Legend of the God

Chapter 316 The light is extinguished - gather and move around the nest

Although it is now a sunny day in March, it is still snowy and cold for the western earth city of the Western Jin Dynasty, which is the closest place to the northwest of the forbidden continent. However, in this cold weather, the Xitu City is extremely lively for no other reason. The western land is about to open in five days, and the Duanmu family of Jiuya, the Sima family of the Tomb of Thunder, Shen Tu Xiulan and so on have all gathered again according to Mu Yunfei's plan!

The small city of Madask, southwest of the glorious empire, also welcomed its guests, but to the surprise of the owner of Madask, the Holy See this time is not Pope Fates. Vanjo led the team, but those new faces that he had never seen before, but from the respectful appearance of the Pope, these people are all strong men from the City of the Sky. Is it possible that even the Great Light will fight in person this time? Is it true that there was a rumor that a peerless strong man wanted to challenge the Great Light? What shocked the lord of Madask even more was that the Dark Parliament also came here, and the Speaker of the Dark Parliament, Mali. Jimi is not the leader, and the leader is eleven extremely strong men in black! And the two sides of light and darkness, which are usually incompatible with water and fire, are in a joint place. Miraculously, there is no friction between the two forces.

Ganliang City in the west of the Lingtian Empire is also bustling. Countless strong people and famous families on the mainland have come to this desolate town that they will never set foot on.

On the peaks outside Xitu City, the air is full of fists, and the air waves are flying. It is an old man and a young man fighting. The old man is strong and strong, and the little god is handsome. These two are not others, but Duan Mupeng and Mu Yunfei!

Not long after both of them had survived the disaster, Duan Mupeng insisted on competing with Mu Yunfei. Grandpa asked how his children and grandchildren could refute his face, so Mu Yunfei could only bravely agree. And there are only two people in Xitu City who can see Mu Yunfei's real strength. One is Shen Tu Xiulan, and the other is Duanmu Qingyun!

It's just that Duanmu Qingyun didn't expect that the crossing Jiuyan thunderstorm was actually his son. In addition to being happy, he also secretly worried about Duan Mupeng. As the saying goes, "the sword has no eyes". On the one hand, it is the grandfather, and on the other hand, it is a son. In case something happens, it will be difficult to clean up, so before the two, Duanmu Qingyun repeatedly Reminder that the war is approaching, Duan Mupeng must show mercy. In fact, this is to remind Mu Yunfei!

One did his best, and the other kept his hand everywhere, but also fought vigorously!

Duan Mupeng became a refined man. After a long time, he found that Mu Yunfei was giving up himself. He was not happy. He withdrew his fist and called out the innate magic weapon "Spirit Mirror"!

As soon as the "Spirit Mirror" came out, all the gods and ghosts were shocked! Everyone took a step back from the battle. The "Spirit Mirror" has the ability to block, capture spirits and break defense. Now Duan Mupeng has survived the heavenly disaster and become a quasi-immortal in the Mahayana period, and these abilities have been 100% used.

The ban and theshe ling are both soul attacks, but they are all controlled by Duan Mupeng, so not only will the heart hurt Mu Yunfei, so there is no scruples. As soon as he comes up, he used these two abilities at the same time. With one hand, he saw the "Spirit Mirror" emits thousands of blue rays and shines towards Mu Yunfei.

"Good to come!" Mu Yunfei smiled and closed his eyes, allowing him to be covered by blue light.

"What?" Seeing that the "spirit mirror" did not play its due role, Duan Mupeng let out amazed. When he was about to increase the aura input, he saw Mu Yunfei's eyes suddenly open, and an invisible soul force exploded in an instant, and the blue light broke inch until it finally dissipated.

"I didn't expect Xiaofei to be so good that you could break the ban and the spirit of the camera mirror, okay! He deserves to be a good son of the Duanmu family! Then let you see the second form of the spirit mirror!" In fact, Duan Mupeng didn't know that only three months ago, Mu Yunfei understood the skills of fighting souls in the soul seal of the Great Light God Yuan, otherwise he would have been banned from the soul space by the "Spirit Mirror"!

When the words fell, Duan Mupeng spewed a mouthful of blood to the "photograph mirror". The "photograph mirror" suddenly changed, and a high roar sounded, a series of powerful lights flashed in the air, and a powerful body suddenly appeared in the sky.

Except for Duanmu Qingyun and Shen Tu Xiulan, the people who watched the battle were all changed. This sudden appearance of the white robe and golden crown put too much pressure on them. It was the pressure from the soul and almost made them breathless.

"This is the second form of the camera mirror, called calling the god, which can summon ghosts and gods that are comparable to or higher than the user's own strength in the underworld. Now grandpa is in the Mahayana period, and there is a 50% chance of summoning the ghost king! Look, this man is Yan Luo, one of the three ghost kings of the Yinsi Mansion! If his grandfather becomes a mysterious fairy, it is not impossible to call out the ghost emperor!" As the current owner of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Qingyun is still quite familiar with the spirit mirror and has introduced it to you at this moment.

"King of Yanluo, quickly capture Xiaofei alive, there must be no mistake! Huh?" Duan Mupeng looked at the king of hell puzzledly. According to reason, whether the king of hell is the ghost king of the Yin Sifu or the little ghost of the underworld, after becoming the second form of the "camera mirror", he must not disobey Duan Mupeng's order, but at this moment, the king of hell did not move at all, just stunned and did not know what he was thinking.

"King of Yan, why don't you do it!" Although Duan Mupeng can control the king of hell at this moment, he does not dare to shout at him, because with his strength, he can only maintain the second form for half an hour. After half an hour, the king of hell will return to the underworld. If he scolds him now, in case, he may be reincarnated again in the future. At that time, if the king of hell records Qiu, put a pair of shoes on, that's bad!

The King of Yanluo did not answer Duan Mupeng's words. He shook his body slightly. After the blue light burst, it became the same size as ordinary people. Even the previous pressure was restrained. With a slight step, he appeared in front of Mu Yunfei the next moment. Under Duan Mupeng's puzzlement and doubt, under the worry of the people watching the battle, he stretched out to Mu Yunfei. Hands out.

"Brother, be careful!"


Duanmu Yifei and Yang Zhuimeng shouted almost at the same time. When King Yan heard these two shouts, he turned his head and looked at the two women. His bright eyes swept over Duan Mu Yifei and Yang Zhuimeng without stopping at all. But when he was about to turn his head, he was suddenly stunned and hurriedly focused his eyes on Yang Zhuimeng again, smiled slightly, and then turned his head to look at Mu Yunfei.

At this moment, Mu Yunfei also stretched out his hands and saw the four powerful hands clenched together.

"I said, Lao Yan, we haven't seen each other for 500 years. What do you mean by staring at my wife when we meet?"

"Cough, I said Yunfei, what you said! After that war, we were all worried about you. We didn't expect you to come to the fairyland. It seems that everything is God's will! However, if you find a daughter-in-law, you don't inform me and Meng Po, so that we can be happy for you!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, not only Duan Mupeng was dumbfounded this time, but also Duan Mu Qingyun and others were stunned for a while. What is this? The king of Yan and Mu Yunfei recruited by the old man actually knew each other, and it was not as simple as they knew each other!

"Notify you? How can I notify? This is the fairyland, and only the fairy tomb can go!"

"That's true! Speaking of which, it's a great help for us to see each other again! Since Yunfei is fine and you can meet your younger siblings again, you should cherish it! There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with, so I won't stay any more! See you later!" The king of hell is right. After experiencing the chaos of the Yin Sifu, I'm afraid that it is impossible for the Yin Sifu to recover without a thousand years. He has a lot of things to deal with.

"Okay, let's meet again!"

The two arched their hands with each other, and a blue light flashed. The "spirit mirror" revealed the body. Obviously, the king of hell has returned to the Yin Sifu. Only Mu Yunfei shook his head and sighed in the air and said in his heart, Lao Yan, I'm afraid you misunderstood. I haven't found your sister yet! ......

A fight is over. After returning to the city, Mu Yunfei gathered everyone to meet in the hall of the city's mansion. Five days before the opening of the western land, it was time to make the whole plan public and make a final correction.

"What? Xiaofei, do you mean that you are the actual controller of this so-called Western land? So this is the map of the lost continent?" When Mu Yunfei explained the detailed plan to everyone present, Duanmu Qingyun stood up first.

"That's right! As long as the Lost Continent appears, I can inform the Beast God Sect there to work together!" There is no doubt that the revelation of "white-haired sword killing gods" spread in the lost continent is the capital left by the twelve gods and beasts for Mu Yunfei. The four beast gods are now the solid backing to support Mu Yunfei to eliminate the two major forces, but I don't know how many monks of the four beast gods have broken through in the past 500 years. I'm afraid the four fierce beasts are not enough. After all, the other party has countless Mahayana masters!

"However, the two major forces have thousands of blood clans, which is also a big trouble! Although their strength is not strong, they can't stand the large number of people!" This was said by Li Cheng, who had been undercover in the dark parliament for ten years. According to his understanding, there are five blood clans in the Dark Parliament alone. There are not many high-end strength of these blood clans, but the blood duke is a big one, and no matter how powerful it is, he can't stand the siege of so many dukes.

"Li Cheng is right. Not only the Dark Parliament, but also the Great Light Holy See has some little-known hidden forces, such as the Man-eating Legion of the Dark Parliament and the Crazy Legion of the Great Light Holy See!" The only swary of the Revono family, Li Cheng's wife, Jimmy, also echoed.

"Report!" At this time, a city guard came to the hall and knelt on one knee to Sima Jinglei:


Sima Jinglei was the founding emperor of the Western Jin Dynasty, so he didn't know what to call the city guard, but he was also witty. Suddenly, he remembered that many elders in his hometown called Taigong or grandma, so he had an idea and cleared his throat and said:

"Your Majesty the Emperor! There are three people outside asking for a meeting, saying that they are from the Warren Mountains!"

The Emperor? This name is very good! But from the Wallen Mountains? Sima Jinglei turned his head and looked at Mu Yunfei. The latter smiled and said:

"It was Jin Jue and the other three, and they finally arrived!"

Sima Jinglei saw Mu Yunfei nod and hurriedly ordered to the city guard:

"Tell them in!"

Duanmu Yifei has heard a lot about Mu Yunfei since he was a child, but he is quite worshipped. Seeing Mu Yunfei say this, he secretly said in his heart, who is this Jin Jue? Is it difficult for another three strong men? My brother is so awesome that he knows such a strong man!

And Mu Yunfei also stood up at this moment, glanced at the crowd, and finally stopped on Li Cheng and Jimmy's faces, showing a confident smile and said:

"Don't worry, if there is no accident, the blood clan will no longer be in our hearts!"