Legend of the God

Chapter 415 Shenzang-Wind and Thunder Witch King

Mu Yunfei naturally does not have a sky hammer, and he has nowhere to find it. If Turin is there... But Turin with a sky hammer is in the infinite land, which is like a locked door, and the key that can open this door is left in the room.

After everyone discussed it, the only way was to break through! However, what Mu Yunfei did not expect was that after entering the infinite land, he ushered in the first sandstorm before he went far, and the people who had gathered together were immediately washed away by the sudden sandstorm. When Mu Yunfei could see everything around him, there was no trace of anyone!

Outside the infinite land, all the people have come out, even the moral heaven is no exception. After inventorying the personnel, he found that only Mu Yunfei was the only one.

"Trouble! Perhaps because of the participation of so many people at one time, the space wheel has obviously increased the danger of the infinite land, and there is a space fault!" Moral Tianzun's mood at this moment is excited and a little worried. What is excited is that Mu Yunfei is still in the infinite land, which shows that there is still hope. What I'm worried about is that there is a space fault in the infinite land this time.

"Tianzun, what is a space fault? Is it different from a space crack? Will Yunfei be in danger?" Shen Yan saw that the moral Tianzun's expression was constantly changing. She was happy and worried for a while, and quickly asked.

"Space faults do have different space cracks. For example, the five worlds we live in are a complete space. Even if there are cracks in the space due to external forces, it is impossible to break away from the five worlds, but the space faults are different. It is a completely different space, that is, an unknown space beyond the five worlds. If The god fell into the space fault. Even if he has the divine power to protect his body, it is almost impossible to come back here again!"

"No, I have to find him!" After saying that, Shen Yan immediately turned into a flame and rushed into the infinite land again. Her move made Tao Tianzun unable to react, and it was impossible to stop it. What surprised him more was that not only Shen Yan, but also Ning Yuan and the eight gluttonous people also followed Shen Yan into the dangerous now without hesitation. In the boundless land.

"Are they really not afraid of death? That's all!" Moral Tianzun stamped his feet at this moment and said that although he could do nothing, he could not ignore it. He patted the green cow under his body and bravely walked into the infinite place again!

This is a gray world. Except for the gravel on the ground and the sand grains in the air, Mu Yunfei hardly found anything. In addition, Mu Yunfei could not fly in the infinite land and encountered sandstorms, so Mu Yunfei did not know where he was now, so he had to aimlessly in this dead and quiet place. Walking around.

"Smile!" With a soft sound, a small black mouth suddenly appeared in front of Mu Yunfei, and the power of space and the slight suction continued to overflow from it.

"It's another space fault!" Mu Yunfei hurriedly stepped back a few steps away from the space fault that had begun to slowly close.

As you move forward, there are more and more spatial faults. In addition to proving that his goal is not wrong, Mu Yunfei seems to be more and more dangerous. As long as you are not careful, you may be swallowed up by space faults.

In the vast land, the only thing Mu Yunfei can hear is his dull footsteps and the sound of wind and sand like a bellows. As the saying goes, the unknown is the most terrible danger! Mu Yunfei knew nothing about the infinite land. With the story of Green Wings, he thought it was an extremely simple thing, but he did not expect such an accident to happen.

Previously, the moral Tianzun explained to Mu Yunfei the precautions for entering the infinite land. What should always exercise the divine power and what can't resist in the sandstorm seems to be useless to him. Now he just doesn't have the magic power in his body, but he is still standing there and has not been transmitted, and If you don't resist the sandstorm, can't you wait to die?

Mu Yunfei estimated that he had been walking for almost a day, but the scenery in front of him was still dead without any change.

"This place is too desolate. Why is there nothing? Normally, although the aura here is disordered, it is extremely strong and unusual. How can it not even grow a small grass? This is too exaggerated! The infinite land really lives up to its name!" Mu Yunfei thought to himself.

"What?" Mu Yunfei suddenly stopped, because there was a firelight about a distance of about a miles away. Although the firelight was not big, someone was shaking under the light of the firelight.

"Is there anyone else here?" Mu Yunfei felt a trace of doubt in his heart, but his feet were not slow, and he accelerated his pace to the firelight.

However, it is strange that no matter how fast Mu Yun flew and how long he walked, he never got close to the fire. It seems that the distance from the firelight and people has never changed. This weirdness is nothing. The key is that Mu Yunfei feels that he has hardly moved and is still in place.

"Is this the case? Will the desert here also produce mirages? But this is impossible!" Mu Yunfei immediately shook his head and denied his speculation. The basic condition of the mirage is sunshine. There is no sun here at all. How can it be a mirage!

In the end, Mu Yunfei decided not to leave and waited in place to see if the scene would disappear. Even if it was really a mirage against common sense, it could only last for a period of time. If the scene really disappeared after a while, it proved that it was indeed a mirage!

But Mu Yunfei waited for a few hours. Not only did the scene not disappear, but the people inside had new changes. He saw another group of people, no, to be precise, a group of monsters broke into that area. The two sides had begun a war, and that way of fighting made Mu Yunfei suddenly think of the witch!

Because each of them has a virtual shadow behind them. Isn't this the skill of the ancient witch clan to call gods?

Mu Yunfei did not give up and tried to walk for nearly two hours, but the result was still the same! In fact, even if such a short distance can't fly, the speed of Mu Yunfei is a matter of minutes, but the distance between the two has never changed at all.

"What the hell is going on? Why can't I get close to it?"

Mu Yunfei thought carefully for a while and tried to activate the power of space in his body. As a result, he was surprised that the scene he saw was not in the same space as him. Two different polar spaces should be completely separated. How can they be seen with the naked eye? It's like watching TV. Although the world interpreted in the TV can be seen with the naked eye, it is impossible to connect with reality. It is impossible for you to jump into the TV and become one of them, unless you are also an actor and participate in the interpretation.

"So that's it. This place is really weird. The extreme spaces are actually combined, and I have been in place for so long. It seems that I have reached the end of this space. It seems that if you want to enter another polar space, you must find the space entrance?" Mu Yunfei looked at the scene and thought.

At this time, the battle between the two sides was coming to an end, and human beings finally won and killed all the later monsters, but they also suffered heavy losses. In the end, there was only one seriously injured old man with a strange horn! This old man gave Mu Yunfei a terrible feeling. He not only had the two magical powers of wind and thunder, but also almost killed all those powerful monsters on his own.

I don't know if it was an illusion. Mu Yunfei felt that the old man seemed to look deeply in his direction. Mu Yunfei was shocked by this discovery. Then he suddenly found that there seemed to be some sound behind him. Looking back, a monster like a mountain, like a sheep and not a sheep, was staring at himself with its mouth full of saliva. Mu Yunfei reacted, and he was swallowed by the sheep.

"Bah, ah, it's a fishy tone!" Mu Yunfei kept waving his hands and wiping away the saliva left by the monster.

"Ha ha, interesting!"

This laughter made Mu Yunfei immediately find something wrong. Obviously, he had just been swallowed by the monster, but how could he appear here? He hurriedly stopped the movement of his hand. To his surprise, the laughter came from the old man!

"Who are you? What is that sheep? How did I get into this space?" Mu Yunfei asked three questions in a row. Obviously, he wanted to figure out what was going on. But before the old man answered him, Mu Yunfei was shocked by what he saw in front of him. At this moment, the old man was in great spirits. He was still seriously injured before, and behind him, those who had been killed before came back to life again, as if they had not seen Mu Yunfei and began to surround the bonfire. It's been a while.

Looking at this strange scene, Mu Yunfei's eyes widened, pointed to those people's hands and began to tremble.

"This, this, aren't you seriously injured? And they, aren't they all dead?"

The old man seemed not surprised by Mu Yunfei's surprise at all. He smiled and said:

"Don't care about them. They won't be disturbed by external things or think. They are just a part of my memory. Just like the battles you have seen before, they are all from my memories. Just because of the space wheel, they turn this part of my memory into a continuous circulation of images! However, don't underestimate this image, because they are all real!"

Although Mu Yunfei was reincarnated as a god, he did not have much concept of the space treasure wheel because of incomplete memory. He did not expect that this space treasure wheel could do such a strange thing.

"In so many years, I have seen someone walk into here for the first time. Young man, what's your name?

"Mu Yunfei, the younger generation! Senior, dare you ask, are you the predecessor of the witch clan?

"The predecessor of the witch clan? Ha ha, I'm the head of the witch clan, the wind thunder witch king!"