Legend of the God

Chapter 381 Shenzang - Untimely Encounter

Wu Meng is completely convinced this time. Since 500 years ago, when he was seriously injured, he recognized the Lord by the inexplicable magic weapon and understood the seal of heaven and earth, he has not been defeated, but he did not want to be swallowed up by Mu Lingfei. This gambling also lost, which echoes the old saying, "Stealing chickens will not lose rice."

What surprised Wu Meng was that Mu Lingfei, as the party, did not know what the virtual shadow was, but after devouring the seal of heaven and earth, his cultivation finally broke through the immortals and has now entered the realm of immortals!

A gambling fight not only improved his cultivation, but also included a master like Wu Meng. Mu Lingfei's mood was also very comfortable, and he also had greater confidence in competing for the Haotian Mirror.

However, after listening to Wu Meng's brief introduction to the three islands and eight caves, Mu Lingfei's heart slowly sank for no other reason, because there are many masters like Wu Meng in these super sects. Although there are no perverted tricks such as the seal of heaven and earth, there are many old monsters stranded in the fairyland for tens of thousands of years, and And they have only one purpose, that is, Shenzang!

"Brother Wu, after all, you are a disciple of Qifengzong. If I don't force you to follow me, then let's stop gambling!" Before I arrived, Mu Lingfei still doesn't want to offend these eight big caves. One more friend is better than one more enemy. If Wu Mengzhen joins the God Gate, I'm afraid this Qifengzong will not be the first one.

"God, you don't have to persuade me anymore. Since Wu Meng has lost, this life is God's. Just now, I have sent a message to the Inner Gate to leave Qifeng Sect from today. At this moment, I am a disciple of the God's Gate! Moreover, except for the former suzerain, Qifengzong regarded me as evil, and I had wanted to leave for a long time!" Speaking of Qifengzong, Wu Meng's face did not have any nostalgia, and even a trace of fierce light appeared in his eyes.

"Oh? Why is this? Mu Lingfei is a little puzzled. Which school does not regard an excellent disciple like Wu Meng as a treasure? Is this Qifengzong's mind full of paste?

"God doesn't know anything. Thousands of years ago, he was an orphan when he remembered himself. He was brought to the mountain gate to practice Taoism by the suzerain since he was a child. It was nothing in the first few years. Taoism entered the country quickly, but after the achievement of Yuanying, somehow, the aura could no longer be ingested! Originally, a super sect like Sandao Badongtian, disciples with no potential would be kicked out of the mountain gate. As a result, under the maintenance of the suzerain, I became the only alien in the sect that was not kicked out of the mountain gate!"

Although Wu Meng said calmly, Mu Lingfei knew what kind of treatment a disciple with no potential would be treated after being reluctantly left behind. But looking at Wu Meng's cultivation nowadays, it seems that he can't be a disciple without potential?

"Suddenly, one day, the suzerain called me and taught me a skill to practice by myself. Although the suzerain has never said what the name of the skill is, I know that it is "Feng Nie Jiu Zhuan" that only the successive Qifeng patriarchs can practice!"

"In ancient times, the Feng clan once had a skill called "Fire Phoenix Nirvana". Although it is a skill, it is far from the "Wan Yao DA Method" of Emperor Yu. Only the Feng clan can practice. Is the "Feng Nie Jiu Zhuan" related to the "Fire Phoenix Nirvana" of the Feng clan?"

"God is wise! In ancient times, Feng, the founder of Qifengzong, was an alien of half-feng and half-human. He modified "Fire and Phoenix Nirvana" to create this shocking skill, but only human beings with the blood of the Feng clan can practice. For this reason, the martial artist Feng finally gave up becoming a saint and entered reincarnation, while his flesh and blood have always been It was passed down by the clan. Each generation of patriarchs will use secret methods to steal the sky for the day and accept the blood of the phoenix, so as to have a trace of blood of the phoenix clan, so as to realize the possibility of practicing this skill!" Wu Meng paused for a moment and then smiled bitterly:

"But how much flesh and blood can a person have? When I practiced the second turn and became an immortal, the patriarch's limit had come, and he told me that I was not actually an orphan, but his son. Isn't it ridiculous? The patriarch who has been shouting for thousands of years is actually my father? It turned out that in order to make up for the guilt of abandoning his wife and son, he had already given me a secret method and accepted the last trace of blood of Wu Renfeng!"

Mu Lingfei finally realized that a person who had no potential was left and accepted the last Feng bloodline. Can this not be excluded and suppressed?

"If I guess correctly, the current suzerain of Qifengzong looks at you very wrong, right?"

Wu Meng nodded silently.

"Brother Wu, you are wrong!"

Wu Meng did indeed make a mistake and left the sect without authorization, which is equivalent to rebellion! When Qifengzong's inner door brought this news to the council hall, Qifengzong was furious!

After hearing the news, Wu Huolin, the current suzerain of Qifengzong, directly collapsed half of the council hall with one slap and wanted to fight against Wu Meng, but in the end he was stopped by the elders in the clan.

It is inevitable that Wu Huolin will be angry. No matter how much he hates Wu Meng, Wu Meng is a fairy after all, not a period of disaster. Even Qifengzong of the super sect can't afford to lose it. If it hadn't been for the birth of Haotianjing, the elders would not have suppressed Wu Huolin's anger.

The prestige of Xiao Zhiyuan, the great general of Fengyi Country Town, Changzhou, is known to everyone! It's just that no one will think that such an iron-blooded general, a Taoist master, is actually a disciple of Qin Chuan! After receiving a message from Qin Chuan and learning that the god went to Moling Mountain in person, he immediately sent his confidants to sneak into the necessary roads to Moling Mountain to inquire about the news.

There are many masters under Xiao Zhiyuan's confidants, such as niggers!

No one knows what a nigre looks like. He is like a ghost haunted at night!

The nigga was ordered to monitor the Liu family in the north of Moling Mountain. In the eyes of outsiders, the Liu family is not only a third-rate family that cultivates immortals. In fact, it is one of the outer gates of the Qixuan School, which is mainly responsible for mining to collect spiritual stones.

Yesterday, the nigga did his duty, but saw that the Liu family was not abnormal. Today, the Liu family's not big combing mine moved. The combing stone is not a good material for the refinery, but it is one of the indispensable auxiliary materials for the refinery. Its ductility is second to none. If you can get the essence of combing, it will be improved. Existing magic weapon level. So, the niggas wanted to lurk in to see if there was any combing essence in this place.

Waiting in the middle of the night, the niggas successfully sneaked into the comb mine area with his excellent body and hidden breath.

At the beginning, everything went well, but later he suddenly found that these seemingly mining people were all cultivated in the Huashen period, and some of them were comparable to his cultivation. They were all characters who crossed the disaster period. Only then did he find that things were a little abnormal. It was necessary to occupy more than a thousand hectares of comb mines. Are there so many masters? There must be something strange in it, and I will continue to sneak in.

But the more you go in, the more frightened the nigre is. There is no trace of combing stone at all. But those miners are still constantly entering and leaving the mine.

"What are they digging for?" Things were so abnormal that it immediately aroused the curiosity of the nigri, but just as he was about to go deeper, a very dangerous feeling made the nigrid suddenly alert.

"No, it was found!"

With the nigger's body and the magic weapon that hides his breath, even a master of the Mahayana period can't easily find it. The person who can detect him so easily must be a first-class immortal.

"There are immortals guarding here. What on earth are they doing?" It's too late to think about it. The nigger has already retreated. The gap in cultivation is too big. He is definitely not an opponent. Even a sneak attack can't break the opponent's defense.

But if he wants to leave, it doesn't mean that others will easily let him go! A man dressed in black and fierce and murderous suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked the way.

"This person is definitely not from the Liu family! Xuanjian Mark! No, it's a person from the Qixuan School!" Qixuan's clothes are very distinctive. Although the styles and colors are different, a long sword is embroidered on the left chest, and the nigger immediately guessed the true identity of this person.

There was no time to think about it. The strange body method had been driven to the extreme by him and fled directly to the outside, but after all, the nigger's cultivation was only a period of disaster, and the man in black still caught up with him.

The man in black obviously didn't want the news to be leaked. As soon as he took action, he was a fatal move and wanted to kill people.

The nigrior did not have any resistance at all. He was directly shaken by the man and vomited blood. Fortunately, there was a magic weapon to defend himself, suppress the injury, and with the force of being shaken away, he pulled away again.

A strange body keeps wandering in the mountains and forests. One is constantly following in the air and launching attacks from time to time. Before sneaking into the Liu family, the nigga had already done a detailed study of the nearby terrain, so relying on his familiarity with the terrain, he avoided fierce attacks, and finally let him escape into the dense mountain forest in the Moling Mountain.

The mountains and forests of Moling Mountain are not only dense, but also continuous, and the vines are intertwined. If they are others, they will definitely be hindered by sight, but the man in black is powerful and still firmly locks the nigga. It has always been behind the nigger, less than a miles away.

"What should I do? It's not a way to escape like this. When the aura is exhausted, it will be difficult to escape death in the end!" The nigga kept thinking as he fled. With the intuition of years of life and death, he told him that he could not escape like this, otherwise he would be killed sooner or later because of excessive consumption.

"Is there anyone?"

The nigger couldn't help stopping. Just not far in front of him, two breaths that were equally strong enough to frighten him appear. The nigga stood in a daze, with a bitter face. In front of his strong strength, even if he could escape and hide his breath, it would be futile!

"Huh, escape, why don't you escape? Aren't you slippery than loach?" The man in black came in an instant, and the sword pointed to the black manga's back and sneered.

"Go to hell!"

The sword light shines, and the nigger has closed his eyes desperately.

"Bum!" After a crisp sound, there was suddenly no sound in the whole forest except the rustle of the wind. It was quiet and there was no movement. The nigga subconsciously raised his hand and touched his neck, but he was still there!

The nigga is Xiao Yuanzhi's subordinate. Mu Lingfei's portrait has long been remembered in his heart. When he saw that the man in black robe who saved him was the god, he was excited.

It was Mu Lingfei who saved the nigrior, and Wu Meng came with him.

The man in black ignored Mu Lingfei, who had to kill himself, stared at Wu Meng, and a trace of shock flashed on his thin face. His horizontal sword was in his hand:

"Wu Meng, you are not dead?"

"How can I die if you are not dead yet? Haha!" Wu Meng suddenly burst into laughter, but the smile was a little ferocious, and there was an undisguised hatred in the laughter.

"Rungitis, do you remember 500 years ago? God asked us to meet again today, so it's time to break!"