Legend of the God

Chapter 334 Forbidden Sea - Swallowing the Sea

What does it mean? Why is this the Sea Palace? Mu Yunfei looked around. Except for the wanton water tornado and the endless dark blue sea water, where did the sea palace come from? At this time, his heart was full of questions. But after he calmed down a little, he realized a possibility, a possibility that he did not want to accept, that is, the place where he was was the sea palace, and the sea palace was in the body of swallowing the sea.

"Look at your expression, do you seem to have guessed it? Yes, the place you are in is the emperor's body, and of course the sea palace is also here! Ha ha, human beings should give up. It is equivalent to another space in the emperor's body. Here the emperor is the master, and the power in your body cannot be mobilized!"

The words of swallowing the sea are like a heavy hammer hitting Mu Yunfei's heart, but now it can't be changed. As Tunhai said, the magic power of his inner body can no longer be mobilized, and even floating in the air feels extremely difficult. At this moment, it is just a strong support.

The reason why Tianjun is called Tianjun is that after arriving at Tianjun, he has magical skills and reigns over the world! And being able to create a split with the yuan god is the most basic magic power of the heavenly king, just like a sea horde and Yang Jian. And for swallowing the sea, it's too easy to use the split! It is his doppelganger who usually sits and guard the sea palace. This time, the royal driver's personal expedition is his doppelganger. Even when you are hurt by the sky, it is just his doppelganger. The body of swallowing the sea merged with the whole sea palace ten thousand years ago, so his words are not exaggerated at all. He is the master here!

And what is the magic power of swallowing the sea? Now Mu Yunfei has seen it with his own eyes and blends with the sea to create his own space!

"My cultivation is almost Tianjun now, but I don't have the magic power that Tianjun can have, and I didn't expect that the key to life and death this time is precisely on this magical power!"

It's too late for Mu Yunfei to know this! The divine power in the body has been imprisoned by nearly 90%, and it can no longer hold on. The body slowly fell down. When it was about to fall into the sea, a huge bubble slowly emerged from the sea. Mu Yunfei's future and reaction were sucked in by bubbles.

This is a palace. The huge plaque outside the palace is engraved with three words that are absolutely not understandable by human beings, but as long as you have a brain, you know that these three words are "sea palace".

Mu Yunfei just took a step and felt that his whole body was bursting**. He couldn't help kneeling and kneeling to the ground. The divine power in his body finally responded to the confinement and began to operate crazily. Mu Yunfei sat cross-legged with difficulty, constantly guiding and guiding and guiding the violent divine power.

I don't know how long it took, Mu Yunfei woke up peacefully, stretched out his hands and exhaled a turbid breath. He only felt that his whole body was extremely comfortable. Looking inside, he found that the divine power in his body not only did not block at all, but also was more pure and larger than before.

"What the hell is going on?"

After that, Mu Yunfei not only put away his doubts, but also suddenly wanted to know what this swallowing sea wanted to do to him. After tidying up his clothes a little, he walked into the sea palace with his head held high.

This hall is extremely luxurious, and the fist-sized night pearls are embedded in the top of the hall, making it extremely bright. Nine dragon pillars stand in all directions, giving people a sense of majesty! However, there is no one in the hall except some sea monster maids. It seems that the subordinates who swallowed the sea followed him!

Tanghai has sat on a high throne, showing the color of the emperor. He raised a golden wine glass in his right hand to Mu Yunfei, but smiled:

"My split is too tyrannical to hurt you! But it's not tyrannical. Such a big sea of taboos, if you don't use some means, how can those guys convince me? However, it's absolutely wrong for him to want me to wait for him! All right, don't say that! Mu Yunfei, you are the emperor's distinguished guest. Come on, take a seat quickly!"

How does he know what my name is? Why can't I see his strength clearly? Mu Yunfei took a deep breath. It seems that this is the essence of swallowing the sea. Whether it is temperament or majesty, it is much better than the previous split, but his split is Tianjun. So what extent has his physical strength reached?

I don't know what Tunhai meant by saying this, but Mu Yunfei didn't answer. He arched his hand and walked to the table and chair that had been prepared for him for a long time. It's just that he took a few steps, and his body shook slightly, because there were still three human beings sitting next to his seat. If it were only human beings, it would not make him so gaffe. What surprised him was that two of them were Zhen Huan and Li Mochou, who had been separated for many years!

Mu Yunfei turned around, his face turned pale, and questioned the sea with a smile:

"Swallow the sea, what does this mean? Why imprison them!"

"In confinement?" Mu Yunfei's words made Tunhai also look inexplicable, but he immediately understood and shook his head and smiled:

"This is not imprisonment! When the emperor wakes up, the sea of the sea palace is my absolute space. Anyone and any siren will submit to me, then the aura in their bodies will not be used. Aren't you the same?

So that's it, but I'm not listed now! Mu Yunfei couldn't deny it. He was not talking, but nodded to Zhen Huan, Li Mochou and Wuhua and sat down. This is not a good place to talk about the past. It's better to see what tricks he plays with swallowing the sea.

At this moment, Tunhai stood up, raised his golden wine glass above his head again, and said to Mu Yunfei and the four people:

"Today, I am very happy. I have slept for ten thousand years. As soon as I woke up, I met my old friend first. It's really an honor! Wuhua's old friend, I will give you a toast first!"

After saying that, regardless of Wuhua's reaction, drink it all first!

Mu Yunfei turned his head and looked at this gray-haired middle-aged man and said to himself, Wuhua? Which Wuhua? Is it Chengzhi's master?

"Senior swallowing the sea, you are killing the younger generation! Originally, the younger generation was lucky enough to pass by this place and almost lost his life. This time the younger generation came to the Sea Palace to see you, but he didn't think of your split... Ha ha, but seeing that the senior is still so tough, the younger generation is also very happy!" Wuhua also drank all the wine in his hand and sat down with a smile.

Wuhua's call of Tunhai "senior" is not pretentious. Mu Yunfei can hear the sincerity revealed in his tone, and then look at Zhen Huan and Li Mochou both surprised, and it seems that he did not expect that Wuhua and Tunhai are old acquaintances.

Tanghai put down his wine glass, slowly walked down the steps to Wuhua and stretched out his hands, and Wuhua did the same. The two actually shook each other and smiled. Tunhai gently patted the back of Wuhua's hand, looked at the white hair, and said softly:

"Don't be a senior. If it weren't for you, your master, there would be no emperor! To this day, I dare not forget each other! However, Wuhua's old friend, I haven't seen you for ten thousand years, why..."

Seeing Tunhai talking about the master, Wuhua closed his wet eyes, and his thoughts also returned to the era when there was no divine punishment ten thousand years ago...

"Master, is it the continent full of fairy stones after crossing this big river?" Wuhua, who was less than ten years old, pulled the broad sleeves of Master Yue Feng and said shyly.

"Fairy stones everywhere? Huaer, who are you talking about? And this is not a river, but a sea, a sea! In fact, you are right. There are many natural treasures on that continent, but it is because of those things, the monsters in that continent and this sea are the targets of the monks! Huaer, you should remember that people are doing things, and God is watching! Once you are too greedy and kill too much, you will be sent by God! This time, I took you to that continent. One is to find a treasure from an elder in Haoyuemen who has been missing for tens of thousands of years. Your master was plotted this time, and the yuan god was seriously injured. Only that treasure can cure him! Second, it also allows you to see, and many things that you can't understand, and I'm afraid I won't have time to talk to you in the future. You can only read, listen and understand by yourself!"

Yue Feng's words left a root in the young Wuhua's heart, especially the sentence "People are doing things, God is watching"!

"Master, look, look! Wow, what a big fish! But what are those people doing? Master, go and save the fish. It's so pitiful. It's dying!"

Looking at Wuhua, who was so anxious that he was about to cry, Yue Feng shook his head helplessly, picked up Wuhua away from the ship, and flew to the group of people.

"Eight crossing periods, two Mahayana periods, but dealing with a sea monster that has just crossed the disaster really lost the face of our human monks!"

Although I don't know how high the master's cultivation is, his extremely disdainful attitude towards those people made Wuhua's little head rise high, as if he was also a top master.

Those people obviously knew Yue Feng and stopped at the same time. One of them stepped forward, arched his hand to Yue Feng, and said very respectfully:

"Senior Yue Feng, we are also for..."

"I know what you are for, just for its demon soul! But Taoist friends, now that there are many killings, the sky will be angry. Why don't you let it go and have a good relationship today?

Yue Feng's face was calm and talked. The ten people did not object. At the same time, after nodding, he no longer cared about the dying sea monster and left.

"It seems to be in pain. Can the master save it?"

Yue Feng did not refuse, because he would soon fly to the fairyland. At that time, even if he wanted to do something for Wuhua, he could not do it! After touching Wuhua's little head, Yue Feng made a trick and saw soft cyan light constantly enter the body of the sea monster, and the wounds that were constantly bleeding were constantly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Wuhua opened his eyes and sighed:

"Alas, time flies. I was still ignorant in those years, but now it's time to run out of oil!"

Looking at the lively, cute and innocent little boy, swallowing the sea is also sighing, but now is not the time to talk about these, because he has more important things, let go of Wuhua's hand, turned to Mu Yunfei and said:

"Mu Yunfei, are you ready?"

"What are you going to prepare?" Mu Yunfei stood up and said puzzledly.

Tunhai did not answer Mu Yunfei's question. With one hand, a strange fluctuation instantly appeared in the hall. Wuhua and the three have not yet reacted. There are no traces of Tunhai and Mu Yunfei in the hall!

"Brother, where did Tunhai fly with Yunfei?"

"I don't know about this! But you are also ready. According to my calculation, you can leave here in a while! Brother and sister, Haoyuemen will be handed over to you in the future!" Wuhua handed over a token to Zhen Wan's hand, but turned to the back hall, and his whole body seemed to be much old at this moment!

Li Mochou wanted to stop Wuhua, but was stopped by Zhen Huan. The two knelt down at the same time and kowtowed three times to Wuhua's lonely back!