Spiritual world

Chapter 31: Tongyun Mountain, Tongyun Gate

Lin'an, the capital of the Tang Long Empire, was originally called Tai'an, which means too peaceful and healthy. However, not long after the Tanglong Empire was separated from the jurisdiction of Daxia 3,000 years ago, the imperial capital changed its name to Lin'an. It means to think about peace in the face of danger.

Si'an naturally means peace and well-being in the world. However, this is a little intriguing in the face of danger.

Because since the ancient war 3,000 years ago, the Daxia Empire still ruled the whole land of Dongsheng China, but because there are too few top spiritualists. Nanzhanbuzhou is located in the south. The weather is hot and humid, and there are many people practicing spirits and practicing meditation. Therefore, at the beginning of the Daxia Empire, there were several times when the army was restored, but later, after several losses of soldiers and generals, it gave up this plan.

Therefore, in the face of danger, it is unlikely to refer to the Daxia Empire. Even though the Daxia Empire has never given up its martial arts, and even established the Lingwu Academy. Almost everyone knows that the reason why the imperial capital was renamed Lin'an, which refers to the Tongyun Gate on Tongyun Mountain, more than 100 miles southwest of the imperial capital.

In the southwest of the imperial capital, more than 100 miles away, there is a mountain. Although the ups and downs of the mountains are not too far away, they still look so magnificent. This mountain was originally called Fumeng Mountain, but later it was occupied by Tongyunmen, so it was renamed Tongyun Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a palace, which is said to be a palace. In fact, it is Tongyun Gate, a place to receive guests to rest temporarily. Next to the palace is a mountain road, a towering mountain gate, standing on the mountain road and walking along the mountain road. In the center is a mountain.

The peak is called Tongyun Peak, which is the highest peak in the Tongyun Mountains. On the top of the mountain, there is the whole Tongyun Gate, a palace symbolizing the highest power, the Tongyun Hall.

At this time, in the hall, there was a man about half a hundred years old sitting on the door master's seat in the center. Although he is a little old, his face is serious, his expression is full, and his expression is very resolute. A pair of eyes are bright, and their eyes don't have time to emit a cold light.

"Yunming, Yunlan, how long have you been there?"

"Old door master, Yunlan door owner, she has been there for nearly a year. You really care about her too much. The journey is tens of thousands of miles away. Even if the master of Yunlan is profound, it is not so easy to come back. It is estimated that in two or three years, it will almost come back.

"Oh, that's right. I'm too impatient about this matter. Ruoyu, how are you doing about that? Qing Xuan, the second son of the elder, was killed by the boy of the Ling family? Did you kill that boy?"

After hearing Yun Ming's words, the old doorkeeper nodded gently, sighed, and then turned his head to ask Qing Ruoyu.

"Old master, my subordinates have found out this matter. Nine times out of ten, this matter is a lone wolf mercenary regiment, the young master of the three masters, and bloodthirsty. And that Ling Yuan was guaranteed by Wang Qingming with all his strength. It seems that the Wang family is determined to keep the evil obstacle of the Ling family. Moreover, I have also figured out that the five-e elements of spiritual cultivation formula must be on the little evil beast of the Ling family, otherwise, with his heavenly spiritual vein, it is impossible to succeed in gathering spirits. Old master, do you think we should deal with this matter?

"What? Heaven's spiritual vein? Tianjue spiritual vein, how many years have seen Tianjue spiritual vein again. It seems that there will be another bloody storm on this spiritual continent? No, we must not let this boy grow up, otherwise, things will be difficult. Humph, the little lone wolf also dares to fight against me. OK, OK. I have not been killed in Tongyunmen for hundreds of years. It seems that these people don't know how powerful I am in Tongyunmen. Forget it, let those wolf cubs jump for a few days. After we finish cleaning up the Wang family, let's see how I can clean up these wolf cubs.

Hearing Qing Ruoyu's words, the old master's face was suddenly blue, and he slapped the table angrily. After a long time, he calmed down and suppressed his anger.

"Forget it, you guys, go down first, wait patiently for my message, and get ready for battle. I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with the Wang family this time. The four families have always had friction on the surface, but they all take care of each other. If we destroy the door directly like this, I'm afraid the other three families will not let us do it easily. In addition, the royal family also needs to send more people to monitor. Those guys have always been eyeing me. At this time, once it is not handled well, it will give me a cloud door and cause great trouble.

"Yes, doorman, we will definitely make all preparations as soon as possible, just waiting for your order."

After several elders and guardians announced their allegiance, they turned around and left. In the hall, only the old doorkeeper was left sitting on the chair, thinking about something. Occasionally, there was a muffled hum in his mouth. It seemed that what he was thinking made the old doorkeeper a little angry.

"Ji Jie, the old master? What? Are you stuffy? Don't be so impatient, this Wang family is just a small flea. Then Ling Yuan is the right master.

When the old doorkeeper was a little impatient and annoyed, there was a chilling sound behind the shadow wall of the hall. The voice was like the eunuch's male duck mulberry, but a little indifferent.

"Li Hufa, you just heard that the Wang family is going to protect Lingyuan. Moreover, the five-e elements of spiritual cultivation formula are on Ling Yuan. As one of the four masters of the Tanglong Empire, this Wang family has a deep foundation. Moreover, the Xue family, the Nie family and the Chang family do not have much to do with the Wang family, and the four families are cautious about each other. It is difficult to attack the Wang family directly. In addition, the Li family of the royal family has also been staring at me. I'm afraid it will be difficult to do this matter.

Hearing the words of the protection method, the old door owner's face couldn't help changing three times. If he had said this as someone else, I'm afraid he would have turned his face and scolded him. However, he is respectful of this so-called protection law and does not dare to surpass it at all, which is difficult to understand.

"Jie Jie, is this little thing difficult? Isn't the owner of the Wang family a spiritual practitioner at the peak of the period of spiritual silence? Most of the elders are monks of the spiritual period. The Wang family and Wang Qingming are only three spiritual practitioners in the period of silence, which is not enough to be based on. As long as we plan better, it is enough to quietly kill the Wang family and get rid of the little evil beast of the Ling family.

"Well, since you have said so, let's do it. However, I'm worried about the Wang family and the hidden masters. It is said that a hundred years ago, the Wang family was favored by a master to sit in the Wang family, which enabled the Wang family to survive the disaster after the decline of the Ling family. If the master is still there, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do it.

Although it is simple to say, the old door owner is still worried. Seeing that the old doorkeeper was so worried, the protector laughed and looked disdainful. After seeing this, the old door owner couldn't help but curse in his heart: Damn, if it weren't for the five-line spiritual cultivation formula and the benefits of those promises, I would have ignored you.

However, he scolded secretly in his heart, but he dared not show anything on his face. Despite this, the protection still seems to feel something.

"Haha, haha. A master? How tall is it? Can it be compared with our masters in the palace? Don't say what the rest of the great protectors, even if I practice with you, even if the so-called master is a master of the spiritual change period? Old doorkeeper, it seems that you haven't been born for a long time, and even your fighting spirit is about to wear out.

In the face of the ridicule of the protection method, the old door owner did not refute at all, but was worried in his heart, which eliminated a lot. As Li Hufa said, the two of them will die here even if they are masters in the spiritual transformation period.

Thinking of this, there was a smile on the face of the old door owner. Gradually, he was no longer depressed, but laughed happily.

"Haha, haha. Yes, you and I can practice and destroy his Wang family. However, I hope that after the end of this plan, I hope that I will not go against my promise. The five-eed spiritual cultivation formula must be given to me Tongyunmen, otherwise, you should also know the means and power of Tongyunmen.

After laughing twice, he seemed to remember something and suddenly asked worriedly, regardless of the pressure of the protector, and said a slightly threatening word. Li Hufa laughed twice when he heard his words.

"Ji, Jie. Old master, it seems that you are really confused. When did I lie to you? Your cultivation and your spiritual method are not what I gave you. This protection method does what it says, and you don't have to threaten this protection law like this. If this protection law really wants to go against its promise, there is no need to practice with you at all. This guardian is only a guardian of the branch hall in the palace, and it has such strength. Do you think that if I hadn't had a friendship with the door master of your previous generation, I would have found you to help me? This protection method went to look for other protection methods in the branch hall and took action together, and two or three people solved the matter. Remember, this protection can make you break through the realm, and you will naturally have the means to take back your cultivation.

"Yes, yes, I'm confused. Don't be surprised by the protection method.

As soon as the words of leaving the protection method came out, the old master was so scared that he made a continuous compensation. I think that I am indeed confused. With other people's strength, if I really want to go against my promise, I don't need to practice with myself and make myself so cheap. Thinking of the realm that he had not broken through for decades, he was scared into a cold sweat by the terrible strength of the person in front of him who helped him break through within two years.

"Well, you don't have to worry too much. Since this guardian has said so, it won't do anything to you. But you have to remember that you can take everything from the Ling family, but there is a blood-red jade pendant on his body, like a chicken blood stone, which must be handed over to this law. Otherwise, you should know the means of protecting this law.

After saying these words, he stopped. Behind the shadow wall, a man in black and covered with a black cloak turned out to be slowly blurred and strangely disappeared into the hall.