Legend of the God

Chapter 355 Shenzang-Apprentice Conference

"Bun, sw, sw!"

Three loud bells seemed to break through the layers of clouds covering the sky with the rising sun, ringing over the flame mountain, and the originally noisy square suddenly quieted down.


The main door of the Divine Gate was knocked open, and a woman in a red shirt slowly walked out of the inner hall. Some Sanxiu had recognized people. She was Yang, the deputy head of the divine gate, the flame fairy!

"It's a dream!" Mu Yunfei smiled. The gentle, strong and stubborn girl who had taken care of him for three years finally grew up.

Yang Zhumeng's journey did not contain a trace of fireworks, and she looked calm and calm. If you look carefully, you will find that the soles of her feet are not touching the ground and always floating about two inches from the ground. And in the gap between these two inches, the five-color light is flowing constantly, just like the fairy who doesn't eat fireworks in the world!

"Guys, everyone has been waiting for a long time, please forgive me!"

Seeing Yang Zhuimeng showing such a trace, the Sanxiu present were very surprised, and those sects who came to see the lively also began to be serious. This flame fairy is really great! It is not difficult to maintain a flat posture in the air and speak loudly. As long as you have the strength of the divine period, almost everyone can do it, but Yang Zhumeng's whole body makes people feel a fluctuation of aura, as if it should be. Is this flame fairy really just crossing the peak of the disaster? I'm afraid that the Mahayana period may not be able to do it!

"Five-color flame! Awesome! Brother, what do you think of this flame fairy? Qin Chuan, who was watching in the distance, said to Dan Lingzi with a shocked face.

"The five elements rotate with each other and become a fire. With this hand, I can barely do it!" Dan Lingzi's face is solemn, and now he is still worried that this divine sect may be a member of that mysterious force.

Seeing that everyone in the square saluted him one after another, Yang Zhuimeng knew that what Feiye's "down" had played a role. He smiled faintly, raised his hands and continued to say:

"Don't be so polite! Do you feel strange? Generally speaking, the sect will accept apprentices after the opening ceremony, but why does this sect put the cart before the horse? Dear colleagues, please have a look!"

Everyone's eyes followed the direction pointed by Yang Zhuimeng's delicate jade hand and saw a five-foot-high black wordless monument erected in the south of the square. In fact, everyone had seen this wordless monument. At first, they thought it was used by the Divine Gate to engrave the name of the sect, but now from Yang Zhuimeng's words, it seemed different. It's useful!

The square is very quiet, and everyone is waiting for Yang Zhuimeng's follow-up.

And Yang Zhuimeng did not speak, but gently pinched his slender fingers at the wordless tablet. A wisp of blue-red flame floated out from her fingers. The flame condensed and seemed to float gently to the wordless tablet, but wherever they passed, the scattered practitioners below could feel the heat. It was difficult for them to imagine if the fire Flame magnified ten times to attack itself, I'm afraid there is no scum left!

The flame stayed in the upper right corner of the wordless tablet. At this moment, everyone looked up and saw a trace of stone debris falling from the wordless tablet, but it turned into flying ash in mid-air.

"That's actually a black stone! A black stone as big as a hill is really a loser!" Dan Lingzi is an chemist of refining and making Fu. Seeing those slippery black gold stone crumbs, he immediately shouted sadly. When making Lingzi, he only needs to add a nail-sized black shining stone powder to raise Ling Fu to a whole level! I didn't expect that this god gate would take such a large piece of black shining stone to engrave his name. If Qin Chuan hadn't reacted quickly and pulled Dan Lingzi first, maybe he would have rushed up.

"Old man, don't stop me, let's see how I teach this prodigal child!"

"Brother, I'm not stopping you. Look at the black shining stone first!" Qin Chuan pouted and motioned Dan Lingzi to look at it first.

"Yes! This is a black stone. How can this be possible!" Dan Lingzi did calm down. To be precise, he seemed to see Medusa's eyes and fell into petrification. The hardness of the black flare stone is not much worse than that of the star meteorite. It usually takes at least ten days and a half months to grind it into powder, but the sliding black flare crumbs he had seen before were completely in the wisp of blue and red flame. It has melted, and at this moment, the four regular characters have appeared in the upper right corner of the wordless tablet.

"Xin Tu Xiulan! Who?" Just as everyone was talking about who Shen Tu Xiulan was, they only heard Yang Zhuimeng say loudly:

"Please invite the chief elder of Shenzunmen, Shen Tuxian!"

Still in a palace costume, the cold and beautiful Shen Tu Xiulan quietly floated out of the main door. If Yang Zhuimeng is a fairy, and Shen Tu Xiulan is the queen mother alive. Her coldness makes her more luxurious, and her every move is majestic.

"She, she...she!"

Dan Lingzi is a little puzzled. His old brother has never seen any big storms and waves. When he founded the Zhengqi League, he had never been so embarrassed when he was besieged by several sects and was in crisis, but now he is not even used to talking.

"Old man, is there anything wrong with that girl? Is she your illegitimate daughter?

"If only I had such a daughter! Brother Dao, what actually surprised me was her cultivation! If I guess correctly, this Shentu fairy is at least a Xuanxian!" Qin Chuan felt that Dan Lingzi's joke was not funny at all. He originally thought that there was at least one immortal in the door of this god, but he didn't expect that the first appearance had a cultivation that even he could not see through.

"Xuanxian? Are you right? Seeing Qin Chuan nodded heavily, Dan Lingzi became a stone man again.

Yang Zhuimeng did not give everyone a chance to breathe. His hands bounced continuously. Under the beating of the blue and red flames, names appeared on the wordless tablet from right to left.

"Please invite the second elder of Shenzunmen, not night!"

"Please invite the third elder of the God Gate, Zhen Wan!"

"Please invite the fourth elder of the God's Gate, Situ Fairy!"

"Please protect the left side of the God, Thunder God Ningyuan!"

"Please protect the right side of the god's door, Fengshen Fei Chengzhi!"

"Please be the head of the Divine Gate Precept Hall, Mu Tianlang. Break the sky!"

"Please guard the immortal beast, Yujiu!"


Looking at the strong men who appeared at the main door, there were a little sweat on the foreheads of the two old men standing side by side in the void not far away. These two are Fengyang, the elder from Liuzhou Shendan Sect, and Ji Molin, the elder of Wuzhou.

"E elder Feng, the strong strength of this divine sect has exceeded the original estimate!" Jimin said with his fingers trembling slightly.

"Well, they seem to be at the apprenticeship meeting today, but in fact they are giving us all kinds of prestige! To be honest, I really admire this divine door. This hand is beautiful, and tomorrow's opening ceremony will be much smoother! At least we won't take action again, will Elder Ji?"

"That's true! Elder Feng, do you think there will be any eye-catching sect to die tomorrow?

"What does this have to do with our two factions? Ha ha, I've seen everything I should see. Let's go!"


"All of you have seen it! These are the elder guardians of this sect. No matter where you come from or which sect you originally come from, as long as you can pass their test today, you can worship them as your teacher and participate in tomorrow's opening ceremony as the first generation of disciples of the Shenzun sect! At the same time, your names will always be engraved on this tablet, resounding with the divine gate throughout the true fairyland and shocking the fairyland!"

After saying this, Yang Zhuimeng announced loudly to the excited monks in the square:

"The Shenzun Door Apprentice Conference has officially begun!"


The word "san xiu" actually brings a lot of discrimination in the fairyland, so no one wants to become a scatter cultivation! As a immortalist who enters the sect, if his understanding is mediocre and his cultivation is lagging behind, he will not escape the end of being kicked out of the wall and become a despised abandoner! Some of these people have given up their practice and joined the military departments of the four countries. Some are unwilling to fail and practice with the most basic skills of each sect. As long as a sect releases the news of the apprenticeship, it will flock to them. Although disappointment is greater than hope every time, they still persist! They may not have a high understanding, but their persistence and perseverance are not comparable to those so-called natural talents.

Of course, there are also some alternative types in the scattered cultivation. These people belong to transcendence. Their cultivation is even worse than the top masters of major sects, but there are very few such people!

Zuo Guixing is a scattered practice. He does not belong to the detached kind. He is an abandoned disciple like most scattered practitioners! The only difference is that he was abandoned by the Kunlun faction, one of the three hermit sects.

When he was young, Zuo Guixing reflected a superior understanding and became Yuanying at the age of ten, which can no longer be described as genius. However, when he was admitted to the Kunlun faction, that understanding seemed to have completely disappeared overnight. In a hundred years, it took him a whole hundred years to enter the combination period, which made all the attention to him Those elders were disappointed, which also doomed his tragic fate in the future.

All the special treatment is gone, and the brothers who originally flattered him were cold-eyed and fisted. From the core disciple to the object of attention, he moved from the inner courtyard to the outer courtyard, from the outer courtyard until he was expelled from Kunlun.

The moment he left Kunlun in the East China Sea, Zuo Guixing vowed that one day he would come back and return all the humiliations he received.

Two hundred years later, Zuo Guixing's footprints were almost all over the four continents, and he reached the peak of the later period of the combination with the basic skill of Kunlun. But the basic skill is the basic skill, and he can never break through.

According to theory, 300 years of self-cultivation in the later stage of the combination, even if he is not a genius, it is quite outstanding, but when those sects heard that Zuo Guixing was a Kunlun abandoned disciple, they immediately turned him away. No one knows the rules of the Kunlun School in the true fairy continent, and no one else can accept the disciples of the Kunlun School!

To be honest, Zuo Guixing also came to try his luck this time, but when he heard Yang Zhuimeng say that no matter what sect he came from before, as long as he could pass the test, he could join the divine sect, his increasingly cold heart warmed up again.

Clenching his rattling fist, Zuo Guixing roared in his heart:

"I will definitely succeed, and I will definitely go back! Kunlun faction, wait!"