Spiritual world

Chapter 64: Help, Infinite Spring

"Haha, you're still like a ghost, or drink my foot washing water. If you are poisoned by Laozi, let's see how rampant you can be. Although I don't like ** as much as the dragon clan, I have never tasted the taste of human women, especially female masters like you. I think it will be a problem to make friends with you, and it will definitely be a problem to use your Yuanyin to help me break through one or two levels of cultivation.

The golden python burst into laughter after seeing the woman being blown out. In fact, what the golden python said is also a little inconsistent. The dragon clan likes**, which is actually not true. The real happy dragon is not the orthodox dragon clan, but the side branch of the nine sons of the dragon. The so-called Yalong clan is a more diffuse low-level group caused by these collateral branches.

However, despite this, most of the races that can turn dragons into are also lustful. Especially for real human women, they are very greedy.

"This golden python seems to be very lustful. It seems that if I don't take action, I'm afraid this woman will be poisoned."

Before he finished thinking about it, Ling Yuan moved. First, he directly displayed Jiugong Xiangyunbu, and with the help of the speed of Xiangyunbu, he ran over quickly. Just a few meters away, the streamer wing behind it started.

In an instant, a streamer flashed, and Ling Yuan's body flashed out in an instant. While gliding quickly for the woman, Ling Yuan showed his star picking hand in mid-air. With the triple strength, Ling Yuan felt a sharp pain on his body. This speed has almost exceeded the limit that his body can bear.

"Haha, haha. If you dare to come to the Devouring Mountains to provoke me, what can you do even if you are a master of the baby? Er..."

When he was laughing up to the sky, the golden python suddenly felt a breeze sweeping by, and then a streamer in front of him crossed the sky and flashed at the woman.

"No, there are still helpers. Boy, you are looking for death."

With the cultivation of the golden python-level monster, it is naturally possible to see at a glance that the spiritual light is a human teenager. It instantly saw that this teenager was at most the peak of the spiritual period, but why could he have wings behind him like the masters above the spiritual period? This made it starve for a moment.

But it was only for a moment. Seeing that the teenager had hugged the female monk, he was about to escape. Golden pythons won't let them go so easily. With one mouth, a huge water arrow spit out.

The water arrow turned into a water dragon in mid-air and went straight to the source. If you are really hit by this water dragon, Ling Yuan will definitely be killed on the spot with the cultivation of Ling Yuan's spiritual period. That seemingly resolute spiritual shield has no effect at all in the face of absolute strength.

"It's over. Instead of saving her, I'm going to take my own life."

After the divine consciousness felt a huge spiritual fluctuation behind it, Ling Yuan had this idea in an instant. But he did not stop moving, and all the aura in his body was mobilized into the wings behind him. Then, the speed of the flowing wings soared again. Holding the wet woman, Ling Yuan had no time to feel the tenderness in his arms.

Bang. With a loud noise, the water dragon hit Ling Yuan's back. In an instant, Ling Yuan felt a violent sense of impact behind him. Even if a train hits itself after opening at full force, it's just this feeling.

This impact directly made Ling Yuan protrude a mouthful of blood. In mid-air, a little blood suddenly drifted down. But to Ling Yuan's surprise, the fatal feeling did not appear.

It is reasonable that the attack of this power will never survive if it hits him. Even if the spiritual shield has been opened, it is not immune. But he just spit out blood and doesn't feel anything anymore.

Ling Yuan didn't feel too much, but the woman in his arms couldn't stand it. It was severely damaged by the attack of the little snake. He was held in Ling Yuan's arms and was attacked by Ling Yuan by the water dragon, which brought a huge impact. The woman's red lips suddenly opened, and a stream of blood sprayed towards Ling Yuan.

After being attacked, Ling Yuan leaned forward and his head was very close to the woman's head. In addition, Ling Yuan's mouth was open when he vomited blood before. Before he reached out to wipe off the blood from the corners of his mouth, suddenly a stream of blood sprayed Ling Yuan's face directly. Some scattered blood also floated into Ling Yuan's mouth.

was attacked by the golden python and thinking about the injury of the woman in front of him, Ling Yuan was not in the mood to take care of the blood at all. After a few puffs, he quickly took the woman and flew to a cave halfway up the mountain opposite.

This cave was originally a tiger's cave. After Ling Yuan came in, the evil tiger roared and rushed to Ling Yuan.

Although Ling Yuan has suffered a lot of damage, it is not comparable to this ordinary beast. He gently raised his foot and kicked the tiger's head directly mixed with some spiritual power. Suddenly, he hit ten thousand peach blossoms, and the tiger's dead body fell to the ground.

"Good boy, the injury is really serious. What kind of spiritual method is that green snake and how powerful it is? I'm afraid that the lowest level should be the high-level spiritual method, and even the ground level is not impossible.

Gently put the woman on the ground and looked at her pale face and slightly dark lips. Ling Yuan's face couldn't help but look ugly.

From this scenario, Ling Yuan quickly inferred it. The little snake attack must be mixed with the venom of the golden python. Otherwise, it will never blacken people's lips. But the next moment, Ling Yuan overturned his own idea. Because the golden flower poison of the golden flower python is **~ poison, it will never kill people easily, and it is impossible to make people's lips black or blue like the rest of the poisons.

In fact, Ling Yuan did not know that the woman's lips were black, one reason was that the little snake condensed most of the spiritual power of the golden python and consumed the poisonous fog condensed by her cultivation. Therefore, it is more powerful than ordinary golden flower poison. Second, if it's just golden flower poison, the woman's lips will not turn black, but after the serious injury, she was hit by Ling Yuan's qi and blood turned upside down. Although he spit out a mouthful of blood, there was still some blood in his throat.

After eliminating his thoughts, Ling Yuan began to carefully observe the woman's injury. The part attacked by the little snake is the lower part of the woman's abdomen, which is very close to the woman's private part. The wound in this position is the most painful for healing people, especially men.

looked at the woman's soaked clothes and clung to her. The elegant Confucian skirt showed the woman's figure without reservation after being wet and close to her.

Looking at the woman's ups and downs, she gently wrinkled and faintly revealed a beautiful face of pain. Although it is not in line with her noble temperament, it has a more touching appearance.

Hurry to suppress the messy thoughts in his heart, Ling Yuan carefully observed the injury of the woman. He gently put his hands on the skirt of the woman's abdomen and wanted to untie some to check the injury. But at this time, the woman suddenly opened her eyes.

"You, you woke up. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a good person."

"Well, I said it wrong and forgot my lines. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad person, I just want to help you heal. Since you are awake, you can do it yourself. Here are antidotes, healing drugs and Huiyuan powder. Although they are all low-level drugs, I think they should have some effect on you, so I'll go out first.

Seeing the woman suddenly open her eyes, Ling Yuan quickly withdrew his hand. Step back a few steps. Because he found that after opening her eyes, there was a cold and fierce light in her eyes. Thinking of the woman's strength, he was really afraid that the woman would not think about it and slapped himself to death.

Hearing Ling Yuan's words, he saw Ling Yuan put down a few small jade porcelain bottles and turned around and was about to go out. Thinking of the bright and clear eyes when I first saw each other. The woman's face softened a lot. Feeling the pain from her body, the woman gently supported her elbow and was about to sit up. But I sadly found that my limbs were numb. And the spiritual power in the body seems to have been sealed, and some of them have disappeared.

Although that small part of the spiritual power can still operate automatically, it does not seem to be controlled by her. Such a situation couldn't help but make the woman helpless. He could only raise his head gently, and his red lips gently opened to stop Ling Yuan.

"Well, you, come back."

"Is there any problem? Are these drugs not enough?

Suddenly, Ling Yuan was a little stunned when he heard the woman stop him. But he didn't dare to be too presumptuous. He gently turned back and asked with a little doubt.

"No, you, you'd better help me with the medicine."

As she spoke, the woman bit her lips gently, as if she had made up her mind. Seeing the woman's appearance, Ling Yuan also guessed that she was inseparable. In this case, it must be that the woman's limbs can't move. Otherwise, with a woman's cultivation, she will definitely not easily ask others for help, especially in the case of this kind of injury, for help from a strange opposite sex.

"Okay, but let's not argue first. I can help you heal your injury, but after your injury is healed, don't come with the concept of intimateness between men and women, and do something like digging eyes and cutting hands."

Ling Yuan's words made the woman angry and funny for a while. But on second thought, this can't blame this teenager. After all, on the smart continent, the concept of intimate men and women is still very popular. Although the spiritualists are better, they are all from mortals, so they are also a little deep-rooted.

"Don't worry, I'm not that kind of pedantic person. You can do it, but remember, don't make any unnecessary actions, otherwise, don't blame me for taking revenge and turning over ruthlessly.