Spiritual world

Chapter 117: Team Trial

Although Xue Lin did not make a clear explanation, he glanced at Zhang Ying's position slightly. The people present were not ordinary people. Naturally, they knew what Vice President Xue Lin's words meant.

Xue Lin's words made Zhang Song's face look a little bad. He knew better than anyone what Xue Lin's words meant. However, the other party is the vice president, and he dares not be presumptuous. Moreover, the strength of the other party also made him have no desire to contradict him.

"This year's experience is much more open than in previous years. Therefore, the rules have changed a lot. Let me first say that you must abide by the rules, otherwise you will be eliminated and can't carry out this year's trial."

Then, Xue Lin described the rules. In fact, there are no rigid regulations, but there are only some small changes compared with the past.

For example, after entering the Juling Pavilion, except for the first floor that can't enter and no one dares to enter the seventh floor, the other floors can be selected at will. Even after entering, you can go in and out as usual practice.

But this year, due to the large number of people, all teams can only choose the level they want to enter at one time. Once selected, you can only enter this layer for experience.

During the experience, you can't change the level at will. This also prevents some people from changing layers to avoid the enemy's pursuit at a dangerous moment.

This regulation has limited some people's speculation. If you want to live at a critical moment, you can only choose to quit. Although it will cost a lot more contributions, it is not a big problem for these people present.

And some of the remaining regulations can be understood by everyone. It's just that when the two teams are fighting, the rest of the teams can't interfere arbitrarily. Unless one party chooses to ask for help, it can intervene. Although such a battle seems a little too civilized, it is also helpless.

After all, the strength of the people in the college come from all sides. Once there is a scuffle, there will be countless deaths and injuries. Even if the Cangling Academy is powerful, it will bring a lot of trouble.

What is most difficult for everyone to understand is that there is such a rule in this year's practice rules. On the second floor of Juling Pavilion, there is no limit on the number of people entering. Three floors, enter the team, no more than ten. That is to say, the three floors can only accommodate up to 70 people.

The fourth floor allows seven teams to enter. On the fifth floor, five teams are allowed to enter. The sixth and seventh floors only allow two teams to enter.

This regulation has no feeling for others. But Zhang Song laughed and was in a very comfortable mood. This regulation* is undoubtedly good news for Zhang Song and others. Because of the last battle, Zhang Song thought very clearly that he was completely injured by Feng Lin because he took action too early. It did not play the role of formation.

And this regulation*, if Ling Yuan and others don't come, forget it. If they come, Zhang Song is confident that he can completely hit the team in Lingfeng Pavilion. Before that, Zhang Song was still very scared and felt that if Xiao Qingyu and others entered together, they could still take action. Once you take action, the masters of several forces of the other side join hands, and you will definitely suffer a big loss. Now he is completely relieved.

Xiao Qingyu and others originally planned the same as what Zhang Song was worried about. Although they didn't go to Lingfeng Pavilion in these days, they discussed it in private. At that time, enter with Ling Yuan and others.

If the development of things, as Ling Yuan analyzed, defeated Dantang three times by five times, then they will cheer aside and watch the excitement. And once Lingfeng Pavilion's team is defeated, they will fight together. They must be seriously injured and even directly kill Zhang Song and others in this experience.

Today, Xue Lin said this rule, which made Xiao Qingyu and others tremble slightly. If you don't say well, you should dissuade Ling Yuan now and let them see if they can not go to the sixth floor. In this case, you will be 100% sure.

Brother Lingyuan, if Zhang Song wants to choose six layers to challenge, don't respond. That's too uncertain."

"Ha, Qingyu, don't worry. We already know the weakness of Zhang Song's formation. At that time, there should be no problem."

Ling Yuan is fully confident in his mastery of his formation. Therefore, he did not agree to Xiao Qingyu's suggestion. It's not that Ling Yuan can't listen to other people's persuasion, but that he clearly knows that even if he is willing, I'm afraid Zhang Song and others will not agree.

The emergence of this regulation has messed up Lingyuan's plan. Ling Yuan also thought that if Xiao Qingyu and others joined, he would have more confidence, at least there would be no big deviation. With this rule, Zhang Song will definitely rely on this opportunity to challenge his team in front of everyone.

And I can only have two choices. One is to choose to retreat and change to the fifth floor as Xiao Qingyu said. But in this way, although I am 100% sure, I have completely lost my prestige in the inner court. After all, Lingfeng Pavilion has just been established. Choosing to retreat at this time will make everyone lose confidence in Lingfeng Pavilion.

Therefore, Ling Yuan had no choice but to accept the challenge. Not to mention going to the sixth floor, even if Zhang Song and others choose the seventh floor, they can only accompany them to the end. This is dignity, not only belonging to individuals, but also to these large forces.

"Haha, Dean, we all understand the rules. Now it's time to start the training. I will announce one thing to everyone now. I think many people know about this year's experience that there has been some friction between our Dantang and the newly established force Lingfeng Pavilion. Everyone reached an agreement to fight against each other in this experience, and use strength to resolve the resentment.

"So, I want to ask the people of Lingfeng Pavilion now, Ling Yuan and Feng Lin. I know you are also here. Can you answer? Do you still dare to accept the challenge? It happens that there is a rule this year that only two teams are allowed to enter on the sixth floor. Do you dare to come? Without being disturbed, our two teams came to form a grudge.

"Humph, Zhang Song, don't oppress people with big words. Half a month ago, I, Ling Yuan, said that no matter what you want to do, I, Lingfeng Pavilion, will accompany you to the end. The sixth floor, enter together.

Sure enough, something unexpected happened. Zhang Song stood up and did not hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity to choose a seemingly open challenge. But everyone present knows that this looseness is nothing more than wanting to use this seemingly open challenge to suppress the other party with words and not give the other party a chance to repent or retreat.

Once you retreat, it means admit defeat. And those who admit defeat are the spiritualists who have always regarded it as the most humiliating thing. Zhang Song didn't know that his words completely made Dantang the target of public criticism. Everyone began to look down on Dantang. After all, they are old forces, and Lingfeng Pavilion, except for Fenglin, has some memories for the old students. The rest of the people are completely equal to the general existence of the newborn. Such confrontation is obviously bullying.

"Oh, haha, so you are Ling Yuan. Not bad, not bad. Sure enough, he is a hero. If I know well, you should be a descendant of the Ling family, Ling Xiao's nephew? In those years, Lingxiao became famous in the mainland, and today, the only descendant of the Ling family, it seems that the Ling family will reappear.

"Thank you for your praise. I'm ashamed. I just don't want to humiliate the faces of my ancestors.

In the face of Xue Lin's praise, Ling Yuan accepted it humbly, but said it not so arrogantly. This answer obviously made Xue Lin very satisfied and couldn't help nodding.

"Ye, it's good. I know how to guard against arrogance and impatience at a young age. It's really like a general. In the future, it will definitely be a generation of pride. Well, I won't bother you. Now let's practice and officially begin. However, Ling Yuan, you are freshmen. Here are two jade cards. You and two bloodthirsty people, one each. At the critical moment, you can crush it and come out of the training ground. This is a protective measure for every freshman.

After saying that, Xue Lin's wrist shook gently, and two jade cards entered the hands of Ling Yuan and the bloodthirsty two. Holding the jade card and feeling the energy in it, Ling Yuan and the two cast grateful glances at Xue Lin.

Although Xue Lin made it very clear, this is the protection that every freshman has. But everyone knows that other freshmen have never experienced such a thing, that is to say, Ling Yuan's situation is the first time. In the past, although some freshmen entered the inner courtyard as soon as they entered the school, they did not participate in team training as soon as they entered the inner courtyard.

It can be said that Xue Lin's behavior is a high-sounding excuse, but he just said it casually. Because of this kind of thing, there is no precedent. If Xue Lin wants to interfere with it and say what kind of conditions do the freshman needs to participate in the team experience to embarrass Ling Yuan, it's just a matter of his upper lip touching his lower lip.

Although Ling Yuan and others are grateful for Xue Lin's care, they are also a little unclear. But anyway, the vice president doesn't seem to be malicious to himself.

Zhang Song on the other side, after seeing Xue Lin's action, his angry teeth were itchy. I will tell you sooner or later that the consequences of what you have done today will not be achieved.

"Ha ha, the team experience is about to begin. Let's choose the level of experience. Zhang Song and Ling Yuan, in fact, after this year's new rule changes, there is another mode for the six-level and seven-level experience, that is, exclusive experience. I don't know if you two teams want to choose?