pei Jishi's name was like thunder in the Yin Sifu, from a period of concentration. Ghost practitioners, relying only on their own hard work, will have the achievements of ghosts and immortals in just a thousand years. I'm afraid that the whole underworld is rare! Zhang Yao, who had just arrived at the Yinsi Mansion, was the most admired person, except for Mu Yunfei! At this time, Zhang Yao couldn't help sighing:

"I didn't expect to see Pei Jishi, who has been known as the first yin under the judge!"

"Thank you for your false praise!"

Pee Jishi is a famous and heroic person, not a pretentious person, let alone an ungrateful villain. After a few words of greeting with Zhang Yao, he turned to Mu Yunfei and Zhu Dan and hugged his fists:

"Thank you for saving my life. Pei Jishi can't repay you in this life!"

"Captain Pei, don't be so polite!"

Mu Yunfei waved his hand. He didn't care about the cliché. Moreover, the person who really saved Pei Jishi was himself. If he hadn't persistently knocked on the stone wall, how could Mu Yunfei have found it? It is impossible to find this extremely hidden underground cage, so he shook his head and continued:

"For us, this is just a hand-made effort! There is only one thing that I am very puzzled. Who was imprisoned here before, Captain Pei? Why did it look like that? And where did Shi Dalin, the judge who has been missing for a year, go?

It is often said that the heart of harming people is not allowed, and the heart of preventing people is indispensable! Although there is a life-saving grace, after all, it is not clear where Mu Yunfei came from. Just as Pei Jishi was hesitating whether to answer truthfully, he only heard Zhang Yao echo:

"Yes, the boss asked. That's exactly what I want to know. What happened to Captain Pei?"

Boss? Pei Jishi couldn't help looking at Mu Yunfei again. After looking at it carefully, he said to himself, "This person doesn't know where he came from, and he can let the judge of the Yin Sifu call him the boss? And I always feel that the breath on him is so familiar! Well, the ring in his hand is, ah! Pei Jishi finally remembered something. His face changed. He knelt down on Mu Yunfei, which was more respectful than treating Zhang Yao, the judge. He only heard him screaming:

"unfilial descendants, Pei Jishi, visit the head of the family!"

Waiting for Mu Yunfei's reaction, Zhang Yao unconsciously opened his mouth and secretly said, how did Pei Jishi call the boss the head of the family? Could it be that he came from the Duanmu family? If you look closely, it's really similar to the boss!

And Pei Jishi saw that Mu Yunfei just squirmed his lower lip, but did not say anything. He knew that he should know the existence of his sinner of the Duanmu family, but he didn't dare to confirm it, so he sighed and slowly did what happened thousands of years ago.

Pei Jishi is the direct descendant of the Duanmu family, formerly known as Duanmu Jishi! At that time, the head of the Duanmu family was Duan Mutian, who was the father of Duanmu Jishi, and his mother was the daughter of the Pei family in Lingnan. Duanmu Tian has six sons, and this Duanmu is the last in the world. Duan Mutian takes the name of helping the world, which means that he can help all sentient beings in the future and save the world in all difficulties!

However, Duanmu Jishi has gathered thousands of favorites since his birth, and gradually developed his proud and arrogant character. Duan Mutian, who is busy with ghost affairs, and his five brothers don't have time to discipline him, and he doesn't know the depth of heaven at a young age!

July 15 may be the most ordinary day for ordinary people, but it is a turning point in life for Duanmu Jishi.

On that day, the ghost gate opened, and of course, the Duanmu family, as a ghost family, went all out. Originally, this was a must-do thing every year. It was simply familiar, and there was nothing to worry about. But accidents often happen when you don't expect, and the haunted ghosts appear!

If there is a innate magic weapon camera mirror in hand, although Duan Mutian can't easily take down the soul-eating ghost, it will be a matter of time before victory! Did you know that the playful Duanmu Jishi secretly took away the camera mirror worshipped in the Yinyang Hall the night before, and he didn't know where he went crazy. So much so that Duan Mutian is not the opponent of the soul-eating ghost, drinking hatred on the spot.

When Duanmu Jishi jumped back to the Yinyang Hall with a spirit mirror, he saw that his parents and four of his five brothers had fallen into a pool of blood. What was more terrible was that their souls were all swallowed up by ghosts!

Looking at the relatives who usually loved him very much and left him forever, at this moment, Duanmu Jishi knew that he was wrong, but there was no regret medicine in the world. Just as he cried helplessly, the soul-eating ghost appeared again.

The angry and chagrin Duanmu Jishi desperately killed the soul-eating ghost! However, although there is a soul mirror in hand, Duanmu Jishi is too young. Before that, he only cared about playing and neglected to practice. He is not the opponent of soul-eating ghosts. Fortunately, the spirit mirror is an innate magic weapon. As a thing of the town family of the Duanmu family, of course, it takes it as his duty to protect the Duanmu family, but it will not let him die immediately.

Duanmu Jishi, who was determined to die to apologize for his sins, thought of a way to deal with this soul-eating ghost, which is to die together! Duanmu Shouren, the eldest brother who originally went to his place to suppress ghosts, that is, Duanmupeng's grandfather, has come back in a hurry at this moment, but he is still a step late and watched Duanmu Jishi and the soul-eating ghost being sucked into the spirit mirror together.

Duanmu Shouren had to turn to the three congenital ghost kings of the Yinsi Mansion, but as a result, he still could not return the life of Duanmu Jishi, but thinking about the special status of the Duanmu family, he allowed him to be reincarnated and become a human again. But I never thought that the stubborn Duanmu Jishi refused in any way. After jumping into the underworld and becoming a spiritual body, he was willing to stay in the underworld to atone for his sins.

Because of what he did, the whole Duanmu family almost destroyed the clan, so Duanmu Jishi changed his mother's surname from then on and changed his name to Pei Jishi, and did not dare to take himself as Duanmu's descendants! But I still haven't forgotten that as a member of the Duanmu family, after seeing the ghost ring brought by Mu Yunfei, which represents the head of the family, thousands of years of missing has finally been vented!

After listening to Pei Jishi's words, Mu Yunfei also confirmed that he was indeed the Duan Mu Jishi mentioned by Grandpa Duan Mupeng. Mu Yunfei quickly helped Pei Jishi up, grabbed his scalp, and said with great embarrasment:

"Get up quickly. You are my great-grandfather's uncle, so I'll call you an ancestor!"

Who knew that Pei Jishi shook his head repeatedly and said resolutely:

"The owner must never do it. I treat the guilty person, this ancestor can't be mentioned again. Moreover, there is no longer any Duanmu Jishi in the world, and there is only Pei Jishi, the captain of Misowu City. As long as the head of the family still admits that I am still a member of the Duanmu family, my heart will be enough!"

"This, this, okay! Pei, Captain Pei! Anyway, you are still my elder, so don't call my master, just call me Yunfei!" Knowing that it was his elder in front of him, but since Pei Jishi said so, Mu Yunfei had to reluctantly nod and agreed.

After looking at Mu Yunfei carefully for a while, Pei Jishi, who was originally relieved, suddenly grabbed Mu Yunfei's wrist, and his face became ugly. Zhang Yao, who was beside him, thought that Pei Jishi would be unfavorable to Mu Yunfei, but he was blocked by Zhu Dan. I heard Pei Jishi say in shock:

"Yunfei, why is it like this?"

It turned out that Pei Jishi intended to try the cultivation of Mu Yunfei, the young master of the wooden family, but he never thought that after the aura was injected into Mu Yunfei's body, it was like a stone sinking into the sea without a trace of feeling, especially the Dantian water whirlpool, which represented the cultivation of Mu Yunfei's condens elixir period, was motionless!

Every time there is a bad difference to go to the human world, Pei Jishi will entrust him to look at the current situation of the Duanmu family. He knows that today's Duanmu family is thin because of his mistakes. If Mu Yunfei does anything wrong, I'm afraid that the Duanmu family will really disappear in the human world! How can this not shock him?

Looking at Zhu Dan, Mu Yunfei sighed and said helplessly:

"It's a long story! Originally, I came to this black-blooded valley to try my luck..."

"Yunfei, do you think this is the Black Blood Valley?"

Mu Yunfei's words were interrupted by Pei Jishi. He shook his head and walked back and forth with a doubtful face. After a long time, he said affirmatively:

"No, this is by no means a black-blooded valley, but a wilderness of ten thousand ghosts! I still remember a year ago..."

In the hall of the judge's residence in Misowu City, Shi Dalin saw that the Yan Luodian Gong Cao went out, so he hurriedly turned to the study and sent someone to let Pei Jishi come to meet quickly.

Shi Dalin's personality Pei Jishi is very clear, and he is definitely a leader of a person in danger, but when he stepped into the study, when he saw Shi Dalin's restless appearance, he guessed that Shi Dalin must have encountered something extremely difficult.

Sure enough, Shi Dalin saw Pei Jishi's arrival and hurriedly greeted him to his desk, handed a thin leather document to Pei Jishi's hand, and motioned him to read the content of the document first!

After reading this document written in blood, Pei Jishi couldn't help but doubt it and said secretly, this is impossible! Didn't the three ghost kings go to see the Holy Heaven Reincarnation Emperor a few years ago and have not returned yet? How can there be a human-blooded order issued by the king of Yan Luo himself? Did anyone pretend to be the king's order? No, it's impossible! There are only six meritorious Caos in Yin Sifu. Shi Juan will definitely not recognize the wrong person, but how should this person explain it? Just as he secretly speculated in his heart, Shi Dalin's voice came to his ear:

"Jishi, what do you think of this man's bloody order?"

"Shi Jian, if you assume that this person's skin and blood order is true, then judging from the content of the book, it's too strange! Is it too impruly to order you and me to secretly go to Wanguihuang to complete this task? If it is assumed that this man's skin and blood order was deliberately forged, then it is nothing more than that you and I want to leave Misowu City for a period of time. Since it's fake, there can't be that thing. What can we do if we go to the ghost wilderness?"

Listening to Pei Ji's chiseled and head-headed analysis, Shi Dalin's originally uneasy heart also seemed to calm down and nodded. In fact, he knew in his heart that no matter whether this man's bloody order is true or not, he can't be disobeyed if he sees the order like seeing the king of the underhes.

"The next day, the two of us dressed up and quietly left the city and went to the wilderness of thousands of ghosts. And you have also seen the final result. I don't know the whereabouts of Shijudge now, but I'm afraid it's more or less auspicious!"

Although Pei Jishi described the matter very concisely, from what he said to the horror expression of the ghost wasteland, he must have encountered the so-called strange thing, but Pei Jishi was vague about this point and seemed unwilling to mention it. Zhang Yao, who has the most say on this matter, as a judge, helped him with a crooked official hat and said:

"Captain Pei, there is one thing I can tell you very clearly that the three kings did not return to the Yin Sifu! That is to say, the human skin and blood made a year ago is indeed false! But judging from your current experience, although the order is false, I'm afraid the content involved is true!"

Although he did not want to mention it, after thinking about it, Pei Jishi felt it was necessary to remind the two young people to carry his trembling hands behind his back, looked at the gap in the underground cage where he was imprisoned, and sighed:

"Yes! Who would have thought that there was really an ancient beast nightmare on this ten thousand ghost wasteland!"