Legend of the God

Chapter 368 Shenzang - Strange Sculpture

Lian Tian did escape, and the blood escape of the blood demon was difficult to pursue, especially the blood demon who had reached the cultivation of the demon emperor. There was nothing he could do to escape from Mu Yunfei. Like the battle of the Lost Continent, if Mu Yunfei hadn't let Yang Zhuimeng wait in advance, even the split would have been difficult to kill!

However, Fortunately, after using blood escape, this continuous cultivation will inevitably fall to the demon king. The demon king is nothing to Mu Yunfei, who is already the peak of the heavenly king and holds six locks and Pangu axe!

Of course, this blood demon can be said to be the most difficult opponent among the strong people Mu Yunfei met in the fairyland. This blood demon is the only one who can eat Mu Yunfei's "power to break the sky" with all his strength.

Chasing? Mu Yunfei is now seriously injured, and his divine power is almost exhausted. Where does he have the strength to chase and kill Lian Tian? Even if Gong Yingchang and Lv Guoan are allowed to go, it is extremely difficult to find someone in this maze-like corridor. Even if they catch up, the two of them are not Liantian's opponents.

From the sneak attack to the battle with Mu Yunfei and the escape, it was all a flash of lightning. When Gong Yingchang completely reacted from the shock, he had seen Mu Yunfei fall down, and he was immediately scared and trembled sadly:


"Cough, I can't die!" Mu Yunfei, who was lying on his back on the ground, had a mouthful of blood foam with bubbles. Although his breath was messy, it had obviously suppressed the injury in his body. Raising his hand, Mu Yunfei wanted to wipe away the blood spilling from the corners of his mouth, but there was nothing he could do. He closed his eyes and said faintly:

"It's not so easy to want my life."

Mu Yunfei's golden body is great, and he has the power to protect his body. It's really not that easy to die.

"Help me into the cave!"

The original owner of this real demon tomb is a blood demon. Of course, it is not today's blood demon, but the cave of the real demon blood demon! This cave is located in the middle of the Sawwood Mountains, with mountain walls on all sides. Only the cracks between the mountain walls can penetrate a trace of light, and it is difficult to find its existence from the air.

Mu Yunfei wanted to recover from his injury, so he temporarily lived in the cave. Gong Yingchang and Lu Anguo were not polite at all. They quickly explored the whole cave, dug up almost every inch, and put all the things that could be taken away into the universe bag.

The loss of divine power greatly extended Mu Yunfei's healing time. After more than a month, although there is a top-grade fairy stone, its magic power has only recovered about three layers. Fortunately, the broken ribs and damaged meridians of the front chest have been repaired, and it is no big problem to walk.

Mu Yun flew out of the cave and was still thinking about it. Recalling the battle with Lian Tian that day, he was indeed a little careless. There was a little hasty between attack and defense. Even if the absolute spiritual treasure was alive, he almost died. This should not be!

Looking up, it seemed to see the blue sky through the small wall. Mu Yunfei's two sword eyebrows were tightly twisted together. Although Lian Tian fled, the haze lingering in Mu Yunfei's heart always lingered. After coming to the real magic tomb, it seemed to become stronger.

"Lord, I have destroyed the blood cave. This continuous collection is really a lot!"

"It's Ying Chang! Lian Tian has this blood cave of the real demon tomb, and he can practice his skills. So is there still some similar to Lian Tian on the magic continent, and he has also been inherited by the real demon? If these people only know that cultivation is okay, in case they are like Lian Tian... That's troublesome.

Looking at Mu Yunfei's poor face, Gong Yingchang also smiled and said:

"The Lord's concern is that this blood cave is said to be the auxiliary magic weapon formed by the blood demon who killed thousands of monks and obtained the condensation of their blood, and as long as the Blood Demon Sutra has enough blood, the cultivation is incredibly fast! I think that when he defected to the Yan killing emperor, he was just a late demon god, but now he is a high-ranking demon emperor! Now that I think about it, it's really difficult for me to accept that this Blood Book can not be affected by the ban of the fairyland!"

Mu Yun flew a little and sighed slightly:

"Yingchang, as far as you know, is this real demon like a blood demon? I don't understand. In other words, which of those skills of real demon cultivation is generally more evil than the Blood Demon Sutra?

"This, I"

"Lord, I know this!" As soon as Lu Anguo's voice fell, he came close to Mu Yunfei. Seeing that his speed seemed to have improved a lot.

"Lord, you know that I was originally the bodyguard of the Boyang demon. I accidentally heard him say that there are two aliens among the ancient real demons, one of which is the blood demon. He feeds on blood, and if there is blood, it will not die! The second is the soul demon. He practiced the Condensation Sutra, which cultivates by devouring other people's souls, and his cultivation is above all real demons, but the Condensation Sutra is too vicious. In the end, the soul demons fell under the joint attack of other real demons!"

"Devour the soul!" Gong Yingchang's face suddenly changed. He suddenly remembered that Mu Yunfei had killed a group of subordinates of Xingyun Demon King when he first arrived in the magic continent. At that time, didn't he just devour the souls of those demon practitioners? Is this Lord the heir of the soul demon?

"Ying Chang, do you think I am the inheritor of some kind of soul demon?" How can Gong Yingchang hide his thoughts from Mu Yunfei?

"Lord, I dare not speculate!"

Looking at Gong Yingchang's frightened and sweaty appearance, Mu Yunfei smiled indifferently, spread his right hand, a dark light flashed, and six locks lay quietly in the palm of his hand.

"I can refine those souls, as long as it's her! Do you know what this is? She is the magic weapon of the Holy Heavenly Reincarnation Emperor in the underworld - Six Locks! The two worlds of yin and yang and six reincarnations are all under the control of these six locks! Unfortunately, although she recognizes me as the Lord, she can't be driven by me!" Mu Yunfei shook his head with a wry smile.

Gong Yingchang finally realized that he had such a feeling. The stone that had been pressed on his heart for several years was finally put down.

"Lord, take a look, you can make a fortune this time!"

Lv Anguo didn't know what Mu Yunfei and Gong Yingchang were talking about, and poured out the things he had found in the cave from the universe bag.

Most of the treasures in the cave were left by real demons, and Lian Tian did not put them away. With his cultivation, who can pay attention to this cave? This is cheaper for Mu Yunfei and others.

The treasure is not very attractive to Mu Yunfei, but when his soul power glanced at the mountains of heavenly and earth treasures, his breathing became a little short.

What surprised Mu Yunfei was a star meteorite no less than Changle Buddha Mansion!

The combination of the Sky Gun and Sirius is a new attempt. Although Mu Yunfei succeeded, he has been distressed by the advancement of Mu Sirius. Mu Tianlang is neither a demon practitioner nor an immortal practitioner. To be precise, he is an artifact. He can't practice skills or anything else, and the only thing that can make him advanced is to improve the quality of the gun that breaks through the sky again. But the star meteorite as the main material is not the gravel on the roadside, and this time there is such a big piece in the cave of the blood demon. How can we not surprise Mu Yunfei?

As for other magic weapons, there are not many treasures that can enter the wooden cloud flying and wooden cloud flying magic eye. In terms of quality, those magic weapons are indeed good, but they are worse than those given by Mu Yunfei to Gong Yingchang and others.

"Is that all?"

"That's all, but Lord, you have been healing, so you haven't searched it yet!" Lu Anguo smiled and pointed to the stone room where Mu Yunfei had been before.

"What are you still doing? Why don't you go quickly! It's important to find a baby! Ha ha!" With the star meteorite, Mu Tianlang is expected to advance, and Mu Yunfei is also in a good mood.

But nearly an hour later, when he saw that the two had not yet come out, Mu Yunfei felt a little strange and stepped in. The stone room has lost its previous appearance. The stone bed, stone benches, etc. have all been turned over, and the walls are full of potholes. Obviously, the stone room has been thoroughly searched by two people. But Gong Yingchang looked fanatical at this moment, holding a sculpture like holding a sacred object. And Lv Anguo, who was beside him, seemed to be drooling like a beautiful woman, so he giggled and muttered:

"Beautiful, it's so beautiful!"

Mu Yunfei took a slight look at the sculpture and couldn't help but feel ashamed. He guess only Lv Anguo felt that the sculpture was extremely beautiful. In fact, this sculpture is an extremely ferocious monster, with a convex nose, a huge mouth and sharp teeth like saws. Two pairs of horns in front of the forehead are protruding forward. A pair of thick horns on the beast's head extends back to the tail. All four feet are sharp tiger claws with a little cold light. This sculpture is made of something, just like a living thing. Its eyes are shining and amazing. At a glance, there was a kind of pressure and fierceness coming to my face.

"What is this?"

"Ah! Lord, don't you know it? This is a mythical beast that has been rumored for a long time in the magic continent. As long as you have this thing, you can dominate the world!" Gong Yingchang said excitedly.

Do you want to dominate the world? Relying on this sculpture?"

Looking at the two people's excited nod, Mu Yunfei really doubted whether the two were crazy.

"Lord, this is not a sculpture, it is alive!" Gong Yingchang knew that Mu Yunfei didn't believe it and said quickly.

"Live? How to use that?"

Gong Yingchang looked similarly to Lu Anguo, scratched his head and replied at the same time:

"I don't know!"
