Spiritual world

Chapter 136: Do your parents still exist?

"What, it's an empty grave."

Under the reminder of Dan Chenzi, everyone, including Ling Yuan, released their own consciousness. When they entered it, their faces changed a little. Especially the Xiao family, led by Ling Yuan and Xiao Daofeng, look the most ugly.

Ling Yuan's face was ugly because he couldn't believe that his parents' grave was empty. Because after seeing Wang Qingming for the first time, Wang Qingming told himself that his parents' bodies were buried with his own hands. This can't be fake, and the coffin in the grave is not damaged, and the whole grave has no trace of being moved, which excludes what the grave robber did.

Xiao Daofeng and others' faces changed greatly, which was also because of this incident. They also saw the situation in the grave clearly at a glance, and the analysis was consistent with Ling Yuan. But it is because of this analysis that they look unnatural.

Since Wuling Village was destroyed by Tongyunmen a few years ago, no one has come here. Even the Wang family did not come to pay a few times after burying Ling Yu and his wife. The body in the grave is not like the work of ordinary grave robbers. It is obvious that only spiritual practitioners, and at least masters above the spiritual period can do it. There is no doubt that it is difficult for the people of the Xiao family to get out of their part.

But in fact, this matter really has nothing to do with the Xiao family. If it hadn't been for Dan Chenzi's reminder, the people of the Xiao family would not even have thought of releasing their divine knowledge to explore the situation in the grave.

You should know that on the flexible continent, the dead are respected. No matter who he is, no matter how heinous he is, he will get a quiet grave after death. I won't say that because he did something bad before his death, he died without a burial place.

Therefore, the graves of others are the most taboo place on the flexible continent. Even if he is a spiritualist, no matter how profound his cultivation is, he will not casually explore the situation in other people's graves. This is the greatest disrespect for the dead.

Although the strength of these people present is unfathomable, even if they are explored, others will not know. But this is a deep imprint in the soul and the deepest taboo.

And Dan Chenzi did not intend to explore the graves of Ling Yuan's parents. After all, the dead are big. Even if he is Ling Yuan's master, he will not do so. But when Ling Yuan cried, lying on the grave and gently touching the grave, Dan Chenzi suddenly felt a strange phenomenon.

There is a trace of residual spiritual power in this grave. It is the remnants of spiritual power, not the remnants of aura.

Such a discovery immediately attracted Dan Chenzi's attention. After the death of ordinary spiritualists, although it is possible to condense a trace of aura. As a result, the tomb is like a spiritual treasure. But there will never be spiritual power.

With such a trace of suspicion, Dan Chenzi released the power of his divine consciousness to enter the exploration. When his consciousness entered the tomb, he was shocked. In the coffin, there were two bodies lying between a man and a woman. But if this body is not carefully observed and just swept away with divine consciousness, it will definitely be mistaken for a real existence.

But Dan Chenzi has been surprised by this kind of thing for so long. At a glance, it can be seen that these two so-called 'corpses' are condensed by spiritual masters with spiritual power, and they are mixed with the power of divine consciousness. But just as Dan Chenzi wanted to explore carefully to see if he could find any clues, the two bodies suddenly dispersed and disappeared into the coffin.

"How can this be? Ling Yuan, don't worry about this matter, let alone doubt anything. According to the predecessor, it is completely certain that this matter will not be done by the Xiao family. If my guess is correct, I'm afraid your parents are not dead yet. Otherwise, the other party will not leave such two spiritual condensed bodies to hide people's eyes.

Seeing Ling Yuan's change of color, he seemed to be suspicious of the Xiao family. Tan Mingzhe, who was beside him, analyzed it carefully after listening to Dan Chenzi's narration. Tan Mingzhe's analysis was unanimously approved by everyone present.

Dan Chenzi also floated in the air and couldn't help nodding.

"Yes, boy, someone must have rescued this matter."

"However, Master, I clearly saw my parents die in front of my eyes. How could it be?"

Although Ling Yuan did not say it, the meaning in the words was also obvious. At the beginning, he saw his parents die in front of him, how could there be news that he was not dead again? This time made Ling Yuan a little overwhelmed.

"Oh, silly boy, it's really confusing. Don't you know that there is another drug in the world called Jiu Zhuan Huihun Elixi?

"What, nine-turn back to the soul elixir, that's eight-grade elixir. When refining, there will be seven-color thunder, and this grade of elixir is easy to mutate and become a nine-grade elixir. How can this elixir exist in the world?

Dan Chenzi's explanation made Ling Yuan immediately scream. As an alchemist, he naturally knew the existence of these nine-turned soul elixir. But it's just that almost elixir-level existence makes it difficult for him to believe that there will be such a drug in the world.

"You are really confused. Since there is a formula of this drug in the world, naturally someone will be able to refine it. Not to mention others, I am a teacher. As long as I recover my body and my strength returns to the peak state, I can also refine it with 30%. What's more, the only way to bring people back to life at this time is not only the nine-turn soul elixir, but also the legendary Tianxiang cardamom, soul-back, great reincarnation, and even rumored that there is a top secret spell called resurrection on the holy light continent. None of these means can bring people back to life.

When Dan Chenzi talked about this method, not to mention that Ling Yuan was shocked, even Xiao Daofeng and others were speechless and looked surprised. They have only heard of these things, but they are not sure. Even Xiao Daofeng and others don't know the great reincarnation.

But after listening to Dan Chenzi's words, Feng Lin's eyes lit up and gently pulled Ling Yuan's arm.

"Brother Ling Yuan, the master is right. There are indeed many ways to bring him back to life. I know one or two of the great reincarnation. As far as I know, this spell is a spell left by an ancient race witches. With the help of a drug called Six Reincarnation, this spell is used. Legend has it that even if the body and divine consciousness are dispersed by the heavenly disaster, as long as it is mentioned Before, with a trace of divine knowledge on the precious medicine of the six paths of reincarnation, you can be resurrected and practice reincarnation again. In turn, it can make it more confident to survive the nine-day spiritual disaster.

If Dan Chenzi's explanation is to make Ling Yuan still a little suspicious. So Fenglin's detailed answer made Ling Yuan dispel his doubts. And looking at the seniors around, they all nodded one by one, and now Ling Yuan also stopped his sadness.

It is the most exciting thing for Ling Yuan to know that his parents may still survive. But if the parents don't die, where will they go? Why hasn't there been any news for so long?

"Xishan Pass, yes, Xishan Pass."

Thinking about his parents' information, Ling Yuan's mind began to wander around where his parents would hide if they were still alive. After thinking about it, a place jumped into Lingyuan's mind, which was the cave of Xishan Pass.

Before his parents died, he deliberately deceived him into the cave of Xishan Pass. If it hadn't been for that seal, I'm afraid that Ling Yuan would have died a long time ago today, let alone enter the ranks of spiritual cultivation.

No one knows this cave, but no one knows the people in Wuling Village at the beginning. After all, Xishan Pass was an absolute forbidden place in the hearts of the people of Wuling Village. And in that cave, there is also the seal that makes Lingyuan a very powerful existence now, which makes the cave an absolutely safe place.

"Father, mother, I'm coming."

At the thought of this, Ling Yuan was immediately overjoyed. Regardless of others, he directly released the streamer wings behind him and turned into a flash of lightning and ran to the West Pass.

As soon as everyone saw Ling Yuan's situation, they heard Ling Yuan shouting about his father and mother. At present, it seems that there is some secret in the Xishan Pass, and it may be that Ling Yu and his wife are hidden there. Thinking of this person who rescued Ling Yu and his wife and was able to release this kind of spiritual corpse that existed falsely, everyone coincidentally thought of a person, Ling Xiao.

If there is a person who can save Ling Yu and his wife at any hardships, and has the strength to make such a body, then it is only Ling Xiao. If Ling Xiao is really here, then everything will be solved.

Thinking of this, everyone also quickly showed their spiritual wings. Fenglin and others did not have wings, so they displayed their practiced and quickly followed.

After everyone followed, they found Ling Yuan standing outside a cave and stopped. As soon as they saw this cave, everyone felt that it was a little reliable. Because this cave is definitely an excellent hiding place.

But when everyone followed Ling Yuan into the cave and looked at it with the help of Lingzhan's light, they were dumbfounded. Inside the cave, there is nothing but a stone bed on the front.

Seeing this situation, Ling Yuan couldn't help but feel weak and sat on the ground. The situation in the cave is obvious, and there is no trace of parents at all. In this way, it seemed that a basin of cold water was poured on Ling Yuan, and there was a burst of disappointment in his heart.

"Ling Yuan, don't be sad. There is someone in this cave."